SSH inside SSH heredoc [duplicate] - bash

This question already has answers here:
While loop stops reading after the first line in Bash
(5 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I'm writing a script that logs into a remote server via SSH and executes some commands, one of which logs into a second remote server (which I can't access locally) via SSH and executes a command. After that nested SSH command, my original SSH command terminates and does't complete the rest of the heredoc. I've simplified the script a bit, but I get the same results:
ssh server1 <<'EOF'
echo one $HOSTNAME
ssh server2 'echo two $HOSTNAME'
echo three $HOSTNAME
my output looks like this:
one server1
two server2
I would expect to see three server1 at the end of my output, but it doesn't happen. I'm able to separate these into two SSH commands and get what I need, but I'm curious why this is happening, and is it possible to get what I expect in one shot?

ssh server2
ssh -n server2
to prevent ssh reading from stdin.


SSH command execution/variable substitution issue [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Escape dollar sign in string by shell script
(6 answers)
remote ssh command: first echo output is lost
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I was trying to execute a ssh command and I see it takes environment variable from the host (local) machine rather than the machine I ssh into (remote server).
firstuser#remote> ssh testuser#remote echo ${USER}
It was expecting it to echo testuser instead of firstuser as it is the username I connected with.
If it can help, I am using CentOS7.
Any thoughts/explanations on this specific issue?
If I understand this correctly, you are getting the variable ${USER} from the host (local) machine not from the SSH (remote) server. This is because you are executing it all in one command. Your command is being processed locally - meaning the variable is being substituted - before being sent to the remote (SSH) server.
You can solve this by passing the command as a string that will not be translated/processed/substituted locally to, in your case, firstuser, or whichever other previously declared variable.
firstuser#mymachine> ssh testuser#mymachine 'echo ${USER}'
Important note here is that echo ${USER} is in single quotes, it will not work with double quotes. This is basic bash/shell rule but as a courtesy, you can find out more about this at
In a nutshell, when a variable is being processed/interpreted/substituted locally as you are trying to do, the remote SSH server receives the litteral: echo firstuser not echo ${USER}, which would be processed remotely, as intended.

Shell script EXECUTE CODE ON REMOTE SERVER AND get the result in local [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
how to execute an local script in remote server with parameters
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I want to check when the files have arrived on an remote unix server. I have made an script on my local server which puts filename and its date into an csv file but I need that file to be saved in my local server and not on remote server.
What should be the command like which let's me ssh to that server and execute rest of my code there and output the result in my local.
you may try doing:
ssh [username]#[servername] "command" >> /path/to/outfile.out
However, This command required password-less authentication between source and destination.
You need to setup key based authorization and then just execute commands like that:
Or you can use sshpass to give a password directly in command line (not recommended!):
sshpass -p 'YourPassword' ssh USER#HOST 'COMMAND'

execute commands on remote server using shell script [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to use SSH to run a local shell script on a remote machine?
(22 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a deployment script located on a build server. Each time I need to generate the build I need to login to the server using ssh and then trigger the deployment script.
I managed to generate the public/private keys so that I need not enter the password to login to the build server. But still I need to login and run the deployment script.
Is there a way where to automate the login, executing the deployment script on the build server and then exit from in one local script. How to achieve this
You can use a pipe (assuming you are using a *nix OS):
echo "your --command --here" | ssh user#host
Usually it's just
ssh buildserver /path/to/
You may need to tweak the options though.
Just do ssh <HOST> <COMMAND> in a single line. If you can already
log in using keys you won't have to type a password. Example:
$ ssh localhost 'echo hi'
This <COMMAND> is run synchronously. That means that ssh won't
finish until <COMMAND> run on the remote server has finished. See yourself:
$ ssh localhost 'sleep 10'
This command will wait for 10 seconds and you won't be able to type new commands until it's finished.

