TDD function design in D - tdd

When doing test driven development, I often find it useful to scaffold functions that intentionally fail testing, then fill in the details of the functions to achieve a "pass" for the unit tests.
In D, is there a standard way to scaffold an empty function, or otherwise approach this aspect of test-driven development?
For example, coming in the C# world NotImplementedException would be one way to achieve this:
int Foo(int x, int y) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
Being new to D, I can see that there is a base Exception class, that all exceptions seem to inherit from. But is there a better way to scaffold new functions in a TDD D environment?

Generally I use assert(false). And I have seen this used by others as well. You can also add a message assert (false, "Unimplemented")
D does not have as many types of exceptions as C#. Unless the exception would have reason to be caught in a try-catch it is merely a message for a human (coder) so there is no real reason to have code representation for an exception type.
You could also just throw a generic exception but using assert is more convenient.
(the doc for assert


Is extracting method parameters as an object a good idea?
I have always found extracting method parameters as an object a good idea, for methods which have a large number of parameters.
public void Method(A a, B b, C c, D d, E e);
public class Wrapper {A; B; C; D}
public void Method(Wrapper wrapper);
This allows me to:
Have better readability in my code
Perform validation of these parameters in the Wrapper class and reuse it across layers/components if need be.
Provide less brittle method signatures.
Are there any other advantages/disadvantages you see to this that would help convince someone who's is writing methods with lot of parameters?. I am coding C# 4 if that makes a difference.
The only disadvantage I can think of is having an additional abstraction in your system, requiring you to extract (although trivially) the actual data before access. I'm even not sure whether it can be called a disadvantage.
Most important advantage of parameters encapulation is having a robust well-defined interface which can accommodate future changes.
A deeper advantage is that as you wrap the parameters in a new class, you realize that some behavior can be moved to the new class. This is because the bodies of the methods that modify the parameters are likely to manipulate the parameters similarly. Moving this common behavior into the new class allows you to remove much code duplication. Parameter validation is just one example of a behavior that can be moved into the new class.

Are typed/generic aspects worth the effort?

I've done a little research on typed/generic aspects. An important fact about aspects is obliviousness. So the concerns of the aspects should be orthogonal to the domain concerns. Nevertheless there are investigations to make AspectJ type safe (StrongAspectJ) / introduce per-type aspects using generics. One paper mentioned an implementation of the Flyweight pattern as an aspect. Now I'm wondering if there are more use cases for generic aspects?
PostSharp is weakly typed, i.e. the advices see arguments and return values as 'objects'. There is some support for generic aspects in PostSharp (aspects can be generic classes), but it is not very useful since the advises are weakly typed.
Note that behind the cover, the glue code generated by PostSharp is strongly typed. But everything is downcast to an object when exposed to aspect code.
I'm considering implementing strongly-typed advised in a next version of PostSharp, possible with support of generic arguments. The reason would be run-time performance, because boxing of value types into an object brings a considerable performance overhead. Note that generics are implemented differently in .NET than in Java, so the point may need to be discussed differently on both platforms.
Feel free to contact me personally if you need any help for your thesis.
Auto-generating some of the boilerplate to make a class callable via RMI is another use case. That example implements some around advice for a bunch of methods.
pointcut callsToServer(Type T):
call(public T Server.*(..)) && this(Client)
T around(Type T): callsToServer(T) {
T obj = null;
try {
obj = proceed();
} catch (java.rmi.RemoteException ex) {}
return obj;
Generics allow you to say "we are going to return an object of the same type the method signature says". This is true, of course, if we just return the object. We might be able to do something similar with "after throwing" advice, but we wouldn't be able to manipulate the return value to translate a RemoteException into a null return value.

