I cannot get !$acc parallel to work (but acc kernels does) - openacc

I've been trying to use OpenACC with a simple code, but I guess I don't fully understand how to write nested OpenACC loops or what private does. The routine that I'm trying to parallelize is:
SUBROUTINE zcs(zc,kmin,kmax,ju2,jl2)
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kmin,kmax,ju2,jl2
DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(-jl2:jl2,-jl2:jl2,-ju2:ju2,-ju2:ju2,kmin:kmax,kmin:kmax,-kmax:kmax) :: zc
INTEGER :: k,kp,k2,km,kp2,q,q2,mu2,ml2,p2,mup2,pp2,mlp2,ps2,pt2
DOUBLE PRECISION :: z0,z1,z2,z3,z4,z5,z6,z7
! Start loop over K, K' and Q
!$acc kernels
do k=kmin,kmax
do kp=kmin,kmax
km = MIN(k,kp)
do q=-km,km
! Calculate quantity C and its sum over magnetic quantum numbers
do mu2=-ju2,ju2,2
do ml2=-jl2,jl2,2
if(abs(p2).gt.2) cycle
do mup2=-ju2,ju2,2
if(mu2-mup2.ne.q2) cycle
if(abs(pp2).gt.2) cycle
do mlp2=-jl2,jl2,2
if(abs(ps2).gt.2) cycle
if(abs(pt2).gt.2) cycle
if(mod(2*ju2-ml2-mlp2,4).ne.0) z7=-1.d0
end do
end do
end do
!$acc end kernels
As it is, the code behaves fine, and if I compare the zc matrix after calling this routine, both the non-OpenACC and the OpenACC version give identical answer. But if I try to do it with a parallel directive there seems to be a race condition, that I cannot figure out where it is. The relevant changes are just:
!$acc parallel
!$acc loop private(k,kp,k2,km,kp2,z0,q,q2)
do k=kmin,kmax
do kp=kmin,kmax
km = MIN(k,kp)
do q=-km,km
! Calculate quantity C and its sum over magnetic quantum numbers
!$acc loop private(mu2,ml2,p2,z1,mup2,pp2,z2,mlp2,ps2,pt2,z3,z4,z5,z6,z7)
do mu2=-ju2,ju2,2
!$acc end parallel
As far as I can see I have declared the appropriate variables as private, but I guess I don't fully understand how to nest several loops, and/or what private really does. Any suggestions to help me properly understand what is going on?
Many thanks,

The core problem here is that you're passing the loop bounds variables "ju2" and "jl2" by reference to the "w3js" routine. This means that the loop trip count could change during the execution of the loop and thus prevents parallelization. You could try making these variables private, but the easiest thing to do is add the "VALUE" attribute on w3js' arguments so they are passed in by value.
Note that it works in the "kernels" case since the compiler is only parallelizing the outer loops. In the "parallel" case, you're try to parallelize these "non-countable" inner loops.


Fortran OMP : how to do a parallel and a single task?

