How to find the location of file under a directory tree? - macos

Given a filename, say foo.txt and a base directory URL, say ~/bar/directory what's the best way to find the subdirectory for the first occurrence of the file?
Is there an existing API in Foundation or AppKit?
Is, for example, a breadth-first search through the subtree the way to go? How would that look?
Another way?

One option is to manually enumerate the directories:
func manualSearchFile(withName name: String, in path: String) {
func search(url: URL) {
do {
let contents = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(at: url, includingPropertiesForKeys: [.nameKey, .pathKey, .isDirectoryKey], options: [])
try contents.forEach {
let metadata = try $0.resourceValues(forKeys: [.nameKey, .pathKey, .isDirectoryKey])
if == name {
print("Manual Found: \(metadata.path ?? "unknown path")")
if metadata.isDirectory == true {
search(url: $0)
} catch {
search(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: path))
manualSearchFile(withName: "foo.txt", in: "/bar/directory")
Another option is to use Spotlight, which is faster but only works for paths that are indexed. Many system directories are excluded and users can exclude even more in System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy.
var metadataQuery: NSMetadataQuery?
func spotlightSearchFile(withName name: String, in path: String) {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .NSMetadataQueryDidFinishGathering, object: nil, queue: nil) {
guard let query = $0.object as? NSMetadataQuery else { return }
query.enumerateResults { (result, index, cancel) in
let item = result as? NSMetadataItem
let path = item?.value(forAttribute: NSMetadataItemPathKey) as? String
print("Spotlight Found: \(path ?? "unknown path")")
metadataQuery = NSMetadataQuery()
metadataQuery?.searchScopes = [path]
metadataQuery?.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "%K like[cd] %#", NSMetadataItemDisplayNameKey, name)
spotlightSearchFile(withName: "foo.txt", in: "/bar/directory")
For more information about the query syntax see the Comparison of NSPredicate and Spotlight Query Strings.
In the old days we used to have more options with FSCatalogSearch and FSGetCatalogInfoBulk. But these are no longer available, AFAIK.


xCode playground and writing files to Documents

I'm trying to test some sqlite database calls through XCode's playground. I start with a database in my Playground's Resources folder and try to move it to the Playgrounds Documents folder, however what happens is that a symbolic link is generated pointing back to the file within the Resources folder so I am unable to write to that file. However, If I figure out where the Documents folder is and then copy the file there by hand from the terminal everything works just fine.
So why does the file manager copy command actually create a sym link to rather than copy? And is there any way to actually make this happen? It seems to only be a problem with the Playground. copy from Resource to Documents works fine in the app itself.
some code to test within the playground...
let dirPaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory,.userDomainMask, true)
let docsDir = dirPaths[0]
let destPath = (docsDir as NSString).appendingPathComponent("/data.sqlite")
let fileMgr = FileManager.default
let srcPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "data", ofType:"sqlite")
// This copies the data.sqlite file from Resources to Documents
// ** However in the playground, only a symlink is generated
do {
try fileMgr.copyItem(atPath: srcPath!, toPath: destPath)
} catch let error {
print("Error (during copy): \(error.localizedDescription)")
Rod, It's too late but, I figure this out.
I add one playground to my project in the same workspace
To make the playground works with my project, I create a framework
I added the Store.db file to the framework target
I haven't added the Store.db to the Playground as a Resource
Swift 3
#testable import MyAppAsFramework
func copyMockDBToDocumentsFolder(dbPath: String) {
let localDBName = "Store.db"
let documentPath = dbPath / localDBName
let dbFile = Bundle(for: MyAppAsFrameworkSomeClass.self).path(forResource: localDBName.deletingPathExtension, ofType: localDBName.pathExtension)
FileManager.copyFile(dbFile, toFolderPath: documentPath)
copyMockDBToDocumentsFolder(dbPath: "The documents path")
Things like / copyFile(x) and the others are operator overloads and extensions
extension String {
public var pathExtension: String {
get {
return (self as NSString).pathExtension
public var deletingPathExtension: String {
get {
return (self as NSString).deletingPathExtension
public func appendingPath(_ path: String) -> String {
let nsSt = self as NSString
return nsSt.appendingPathComponent(path)
infix operator / : MultiplicationPrecedence
public func / (left: String, right: String) -> String {
return left.appendingPath(right)
extension FileManager {
class func copyFile(_ filePath: String?, toFolderPath: String?) -> Bool {
guard let file = filePath else { return false }
guard let toFolder = toFolderPath else { return false }
var posibleError: NSError?
do {
try FileManager.default.copyItem(atPath: file, toPath:toFolder)
} catch let error as NSError {
posibleError = error
print("CAN'T COPY \(error.localizedDescription)")
return posibleError == nil

