Can a Spring RESTful endpoint know its own URL 'template' [duplicate] - spring

I'd like to create URLs based on the URL used by the client for the active request. Is there anything smarter than taking the current HttpServletRequest object and it's getParameter...() methods to rebuilt the complete URL including (and only) it's GET parameters.
Clarification: If possible I want to resign from using a HttpServletRequest object.

Well there are two methods to access this data easier, but the interface doesn't offer the possibility to get the whole URL with one call. You have to build it manually:
public static String makeUrl(HttpServletRequest request)
return request.getRequestURL().toString() + "?" + request.getQueryString();
I don't know about a way to do this with any Spring MVC facilities.
If you want to access the current Request without passing it everywhere you will have to add a listener in the web.xml:
And then use this to get the request bound to the current Thread:
((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes()).getRequest()

Instead of using RequestContextHolder directly, you can also use ServletUriComponentsBuilder and its static methods:
They use RequestContextHolder under the hood, but provide additional flexibility to build new URLs using the capabilities of UriComponentsBuilder.
ServletUriComponentsBuilder builder = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequestUri();
builder.replaceQueryParam("someBoolean", false);
URI newUri =;

Java's URI Class can help you out of this:
public static String getCurrentUrl(HttpServletRequest request){
URL url = new URL(request.getRequestURL().toString());
String host = url.getHost();
String userInfo = url.getUserInfo();
String scheme = url.getProtocol();
String port = url.getPort();
String path = request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.forward.request_uri");
String query = request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.forward.query_string");
URI uri = new URI(scheme,userInfo,host,port,path,query,null)
return uri.toString();

in jsp file:

You can also add a UriComponentsBuilder to the method signature of your controller method. Spring will inject an instance of the builder created from the current request.
public ResponseEntity<MyResponse> doSomething(UriComponentsBuilder uriComponentsBuilder) {
URI someNewUriBasedOnCurrentRequest = uriComponentsBuilder
.pathSegment("some", "new", "path")
Using the builder you can directly start creating URIs based on the current request e.g. modify path segments.
See also UriComponentsBuilderMethodArgumentResolver

If you need the URL till hostname and not the path use Apache's Common Lib StringUtil, and from URL extract the substring till third indexOf /.
public static String getURL(HttpServletRequest request){
String fullURL = request.getRequestURL().toString();
return fullURL.substring(0,StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf(fullURL, "/", 3));
Example: If fullURL is then
Output will be

I used it. hope it's useful.


REST API endpoint selection in Spring Boot

Given a controller like this:
#RequestMapping("/cars") {
public class CarController{
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<List<Cars>> getCars() { //logic }
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET")
public ResponseEntity<List<Cars>> searchCar(#RequestParam("name") String name, #RequestParam("value") String value) { //logic}
If the url is like this localhost/cars I would like to access the getCars() method.
But if the url is :
localhost/cars?name=something&value=100 or
localhost/cars?name=something or
I would like the second method to be accessed.
Is this possible to do?
You are still asking for the same list of resources, cars, only thing is that you are adding a filter or search / query criteria.
It would be beneficial to develop a query filter / criteria to support something like:
/cars?q=make+eq+acura (meaning make=acura)
/cars?q=price+lt+25000 (meaning price <25000)
and so on.
No it is not possible. because when a request comes to container then it will 1st scan all the URL and check uniqueness of the URL. If there is duplicate URL present then container will throws exception.
In your case you are using class level URL mapping, but you are not using method level URL mapping.
To access your getCars() method you need to use some URL like below
#RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
To access your 2nd method you need to use another mapping URL
#RequestMapping(values="/test", method = RequestMethod.GET")
You can't access
localhost/cars?name=something&value=100 or
localhost/cars?name=something or
as you are using 2 parameters like #RequestParam("name") String name, #RequestParam("value") String value
you need to pass two parameter in your url like below
if you don't want to pass any of two parameter then just pass it as null and check it inside your method

Spring MVC REST - Block access to Web Methods

I have this method in my Controller that returns a json string to the view
#RequestMapping(value = "/getDevs", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public#ResponseBody String getDevs() throws JsonProcessingException,RemoteException,ServiceException{
ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
return om.writeValueAsString(WSCall.getDevelopers());
I call the method URL using ajax. Everything works fine except I can obtain the json if I put the URL directly in the browser. Is there a way to block this?
I agree with the comments above, that it is not relevant from a security standpoint, but you could probably make use of the X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest header that is most likely set for your AJAX requests. I can at least confirm it for jQuery, which might be on your tool stack.
So you could add the headers parameter to your #RequestMapping annotation:
#RequestMapping(value = "/getDevs", method=RequestMethod.GET, headers = { "X-Requested-With=XMLHttpRequest" })
public#ResponseBody String getDevs() throws JsonProcessingException,RemoteException,ServiceException{

