How can I keep repeating several commands until they all succeed? - bash

I have a sequence of psql commands in a .sh script:
psql -U postgres -1 -f file1.sql
psql -U postgres -1 -f file2.sql
psql -U postgres -1 -f file3.sql
psql -U postgres -1 -f file4.sql
psql -U postgres -1 -f file5.sql
I want to keep repeating these psql commands in block until they all succeed. So if for example the command for file4.sql fails, we should restart with file1.sql.
Should I do such logic in the .sql file or in the shell script?

while ! (psql -U postgres -f file1.sql
&& psql -U postgres -f file2.sql
&& psql -U postgres -f file3.sql
&& psql -U postgres -f file4.sql
&& psql -U postgres -f file5.sql)
echo retrying...


Bash script, remote psql command over ssh, pipe sql file, password fails

I have a bash script. I want to run a postgres command with ssh that pipes a local file. The problem is the psql command prompts for a password, and my sql file gets piped into that. How do I write a command that pipes after I type in the password?
ssh server "psql -W -h db_host -p 5432 -U db_user -d postgres" < staging.sql
I suggest to break it down into multiple steps:
# Transfer the sql file to the server
scp staging.sql server
# Excute the queries in that file with psql over ssh
# Notes:
# - ssh -t enforces terminal allocation. You may try it without this option and see if it still works.
# - psql -f FILENAME reads commands from file
ssh -t server \
'psql -W -h db_host -U db_user -d postgres -f staging.sql; rm staging.sql'

Shell script for creating user with password in postgres failing with quotes

I am trying to create a shell script to bootstrap new DBs.
I am able to create users, grant privileges and do all actions, except running any queries with passwords. The single quotes in shell script creates statements which postgres is not accepting.
Because of this, we cannot completely automate this process.
Below is one of the postgres line used in shell script.
PGPASSWORD=change123 psql -h $DB -p 5432 -d postgres -U root -c \"CREATE USER $(echo "$j" | cut -d "_" -f1)dbuser WITH PASSWORD \'$(echo $DBPASSWD|base64 --decode)\';\"
When executing the above script, the command is converted as
psql -h testdb -p 5432 -d postgres -U root -c '"CREATE' USER admindbuser WITH PASSWORD ''\''ZnuLEmu72R'\'''
where I want the command to be like
psql -h testdb -p 5432 -d postgres -U root -c "CREATE USER admindbuser WITH PASSWORD 'ZnuLEmu72R';"
Any help is very much appreciated. I want some help in guiding how to modify the line in shell so as to achieve the required command.
PGPASSWORD=change123 psql\
-h $DB \
-p 5432 \
-d postgres \
-U root \
-c \"CREATE USER $(echo "$j" | cut -d "_" -f1)dbuser WITH PASSWORD \'$(echo $DBPASSWD|base64 --decode)\';\"
PGPASSWORD=change123 psql \
-h "$DB" \
-p 5432 \
-d postgres \
-U root \
-c "CREATE USER ${j%%_*}dbuser WITH PASSWORD '$(printf '%s' "$DBPASSWD" | base64 --decode)';"

pg_dump command not found in bash programming

I create function in ~/.bash_profile file to backup postgresql database like this:
function dbbackup(){
pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U myuser -W mydatabase > /my/path
I get an output:
dbbackup:1: command not found: pg_dump
If I run command directly in terminal:
pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U myuser -W mydatabase > /my/path
It works. How can I do that? I need to run pg_dump programmatically using bash programming.

Adding psql in shell script

I have this code $(echo "psql -U postgres -d mydb -c "SELECT * FROM table_name;" " | ssh $REMOTE_IP)
I need to run that query in the remote host, but i can't apply the query part in the echo
Any help?
Your syntax is incorrect and you don't need to use pipe. Try this:
ssh "$REMOTE_IP" 'psql -U postgres -d mydb -c "SELECT * FROM table_name;"'

pg_dump: too many command-line arguments when calling from cmd

Im trying to make a backup in a folder C:\Users\Marko Petričević\Documents\Radni_sati_Backup\proba where "proba" is the name of backup file.
My command looks like this:
pg_dump -h -p 5433 -U postgres -F c postgres > C:\Users\Marko Petričević\Documents\Radni_sati_Backup\proba
and then i get an error: " pg_dump: too many command-line arguments (first is "Petričević\Documents\Radni_sati_Backup\proba") "
But, when I write a command like:
pg_dump -h -p 5433 -U postgres -F c postgres >C:\radni_sati_backup\radni_sati_proba
Everything works, and I get that "radni_sati_proba" file in the directory as I listed in command.
Why is this happening?
Found out what the problem was:
pg_dump -h -p 5433 -U postgres -F c postgres > C:\Users\Marko Petričević\Documents\Radni_sati_Backup\proba
needs to be like this:
pg_dump -h -p 5433 -U postgres -F c postgres > "C:\Users\Marko Petričević\Documents\Radni_sati_Backup\proba"
Problem was the space in path.