Confused with Uncle Bob explanation on handling Null objects in book Clean Code

I was reading Uncle Bob book today on Exception handling and what I could recollect from handing null values was that methods should not be handling null values because it clutters the code. I am a little confused with it.
I have always thought that a method should always make sure that it's dependencies are not null (unless they are injected in constructor and constructor assures of nullability).
For example, if I have a method
public void SendMessage(IEmailSender emailSender, contactList list)
if(emailSender == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Failed to send
if(list == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Failed to send
// rest of code goes here
Am I missing something?
There are two perspectives:
On the one hand, with your approach you would always tell the caller what exactly he did wrong by calling your method. Which is great for the caller because he can fix it right away when he gets your exception. This would be true and valid if you where writing API code that is used by a third party.
On the other hand, if you call your method yourself, a reasonable argument to throw an exception is, because you want to be able to handle this situation with a catch block inside your calling code! If you have no reason to handle it somewhere, why throwing an exception at all? The only reason i see is, to have a detailed error logging by catching those exceptions in a GlobalExceptionHandler.
So you see we have two categories of exceptions here: The one for developers, to avoid wrong usage of APIs, and the other one to be used as the method's error-result.
If you are writing API code that will be used by others, your choice would be, not to listen to Bob ;-)
For those who did not read CleanCode, Bob is suggesting two things:
1.You should not write methods that return null (To avoid unnecessary checks afterwards). So Instead of writing this:
var myObject = GetObjectThatDoesSomthing();
if(myObject != null)
... you should be able to write this:
var myObject = GetObjectThatDoesSomething();
2.You should not pass null to your methods to avoid unnecessary checks at the beginning of a method, like here:
public Point Add(Point p1, Point p2)
if(p1 == null) throw ArgumentException();
if(p2 == null) throw ArgumentException();
The point of these rules is: if you stick with it, you know that you dont have to write these null-checks and your code gets cleaner and easier to read. But at the moment you are using third party code, you are not able to tell if they have applied the same rules in their API, so you are starting to pre- or postcheck again. The same thing when you write an API for others: How do the consumers of your API know that you have coded with Bobs rules in mind...
I haven't read the book but I can only imagine that Uncle Bob is advocating the use of the Null Object Pattern in preference to explicit null reference handling.
for example, rather than
if(log != null)
log.Write("My log message");
You could instead create an ILogger interface containing a Write method and create two classes that implement this interface: a NullLogger and a FileLogger. The NullLogger would have an empty body for the Write method's implementation.
In my mind this is different to your explicit pre-condition validation that you have in your example
It depends what type of code are you writing.
If your public method is designed to be used by the wide range of developers non familiar with usage it makes always sense to check parameters and throw a verbose exception.
If you are writing a private method which is only used from the same class or some internal called by another friendly class also written by you or by your collaborator it makes less sense to make paranoia null checks. Your injection design and tests must ensure your internas are not getting null values.
And if private/internal method parameters still get nulls it is anyway too late. Throwing ArgumentNull exception form a private/internal method does not help external user to fix the cause, so it makes no difference for him either to get ArgumentNull or NullReference exception.

Benefits of Assertive Programming

What is the point of putting asserts into our code ? What are the benefits of assertive programming ?
private void WriteMessage(string message)
Debug.Assert(message != null, "message is null");
File.WriteAllText(FILE_PATH, message);
For example we can check the message variable and throw an exception here. Why do I use assert here ? Or is this a wrong example to see benefits of asserts ?
They also support the philosophy of fail fast, explained in this article by Jim Shore.
Where some people would write:
* This can never happen
Its much more practical to write:
assert(i != -1);
I like using asserts because they are easily turned off with a simple compile time constant, or made to do something else like prepare an error report. I don't usually leave assertions turned on (at least, not in the usual way) when releasing something.
Using them has saved me from making very stupid mistakes on other people's computers .. those brave souls who enjoy testing my alpha code. Using them plus tools like valgrind helps to guarantee that I catch something awful before committing it.
An important distinction to consider is what sorts of errors you would like to catch with assertions. I often use assertions to catch programming errors (i.e., calling a method with a null parameter) and a different mechanism to handle validation errors (e.g., passing in a social security number of the wrong length). For the programming error caught with the assertion, I want to fail fast. For the validation error, I want to respond less drastically because it may be normal for there to be errors in the data (e.g. a user doing data entry of some sort). In those cases the proper handling might be to report the error back to the user and continue functioning.
If there is a specified pre-condition for the method to take a non-null message parameter, then you want the program to FAIL as soon as the pre-condition doesn't hold and the source of the bug must then be fixed.
I believe assertions are more important when developing safety-critical software. And certainly you would rather use assertions when the software has been formally specified.
For an excellent discussion of assertions (and many other topics related to code construction), check out Code Complete by Steve McConnel. He devotes an entire chapter to effective use of assertions.
I use them to verify that I have been supplied valid dependent class. for exmaple in constructor DI, you usually are accepting some sort of external class that you are dependent on to provide some action or service.
so you can assert(classRef !- null,"classRef cannot be null"); instead of waiting for you to pass a message to classRef and getting some other exception such as exception : access violation or something equally ambiguous that might not be immediately obvioius from looking at the code.
It is very useful to test our assumptions. The asserts constantly make sure that the invariant holds true. In short it is used for the following purposes,
It allows to implement fail-fast system.
It reduces the error propagation because of side-effects.
It forbids(kind of sanity-check) the system to enter an inconsistent state because of user-data or by subsequent code changes.
Sometimes, I favor the use of assert_return() when we do not want to use try/catch/throw.
private void WriteMessage(string message)
assert_return(message != null, "message is null"); // return when false
File.WriteAllText(FILE_PATH, message);
I suggest assert_return() to halt the application by reporting an error in test build. And then in the production system, it should log and error and return from the function saying it cannot do that.

How can I test for an expected exception with a specific exception message from a resource file in Visual Studio Test?

