I have several packages inside my project, inside each I have something like:
- MyClass.java
- MyClassDAO.java
- MyClassResource.java
I want to exclude only MyClass from sonar code coverage, is it possible?
I have a maven project and the below step is mentioned right after executing surefire tests(for JUnit) and failsafe (for Integration tests). However, I am not able to exclude the files from generated-sources folder. However, if I use a single exclusionPattern:'/tomcat/', it is excluding tomcat folder from the report
I have tried below option:
post {
always {
junit allowEmptyResults: true, testResults: '**/target/failsafe-reports/*.xml'
step( [ $class: 'JacocoPublisher', exclusionPattern: '**/target/generated-sources/**,**/tomcat/**'] )
but it is only excluding the tomcat folders and not the generated-sources. Still seeing files from this folder in coverage report.
As a workaround, I am targeting the java packages inside target directory to improve coverage. It's not a very efficient way to do it as I had to add entries for multiple packages inside exclusionPattern. But, it works well for my requirement.
So we have a multi module project setup, with test all scattered in multiple modules, now we want to execute all of them but exclude 1 test file.
How could we achieve this?
I tried the following:
gradle test -PexcludeTests=*SpecificTests
but the tests get still executed.
for running a singular test I managed to fix it this way:
gradle :multi-module:test --tests '*SpecificTests'
but unfortunately the equivalent for executing all tests but 1 cannot be made with this.
Condition: we need a command we cannot use the testing filter
You can use a project property and define an optional exclude filter, which you can then use from the command line -PexcludeTests='*SpecificTests'.
test {
if (project.hasProperty('excludeTests')) {
I’m using JaCoCo Gradle plugin in my project.
Just as an example of the question, most of my code is under package com.me.mysoftware.
I’m using code generator that generate classes under build/generated/java/....../com/me/software/MyGeneratedClass.java
I would like that all of the classes under this generated directory will be excluded from JaCoCo report, but not the entire package (what’s under src/main/...)
How is this possible?
add excludes = [ com.me.software.MyGeneratedClass ]
see https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/jacoco_plugin.html#default_values_of_the_jacoco_task_extension for more help
In the Gradle samples (included with version 2.2.1) there is a java/multiproject project.
The settings.gradle file defines the following projects:
include "shared", "api", "services:webservice", "services:shared"
Note that services is not itself a project, merely a directory which contains the webservice and shared projects.
When I run the command gradle build from the root directory, I notice that after gradle successfully builds it creates inside the /services directory a /build directory containing /lib and a /tmp directories.
Inside of /services/build/lib is a jar: services-1.0.jar which contains very little; specifically just a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file containing:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
provider: gradle
So what is causing Gradle to build a jar for this non-project? And how can I prevent this behavior in my similarly structured multiproject project?
/services isn't a project, I don't want to create anything inside /build folder at all. Yes I could just delete it, but I would like to avoid the unnecessary work of building this jar/running any tasks on this non-project in the first place.
To be honest I've no reasonable idea why gradle builds this folder. I guess that because it's a kind of a transient folder. However it can be excluded by adding the following piece of code to main build.gradle script:
project(':services').jar { onlyIf { false } }
Desired effect (services.jar elimination) can be also obtained with the following settings.gradle content:
include "shared", "api", "services/webservice", "services/shared"
File instead of project paths are included.
My guess would be that this is a combination of the next 2 gradle rules:
When you're including subprojects in the build.settings file using the include keyword according to Gradle Documentation here:
the inclusion of the path 'services:hotels:api' will result in
creating 3 projects: 'services', 'services:hotels' and
In simple words, this means that the inclusion of services::webservice will also build the services project
The bulid.gradle file in your root that applies the 'java' plugin. According to Gradle Documentation here every configuration defined in the root.gradle takes effect for all sub projects. This means that it will also hold as the default configuration for the services project. As the 'java' plugin was applied a jar will be created, but as there is no src/main folder under the services directory nothing will be compiled and the jar will include only a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file.
I have a maven java project in some folder (it has some unit tests), and tests for the same code in another different project (different directory). Both source code and test share the same parent pom. Now I want to generate the code coverage report using JaCoCo.
How to instrument sources? How to run tests on instrumented code? And how to integrate and get the result report?
Say Project ABC contains the code and project XYZ contains the test cases.
Project ABC and Project XYZ are independent projects
Both ABC and XYZ contains multiple sub projects(Need to integrate everything).
I had a similar problem. I found a solution by changing the path of the jacoco report path:
I added these properties and configured the jacoco plugin to append reports and not overwrite them by:
This way jacoco write the reports to the base directory of the multi module project. The sonar plugin finds these and analyses them.
I had a problem when building a "reference application" with multiple sub-modules and trying to generate test coverage for the sub-modules and have them push to sonarqube. The issue I was having was that since the sub-modules referenced each other, the resulting jacoco reports were getting overwritten and I'd end up with results for a single module. This may not be the same issue as posted above, but I did solve it by using "append" in gradle, so just want to show how to do that.
In the build.gradle file for each module, I have:
testOptions {
unitTests.returnDefaultValues = true
unitTests.includeAndroidResources = true
unitTests.all {
jacoco {
append = true
includeNoLocationClasses = true
systemProperty 'robolectric.enabledSdks', '28'