How to route using list in Dropdown Angular 2 - angular-ui-router

<select class="form-control" id="category" required [(ngModel)]="model.category" name="category" #category="ngModel">
<option disabled>None</option>
<option> Add New </option>
<option *ngFor= "let i of data1" [value]="">{{i.category}}</option>
If i select Add New Option from dropdown it should Route to this path ['/pages/products/dashboard'] .
I already Tried by passed that link in <option [routerLink]="['/EmployeeData']"> but it doesn't work.

You can listen to the onchange event on the select element and have your routing logic in a function that triggers when the event comes from the Add New option.


Aurelia Js select box not working

Am new to Aurelia Js , here, am using a simple select box but its not working while changing the value.
<select value.bind="selectVal" change.delegate="changed()">
<option value="" disabled selected>Doc.Type</option>
<option value="1">Option 1</option>
<option value="2">Option 2</option>
<option value="3">Option 3</option>
Model :
this.selectVal = '';
change.delegate is not triggering while change the value. Also, datepicker value is not loading in the model. What will be the issue? Is it any from my end or form Aurelia js issue.
When using Materialize (as became apparent from the comments of the original questions) the select element won't fire any change event. You would have to listen to the jQuery change event and fire a CustomEvent in the event handler.
Like this:
_suspendUpdate = false;
attached() {
$(this.option).on('change', e => {
if (!this._suspendUpdate) {
let customEvent = new CustomEvent('change', {});
this._suspendUpdate = true;
this._suspendUpdate = false;
Note: the suspendUpdate "trick" is needed because a change CustomEvent also causes jQuery to fire its own change event which causes an infinite loop.
The view template for the snippet above:
<require from="materialize/dist/css/materialize.css"></require>
<div class="input-field col s12">
<select ref="option" value.bind="optionSelect">
<option value="" disabled selected>Choose your option</option>
<option value="1">Option 1</option>
<option value="2">Option 2</option>
<option value="3">Option 3</option>
<p>Selected value: ${optionSelect}</p>
Here is also a which demonstrates this approach:
Of course if you're using Materialize with Aurelia, you can also use the Materialize bridge:
Disclaimer: I'm one of the creators of Aurelia Materialize bridge.

How can I use a list of object in the model to automatically populate the options of a select in Thymeleaf view?

I am working on a Spring MVC application that use Thymeleaf for the view.
I am absolutly new in Thymeleaf and I have the following problem.
At this stage of the work into a view I have a select which options values are hard coded into the code, something like this:
<select id="selReg" class="form-control">
<option value="" >--SELEZIONARE UN'AREA--</option>
<option value="areaUmanistica" >Area Umanistica</option>
<option value="areaLinguistica" >Area Linguistica</option>
<option value="areaScientifica" >Area Scientifica</option>
<option value="areaPsicoMotoria" >Area Psico-Motoria</option>
Now, into my controller, I retrieve a list of Tad1005Tipodisciplina objects using a service and I put this list into the model.
List<Tad1005Tipodisciplina> listaTipoDisciplina = tipoDisiplinaService.getListaTipoDisciplina();
model.addAttribute("listaTipoDisciplina", listaTipoDisciplina);
This Tad1005Tipodisciplina class contain this field:
private String desTipDis;
that I want to use in my view to dinamically show the content of the previous select.
How can I use this list putted into the model to dinamically populate my select options?
You need to iterate through your list using th:each in the select statement. This is where you define a variable that will represent each object in the list, which in turn you can use in each of the option tags like this:
<select id="selReg" class="form-control" th:each="object: ${listaTipoDisciplina}" th:field="*{listaTipoDisciplina}">
<option th:value="${listObject.desTipDis}" th:text="${object.desTipDis}"></option>
/Edit: A minute too late :)
Solved by myself, in this way:
<select id="selReg" class="form-control">
<option value="" >--SELEZIONARE UN'AREA--</option>
<option th:each="tipoDisciplina: ${listaTipoDisciplina}"
Posted because maybe it could be util to someone in the future