I am a newbie in parallel programming. This is my serial code that I would like do parallelize
program main
implicit none
integer :: pr_number, i, pr_sum
real :: pr_av
pr_sum = 0
do i=1,1000
! The following instruction is an example to simplify the problem.
! In the real case, it takes a long time that is more or less the same for all threads
! and it returns a large array
pr_number = int(rand()*10)
pr_sum = pr_sum+pr_number
pr_av = (1.d0*pr_sum) / i
print *,i,pr_av ! In real case, writing a huge amount of data on one file
end program main
I woud like to parallelize pr_number = int(rand()*10) and to have only one print each num_threads.
I tried many things but it does not work. For example,
program main
implicit none
integer :: pr_number, i, pr_sum
real :: pr_av
pr_sum = 0
!$OMP DO REDUCTION(+:pr_sum)
do i=1,1000
pr_number = int(rand()*10)
pr_sum = pr_sum+pr_number
pr_av = (1.d0*pr_sum) / i
print *,i,pr_av
end program main
I have an error message at compilation time : work-sharing region may not be closely nested inside of work-sharing, critical or explicit task region.
How can I have an output like that (if I have 4 threads for example) ?
4 3.00000000
8 3.12500000
12 4.00000000
16 3.81250000
20 3.50000000
I repeat, I am a beginner on parallel programming. I read many things on stackoverflow but, I think, I have not yet the skill to understand. I work on it, but ...
Edit 1
To explain as suggested in comments. A do loop performs N times a lengthy calculation (N markov chain montecarlo) and the average of all calculations is written to a file at each iteration. The previous average is deleted, only the last one is kept, so process can be followed. I would like to parallelise this calculation over 4 threads.
This is what I imagine to do but perhaps, it is not the best idea.
Thanks for help.
The value of the reduction variable inside the construct where the reduction happens is not really well defined. The reduction clause with a sum is typically implemented by each thread having a private copy of the reduction variable that they use for summing just the numbers for that very thread. At the and of the loop, the private copies are summed into the final sum. There is little point printing the intermediate value before the reduction is actually made.
You can do the reduction in a nested loop and print the intermediate result every n iterations
program main
implicit none
integer :: pr_number, i, j, pr_sum
real :: pr_av
pr_sum = 0
do j = 1, 10
!$OMP DO REDUCTION(+:pr_sum)
do i=1,100
pr_number = int(rand()*10)
pr_sum = pr_sum+pr_number
!$omp single
pr_av = (1.d0*pr_sum) / 100
print *,j*100,pr_av
!$omp end single
end do
end program main
I kept the same rand() that may or may not work correctly in parallel depending on the compiler. Even if it gives the right results, it may actually be executed sequentially using some locks or barriers. However, the main point carries over to other libraries.
> gfortran -fopenmp reduction-intermediate.f90
> ./a.out
100 4.69000006
200 9.03999996
300 13.7600002
400 18.2299995
500 22.3199997
600 26.5900002
700 31.0599995
800 35.4300003
900 40.1599998

Improper use of OpenMP in fortran code increase wall time

I am trying to parallelize a FORTRAN code, but apparently I am not using the OpenMP statements correctly. I started to implement OpenMP paralelization only for a subroutine to observe expected decrease in the wall time, but it increases total wall time of program instead! Here is the subroutine that I am try to run in parallel. It has common variables and ncell,nnode,node(3,mxc),neigh(3,mxc),xy(2,mxn),area(mxc), mxc and mxn are assigned before gradient is called.
I made the variable ne,Tneigh,Tface,n1,n2 as PRIVATE because they are computed differently in each thread. Is this approach is wrong and is it reason for longer wall time?
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
subroutine GRADIENT
parameter (mxc=5001,mxn=3001)
common /grid/ ncell,nnode,node(3,mxc),neigh(3,mxc),
> xy(2,mxn),area(mxc)
common /var/ time,dt,Tcell(mxc),Tbc(10),outflux(mxc)
common /grad/ dTdx(mxc),dTdy(mxc)
!$OMP DO PRIVATE(ne,Tneigh,Tface,n1,n2)
DO n = 1,ncell
dTdx(n) = 0.
dTdy(n) = 0.
do nf = 1,3
ne = neigh(nf,n)
if(ne .gt. 0) then !..real neighbor
Tneigh = Tcell(ne)
else !..other walls
Tneigh = Tbc(-ne)
Tface = 0.5*(Tcell(n)+Tneigh)
n1 = node(nf,n)
if(nf .lt. 3) then
dTdx(n) = dTdx(n) + Tface*(xy(2,n2)-xy(2,n1))
dTdy(n) = dTdy(n) - Tface*(xy(1,n2)-xy(1,n1))
dTdx(n) = dTdx(n)/area(n)
dTdy(n) = dTdy(n)/area(n)
Edit: The time is measured by omp_get_wtime function and followings are the measurements:
Sequential = 0.5 s
Parallel = 8.4 s (on average, sometimes it is much more higher I do not know why)
node, neigh and xy 2D arrays are filled with floating point numbers by reading from a dat file and area 1D function is filled with some operations using xy, node and neigh arrays.