Getting alias path of file in swift

I'm having trouble resolving the alias link on mac. I'm checking if the file is an alias and then I would want to receive the original path. Instead I'm only getting a File-Id.
Anly ideas?
func isFinderAlias(path:String) -> Bool? {
var isAlias:Bool? = false // Initialize result var.
// Create a CFURL instance for the given filesystem path.
// This should never fail, because the existence isn't verified at this point.
// Note: No need to call CFRelease(fUrl) later, because Swift auto-memory-manages CoreFoundation objects.
print("path before \(path)");
let fUrl = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(nil, path, CFURLPathStyle.CFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false)
print("path furl \(fUrl)");
// Allocate void pointer - no need for initialization,
// it will be assigned to by CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey() below.
let ptrPropVal = UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>.alloc(1)
// Call the CoreFoundation function that copies the desired information as
// a CFBoolean to newly allocated memory that prt will point to on return.
if CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey(fUrl, kCFURLIsAliasFileKey, ptrPropVal, nil) {
// Extract the Bool value from the memory allocated.
isAlias = UnsafePointer<CFBoolean>(ptrPropVal).memory as Bool
// it will be assigned to by CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey() below.
let ptrDarwin = UnsafeMutablePointer<DarwinBoolean>.alloc(1)
if ((isAlias) == true){
if let bookmark = CFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFile(kCFAllocatorDefault, fUrl, nil){
let url = CFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkData(kCFAllocatorDefault, bookmark.takeRetainedValue(), CFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions.CFBookmarkResolutionWithoutMountingMask, nil, nil, ptrDarwin, nil)
print("getting the path \(url)")
// Since the CF*() call contains the word "Copy", WE are responsible
// for destroying (freeing) the memory.
// Deallocate the pointer
return isAlias
Both Answers are correct!
I would choose the answer of mklement0 due to the originally not stated requirement that the code run on 10.9 which makes it more flexible
This is a solution using NSURL.
It expects an NSURL object as parameter and returns either the original path if the url is an alias or nil.
func resolveFinderAlias(url:NSURL) -> String? {
var isAlias : AnyObject?
do {
try url.getResourceValue(&isAlias, forKey: NSURLIsAliasFileKey)
if isAlias as! Bool {
do {
let original = try NSURL(byResolvingAliasFileAtURL: url, options: NSURLBookmarkResolutionOptions())
return original.path!
} catch let error as NSError {
} catch _ {}
return nil
Swift 3:
func resolveFinderAlias(at url: URL) -> String? {
do {
let resourceValues = try url.resourceValues(forKeys: [.isAliasFileKey])
if resourceValues.isAliasFile! {
let original = try URL(resolvingAliasFileAt: url)
return original.path
} catch {
return nil
Be aware to provide appropriate entitlements if the function is called in a sandboxed environment.
vadian's answer works great on OS X 10.10+.
Here's an implementation that also works on OS X 10.9:
// OSX 10.9+
// Resolves a Finder alias to its full target path.
// If the given path is not a Finder alias, its *own* full path is returned.
// If the input path doesn't exist or any other error occurs, nil is returned.
func resolveFinderAlias(path: String) -> String? {
let fUrl = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: path)
var targetPath:String? = nil
if (fUrl.fileReferenceURL() != nil) { // item exists
do {
// Get information about the file alias.
// If the file is not an alias files, an exception is thrown
// and execution continues in the catch clause.
let data = try NSURL.bookmarkDataWithContentsOfURL(fUrl)
// NSURLPathKey contains the target path.
let rv = NSURL.resourceValuesForKeys([ NSURLPathKey ], fromBookmarkData: data)
targetPath = rv![NSURLPathKey] as! String?
} catch {
// We know that the input path exists, but treating it as an alias
// file failed, so we assume it's not an alias file and return its
// *own* full path.
targetPath = fUrl.path
return targetPath
Unlike vadian's solution, this will return a value even for non-alias files, namely that file's own full path, and takes a path string rather than a NSURL instance as input.
vadian's solution requires appropriate entitlements in order to use the function in a sandboxed application/environment. It seems that this one at least doesn't need that to the same extent, as it will run in an Xcode Playground, unlike vadian's solution. If someone can shed light on this, please help.
Either solution, however, does run in a shell script with shebang line #!/usr/bin/env swift.
If you want to explicitly test whether a given path is a Finder alias, see this answer, which is derived from vadian's, but due to its narrower focus also runs on 10.9.
Here's a Swift 3 implementation, based largely on vadian's approach. My idea is to return a file URL, so I effectively combine it with fileURLWithPath. It's an NSURL class extension because I need to be able to call into it from existing Objective-C code:
extension NSURL {
class func fileURL(path:String, resolveAlias yn:Bool) -> URL {
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path)
if !yn {
return url
do {
let vals = try url.resourceValues(forKeys: [.isAliasFileKey])
if let isAlias = vals.isAliasFile {
if isAlias {
let original = try URL(resolvingAliasFileAt: url)
return original
} catch {
return url // give up
return url // really give up
URL variant I need to return nil (not an alias or error) else original - Swift4
func resolvedFinderAlias() -> URL? {
if (self.fileReferenceURL() != nil) { // item exists
do {
// Get information about the file alias.
// If the file is not an alias files, an exception is thrown
// and execution continues in the catch clause.
let data = try NSURL.bookmarkData(withContentsOf: self as URL)
// NSURLPathKey contains the target path.
let rv = NSURL.resourceValues(forKeys: [ URLResourceKey.pathKey ], fromBookmarkData: data)
var urlString = rv![URLResourceKey.pathKey] as! String
if !urlString.hasPrefix("file://") {
urlString = "file://" + urlString
return URL.init(string: urlString)
} catch {
// We know that the input path exists, but treating it as an alias
// file failed, so we assume it's not an alias file so return nil.
return nil
return nil

