Read unreadable error message in PhpStorm with darcula theme - terminal

I have a readability problem in the error messages (symfony) that the PhpStorm terminal sends me. Red background with grey text. Do you have a solution for a better legibility?
I'm use :
Windows OS
Darcula theme

It's now 2018 but I still had this issue. So for people that might visit this topic the solution that worked for me:
Go to prefereces
Mac: command + ,
Linux: ctrl + alt + s
Go to: Editor -> Color Scheme -> Console Colors
Open the list with ANSI Colors
Look for the colors you want to change:
Red (this is the background color of the error message)
Gray (the foreground color of the error messages)
I changed the color's to
Red: #DF0B08
But that might depend on what you prefer and how it looks on the screen you are using.

That's a known issue: & it's not yet addressed. Please vote for and comment it to receive notifications about it's progress.


Foreground and background color rendered differently in macOS

I tried to build some simple custom prompt for zsh inspired by the 'powerline look'. My .zshrc currently looks like:
PROMPT=$'%K{236}%F{246}%n%f#%B%m%b %k%K{045}%F{236}\Ue0b0%f %F{000}%2~%f %k%F{045}\Ue0b0%f %# '
However, I noticed color differences between the background color of the path and the foreground color of the following triangle (both set as 045), as can be seen in the following screenshot
I thought that something is wrong with my PROMPT variable, but the prompt looks fine in the terminal inside VSCode:
It seems as if is darkening the background color for some reason, but I don't find a way to turn this off.
Is this possible or can I modify my PROMPT in some way that prevents the problem?
EDIT: I use the font "Hack" that can be found here:
Thanks in advance,
The problem is that the MacOS Terminal app has a weird feature where it renders text against the terminal's default background differently. If a background color is explicitly specified then the foreground colors are all slightly different to what they are when there is no background color specified or it has been reset to default.
This is the same issue as below. Check there for better discussion and a potential workaround.

The display is wrong when using iTerm2 + screen + emacs on macOS monterey

When I use iTerm2 + screen + emacs, the display is something wrong.
For example, underline is set automatically at whitespace even if I don't customize setting.
And character's color is different from what I don't use screen.
The color is pink on screen + emacs, but default color must be blue.
There is a different behavior between using screen and not using screen.
each information I use as below
GNU Emacs 28.1
Screen version 4.09.00 (GNU) 30-Jan-22
And if I checked list-colors-display in this state, colors are not displayed correctly.
If I don't use screen, the display looks good and list-colors-display is shown correctly.
And if I use instead of iTerm2, it also looks good.
Please tell me how to display correct on iTerm2.
I found the workaround.
If I used emacs 27.1, I don't face this issue.
iTerm2 sets COLORTERM environment variable to truecolor that makes emacs think it can use more colors than 256 - which screen doesn't support. Just unset COLORTERM and things should work as expected.

Change Laravel Tinker output colours?

I am wondering how to change the text output colour from Tinker. Anyone know? Or rather, is it an Ubuntu thing? I have completely removed any reference to colour 34 (dark blue) from LS_COLORS and am still receiving this with Tinker output:
I would like to change the dark blue to cyan.
Thanks in advance.
The default colors are indeed hard to read. Configuring them depends on the terminal application you are using.
For example, I use minTTY and just customized the custom color scheme by putting a .minttyrc config in my user directory with the following content:
If you are using Ubuntu directly, you can customize the terminal colors via the GUI like this:

Why is Emacs syntax highlighting in Gnome terminal affected by terminal colour theming?

I'm using Emacs 24.3 under Ubuntu 14.04.1. I'd like to use it both via the GTK interface and the Gnome terminal with emacs -nw. Unfortunately, the colours for any theme that I use appear slightly different in the terminal.
I've set things up so that under Gnome terminal, TERM=xterm-256color. However, I have also customised my terminal colors — "black" is actually #151515, "red" is #DA4939, etc. Emacs seems to get close to displaying the correct colours for each theme, but is never quite correct. The themes I'm using are the deftheme-style of theme.
I don't understand why customising terminal colours should affect this — with TERM=xterm-256color, Emacs should have access to a greater palette than just the usual 16 colours. In the output of list-colors-display, black is listed as #000000 but displayed as #151515; there is, however, a color-16 that is also listed as #000000 and displayed properly. So Emacs is indeed capable of displaying #000000.
On the left is Emacs GTK, which displays the theme colours correctly. On the right is emacs -nw run in Gnome terminal, where all the colours are slightly different from what the theme specifies. The theme I've used for this picture is just an example; this happens with any theme. My full config is on Github.
How can I get Emacs to display the correct theme colours in Gnome terminal without removing my customisation of the terminal palette?
A couple issues:
1) I believe that when you customize the "terminal colours", they overlap the first 16 color entries of the 256-colour palette. So if emacs is telling the terminal to use colors 0-15, they will come out as whatever you have set that colour to actually be in your terminal preferences. It doesn't appear to be affecting you specifically, but it is good to be aware of.
2) For the remaining 256 colors, I believe there are only 256 (maybe 241 if your terminal re-colored the first 16) colors that you may choose from.
Unless you choose your GTK theme colors to match exact colours that are available in the 256 palette, having them be identical is not going to be possible. It looks like your emacs did a pretty good job of selecting the closest available colors of the 256 on its own.
If you want to see what I'm talking about in action, try downloading and running a script such as this script and running it in your terminal. I would wager that as you change your terminal colours, you'll see the entries 000 through 015 change correspondingly, while the remaining colors are always the same.

Change default program output colors on mac terminal

I don't know if this is the right place to post this question, but here goes:
I recently (less than a year ago) made the switch to a mac from my ubuntu setup. One of the first things I changed was's background color and opacity. In my old setup, it was a semi-transparent, black window, which I would put on top of other windows, so I could see the code on it, as well as look through it at the window under it. on my mac looks like this now. This is great… except when I have to use programs like sphinx or look at man pages.
Some programs have outputs in black font; man pages have entries in black font. Since the background of my is also black, this font is rendered almost invisible (seen in the two screenshots below):
Is there any way that I can tell to display all black text as some other color?
Isn't that in Terminal's Preferences ?