Is it possible to remove the following !$OMP CRITICAL regions

I have a fortran code that shows some very unsatisfactory performance due to some $OMP CRITICAL regions. This question is actually more about how to the critical regions can be avoided and whether those regions can be removed? In those critical regions I am updating counters and reading/writing values to an array
total = 0
total = total + 1
x = array(i)
i = i + 1
if ( i > MAX) i=1 ! if the counter is past the end start form the beginning
if (total > MAX_TOTAL) exit
! do some calculations here and get the value of the integer (N)
! store (N) copies of x it back in the original array with some offset
do p=1,N
if (j>MAX) j=1
end do
end do MAIN_LOOP
One simple thing that came to my mind is to eliminate the counter on total by using explicit dynamic loop scheduling.
MAIN_LOOP:do total = 1,MAX_TOTAL
! do the calculation here
end do MAIN_LOOP
I was also thinking to allocate different portion of the array to each thread and using the thread ID to do offsetting. This time each processor will have it's own counter which will be stored in an array count_i(ID) and something of the sort
!this time the size if array is NUM_OMP_THREADS*MAX
x=array(ID + sum(count_i)) ! get the offset by summing up all values
if (count_i(ID) > MAX) count_i(ID) = 1
This however will mess the order and will not do the same as the original method. Moreover some empty space will be present, since the different threads will not able to fit the entire range 1:MAX
I would appreciate your help and ideas.
Your use of critical sections is a bit strange here. The motivation for using critical sections must be to avoid having an entry in the array being clobbered before it can be read. Your code does accomplish this, but only accidentally, by acting as barriers. Try replacing the critical stuff with OMP barriers, and you should still get the right result and the same horrible speed.
Since you always write to the array half its length away from where you write to it, you can avoid critical sections by dividing the operation into one step which reads from the first half and writes to the second half, and vice versa. (Edit: After the question was edited, this is no longer true, so the approach below won't work).
nhalf = size(array)/2
!$omp parallel do
do i = 1, nhalf
array(i+nhalf) = f(array(i))
end do
!$omp parallel do
do i = 1, nhalf
array(i) = f(array(i+nhalf))
end do
Here f(x) represents whatever calculation you want to do to the array values. It doesn't have to be a function if you don't want it to. If it isn't clear, this code first loops through the entries in the first half of the array in parallel. The first task may go through i=1,1+nproc,1+2*nproc, etc. while the second task goes through i=2,2+nproc,2+2*nproc, and so on. This can be done in parallel without any locking because there is no overlap between the part of the array that is read from and written to in this loop. The second loop only starts once every task has finished the first loop, so there is no clobbering between the loops.
Unlike in your code, there is here one i per thread, so one doesn't need locking to update it (the loop variable is automatically private).
This assumes that you only want to make one pass through the array. Otherwise you can just loop over these two loops:
do iouter = 1, (max_total+size(array)-1)/size(array)
nleft = max_total-(iouter-1)*size(array)
nhalf = size(array)/2
!$omp parallel do
do i = 1, min(nhalf,nleft)
array(i+nhalf) = f(array(i))
end do
!$omp parallel do
do i = 1, min(nhalf,nleft-nhalf)
array(i) = f(array(i+nhalf))
end do
end do
Edit: Your new example is confusing. I'm not sure what it's supposed to do. Depending on the value of N, the array values may end being clobbered before they can be used. Is this intentional? It's hard to answer your question when it's not clear what you're trying to do. :/
I thought about this for a while and my feeling is that there is no good answer to this specific issue.
Indeed, your code seems, at first glance, like a good approach to the problem such as stated (although I personally find the problem itself a bit strange). However, there are problems in your implementation:
What happens if for some reason one of the threads gets delayed in processing its iteration? Just imagine that the thread owning very first index takes a while to process it (delayed y some third party process coming in the way and taking the CPU time on the core where the thread was pinned/scheduled for example) and is the last to finish... Then it will set back its values to array in a completely different order than what the sequential algorithm would have done. Is that something you can accept in your algorithm?
Even without this sort of "extreme" delay, can you accept that the order in which the i indexes were distributed among threads is different that the order in which the j indexes are subsequently updated? If the thread owning i+1 finishes right before the one owning i, it will use index j instead of index j+n as it should have had...
Again, I'm not sure I understand all the subtleties of your algorithm and how resilient it is to miss-ordering of iterations, but if ordering is something important, then the approach is wrong. In this case, I guess that a proper parallelisation could be something like this (put in a subroutine to make it compilable):
subroutine loop(array, maxi, max_iteration)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: maxi, max_iteration
real, intent(inout) :: array(maxi)
real :: x
integer :: iteration, i, j, n, p
i = 0
j = maxi/2
!$omp parallel do ordered private(x, n, p) schedule(static,1)
do iteration = 1,max_iteration
!$omp ordered
x = array(wrap_around(i, maxi))
!$omp end ordered
! do some calculations here and get the value of the integer (n)
!$omp ordered
do p = 1,n
array(wrap_around(j, maxi)) = x
end do
!$omp end ordered
end do
!$omp end parallel do
integer function wrap_around(i, maxi)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: maxi
integer, intent(inout) :: i
i = i+1
if (i > maxi) i = 1
wrap_around = i
end function wrap_around
end subroutine loop
I hope this would work. However, unless the central part of the loop where n is retrieved does some serious computation, this won't be any faster than the sequential version.

