Is WinAppDriver works only with the applications which are installed on Windows10? - winappdriver

Is WinAppDriver works only with the applications which are installed on Windows10 machine? I need to Automate the installation process of a software, but WinAppDriver simply does not find the elements on the installation wizard.
I am giving capability "app" = "Path till Setup.exe", WinAppDriver launched the installation wizard but fails to locate the "Next" button on the wizard.

Yes, WinAppDriver is supported on machines running Windows 10 (Home and Pro) and Windows Server 2016.

Yes , The document itself they are clearly mentioned "This service supports testing Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and Classic Windows (Win32) apps on Windows 10 PCs ".
Go through this document WinAppDriver Document

WinAppDriver tests can only be developed on Windows 10 or MS Server 2016. Once developed, those tests can run on earlier versions of windows. See this video at 31:30.

What are the system requirements for WinAppDriver?
WinAppDriver is supported on machines running Windows 10 (Home and
Pro) and Windows Server 2016.


How to get HP ALM to run HP UFT scripts remotely on Windows 10 workstation/hosts

We currently have UFT 14.03 installed on our workstations/hosts along with ALM 12.50.32 installed on our ALM server. We have the HP ALM Lab Service installed on the workstations/hosts to allow ALM to connect remotely and run the UFT scripts on them.
I want to upgrade the workstations/hosts to windows 10 (since 7 is quiet old). But I can't seem to find a windows 10 installer for the HP ALM Lab Service. If there isn't one anymore, how do I get the ALM server to be able to communicate with those workstations/hosts to be able to run the UFT scripts remotely? I need the same setup/configuration we have now with windows 7 on windows 10.
I actually finally found somewhere online we could get a ALM Lab Service installer for Windows 10 that would work.
Downloaded the 64 bit, got everything installed and configured on my windows 10 workstation and everything worked!

Windows App Certification Kit for Windows 7 application

I have developed a desktop application which runs on Windows 7 SP1 x64 and potentially newer OS, but for now I'd like to release it for Windows 7. It is not available for Windows Phone nor is it available in a store. It's a good old standalone program, no cloud, nothing special.
At the moment I have some trouble, because the tool says
The Windows App Certification Kit did not detect any new applications as a result of your installation.
Testing cannot continue unless an application is successfully installed.
Please confirm that your installer worked correctly and run the Windows App Certification Kit again.
I'm working on that and I hope this will finally not be related to the question.
My Research
From the statement
The Windows App Certification Kit now supports the following app types: Desktop apps for Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7
on Windows App Certification Kit, my impression is that Windows 7 is supported.
However, on Using the Windows App Certification Kit, Windows 7 is only mentioned in a weird scenario of testing a Windows 10 app on Windows 7.
The website Certification requirements for Windows desktop apps talks about "Windows 8.1 Desktop App Certification" and refers to Windows 7 only for the name change:
[...] in order to participate in the Windows 8.1 Desktop App Certification Program. For Windows 7, this program was known as the Windows Software Logo Program.
The Question
Can a Windows 7 desktop application still get certified?
What do I need to do to submit my desktop app to the Windows Store?
The main advantage to get a desktop application certified is that it can appear on Windows store.
Windows 7 cannot access Windows store, therefore it's pointless as far as Windows 7 users are concerned.
Windows 8 can access the app store, but it doesn't really work for desktop apps. User must exit desktop-mode and enter tablet-mode, go to Windows store, find the desktop app. But the desktop app will only appear as a link to developer's website. User must go back to desktop mode, go to the link and finally install...
Windows 10 allows users to install desktop apps directly. However there is not enough information yet.
As to your question, there is really no such thing as Windows 7 application. Maybe you made your application on Windows 7, but it probably runs on Vista, Windows 8, and 10. You just have to test it. It can get certified for Windows 10, but I don't think it will be the same way as Windows 8.
Problems with certification kit: Make sure the your application is completely uninstall from your computer, including app installation folders and app registry keys. Run the test again and make sure the program was installed.

Microsoft Windows Embedded Studio download

I have a Win XP Embedded machine (WES2009), that does not have preinstalled "Microsoft Windows Embedded Studio" (MSWES).
I need MSWES as a preposition for development (RTX by IntervalZero).
All I found on MS site related to this product is docs:
Anyone with a clue:
Can I simply install MSWES product on my WES2009 machine ?
Where can I download it simply ? (Preferably without using MS account.)
You don't run Embedded Studio on XP Embedded; you run it on your development host, and use it to create an XP Embedded OS image for your target application.
You need a development license, and ultimately deployment licenses.
You can simply and officialy download the WES2009 here:
This should be a trial version, or you apply your bought licence to this.

Is it possible to run the Windows Phone 7.1 emulator in an Amazon EC2 instance?

My firm has a new client who has asked us to build a Windows Phone 7.1 app. Our team wants to leverage Amazon's EC2 instances to set up our CI servers to avoid the need to have to requisition and acquire hardware for the project. We will need a Windows build agent to build the Windows Phone app.
Setting up the Windows build agent is proving difficult. To build the Windows Phone app, we need the WP 7.1 SDK installed, however it is not supported on Windows Server and officially requires Windows Vista or Windows 7. With a workaround by Aaron Stebner I can get the SDK installed, but the Windows Phone emulator doesn't work. We can compile and run unit tests, but functional tests are not possible without the emulator.
Is it possible to enable to Windows Phone emulator to work on Windows
Server 2008 or 2008 R2?
Is it possible to create a Windows Vista or
Windows 7 instance on EC2?
You can't create Windows vista or Windows 7 on EC2. One solution will be to use Virtualbox inside an Ubuntu instance but I don't think it will work because EC2 already use an hypervisor ...
Maybe you can find an other cloud provider or buy a VPS.

Development of Metro UI (Windows 8) from Windows 7

How do I develop for Windows 8 on my Windows 7 machine. I dont want to install a VM. I checked Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview, but I am not sure if it allows me Metro UI development.
You cannot do Metro style development from Windows 7. If you cannot install Windows 8 either directly or via a VM or dual-boot, you will not be able to develop Metro style apps on that machine.
The simplest thing to do is set up your Windows 7 machine to dual boot into Windows 8. With a dual boot you can still access files on the Windows 7 machine when you're booted to Win 8. There are plenty of how-to's available; here's one: .
You can also install the dev preview of VS11 on a Windows 7 box to build DLLs the Metro app will use, to experiment with C++ AMP, or just to get a head start on familiarity with the VS UI. Any app you build with that (or VS2010, or VS2008, or whatever) will happily run on the Desktop side of Win8, the same as it did on Win7.
What you can't do is build (never mind test) Win8 Metro apps using a Win7 box only. Yet.
It seems that the Windows 8 Virtual Labs ( don't need Windows 8 to be installed. Try it out on Windows 7.