Change dropdowns with same .class name

I have three dropdowns with same class name:
<select class="MyClass">
<option value="1">One</option>
<option value="2">Two</option>
<option value="3">Three</option>
<select class="MyClass">
<option value="1">One</option>
<option value="2">Two</option>
<option value="3">Three</option>
<select class="MyClass">
<option value="1">One</option>
<option value="2">Two</option>
<option value="3">Three</option>
I want to change any of these dropdown values based on any other dropdrop selected. If I select option two from second dropdown - I want 1st and 3rd dropdown values to be two. All these dropdown should change values no matter which one I select.
You will need JavaScript to do this. Here is an code example using jQuery:
$('.MyClass').val( $(this).val() );
This will add an EventListeneer for the change Element and update all DropDowns to the value of the changed one.
you can use jQuery or normal JS, but my example contains Jquery, which will give you an idea. Please check the example in Jsfiddle.
The example binds a change event to the class name of the three selectors:
and Voila, every selector gets changed.
Somehting like (with jQuery)
$('.MyClass').change(function() {

Remove some items in dropdownlist based on selected keywords

I have a dropdownlist in my page and the html part lists below:
<select id="Permission_id" name="Permission_id"><option value="">Pls select</option>
<option value="001f492b-fbb2-440c-b2ac-1fab5d97f5e3">super</option>
<option value="559ede95-1dbb-45d5-ae41-2df6f460e87a">admin</option>
<option value="80b330ee-37dc-42c4-8902-c30254112c11">user</option>
And in the same page, I have another dropdownlist , the html part lists below:
<select id="TopPranet_id" name="TopPranet_id"><option value="">Pls select</option>
<option value="65c61442-e02f-4071-b746-2c7cbfcc859a">Settings--admin</option>
<option value="66d21c35-66a2-40d8-a9db-675b337fa0bb">Control--admin</option>
<option value="cd612bfc-9f61-4228-b986-90bda4be9d8d">Action--admin</option>
<option value="2a137846-5ae0-4104-b0c9-be09a0e772d8">Settings--super</option>
<option value="b75c43f3-cafb-41a2-a76b-c572fffd8a6a">Control--super</option>
<option value="2c3f618c-373f-4559-967f-d8dcea1b6996">Action--super</option>
Now I want to do things like below:
When Permission_id's select item changes, then TopPranet_id's item will only contains the items that have Permission_id's selected text inside. that is, if I select admin in Permission_id control, then TopPranet_id control will only contains Settings--admin,Control--admin,Action--admin item, others are removed.
I know I can use Jquery to do this, but I am a newer to this, also, regex maybe also required for doing this.
Need your help, thx.
Please check here i have added one ex
You html all seems ok
in javascript
$('#TopPranet_id option').each(function()
if(this.innerHTML.indexOf($('#Permission_id :selected').text())!=-1)
We have added change function which will detect the change event of the first dropdown and after this we will check that text with second dropdown which will show and hide the dropdowns

display selected item from dropdown onchange function into html label through javascript , please help how to it

<form method="post">
<select name="users" id="users" onchange="showUser(this.value)" value="">
<option value="">Select a person:</option>
<option value="1" onchange="copy();">tcs</option>
<option value="2" onchange="copy();">wipro</option>
<option value="3" onchange="copy();">Hcl</option>
<option value="4" onchange="copy();">krystal kones</option>
I have this drop down i want that when the value is changed like tcs,wipro or hcl then that value should shown in html label
Try putting the onChange attribute in the select tag.
<div id="label"></div>
<select id="mySelect" onchange="copy();">
<option value="">Select a person:</option>
<option value="tcs" >tcs</option>
<option value="wipro" >wipro</option>
<option value="Hcl" >Hcl</option>
<option value="krystal kones" >krystal kones</option>
function copy() {
document.getElementById("label").innerHTML = document.getElementById("mySelect").value
Otherwise you could use jQuery.
First of all, the onchange event is for the select element, not the option elements. Those don't actually change. Also, you have two JavaScript functions. showUser() and copy(). But you describe only one piece of functionality. What do these two functions do?
As for showing the text in the label, here's one way to do it (using jQuery, because everybody does):
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#users').change(function() {
What this is basically doing is:
Wait until the DOM is loaded and ready.
Bind a function to the change event of the specified select element.
The function contains one line, which sets the text of the specified label to the value of the select.
