Runtime flexibility of OSGi - runtime

To get started with OSGi, thought of asking this since this become unclear to me.
If you have runtime code change as a requirement, OSGi is probably the only possible way to achieve this using Java.
How the runtime flexibility is maintained in OSGi technically?

This is a large question that would be impractical to fully answer here. The following is a simplified overview.
OSGi allocates a Java ClassLoader for each resolved bundle. When a bundle is updated, OSGi first sends a stop signal to the bundle, allowing it to release resources and prepare to be garbage collected.
The new bundle is then re-resolved against its requirements, which may have changed compared to the previous version. Assuming the new version still resolves (i.e. its requirements are still satisfied) then OSGi allocates a new ClassLoader, uses that to load the classes in the bundle, and if the bundle has an activator and was in ACTIVE state before the update, sends a start signal to the newly loaded activator.


java.util.ServiceConfigurationError Provider not a subtype while using OSGi bundle

I'm creating a Liferay 7.1 OSGi bundle, which has some external dependencies in it. In consideration of time, we opted to embed the external JAR in our OSGi Bundle. I've managed to create a bnd file, which includes all of the ElasticSearch dependencies, and put them on the bundle classpath. I've used the source-code from github ( and the bnd.bnd file, to check what's imported.
When activating the bundle, an exception is thrown:
The activate method has thrown an exception
java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilderExtension: Provider org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentElasticsearchExtension not a subtype
at java.util.ServiceLoader.access$300(
at java.util.ServiceLoader$LazyIterator.nextService(
at java.util.ServiceLoader$
at java.util.ServiceLoader$
at org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder.<clinit>(
at org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Setting.arrayToParsableString(
The XContentBuilderExtension is from the elasticsearch-x-content-6.5.0.jar,
the XContentElasticsearchExtension class, is included in the elasticsearch-6.5.0.jar. Both are Included Resources, and have been put on the classpath.
The Activate-method initializes a TransportClient in my other jar, hence it happens on activation ;).
I've noticed that this error does NOT occur when installing this the first time, or when the portal restarts. So it only occurs when I uninstall and reinstall the bundle. (This is functionality I really prefer to have!). Maybe a stupid thought.. But could it be that there is some 'hanging thread'? That the bundle is not correctly installed, or that the TransportClient still is alive? I'm checking this out. Any hints are welcome!
Edit 2:
I'm fearing this is an incompatibility between SPI and OSGi? I've checked: The High Level Rest Client has the same issue. (But then with another Extension). I'm going to try the Low-Level Rest Client. This should work, as there are minimal dependencies, I'm guessing. I'm still very curious on why the incompatibility is there. I'm certainly no expert on OSGi, neither on SPI. (Time to learn new stuff!)
Seems like a case where OSGi uses your bundle to solve a dependency from another bundle, probably one that used your bundle to solve a package when the system started.
Looking at the symptoms: it does not occur when booting or restarts. Also it is not a subtype.
When OSGi uses that bundle to solve a dependency, it will keep a copy around, even when you remove it. When the bundle comes back a package that was previously used by another bundle may still be around and you can have the situation where a class used has two version of itself, from different classloaders, meaning they are not the same class and therefore, not a subtype.
Expose only the necessary to minimize the effects of this. Import only if needs importing. If you are using Liferay Gradle configuration to include the bundle inside, stop - it's a terrible way to include as it exposes a lot. If using the bnd file to include a resource and create an entry for the adicional classpath location, do not expose if not necessary. If you have several bundles using one as dependency, make sure about the version they use and if the exchange objects from the problematic class, if they do, than extra care is required.
PS: you can include attributes when exporting and/or importing in order to be more specific and avoid using packages from the wrong origin.
You can have 2 elastic search connections inside one Java app and Liferay is by default not exposing the connection that it holds.
A way around it is to rebuild the Liferay ES connector. It's not a big deal because you don't need to change the code only the OSGi descriptor to expose more services.
I did it in one POC project and worked fine. The tricky thing is to rebuild the Liferay jar but that was explained by Pettry by his google like search blog posts. (it is a series but it's kind of hard to navigate in the new Liferay blogs but Google will probably help) Either way it is all nicely documented here
the only thing then what needs to be done is to add org.elasticsearch.* in the bnd.bnd file in the export section. You will then be able to work with the native elastic API.