Get mounted volumes list with Swift?

Does anyone know how to get a list of all removable volumes mounted with Swift?
I've already tried this, but it return a list of all files and subfolders of external drivers:
let filemanager:NSFileManager = NSFileManager()
let files = filemanager.enumeratorAtPath("/Volumes")
while let file = files?.nextObject() {
menu.addItem(NSMenuItem(title: file as! String, action: Selector(""), keyEquivalent: ""))
This prints the list of all mounted volumes:
let filemanager = NSFileManager()
let keys = [NSURLVolumeNameKey, NSURLVolumeIsRemovableKey, NSURLVolumeIsEjectableKey]
let paths = filemanager.mountedVolumeURLsIncludingResourceValuesForKeys(keys, options: nil)
if let urls = paths as? [NSURL] {
for url in urls {
You can of course filter to get only the paths inside the "Volumes" directory:
let filemanager = NSFileManager()
let keys = [NSURLVolumeNameKey, NSURLVolumeIsRemovableKey, NSURLVolumeIsEjectableKey]
let paths = filemanager.mountedVolumeURLsIncludingResourceValuesForKeys(keys, options: nil)
if let urls = paths as? [NSURL] {
for url in urls {
if url.relativePath?.pathComponents.count > 1 {
if url.relativePath?.pathComponents[1] == "Volumes" {
And with Swift 2 there's two differences: pass [] instead of nil for the filemanager's options, and there's no need to cast the array of NSURLs:
let filemanager = NSFileManager()
let keys = [NSURLVolumeNameKey, NSURLVolumeIsRemovableKey, NSURLVolumeIsEjectableKey]
let paths = filemanager.mountedVolumeURLsIncludingResourceValuesForKeys(keys, options: [])
if let urls = paths {
for url in urls {
if url.relativePath?.pathComponents.count > 1 {
if url.relativePath?.pathComponents[1] == "Volumes" {
Update for Swift 2.1
let keys = [NSURLVolumeNameKey, NSURLVolumeIsRemovableKey, NSURLVolumeIsEjectableKey]
let paths = NSFileManager().mountedVolumeURLsIncludingResourceValuesForKeys(keys, options: [])
if let urls = paths {
for url in urls {
if let components = url.pathComponents
where components.count > 1
&& components[1] == "Volumes" {
Update for Swift 3
let keys: [URLResourceKey] = [.volumeNameKey, .volumeIsRemovableKey, .volumeIsEjectableKey]
let paths = FileManager().mountedVolumeURLs(includingResourceValuesForKeys: keys, options: [])
if let urls = paths {
for url in urls {
let components = url.pathComponents
if components.count > 1
&& components[1] == "Volumes"
On Unix systems a filesystem object with a system file number of 2 is a mount, regardless of a remote (nfs, smb, afp) or a local mount.
Here's an example:
let path = "/System/Volumes/Preboot"
let systemAttributes = try FileManager.default.attributesOfItem(atPath: String(describing: path))
if let fileSystemFileNumber = systemAttributes[.systemFileNumber] as? NSNumber {
print("System File Number: \(fileSystemFileNumber)")
So maybe this could be a short way to find mounts
let keys: [URLResourceKey] = [
let manager = FileManager.default.mountedVolumeURLs(includingResourceValuesForKeys: keys)
if let urls = manager {
This code is working fine for MacOS, however on the iOS side it always returns nil. Is there any known workaround?