Spring MVC URL redirect before controller request mappings are called

I'm using Spring 3.2.8. I get a mapping from a URL p to a URL q from an external API. The mapping changes at runtime. I want to redirect (302) the URL before the controller request mappings are called. How can I do that?
I have a solution. A default controller mapping for every RequestMethod.GET request is called if the requested URL does not exist. You have also to load static content (images, css, js, …) by your servlet container without touching Spring.
public class DynamicURIForwardController {
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String forward(final HttpServletRequest request) {
final String requestURI = request.getRequestURI();
// Stuff comes here.
// final String forwardURI = ...
return "forward:" + forwardURI;

Global param on multiple webresources

I am building a webservices application using jersey,jax-rs
I have single jax-rs resource file at path "/authenticate"
I have multiple methods with individual paths like "/user" "/test"
#Path ("/authenticate")
public class Authenticate{
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Authenticate.class);
String entity;
#Path ("/{param}")
public Response getMsg(#PathParam ("param") String msg) {
String o = "Hello Welcome Back:"+msg;
return Response.status(200).entity(o).build();
#Path ("/user")
public UserDTO getUser (#Context HttpServletRequest request,
#QueryParam("userId") int userId) {
System.out.println("In Get User, User:"+userId);
System.out.println("In Get User, Entity:"+entity);
#Path ("/test")
public TestPOJO getTestPOJO () {
System.out.println("In Get TestPOJO");
System.out.println("In Get Test, Entity:"+entity);
return new TestPOJO();
As suggested for jersey client, I am using a single webresource from client and build subsequent webresources from the same webresource by using .path("/xxx").
Here is how I create the initial web resource
WebResource webResource = client.resource("http://localhost:8080/Service/jaxrs/authenticate");
webResource.queryParam("entityId", securityHelper.getEntityId().toString());
Here is how I use the webresource subsequently
MultivaluedMap<String, String> params = new MultivaluedMapImpl();
ClientResponse userRes = webResource.path("/user").queryParams(params).accept("application/json").get(ClientResponse.class);
I want to assign a queryparam to the initial webresource, and I want that to be retained by all subsequent webresources created using the .path(). But that is not happening right now. For example in the above code "entityId" is not available when the call with path("/user") is made.
My idea is to assign common parameters once and all subsequent users of the webResource need not add those again and again. Is there a way to do it? Will this approach work?
The line below creates a new WebResource and not changing the state of the webResource object:
webResource.queryParam("entityId", securityHelper.getEntityId().toString())
Eventually you could change your code like this to create the "base" resource:
WebResource webResource = client.resource("http://localhost:8080/Service/jaxrs/authenticate").queryParam("entityId", securityHelper.getEntityId().toString());
And then use this resource to create another resources as you like. WebResource.queryParam and WebResource.queryParams always create a new WebResource object.
I'm may not be the best person to answer this since I have entered the "world" of Jersey and RESTful servers not too long ago but since i saw this unanswered for 2 days ill try to help out as best as I can.
If i understood correctly you are trying to, by using a query, save the user information on entityId String so it will be available when you make a subsequent call.
Ok let's start with what you have. With your code (entityId as a global parameter), what you are specifying , is that when you are calling a resource from the Authenticate class, any call can be made with a query of the type '?entityId="something" and ANY method in this class can use the information sent in the query.
The thing is, for what I've learned by messing about with Jersey, whenever you make a call, the resource class (in your case Authenticate) is instantiated again. Therefor you can't just keep information in a global parameter since subsequent calls will have the String entityId as null.
This means that if you want to save the information you'll have to do it in a external resource (ex: db, file, etc). What method you choose depends on what you want to do and what are you looking for in your application.
I hope I was at least able to shed a sliver of light on your problem.

Spring URL mapping conflicts

At the moment I am bussy with implementing a new url structure for our webshop. The new url structure should be more optimized for search engines. We also want that our old structure will still be working and will use a 301 to redirect to a the new structure.
The problem is: the new structure sometimes conflicts with the old urls.
Example of the old url mapping:
#RequestMapping(value = "/brand/{categoryCode}/{categoryName}/{brandGroup}.do", method = RequestMethod.GET)
New structure:
#RequestMapping(value = "/brand/{brandGroup}/{superCategoryName}/{categoryName}.do", method = RequestMethod.GET)
As you can see the url's have the same amount of values, so the old mapping will catch the new one and vice versa.
What is the best way to fix this? Using a url filter to rewrite the old ones to the new url structure?
You could use an URL router in Spring MVC; you can define conflicting routes within your app and handle them with route prorities (first route to match the request wins) and refine request matching.
Your routes configuration file could look like:
GET /brand/{<[0-9]+>categoryCode}/{categoryName}/{brandGroup}.do oldcontroller.oldAction
GET /brand/{<[a-zA-Z]+>brandGroup}/{superCategoryName}/{categoryName}.do newController.newAction
In spring boot, regular expressions can be used when mapping the #PathVariable, and this can be useful to resolve url conflicts:
public class TestController {
#PutMapping("/test/{id:^[1-9][0-9]*}") // id must be a number greater that 1
public void method1(#PathVariable long id, #RequestBody DataDto1 data) {
public void method1(#Valid #RequestBody DataDto2 data) {