Lazy activation of Eclipse plugins

I would like to know what is "Activate this plug-in when one of its classes is loaded" check-box in Eclipse manifest editor useful for.
I thought Eclipse always use "lazy initialization" approach. Does have this option a relation to the BundleActivator class of the plugin? is initialization something different to activation?
Here is a similar question, but I don't understand it entirely.
Ticking the box causes the following header to be set in the manifest:
Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
I'll start with how "pure" OSGi deals with this. IF the bundle is started with the START_ACTIVATION_POLICY flag then the bundle enters the STARTING state but the activator's start() method is not invoked and a ClassLoader is not allocated for the bundle. The bundle stays in STARTING until, for whatever reason, a class needs to be loaded from the bundle. At that point a ClassLoader is allocated and the activator (if any) is instantiated and its start() method is invoked before the requested class is loaded.
However Eclipse layers additional semantics on the top. As background, Eclipse always tries to avoid starting bundles in order to keep its start-up time minimal. A very small core set of bundles is started by default (the list is in configuration/config.ini) and one of these is called the p2 "simpleconfigurator". The simpleconfigurator looks for bundles that have the Bundle-ActivationPolicy:lazy header and it starts them with the START_ACTIVATION_POLICY flag... therefore these bundles will be "lazily" started as described above.
The important point is that all other bundles that do not contain the header will not be started at all under Eclipse. They will stay in RESOLVED state, their activators will not be invoked, and if they contain any Declarative Services component they will not be loaded. This is because Declarative Services only ever looks at bundles that are in ACTIVE or STARTING state.
Therefore the main reason to use the header is if we want to write a bundle containing Declarative Services components that need to work under Eclipse.
In other environments there is no need to use the header. Most normal OSGi apps simply start all bundles, rather than trying to selectively start a subset of bundles. Note that this doesn't mean OSGi apps don't worry about lazy loading! Declarative Services already supports lazy loading without messing around with bundle class loading triggers. In my opinion Eclipse gets this wrong and has added unnecessary complexity to the bundle lifecycle. Nevertheless if you are running in Eclipse then you have no choice but to understand and work with its limitation.

Restlet converter registration in OSGI environment

We run Restlet 2.1 in an OSGi environment (Equinox) as bundle (ie. not as library within a bundle). The problem is that the Restlet Engine does not detect helpers (like converters) that are provided by Restlet extensions. Specifically, the EngineClassLoader#getResources() call does not return any result. The extensions are also deployed as OSGi bundles in the target platform.
Is automatic converter registration actually supposed to work within OSGi environments?
In fact, Restlet supports such feature thanks to a dedicated activator (see the Activator class in the package org.restlet.engine.internal).
This activator introspects bundles to find out the following things:
servers corresponding to registered servers
servers corresponding to registered clients
authenticators corresponding to registered clients
Be aware that to use this feature, we must use the OSGi edition of Restlet since it's the only that has the MANIFEST file of the org.restlet bundle with the activator class specified. Otherwise you don't have to care about the bundle loading order...
Hope it helps you.
Unless the Restlet-bundle explicitly imports the packages that contain the extensions (and I doubt it does, and it shouldn't), it wouldn't be able to load them, because bundles have isolated class-spaces.
A possible solution would be to provide the extensions as fragments attached to the Restlet-bundle. Thus, if you make it use the bundle-classloader (the documentation says this can be done by setting the Engines classloader), it would be able to load classes from the fragments.
Indeed it doesn't quite work for OSGi, as it depends on the ability to see the entire class space.
The way to do this in OSGi would be to use the service registry for the extensions, but that only works for OSGi aware libraries.
There is some help on the way: In the recently released OSGi 5 (Service Loader Mediator) there will be support to 'bridge' META-INF/services (I don't know if Restlet uses those, though) onto OSGi services, so 'legacy' libraries should work well within OSGi.
There is an implementation in Apache Aries called Spi-Fly. I looked at it briefly a while back. It might do the trick for you, it might not.

Can I create a transient configuration in OSGi using the ConfigAdmin?

I'd like to create a Configuration object in OSGi, but one that won't be persisted, so it won't be there when the framework is restarted. Similar to START_TRANSIENT for bundles.
Some background: I've got an OSGi (Felix) based client side application, deployed over OBR. The configuration object I'm talking about effectively boots the application. That works fine, but sometimes the content has changed while the context was stopped. In that case, it boots the application as OSGi revives all bundles and adds all configuration options. Then I inject the correct configuration, the application stops and then restarts again.
So it does actually work, but the app starts twice, and I can't get access to the framework before it reconstructs its old state.
Any ideas?
As BJ said there is no standard support for this in the Configuration Admin spec.
However the Felix implementation supports two features which may help you. First, you can set the property which configures where the configadmin saves its internal state (which by default will be somewhere under the Framework storage directory). You could set this to a location that you control and then simply wipe it every time you start OSGi (you could also wipe out the entire OSGi Framework storage directory on every start... some people do this but it has wider consequences that what you asked for).
Second, if you need a bit more control, Felix ConfigAdmin supports customising its persistence with a PersistenceManager service. You could probably implement this and return empty/doesn't-exist for the particular pids that you want to control.
The OSGi Config Admin spec does not support this. I also do not know of a non-standard means either for any of the CM impls I am familiar with.
Ok, what I did in the end was the following:
I created a special really small 'boot' bundle, which I do not provision from OBR, instead, I install it from the classpath.
That bundle controls the configuration, and I use START_TRANSIENT the moment I really want to load that configuration.
Not exactly pretty, it gets the job done. I do think transient configuration would make sense to have in OSGi.