Visual Studio Test can check for expected exceptions using the ExpectedException attribute. You can pass in an exception like this:
public void GetOrganisation_MultipleOrganisations_ThrowsException()
You can also check for the message contained within the ExpectedException like this:
[ExpectedException(typeof(CriticalException), "An error occured")]
public void GetOrganisation_MultipleOrganisations_ThrowsException()
But when testing I18N applications I would use a resource file to get that error message (any may even decide to test the different localizations of the error message if I want to, but Visual Studio will not let me do this:
[ExpectedException(typeof(CriticalException), MyRes.MultipleOrganisationsNotAllowed)]
public void GetOrganisation_MultipleOrganisations_ThrowsException()
The compiler will give the following error:
An attribute argument must be a
constant expression, typeof expression
or array creation expression of an
Does anybody know how to test for an exception that has a message from a resource file?
One option I have considered is using custom exception classes, but based on often heard advice such as:
"Do create and throw custom exceptions
if you have an error condition that
can be programmatically handled in a
different way than any other existing
exception. Otherwise, throw one of the
existing exceptions." Source
I'm not expecting to handle the exceptions differently in normal flow (it's a critical exception, so I'm going into panic mode anyway) and I don't think creating an exception for each test case is the right thing to do. Any opinions?
I would recommend using a helper method instead of an attribute. Something like this:
public static class ExceptionAssert
public static T Throws<T>(Action action) where T : Exception
catch (T ex)
return ex;
Assert.Fail("Exception of type {0} should be thrown.", typeof(T));
// The compiler doesn't know that Assert.Fail
// will always throw an exception
return null;
Then you can write your test something like this:
public void GetOrganisation_MultipleOrganisations_ThrowsException()
OrganizationList organizations = new Organizations();
organizations.Add(new Organization());
organizations.Add(new Organization());
var ex = ExceptionAssert.Throws<CriticalException>(
() => organizations.GetOrganization());
Assert.AreEqual(MyRes.MultipleOrganisationsNotAllowed, ex.Message);
This also has the benefit that it verifies that the exception is thrown on the line you were expecting it to be thrown instead of anywhere in your test method.
The ExpectedException Message argument does not match against the message of the exception. Rather this is the message that is printed in the test results if the expected exception did not in fact occur.
Just an opinion, but I would say the error text:
is part of the test, in which case getting it from the resource would be 'wrong' (otherwise you could end up with a consistantly mangled resource), so just update the test when you change the resource (or the test fails)
is not part of the test, and you should only care that it throws the exception.
Note that the first option should let you test multiple languages, given the ability to run with a locale.
As for multiple exceptions, I'm from C++ land, where creating loads and loads of exceptions (to the point of one per 'throw' statement!) in big heirachies is acceptable (if not common), but .Net's metadata system probably doesn't like that, hence that advice.
I think you can just do an explicit try-catch in your test code instead of relying on the ExpectedException attribute to do it for you. Then you can come up with some helper method that will read the resource file and compare the error message to the one that comes with the exception that was caught. (of course if there wasn't an exception then the test case should be considered a fail)
If you switch over to using the very nice xUnit.Net testing library, you can replace [ExpectedException] with something like this:
public void TestException()
Exception ex = Record.Exception(() => myClass.DoSomethingExceptional());
// Assert whatever you like about the exception here.
I wonder if NUnit is moving down the path away from simplicity... but here you go.
New enhancements (2.4.3 and up?) to the ExpectedException attribute allow you more control on the checks to be performed on the expected Exception via a Handler method. More Details on the official NUnit doc page.. towards the end of the page.
[ExpectedException( Handler="HandlerMethod" )]
public void TestMethod()
public void HandlerMethod( System.Exception ex )
Note: Something doesn't feel right here.. Why are your exceptions messages internationalized.. Are you using exceptions for things that need to be handled or notified to the user. Unless you have a bunch of culturally diverse developers fixing bugs.. you shouldn't be needing this. Exceptions in English or a common accepted language would suffice. But in case you have to have this.. its possible :)
I came across this question while trying to resolve a similar issue on my own. (I'll detail the solution that I settled on below.)
I have to agree with Gishu's comments about internationalizing the exception messages being a code smell.
I had done this initially in my own project so that I could have consistency between the error messages throw by my application and in my unit tests. ie, to only have to define my exception messages in one place and at the time, the Resource file seemed like a sensible place to do this since I was already using it for various labels and strings (and since it made sense to add a reference to it in my test code to verify that those same labels showed in the appropriate places).
At one point I had considered (and tested) using try/catch blocks to avoid the requirement of a constant by the ExpectedException attribute, but this seemed like it would lead to quite a lot of extra code if applied on a large scale.
In the end, the solution that I settled on was to create a static class in my Resource library and store my exception messages in that. This way there's no need to internationalize them (which I'll agree doesn't make sense) and they're made accessible anytime that a resource string would be accessible since they're in the same namespace. (This fits with my desire not to make verifying the exception text a complex process.)
My test code then simply boils down to (pardon the mangling...):
public void TestCreateDuplicateProduct()
