Why spring create tow identical links for self and rel? - spring

I cannot get why spring create the same links for self and rel? Is there a way how to disable it? I think that this only my issue because I didn't meet such problem in docs I read.
Here is my entity mapping:
public class Ad {
private String id;
private String description;
private Banner banner;
public class Banner {
private String id;
private String filename;
Here is my repository:
public interface AdRepository extends CrudRepository<Ad, String> {
I touch the following url: http://localhost:8558/ads
I don't use any projections. My app is quite primitive now. There is nothing specific.
Thanks in advance!

My only guess is that maybe you're missing hashCode/equals and that's causing a problem

This is by design. The rel-based link allows you to see all contexts, while self link serves as the canonical link.
To further clarify, adjust your repository definition to extend not CrudRepository, but instead PagingAndSortingRepository. The two links rendered for each aggregate root will immediately look slightly different due to extended templating options.


JaversException PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND: Property in derived class not found in abstract class

I have a model looking something like this:
public abstract class InputFormGroup
String id;
String name;
String text;
String type;
public class SimpleInputFormGroup extends InputFormGroup
InputControl inputControl;
InputFormAnswerRow answerRow;
public class InputFormPage
String id;
String name;
String title;
List<InputFormGroup> inputFormGroups = new LinkedList<>();
In effect I have a larger structure that in it has InputFormPages that has one or more InputFormGroups that can be of type SimpleInputFormGroup (and also other types that I have not included in this example).
Im using MongoRepository to persist them and everything looks very nice and I can query the changes on the Entity object and it all looks good.
The only time I have an issue is when I try to query with a path. In this example "..../inputFormPages/0/inputFormGroups/0/answerRow/answers/0".
Then I get the exception because the framework finds a list of InputFormGroup but then when it looks for answerRow in the abstract InputFormGroup base class it does naturally not find it. Is there some way to configure the model so the framework also looks in the derived classes for, in this case, the answerRow parameter? Of is it as simple as the framework doesn't support polymorphism in this way?
The error I got:
"JaversException PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND: Property 'answerRow' not found in class 'com.replior.ebrmockupbackend.model.InputFormGroup'. If the name is correct - check annotations. Properties with #DiffIgnore or #Transient are not visible for JaVers."
And the Query:
JqlQuery query = QueryBuilder.byValueObjectId(batch1.getId(),Batch.class,"inputForm/inputFormSteps/2/inputFormPages/0/inputFormGroups/0/answerRow/answers/0").withChangedProperty("value").build();
List<Change> changes = javers.findChanges(query);
And the version:
Appreciate any help I can get.
Link to project that exemplifies the issue:
Github project
This issue is fixed in JaVers 3.11.3

Sort feature in association endpoint in Spring Data Rest

I have the following two resources, and their association;
#Table(name = "Item")
public class Item {
#JoinColumn(name = "fk_wrapper")
private Wrapper wrapper;
private String id;
private Integer someValue;
#Table(name = "Wrapper")
public class Wrapper {
private String id;
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
#JoinColumn(name = "fk_wrapper")
private List<Item> items;
private String someField;
Then, first, I create a Wrapper;
POST http://localhost:8080/wrappers/
"someField": "asd"
http://localhost:8080/wrappers/1 created, then I create two Item's, linked to this Wrapper;
POST http://localhost:8080/items/
"someValue": "5",
"wrapper": "http://localhost:8080/wrappers/1"
POST http://localhost:8080/items/
"someValue": "7",
"wrapper": "http://localhost:8080/wrappers/1"
After all this, when I call the endpoint http://localhost:8080/wrappers/1/items, I get the list of these two items, as expected, but what the trouble is that, I cannot seem to have a sorting feature on this endpoint. I seem to be able to sort in http://localhost:8080/items endpoint, but while fetching with association, there doesn't seem to be a sorting feature. Is this lack of sorting is intended, or am I lacking some configuration?
P.S. when I create a custom search method, for example;
public interface ItemRepository extends JpaRepository<Item, String> {
List<Item> findByWrapper_Id(#Param("id") String id, Sort sort);
Then I can use the sorting with http://localhost:8080/items/search/findByWrapper_Id endpoint, but too ugly imo, considering there is already an auto-generated endpoint.
Spring Data Rest doesn't support sorting on the associations.
You seem to have already found the best way to do what you need, according to the Spring Data Rest team - create a query for fetching the data you need. That will indeed support both pagination and sorting.
The reason why it's not supported has to do with the time when the queries are made to fetch the main resource (before the association endpoints are built) and the facts that the association endpoint makes use of the the loaded entity associations directly and that for supporting sort, a new query would need to be made anyway.
More detailed information can be found here:

Spring Data Rest - sort by nested property

I have a database service using Spring Boot 1.5.1 and Spring Data Rest. I am storing my entities in a MySQL database, and accessing them over REST using Spring's PagingAndSortingRepository. I found this which states that sorting by nested parameters is supported, but I cannot find a way to sort by nested fields.
I have these classes:
#Entity(name = "Person")
#Table(name = "PERSON")
public class Person {
protected Address address;
#ManyToOne(targetEntity = Name.class, cascade = {
#JoinColumn(name = "NAME_PERSON_ID")
protected Name name;
protected Long id;
// Setter, getters, etc.
#Entity(name = "Name")
#Table(name = "NAME")
public class Name{
protected String firstName;
protected String lastName;
protected Long id;
// Setter, getters, etc.
For example, when using the method:
Page<Person> findByAddress_Id(#Param("id") String id, Pageable pageable);
And calling the URI http://localhost:8080/people/search/findByAddress_Id?id=1&sort=name_lastName,desc, the sort parameter is completely ignored by Spring.
The parameters sort=name.lastName and sort=nameLastName did not work either.
Am I forming the Rest request wrong, or missing some configuration?
Thank you!
The workaround I found is to create an extra read-only property for sorting purposes only. Building on the example above:
#Entity(name = "Person")
#Table(name = "PERSON")
public class Person {
// read only, for sorting purposes only
// #JsonIgnore // we can hide it from the clients, if needed
#RestResource(exported=false) // read only so we can map 2 fields to the same database column
#JoinColumn(name = "address_id", insertable = false, updatable = false)
private Address address;
// We still want the linkable association created to work as before so we manually override the relation and path
#RestResource(exported=true, rel="address", path="address")
private Address addressLink;
The drawback for the proposed workaround is that we now have to explicitly duplicate all the properties for which we want to support nested sorting.
LATER EDIT: another drawback is that we cannot hide the embedded property from the clients. In my original answer, I was suggesting we can add #JsonIgnore, but apparently that breaks the sort.
I debugged through that and it looks like the issue that Alan mentioned.
I found workaround that could help:
Create own controller, inject your repo and optionally projection factory (if you need projections). Implement get method to delegate call to your repository
public class PeopleController {
PersonRepository repository;
//PagedResourcesAssembler<MyDTO> resourceAssembler;
public Page<Person> getByAddress(#PathVariable("addressId") Long addressId, Pageable page) {
// spring doesn't spoil your sort here ...
Page<Person> page = repository.findByAddress_Id(addressId, page)
// optionally, apply projection
// to return DTO/specifically loaded Entity objects ...
// return type would be then PagedResources<Resource<MyDTO>>
// return resourceAssembler.toResource(page.map(...))
return page;
This works for me with 2.6.8.RELEASE; the issue seems to be in all versions.
From Spring Data REST documentation:
Sorting by linkable associations (that is, links to top-level resources) is not supported.
An alternative that I found was use #ResResource(exported=false).
This is not valid (expecially for legacy Spring Data REST projects) because avoid that the resource/entity will be loaded HTTP links:
BeanDeserializerBuilder updateBuilder throws
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot construct instance of ' com...' no String-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from String value
I tried activate sort by linkable associations with help of annotations but without success because we need always need override the mappPropertyPath method of JacksonMappingAwareSortTranslator.SortTranslator detect the annotation:
if (associations.isLinkableAssociation(persistentProperty)) {
if(!persistentProperty.isAnnotationPresent(SortByLinkableAssociation.class)) {
return Collections.emptyList();
public #interface SortByLinkableAssociation {
At project mark association as #SortByLinkableAssociation:
private Name name;
Really I didn't find a clear and success solution to this issue but decide to expose it to let think about it or even Spring team take in consideration to include at nexts releases.
Please see https://stackoverflow.com/a/66135148/6673169 for possible workaround/hack, when we wanted sorting by linked entity.