Why bother to initialize a reduction variable outside the parallel construct?

I am learning how to port my Fortran code to OpenMP. When I read an online tutorial (see here) I came across one question.
At first, I knew from page 28 that the value of a reduction variable is undefined from the moment the first thread reaches the clause till the operation has completed.
To my understanding, the statement implies that it doesn't matter whether I initialize the reduction variable before the program hits the parallel construct, because it is not defined until the complete of the operation. However, the sample code on page 27 of the same tutorial initializes the reduction variable before the parallel construct.
Could anyone please let me know which treatment is correct? Thanks.
sum = 0.0
!$omp parallel default(none) shared(n,x) private(i)
do i = 1, n
sum = sum + x(i)
end do
!$omp end do
!$omp end parallel
print*, sum
After fixing your code:
integer,parameter :: n = 10000
real :: x(n)
x = 1
sum = 0
!$omp parallel do default(none) shared(x) private(i) reduction(+:sum)
do i = 1, n
sum = sum + x(i)
end do
!$omp end parallel do
print*, sum
Notice, that the value to which you initialize sum matters! If you change it you get a different result. It is quite obvious you have to initialize it properly and even the OpenMP version is ill-defined without proper initialization.
Yes, the value of sum is not defined until completing the loop, but that doesn't mean it can be undefined before the loop.
For one thing, one of the nice features of OpenMP is that if you compile the program without enabling OpenMP, the program can/(should!) be a valid serial program as well. The serial version of your example would be ill-defined without initializing "sum" before the loop.

