Spring boot exception handler : throw an exception - spring

Using this works fine
#ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)
#ExceptionHandler(value = IoTException.class)
public void IoTError() {
But when I try to convert to another homemade exception
#ExceptionHandler(value = IoTException.class)
public void IoTError() {
throw new IoTConnectionException();
Exception handler is ignored, i.e. IoTException are sent to the view without being converted to IoTConnectionException. But placing a breakpoint showed me enter the IoTError method.
Any idea why ? Thanks :)

The docs about exception handling state:
If an exception occurs during request mapping or is thrown from a request handler such as an #Controller, the DispatcherServlet delegates to a chain of HandlerExceptionResolver beans to resolve the exception and provide alternative handling, which typically is an error response.
At the point where you are throwing the IoT exception, the delegation to the chain of HandlerExceptionResolver has already been taken place and it will not be executed again. If this exception would trigger another exception handling dispatch it could cause exception cycles. Imagine you would have defined another exception handler method for IoTConnectionException and this would throw IoTException. You would end with a StackOverflowException.
In this section Docs Exception handler methods all supported return values of an exception handler method are described.


Can not handle JDBCConnectionException in spring rest with custom exception handler

I use a global exception handler in my spring rest app and I would like to hide jdbc exceptions, but it doesn't work as expected. I shut down the database to force a connection exception and I can see the following exception in the log and I receive the default spring error response, but not the one I defined in the exception handler
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not resolve parameter [1] in public org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<java.lang.Object> ...
throws java.io.IOException: No suitable resolver
Here's the code.
public class CustomGlobalExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler {
public ResponseEntity<Object> dbError(JDBCConnectionException exception,
HttpHeaders headers,
HttpStatus status,
WebRequest request) throws IOException
Map<String,Object> body = new HashMap<>();
body.put("message", "internal failure");
body.put("time", new Date().toString());
return new ResponseEntity<>(body, headers, status);
Hope you can help me.
I've found the failure...spring can not resolve these two parameters, for that kind of exception.
HttpHeaders headers,
HttpStatus status
It's obviouse the exception mentioned paramter [1]
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not resolve parameter [1] in public org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<java.lang.Object> ...
throws java.io.IOException: No suitable resolver
I removed these two parameters and the exception handler handles the exception.
This code works now
public ResponseEntity<Object> dbError(Exception ex,
WebRequest request)
Map<String,Object> body = new HashMap<>();
body.put("message", "internal failure");
body.put("time", new Date().toString());
return new ResponseEntity<Object>(body, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
As the annotation implies #ControllerAdvice is used as an extension on your REST endpoints, these exception handlers will process the exception for the REST API and does not influence how it is logged in the console. It will instead determine how exceptions are reported to your end users and allow you to write concise error messages without leaking information about your program.
If you want to completely catch an exception and not only for the REST API take a look at this blog.
However I would not recommend doing this since this will greatly reduce the information available to you as a developer, this information cannot be seen by end users and therefore the REST API custom exception should provide enough abstraction.
I hope this helps you.

How Runtime Exceptions are handled by Spring ExceptionHandler

I am using spring's #ControllerAdvice and #ExceptionHandler for exception handling.
Any method throws custom exception from Controller and corresponding #ExceptionHandler handle it. If Runtime exception occurs(eg any HibernateException) then it will throw Runtime Exception and I dont have any #ExceptionHandler for RuntimeExceptions.
My question is how to handle any runtime exception? do I need to add #ExceptionHandler for every Exception that is thrown by controller?
I dont want create an Generic ExceptionHandler for Exception.class because I have to send different error code according to exception occured.
one way to do it add try catch block in Controller and then throw the custom exception from catch block?
or is there any another better way?
All #ExceptionHandlers are inside #ControllerAdvice class.
the alternative is don't catch Exception in Controller. catch all Exception in service layer and throw a custom Exception eg. if you persisting a record failed, throw DatabaseException with message. see below method:
Student persist(Student object){
}catch(HibernateException e){
throw new DatabaseException("database operation failed!");
return student;
from you exception handler method you can get the message. this way you can set different message on different Exception.

How to handle HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException by writing error content to the response body using exception handler annotation?