Spring Data Redis Repository support does not read back embedded complex objects

I have a spring-boot application (1.4RC1, I know it's RC, but Spring Data Redis 1.7.2 is not) where I'm using spring-boot-starter-redis.
The application uses a Spring Data Repository (CrudRepository) which should save an object (using #RedisHash annotation) with String and Boolean properties and one custom class property, which also has only Strings and Longs as properties.
When I save an object (via the repository), everything went fine and I can see all the properties in the database as I would expect.
When I want to read the data from the database (via the repository) I only get the properties from the parent object. The custom class property is null.
I would expect to get the property loaded from the database as well. As the documentation states you can write a custom converter, but since I don't need to do that, when I want to write the data, I shouldn't need to write a reading converter as well.
I wonder if I need to annotate the custom class property, but I couldn't find anything in the documentation. Can you point me in the right direction?
The classes are as follows:
Class sample:
#EqualsAndHashCode(exclude = {"isActive", "sampleCreated", "sampleConfiguration"})
public class Sample {
private String sampleIdentifier;
private Boolean isActive;
private Date sampleCreated;
private SampleConfiguration sampleConfiguration;
public Sample(String sampleIdentifier, SampleConfiguration sampleConfiguration){
this.sampleIdentifier = sampleIdentifier;
this.sampleConfiguration = sampleConfiguration;
Class SampleConfiguration:
public class SampleConfiguration {
private String surveyURL;
private Long blockingTime;
private String invitationTitle;
private String invitationText;
private String participateButtonText;
private String doNotParticipateButtonText;
private String optOutButtonText;
private Long frequencyCappingThreshold;
private Long optOutBlockingTime;
I added #NoArgsConstructor to my Sample class as Christoph Strobl suggested. Then the repository reads the SampleConfiguration correctly. Thanks, Christoph!

Spring Data JPA and Generics

I have an entity that looks like this
#Entity(name = "encounter_pdf_export")
public class EncounterPDFExport<T extends Encounter> implements Serializable {
public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Long pdfExportId;
#Any(metaColumn = #Column(name = "encounter_type"))
idType = "long",
metaType = "string",
metaValues = {
#MetaValue(value = "FooEncounter", targetEntity = FooEncounter.class)
#JoinColumn(name = "encounter_id")
private T encounter;
The abstract type that I'm extending is:
public abstract class Encounter {
public abstract Long getEncounterId();
Here is my Spring Data Repository
public interface EncounterPDFExportRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<EncounterPDFExport, Long> {
EncounterPDFExport findOneByEncounter_encounterId(#Param("encounterId") Long encounterId);
I am getting a stack trace when starting up the application related to to the findOneByEncounter_encounterId method:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to locate Attribute with the the given name [encounter] on this ManagedType [com.iimassociates.distiller.domain.EncounterPDFExport]
at org.hibernate.jpa.internal.metamodel.AbstractManagedType.checkNotNull(AbstractManagedType.java:144)
at org.hibernate.jpa.internal.metamodel.AbstractManagedType.getAttribute(AbstractManagedType.java:130)
at org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query.QueryUtils.toExpressionRecursively(QueryUtils.java:468)
at org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query.JpaQueryCreator$PredicateBuilder.getTypedPath(JpaQueryCreator.java:300)
at org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query.JpaQueryCreator$PredicateBuilder.build(JpaQueryCreator.java:243)
at org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query.JpaQueryCreator.toPredicate(JpaQueryCreator.java:148)
at org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query.JpaQueryCreator.create(JpaQueryCreator.java:88)
at org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query.JpaQueryCreator.create(JpaQueryCreator.java:46)
at org.springframework.data.repository.query.parser.AbstractQueryCreator.createCriteria(AbstractQueryCreator.java:109)
at org.springframework.data.repository.query.parser.AbstractQueryCreator.createQuery(AbstractQueryCreator.java:88)
at org.springframework.data.repository.query.parser.AbstractQueryCreator.createQuery(AbstractQueryCreator.java:73)
at org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query.PartTreeJpaQuery$QueryPreparer.<init>(PartTreeJpaQuery.java:116)
at org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query.PartTreeJpaQuery$CountQueryPreparer.<init>(PartTreeJpaQuery.java:237)
at org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query.PartTreeJpaQuery.<init>(PartTreeJpaQuery.java:65)
at org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query.JpaQueryLookupStrategy$CreateQueryLookupStrategy.resolveQuery(JpaQueryLookupStrategy.java:100)
I am assuming that either Spring Data JPA doesn't support abstracted/generic fields? If that's the case, would creating a #Query be a sufficient workaround?
Not sure if this will be helpful to anyone, but I did get this working.
Removed the abstract class and made it an interface with a single public getEncounterId() method
Modified FooEncounter to implement the above interface
Removed generics from the EncounterPDFExport class
Modified the encounter field to utilize the above interface rather than a generic
Apparently, I'm hitting some Hibernate bug/limitation when accessing fields within FooEncounter. Accessing Encounter within EncounterPDFExport works OK, though. I modified my Spring Data JPA Repository to look like the following (note the modification from finding by encounter.encounterId vs. just encounter):
public interface EncounterPDFExportRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<EncounterPDFExport, Long> {
EncounterPDFExport findOneByEncounter(#Param("encounter") Encounter encounter);
The Hibernate bug in question seems to be related to https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAJPA-836.
