I am just beginning automated testing, and I need to test the functionality of a template in Microsoft Word on both Mac and Windows 10. This template comes complete with what I believe is a VB form. I want to populate the form, and then read the saved file. Does anyone know how I might be able to do this with Python, Java, or something else?
Since, that is a desktop app, you can't use Selenium.
You can try sikulix or AutoIt.
we are developing a formula editor.
we want to insert our formula in Word (the formula image is normally displayed in Word) and edit again, just like xlsx files.
when double clicking, we want to launch our editor program to edit the formula and then replace it in Word.
we have already done that on Windows, but under the macOS, we are confused because we do not know how to implement them.
can you please tell me if that possible? is there a similar function implementation of office word under macos?
any advice or suggestion is welcome!
No, it is not possible because OLE is based on the COM technology which exists on Windows only.
As a possible solution you may consider creating an Office web add-in which can be installed on all platforms from web browsers to Mac OS. See Develop Office Add-ins for more information.
You can post or vote for an existing feature request on Tech Community where they are considered when the Office dev team go through the planning process.
I am proficient with web development languages like HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, etc., but I've never written a macro for a desktop and don't know where to start. I was hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
At work, I perform a very repetitive task that involves the following steps:
Opening up a lead page in Salesforce (My company's web-based CRM client)
Clicking on the email button
Selecting an email template
Clicking the send email button
Opening up a new lead page and repeating steps 2-4
I do this for about 2-300 emails per day. It takes about an hour and a half, and I would like to automate this process as much as I can. I am on Windows. Is there a program out there I can use?
You can automate it with tools like Selenium (IDE is good option for such task if you know JS) or Sikuli. A list of GUI_testing/automation_tools. But since you are
on Windows.
I'm using PowerShell for similar tasks - check my email, login to Firewalls, read news etc. Here is my article of how you can achieve the same using simple user agents. Feel free to reuse the scripts.
If you have any questions about the implementation details - just ask me.
Based on this post, I wanted to ask if there is any program in windows 7 available, that could record events like
Clicked start button
Launched Netbeans
Clicked Options
Entered Value
And then play it again so that I dont have to reconfigure something everytime or many other use cases like that?
p.s. I am being more specific here and no intention of duplicating any post.
Free, you can use an application like Sikuli It has great documentation and we currently use it for iOS and Android application automation.
Professional/Enterprise tools are available from the usual vendors, IBM Rational suite, HP's WinRunner that serve all sorts of purposes.
I'm building a web-based application that can use ActiveX Controls to print to a Thermal Label Printer (specific to shipping labels) in Windows environments, but I am racking my brain to figure out what the best method would be for OSX. Obviously ActiveX doesn't work on macs...
Any ideas about where to start looking? A flash movie? A firefox add-on? My fingers are tired of googling.
There's no way a vanilla web language will allow you to control peripherals from a webpage under Mac OS.
If you really really need to call that from a webpage and can't afford to make a real application, your best go under Safari would be to build a plugin to use Objective-C from Javascript, and do the heavy-duty work from within your plugin. A similar solution probably exists in Firefox.
Also, as I understand it, your program runs on the client with the printer attached. You could write a server-side script and install it on the Macs, and then have your webpage drive it to do the printing.
My first choice to solve this problem quickly would be to use an enterprise label print server like Loftware or Bartender. But, like you said, they are expensive and you are planning on reselling your product.
My second choice would be to scrap the activex control and build a simple print server. There is no standard control language in the label printer world but if you are going to standardize on a certain class of Zebra printer you would only need to implement one driver at first. I have only ever done this for Datamax printers but I'm sure the process for Zebra printers is similar.
The server takes your label data as input (pallet ID, ship to address, etc), inserts that data into a template (painstakingly crafted in the text based printer control language) and then this label file is sent to the appropriate printer.
My third choice would be the browser based solution you are looking for. IT departments hate that stuff.
You can create an NPAPI plug-in, which will work in Safari, Firefox and other Mac web browsers. You'll need to have the user install the plug-in on their system before it can be used, there's no way to install it automatically.
Can't you just use the JavaScript printing API?
I need help with this...
I've found a javascript app online in which I want to insert into powerpoint for a presentation...
Vb support jscript
Can i convert Javascript to Jscript some how? or can someone help me with it....
If wanted just ask for code or site
JScript is Microsoft's implentation of Javascript. So, the language is compatible. However, this app you found online almost certainly requires that it be run in a browser environment. The environment that Powerpoint runs any scripts in (like JScript) will be very different.
In other words, you can't do it unless there's some way to embed a browser in your Powerpoint presentation.