Fortran matrix multiplication performance in different optimization

I'm reading the book "Scientific Software Development with Fortran", and there is an exercise in it I think very interesting:
"Create a Fortran module called MatrixMultiplyModule. Add three subroutines to it called LoopMatrixMultiply, IntrinsicMatrixMultiply, and MixMatrixMultiply. Each routine should take two real matrices as argument, perform a matrix multiplication, and return the result via a third argument. LoopMatrixMultiply should be written entirely with do loops, and no array operations or intrinsic procedures; IntrinsicMatrixMultiply should be written utilizing the matmul intrinsic function; and MixMatrixMultiply should be written using some do loops and the intrinsic function dot_product. Write a small program to test the performance of these three different ways of performing the matrix multiplication for different sizes of matrices."
I did some test of multiply of two rank 2 matrix and here are the results, under different optimization flags:
compiler:ifort version 13.0.0 on Mac
Here is my question:
Why under -O0 they have about the same performance but matmul has huge performance boost when using -O3, while explicit loop and dot product has less performance boost? Also, why dot_product seems have the same performance compare to explicit do loops?
The code I use is the following:
module MatrixMultiplyModule
subroutine LoopMatrixMultiply(mtx1,mtx2,mtx3)
real,intent(in) :: mtx1(:,:),mtx2(:,:)
real,intent(out),allocatable :: mtx3(:,:)
integer :: m,n
integer :: i,j
if(size(mtx1,dim=2) /= size(mtx2,dim=1)) stop "input array size not match"
do i=1,m
do j=1,n
do k=1,size(mtx1,dim=2)
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine
subroutine IntrinsicMatrixMultiply(mtx1,mtx2,mtx3)
real,intent(in) :: mtx1(:,:),mtx2(:,:)
real,intent(out),allocatable :: mtx3(:,:)
integer :: m,n
integer :: i,j
if(size(mtx1,dim=2) /= size(mtx2,dim=1)) stop "input array size not match"
end subroutine
subroutine MixMatrixMultiply(mtx1,mtx2,mtx3)
real,intent(in) :: mtx1(:,:),mtx2(:,:)
real,intent(out),allocatable :: mtx3(:,:)
integer :: m,n
integer :: i,j
if(size(mtx1,dim=2) /= size(mtx2,dim=1)) stop "input array size not match"
do i=1,m
do j=1,n
end do
end do
end subroutine
end module
program main
use MatrixMultiplyModule
implicit none
real,allocatable :: a(:,:),b(:,:)
real,allocatable :: c1(:,:),c2(:,:),c3(:,:)
integer :: n
integer :: count, rate
real :: timeAtStart, timeAtEnd
real :: time(3,10)
do n=100,1000,100
call random_number(a)
call random_number(b)
call system_clock(count = count, count_rate = rate)
timeAtStart = count / real(rate)
call LoopMatrixMultiply(a,b,c1)
call system_clock(count = count, count_rate = rate)
timeAtEnd = count / real(rate)
call system_clock(count = count, count_rate = rate)
timeAtStart = count / real(rate)
call IntrinsicMatrixMultiply(a,b,c2)
call system_clock(count = count, count_rate = rate)
timeAtEnd = count / real(rate)
call system_clock(count = count, count_rate = rate)
timeAtStart = count / real(rate)
call MixMatrixMultiply(a,b,c3)
call system_clock(count = count, count_rate = rate)
timeAtEnd = count / real(rate)
end do
do n=1,10
write(1,*) time(:,n)
end do
end program
There are several things one should be aware of when looping over array elements:
Make sure the inner loop is over consecutive elements in memory. In your current 'loop' algorithm, the inner loop is over index k. Since matrices are laid out in memory as columns (first index varying most rapidly when going through the memory), accessing a new value of k might need to load a new page into cache. In this case, you could optimize your algorithm by reordering the loops as:
do j=1,n
do k=1,size(mtx1,dim=2)
do i=1,m
end do
end do
end do
now, the inner loop is over consecutive elements in memory (the mtx2(k,j) value will be probably be fetched only once before the inner loop by the compiler, if not you can store it in a temporary variable before the loop)
Make sure the entire loops can fit into the cache in order to avoid too much cache misses. This can be done by blocking the algorithm. In this case, a solution could be e.g.:
ichunk=512 ! I have a 3MB cache size (real*4)
do jj=1,n,ichunk
do kk=1,l,ichunk
do j=jj,min(jj+ichunk-1,n)
do k=kk,min(kk+ichunk-1,l)
do i=1,m
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
in which case performance will depend in the size of ichunk, especially for large enough matrices (you could even block the inner loop, this is just an example).
Make sure the work needed to perform the loop is much smaller than the work inside the loop. This can be solved by 'loop unrolling', i.e. combining several statements in one iteration of the loop. Usually the compiler can do this by supplying the flag -funroll-loops.
If I use the above code and compile with the flags -O3 -funroll-loops, I get a slightly better performance than with matmul.
The important thing to remember of those three is the first point about loop ordering, since this is something that will affect performance in other use cases, and the compiler cannot usually fix that. The loop unrolling, you can leave to the compiler (but test it, as this does not always increase performance). As for the second point, since this is dependent on the hardware, you shouldn't (generally) try to implement a very efficient matrix multiplication yourself and instead consider using a library such as e.g. atlas, which can optimize for cache size, or a vendor library such as MKL or ACML.
