How to set an Elasticsearch output template in Logstash - elasticsearch

I’m relatively new to Kibana and the ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) stack and I’ve been doing pretty well setting one up, but I have run into what I see as an odd issue and need some help understanding what’s happening.
I’m using the ELK stack to crunch some Apache logs but I have my own custom type settings. So I need to explicitly specify field types and such instead of having Logstash (or is it Kibana?) guess what the data mapping would be.
From reading the Logstash documentation, it seems pretty clear that I can set the template value in the output.elasticsearch chunk of config shown here:
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => "logstash-apache"
document_id => "%{[#metadata][fingerprint]}"
manage_template => false
template => "/path/to/logstash/logstash-apache.json"
template_name => "logstash-apache"
template_overwrite => true
stdout {
codec => rubydebug
100% sure I have the correct path set. But for some reason, if I use this, launch Logstash and let it do it’s things, the mappings I have specified in logstash-apache.json don’t show up. The index in Kibana is logstash-apache as well so this should work right?
So what I do now is preload the mappings template directly into Elasticsearch like this:
curl -ss -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/_template/logstash-apache/" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d #"/path/to/logstash/logstash-apache.json";
And it clearly works well and the data gets proper mapping… But doing something like this is fairly clunky. It would be cleaner to just have it all come from the logstash-apache.conf file I have setup.
So what am I doing wrong? What can I do to have my custom mappings template be used via that logstash-apache.conf without having to jump through the extra hoop of a curl command?

The problem is that you have set manage_template to false, which completely disables this template creation feature and requires you to create the template manually like you're doing right now.
So your output section should look like this instead and you should be good to go:
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => "logstash-apache"
document_id => "%{[#metadata][fingerprint]}"
manage_template => true <-- change this line
template => "/path/to/logstash/logstash-apache.json"
template_name => "logstash-apache"
template_overwrite => true


update multiple records in elastic using logstash

Hi guy i have issue with updating multiple records in elastic using logstash.
My logstash configuration is bellow
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "******"
user => "xxxxx"
password => "yyyyyy"
index => "index_name"
document_type => "doc_type"
action => "update"
script_lang => "painless"
script_type => "inline"
document_id => "%{Id}"
script => 'ctx._source.Tags = params.event.get("Tags");'
My output to logstash dump folder looks like:
{"index_name":"feed_name","doc_type":"doc_type","Id":["b504d808-f82d-4eaa-b192-446ec0ba487f", "1bcbc54f-fa7a-4079-90e7-71da527f56a5"],"es_action":"update","Tags": ["tag1","tag2"]}
My biggest issue here is that I am not able to update those two recods at once but I need to create two records each with different ID.
Is there a why to solve this by writing query in my output configuration?
In sql that would look someting like this:
Update Table
SET Tags
WHERE ID in (guid1, guid2)
I know that in this case I can add two records in logstash and problem solved but I need to solve second issue where I need to replace all records that have one tag1 and give it newTag.
Have you considered to use the split filter in order to clone the event in events with one id each one? It seems the filter can help you.

Create index in kibana without using kibana

I'm very new to the elasticsearch-kibana-logstash and can't seem to find solution for this one.
I'm trying to create index that I will see in kibana without having to use the POST command in Dev Tools section.
I have set test.conf-
input {
file {
path => "/home/user/logs/server.log"
type => "test-type"
start_position => "beginning"
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => "new-index"
and then
bin/logstash -f test.conf from logstash directory
what i get is that I can't find the new-index in kibana (index patterns section), when I use elasticsearch - http://localhost:9200/new-index/ it presents an error and when I go to http://localhost:9600/ (the port it's showing) it doesn't seem to have any errors
Thanks a lot for the help!!
It's obvious that you won't be able to find the index which you've created using logstash in Kibana, unless you're manually creating it there within the Managemen section of Kibana.
Make sure, that you have the same name of the indice which you created using logstash. Have a look at the doc, which conveys:
When you define an index pattern, indices that match that pattern must
exist in Elasticsearch. Those indices must contain data.
which pretty much says that the indice should exist for you to create the index in Kibana. Hope it helps!
I have actually succeeded to create index even without first creating it in Kibana
I used the following config file -
input {
file {
path => "/home/hadar/tmp/logs/server.log"
type => "test-type"
id => "NEWTRY"
start_position => "beginning"
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{YEAR:year}-%{MONTHNUM:month}-%{MONTHDAY:day} %{HOUR:hour}:%{MINUTE:minute}:%{SECOND:second} - %{LOGLEVEL:level} - %{WORD:scriptName}.%{WORD:scriptEND} - " }
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => "new-index"
codec => line { format => "%{year}-%{month}-%{day} %{hour}:%{minute}:%{second} - %{level} - %{scriptName}.%{scriptEND} - \"%{message}\"" }
I made sure that the index wasn't already in Kibana (I tried with other indexes names too just to be sure...) and eventually I did see the index with the log's info in both Kibana (I added it in the index pattern section) and Elasticsearch when I went to http://localhost:9200/new-index
The only thing I should have done was to erase the .sincedb_XXX files which are created under data/plugins/inputs/file/ after every Logstash run
the other solution (for tests environment only) is to add sincedb_path=>"/dev/null" to the input file plugin which indicates to not create the .sincedb_XXX file
You can create directly index in elastic search using
and these indices can be used in Kibana.