How does OSGi manage interaction of components running in separate JVMs?

I have been trying to understand a bit more about the wider picture of OSGi without reading thru the entire specification. As with so many things, the introduction to what OSGi actually is was probably written by someone who had been working on it for a decade and perhaps wasn't best placed to put themselves in the mindset of someone who knows nothing about it :-)
Looking at Felix's example DictionaryService, I don't really understand what is going on. Is OSGi a distinct instance of a JVM into which you load bundles which can then find each other?
Obviously it is not just this because other answers on StackOverflow are explicit that OSGi can solve the dependency problem of a distributed system containing modules deployed within distinct JVMs (plus the FAQ keeps talking about networks).
In this latter case, how does a component running in one JVM interact with another component in a separate JVM? Can the two components "use" each other as if they were running within the same JVM (i.e. via local method calls), and how does OSGi manage the marshalling of data across a network (do you have to use Serializable for example)?
Or does the component author have to use some other distinct mechanism (either provided by OSGi or written themselves) for communication between remote components?
Any help much appreciated!
Yes, OSGi only deals with bundles and services running on the same VM. However, one should note that it is a distinct feature of OSGi that it facilitates running multiple applications (in a controlled way and sharing common modules) on the same JVM at all.
When it comes to accessing services outside the clients JVM, there is currently no standardized solution. Paremus Infiniflow and the derived open-source project Newton use an SCA approach. The upcoming 4.2 release of the OSGi specs will address one side of the problem, namely how to use generic distribution software in such a way that it can bring remote services into the client's JVM.
As somebody mentioned R-OSGi, this approach also deals with the other side of the problem, being how to manage dependencies between distributed OSGi frameworks. Since R-OSGi is not generic distribution software but explicitly deals with the lifecycle issues and dependency management of OSGi bundles.
As far as I know, OSGi does not solve this problem out of the box. There are OSGi-bundles, for example Remote OSGi, which allow the programmer to distribute services across a network.
Not yet, i think it's being worked on for the next release.
But some companies have already implemented distributed osgi. One i'm aware of is Paremus' Infiniflow ( At linkedin they are also working on this. More info here: Building Linkedin next gen architecture with osgi and here: Matt raible: building linkedin next gen architecture
Here's a summary of the changes for OSGI 4.2: Some thoughts on the OSGi R4.2 draft, There's a section on RFC-119 dealing with distributed OSGi.
AFAIK, bundles are running in the same JVM, but are not loaded using the same class loader (that why you can use two different versions of the same bundle at the same time).
To interact with components in another JVM, you must use a network protocol such as rmi.
The OSGi alliance is working on a standard for distributed OSGi:
There even is an early Apache implementation of this new standard:
The accepted answer to this question would seem to indicate otherwise (unless I'm misreading it). Also, taken from the FAQ:
The OSGi Service Platform provides the functions to change the composition dynamically on the device of a variety of networks, without requiring a restart
(Emphasis my own). Although in the same FAQ it describes OSGi as in-VM.
Why am I so confused about this? Why is such a basic question about a decade-old technology not clear?
The original problem of OSGI was more related to distribution of code (and then configuration of bundle) than to distribution of execution.
People looking at distributed components are rather looking towards SCA
The "introduction" link is not really an intro, it is a FAQ entry. For more information, see Not hard to find I would think.
Anyway, OSGi is an in-VM SOA. That is, the OSGi Framework is about what happens inside the VM, it provides a framework for structuring your application inside the VM so you can built it too a large extent from components. So the core has nothing to do with distribution, it is completely oblivious of who implements the services, it just provides a mechanism for modules to meet each other in a loosely coupled way.
That said, the µService model reifies the joints between the modules and it turns out that you can build support on top of the framework that provides distribution to the other components. In the last releases we specified some mechanisms that make this standardized in the core and provide a special service Remote Service Admin that can manage a distributed topology.
If you are looking for a distributed OSGi centric Cloud runtime - then the Paremus Service Fabric ( ) provides these capabilities.
One or more Systems each consisting of a number of OSGi assemblies (Blueprint or Declarative Services) can be dynamically deployed and maintained across a population of OSGi runtime Frameworks (Knopflerfish, Felix or Equinox).
A light weight RSA remote framework is provided which provides Service discovery by default using DDS (a seriously good middleware messaging technology) - (thought ZooKeeper and other approach can be used). Currently supported re-moting protocols include RMI and Avro.