Cocoa/Swift: Loop through names of folder in path

I'm currently programming an os x application with swift, but I can't figure how to loop through or even get the names of all folders at a certain path. Maybe something with fm.enumeratorAtPath?
I use enumeratorAtURL. Here's some code that shows an example of how to print the directories in the user's home directory.
if let dirURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: NSHomeDirectory()) {
let keys = [NSURLIsDirectoryKey, NSURLLocalizedNameKey]
let fileManager = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
let enumerator = fileManager.enumeratorAtURL(
includingPropertiesForKeys: keys,
options: (NSDirectoryEnumerationOptions.SkipsPackageDescendants |
NSDirectoryEnumerationOptions.SkipsSubdirectoryDescendants |
errorHandler: {(url, error) -> Bool in
return true
while let element = enumerator?.nextObject() as? NSURL {
var getter: AnyObject?
element.getResourceValue(&getter, forKey: NSURLIsDirectoryKey, error: nil)
let isDirectory = getter! as Bool
element.getResourceValue(&getter, forKey: NSURLLocalizedNameKey, error: nil)
let itemName = getter! as String
if isDirectory {
println("\(itemName) is a directory in \(dirURL.absoluteString)")
//do something with element here.

Get App Name in Swift

How do I get the application name in Swift?
Googling gave me this:
[[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:#"CFBundleName"];
I converted it to Swift; error - method doesn't exist:
This should work:
NSBundle.mainBundle().infoDictionary!["CFBundleName"] as! String
infoDictionary is declared as a var infoDictionary: [NSObject : AnyObject]! so you have to unwrap it, access it as a Swift dictionary (rather than use objectForKey), and, as the result is an AnyObject, cast it.
Update Swift 3 (Xcode 8 beta 2)
Always better to use constants (and optionals) where possible, too:
Bundle.main.infoDictionary?[kCFBundleNameKey as String] as? String
I believe this solution is more elegant. What's more, using object(forInfoDictionaryKey:) is encouraged by Apple:
"Use of this method is preferred over other access methods because it returns the localized value of a key when one is available."
extension Bundle {
var displayName: String? {
return object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundleDisplayName") as? String
Accessing bundle display name:
if let displayName = Bundle.main.displayName {
I have created a simple extension to get the app name that is shown under the icon on the Home screen.
By default, apps only have CFBundleName set. Some apps, however, set CFBundleDisplayName (The user-visible name of the bundle) to change the title under the app icon. Adding spaces is often the case, e.g. bundle name "ExampleApp" could have bundle display name set to "Example App".
extension Bundle {
// Name of the app - title under the icon.
var displayName: String? {
return object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundleDisplayName") as? String ??
object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundleName") as? String
let appName = Bundle.main.displayName
Same answer in Swift 4.2
extension Bundle {
class var applicationName: String {
if let displayName: String = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleDisplayName"] as? String {
return displayName
} else if let name: String = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleName"] as? String {
return name
return "No Name Found"
you can use it like below
OR, An other way would be to avoid static or class method or property but to add to instance level.
extension Bundle {
var applicationName: String {
if let displayName: String = self.infoDictionary?["CFBundleDisplayName"] as? String {
return displayName
} else if let name: String = self.infoDictionary?["CFBundleName"] as? String {
return name
return "No Name Found"
and all it like following
Hope this helps :)
Swift 4
let appName = Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundleDisplayName") as! String
simple way:
let appName = NSBundle.mainBundle().infoDictionary?[kCFBundleNameKey as String] as? String
convenient way:
extension NSBundle {
class func mainInfoDictionary(key: CFString) -> String? {
return self.mainBundle().infoDictionary?[key as String] as? String
kCFBundleNameKey – Standard Info.plist key, see more in CFBundle
// Returns app's name
public static var appDisplayName: String? {
if let bundleDisplayName = Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundleDisplayName") as? String {
return bundleDisplayName
} else if let bundleName = Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundleName") as? String {
return bundleName
return nil
let appDisplayName = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleName"] as? String
It's optional, so put it in if let or guard statement.