Logstash single input and multiple output

I have configured logstash to get input from one filebeat port.
Filebeat configured with two different paths. is it possible to display logs to two different index?
Logstash input part:
type => "stack"
port => 5044
Filebeat input part :
- E://stack/**/*.txt
- E://test/**/*.txt
Now i need to display "stack" in one index and "test" in other index.
How to configure logstash output part?
What you can do is to use the knowledge of the type property in order to decide in which index to store the log being processed.
So your elasticsearch output could simply look like this, i.e. depending on the type value, the selected index will be different.
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
manage_template => false
index => "%{type}"

JSON parser in logstash ignoring data?

I've been at this a while now, and I feel like the JSON filter in logstash is removing data for me. I originally followed the tutorial from
I've made some changes, but it's mostly the same. My grok filter looks like this:
uuid #uuid and fingerprint to avoid duplicates
target => "#uuid"
overwrite => true
key => "78787878"
concatenate_sources => true
grok #Get device name from the name of the log
match => { "source" => "%{GREEDYDATA}%{IPV4:DEVICENAME}%{GREEDYDATA}" }
grok #get all the other data from the log
match => { "message" => "%{NUMBER:unixTime}..." }
date #Set the unix times to proper times.
match => [ "unixTime","UNIX" ]
target => "TIMESTAMP"
grok #Split up the message if it can
source => "MSG_END"
target => "JSON"
So the bit causing problems is the bottom, I think. My gork stuff should all be correct. When I run this config, I see everything in kibana displayed correctly, except for all the logs which would have JSON code in them (not all of the logs have JSON). When I run it again without the JSON filter it displays everything.
I've tried to use a IF statement so that it only runs the JSON filter if it contains JSON code, but that didn't solve anything.
However, when I added a IF statement to only run a specific JSON format (So, if MSG_START = x, y or z then MSG_END will have a different json format. In this case lets say I'm only parsing the z format), then in kibana I would see all the logs that contain x and y JSON format (not parsed though), but it won't show z. So i'm sure it must be something to do with how I'm using the JSON filter.
Also, whenever I want to test with new data I started clearing old data in elasticsearch so that if it works I know it's my logstash that's working and not just running of memory from elasticsearch. I've done this using XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/logstash-*/'. But logstash won't make new indexes in elasticsearch unless I provide filebeat with new logs. I don't know if this is another problem or not, just thought I should mention it.
I hope that all makes sense.
EDIT: I just check the logstash.stdout file, it turns out it is parsing the json, but it's only showing things with "_jsonparsefailure" in kibana so something must be going wrong with Elastisearch. Maybe. I don't know, just brainstorming :)
1452470936.88 1448975468.00 1 7 mfd_status 000E91DCB5A2 load {"up":[38,1.66,0.40,0.13],"mem":[967364,584900,3596,116772],"cpu":[1299,812,1791,3157,480,144],"cpu_dvfs":[996,1589,792,871,396,1320],"cpu_op":[996,50]}
MSG_START is load, MSG_END is everything after in the above example, so MSG_END is valid JSON that I want to parse.
The log bellow has no JSON in it, but my logstash will try to parse everything after "Inf:" and send out a "_jsonparsefailure".
1452470931.56 1448975463.00 1 6 02:11:03.301 Inf: NOSApp: UpdateSplashScreen not implemented on this platform
Also this is my output in logstash, since I feel like that is important now:
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
document_id => "%{fingerprint}"
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
I experienced a similar issue and found that some of my logs were using a UTC time/date stamp and others were not.
Fixed the code to use exclusively UTC and sorted the issue for me.
I asked this question: Logstash output from json parser not being sent to elasticsearch
later on, and it has more relevant information on it, maybe a better answer if anyone ever has a similar problem to me you can check out that link.

To copy an index from one machine to another in elasticsearch

I have some indexes in one of my machines. I need to copy them to another machine, how can i do that in elasticsearch.
I did get some good documentation here, but since im an newbie to elasticsearch ecosystem and since im toying with lesser data indices, I thought I would use some plugins or ways which would be less time consuming.
I would use Logstash with an elasticsearch input plugin and an elasticsearch output plugin.
After installing Logstash, you can create a configuration file copy.conf that looks like this:
input {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "localhost:9200" <--- source ES host
index => "source_index"
filter {
mutate {
remove_field => [ "#version", "#timestamp" ] <--- remove added junk
output {
elasticsearch {
host => "localhost" <--- target ES host
port => 9200
protocol => "http"
manage_template => false
index => "target_index"
document_id => "%{id}" <--- name of your ID field
workers => 1
And then after setting the correct values (source/target host + source/target index), you can run this with bin/logstash -f copy.conf
I can see 3 options here
Snapshot/Restore - You can move your data across geographical locations.
Logstash reindex - As pointed out by Val
Stream2ES - This is a more simpler solution
You can use Snapshot and restore feature as well, where you can take snapshot (backup) of one index and then can Restore to somewhere else.
Just have a look at