When a client request for a resource producing application/json content with Accept Header of application/xml. The request fails with HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException exception and is wrapped into error message body in the response entity object by using exception handler annotation as mentioned in below code. However, we receive HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException again when return values are written to the response with HttpMessageConverter. It is because it checks the producible content type for the response with the acceptable request type, but this is exactly something we are trying to communicate to the client using error message. How do I workaround this issue ? Btw, all the other exceptions are parsing fine to error message. Please advise.
public class RestExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler {
protected ResponseEntity<Object> handleExceptionInternal(Exception ex, Object body,
HttpHeaders headers, HttpStatus status, WebRequest request) {
// Setting the response content type to json
return ResponseEntity.status(status).headers(headers).body(body);
A few options come to my mind. One is that your controller method produces all content types and then you throw an exception in your method if the content type is not the one you are expecting, then the exception handler can take this exception and transform it. This is the only one that works with exception handlers, as exception handlers only deal with exceptions produced in the controller method.
The other options are:
Use an interceptor (but I'm not sure if this will work, as Spring might try to resolve first the controller method rather than invoking the interceptors).
Extend RequestMappingHandlerMapping to call the exception handler if it doesn't find a suitable method. You'll probably need to override the method handleNoMatch. In there you'll need to get a reference to the list of HandlerExceptionResolver
The first one is the simplest to understand, and the latest one might be the most 'extensible', but it also requires some understanding of the internals of Spring.
Resolved by setting different content negotiation strategy FixedContentNegotiationStrategy for ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver and HeaderContentNegotiationStrategy for RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor.
I have been using a serialized enum-based response (enum annotated with jackson #JsonFormat(shape = Shape.OBJECT) to standardize the error messages in my exception handler class and faced the same issue when it caught with a HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException.
The workaround is to set the media type you expect to return directly to the builder method available in the ResponseEntity.
The below code works fine for me.
public final ResponseEntity<ResponseMessagesEnum> handleHttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException(
HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException e, HttpServletRequest request) {
logger.error("No acceptable representation found for [{}] | supported {}", request.getHeader("Accept"), e.getSupportedMediaTypes());
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST).contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)

ASP.NET MVC 3. Avoid generating 'System.Web.HttpException', in calls to partial views

I have a filter for exceptions ExceptionHandlingAttribute:
public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
filters.Add(new ExceptionHandlingAttribute());
When an exception occurs we do a log by policies exceptionHandling / exceptionPolicies in our web.config and we replace the exception by a generic exception for the client and it is directed to Error.cshtml.
But when a business exception occurs BusinessException, the message of the exception is shown directly without log and without replace.
My problem is as follows, When generating an exception BusinessException in a partial view, and we call it by Html.RenderAction, It also generates the exception System.Web.HttpException. The last exception System.Web.HttpException is replaced, registered, and I can not show the exception BusinessException.
How can I for which to generate the exception BusinessException, will send directly to Error.cshtml and the System.Web.HttpException exception is not generated in the view that calls the partial view?
Thank you.

Exception handler for REST controller in spring

I want to handle exceptions so the URL information is automatically shown to the client. Is there an easy way to do this?
<bean id="outboundExceptionAdapter" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerExceptionResolver">
<!-- what property to set here? -->
You have two choices:
Spring Reference 15.9.1 HandlerExceptionResolver
Spring HandlerExceptionResolvers ease the pain of unexpected
exceptions that occur while your request is handled by a controller
that matched the request. HandlerExceptionResolvers somewhat resemble
the exception mappings you can define in the web application
descriptor web.xml. However, they provide a more flexible way to
handle exceptions. They provide information about which handler was
executing when the exception was thrown. Furthermore, a programmatic
way of handling exceptions gives you more options for responding
appropriately before the request is forwarded to another URL (the same
end result as when you use the servlet specific exception mappings).
The HandlerExceptionResolver has one method, containing everything you need:
HandlerExceptionResolver.resolveException(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
Object handler, Exception ex)
Or if you need different handlers for different controllers: Spring Reference Chapter 15.9.2 #ExceptionHandler
public String handleIOException(IOException ex, HttpServletRequest request) {
return "every thing you asked for: " + request;
Short question short answer
I'm doing the following trick:
public ModelAndView handleMyException(Exception exception) {
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("redirect:errorMessage?error="+exception.getMessage());
return mv;
#RequestMapping(value="/errorMessage", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String handleMyExceptionOnRedirect(#RequestParamter("error") String error) {
return error;
Works flawless.