All answers that just return CFBundleName will often not return the name the user expects, as if bundles have a CFBundleDisplayName, then this key is displayed by Finder, system frameworks, and most other apps.
Most answers just directly access the info dictionary but info dictionaries can be localized by string files and when accessing them directly, this localization is also ignored and thus again a wrong name may be returned, as Finder will display the localized name.
While CFBundleDisplayName is optional in Info.plist files, CFBundleName actually isn't, but if you forget to add it, nothing will break in your system, so you have a corrupt info dict, yet most users will probably never notice and in that case the code most answers may not return anything meaningful at all.
Here's my solution (Swift 3):
func stripFileExtension ( _ filename: String ) -> String {
var components = filename.components(separatedBy: ".")
guard components.count > 1 else { return filename }
return components.joined(separator: ".")
func nameOfApp ( ) -> String {
let bundle = Bundle.main
if let name = bundle.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundleDisplayName")
?? bundle.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: kCFBundleNameKey as String),
let stringName = name as? String
{ return stringName }
let bundleURL = bundle.bundleURL
let filename = bundleURL.lastPathComponent
return stripFileExtension(filename)
How is this solution better?
It will check CFBundleDisplayName first and only fall back to CFBundleName if not present.
The object() method always operates on the localized version of the info dictionary, so if a localization exists, it will automatically be used.
If neither CFBundleDisplayName nor CFBundleName exist in the dictionary, the code falls back to just using the bundle filename on disk without the extension (so "My Cool" will be "My Cool App"), this is a fallback so that this function will never return nil.
This one works for me in Swift 4.2
guard let dictionary = Bundle.main.infoDictionary else { return "" }
if let version: String = dictionary["CFBundleDisplayName"] as? String {
return version
} else {
return ""
This is what worked for me in Xcode 11.0 and Swift 5
let bundleID = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier
let bundleInfoDict: NSDictionary = Bundle.main.infoDictionary! as NSDictionary
let appName = bundleInfoDict["CFBundleName"] as! String
This should be more like what you are looking for:
let infoDictionary: NSDictionary = NSBundle.mainBundle().infoDictionary as NSDictionary!
let appName: NSString = infoDictionary.objectForKey("CFBundleName") as NSString
NSLog("Name \(appName)")
There may still be a better way to do this but it at least returns the app name correctly in my very limited testing...
Try this:
extension Bundle {
var displayName: String {
let name = object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundleDisplayName") as? String
return name ?? object(forInfoDictionaryKey: kCFBundleNameKey as String) as! String
let bundleInfoDict: NSDictionary = NSBundle.mainBundle().infoDictionary!
let appName = bundleInfoDict["CFBundleName"] as String
This one works perfect for me
let appName = NSBundle.mainBundle().objectForInfoDictionaryKey("CFBundleDisplayName") as! String
For swift 5, iOS 13*
As mentioned before, it‘s an optional, so put it in a guard statement. I do this using a struct:
struct Model {
struct ProgVariablen{
static var appBundleName:String {
get {guard Bundle.main.infoDictionary != nil else {return ""}
return Bundle.main.infoDictionary!["CFBundleName"] as! String
}//end get
}//end computed property
static var appBundleShortVersion:String {
get {guard Bundle.main.infoDictionary != nil else {return ""}
return Bundle.main.infoDictionary ["CFBundleShortVersionString"] as! String
}//end get
}//end computed property
static var appBundleBuild:String {
get {guard Bundle.main.infoDictionary != nil else {return ""}
return Bundle.main.infoDictionary["CFBundleVersion"] as! String
}//end get
}//end computed property
//initialsieren der Variablen
// do here nothing for 'let'
// do here nothing for 'computed properties'
// your other ‘var’ are here like:
// ProgVariablen.var1 = var1
}//end init
}//end struct ProgVariablen
}//end struct Model
print("Model.ProgVariablen.appBundleName: '\(Model.ProgVariablen.appBundleName)'")
extension NSApplication {
static var name: String {
Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: kCFBundleNameKey as String) as? String ?? ProcessInfo.processInfo.processName
// Bundle+appName.swift
extension Bundle {
var appName: String {
object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundleDisplayName") as? String ??
object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundleName") as? String ??
// Usage (non optional)
let appName = Bundle.main.appName
Try this one,
let bundleID = NSBundle.mainBundle().bundleIdentifier