Can I call a function in ssh in unix scripting [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Shell script: Run function from script over ssh
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Am trying to login into a remote server, and I want to function to be executed on remote server. Can I send the function name including in ssh command.
Of course you can. the below is the appropriate syntax for it. You can run one or more commands separated by semicolon.
ssh -n -l yourusername yourremoteserver "pwd; hostname; netstat -tupln | tail -5"
Let me know if this works for you.
Note - Be aware that in will ask for your password. If you are planning to use this inside a script, you should copy your keys to the remote server you are trying to run the command on, and only then it will authenticate using the keys instead of prompting for your password. Copy the same is a straight forward process, really simple, you can see the steps here:

How to use SSH to run a local shell script on a remote machine?

I have to run a local shell script (windows/Linux) on a remote machine.
I have SSH configured on both machine A and B. My script is on machine A which will run some of my code on a remote machine, machine B.
The local and remote computers can be either Windows or Unix based system.
Is there a way to run do this using plink/ssh?
If Machine A is a Windows box, you can use Plink (part of PuTTY) with the -m parameter, and it will execute the local script on the remote server.
plink root#MachineB -m
If Machine A is a Unix-based system, you can use:
ssh root#MachineB 'bash -s' <
You shouldn't have to copy the script to the remote server to run it.
This is an old question, and Jason's answer works fine, but I would like to add this:
ssh user#host <<'ENDSSH'
#commands to run on remote host
This can also be used with su and commands which require user input. (note the ' escaped heredoc)
Since this answer keeps getting bits of traffic, I would add even more info to this wonderful use of heredoc:
You can nest commands with this syntax, and that's the only way nesting seems to work (in a sane way)
ssh user#host <<'ENDSSH'
#commands to run on remote host
ssh user#host2 <<'END2'
# Another bunch of commands on another host
wall <<'ENDWALL'
Error: Out of cheese
ftp <<'ENDFTP'
You can actually have a conversation with some services like telnet, ftp, etc. But remember that heredoc just sends the stdin as text, it doesn't wait for response between lines
I just found out that you can indent the insides with tabs if you use <<-END!
ssh user#host <<-'ENDSSH'
#commands to run on remote host
ssh user#host2 <<-'END2'
# Another bunch of commands on another host
wall <<-'ENDWALL'
Error: Out of cheese
ftp <<-'ENDFTP'
(I think this should work)
Also see
Also, don't forget to escape variables if you want to pick them up from the destination host.
This has caught me out in the past.
For example:
user#host> ssh user2#host2 "echo \$HOME"
prints out /home/user2
user#host> ssh user2#host2 "echo $HOME"
prints out /home/user
Another example:
user#host> ssh user2#host2 "echo hello world | awk '{print \$1}'"
prints out "hello" correctly.
This is an extension to YarekT's answer to combine inline remote commands with passing ENV variables from the local machine to the remote host so you can parameterize your scripts on the remote side:
ssh user#host ARG1=$ARG1 ARG2=$ARG2 'bash -s' <<'ENDSSH'
# commands to run on remote host
echo $ARG1 $ARG2
I found this exceptionally helpful by keeping it all in one script so it's very readable and maintainable.
Why this works. ssh supports the following syntax:
ssh user#host remote_command
In bash we can specify environment variables to define prior to running a command on a single line like so:
ENV_VAR_1='value1' ENV_VAR_2='value2' bash -c 'echo $ENV_VAR_1 $ENV_VAR_2'
That makes it easy to define variables prior to running a command. In this case echo is our command we're running. Everything before echo defines environment variables.
So we combine those two features and YarekT's answer to get:
ssh user#host ARG1=$ARG1 ARG2=$ARG2 'bash -s' <<'ENDSSH'...
In this case we are setting ARG1 and ARG2 to local values. Sending everything after user#host as the remote_command. When the remote machine executes the command ARG1 and ARG2 are set the local values, thanks to local command line evaluation, which defines environment variables on the remote server, then executes the bash -s command using those variables. Voila.
<hostA_shell_prompt>$ ssh user#hostB "ls -la"
That will prompt you for password, unless you have copied your hostA user's public key to the authorized_keys file on the home of user .ssh's directory. That will allow for passwordless authentication (if accepted as an auth method on the ssh server's configuration)
I've started using Fabric for more sophisticated operations. Fabric requires Python and a couple of other dependencies, but only on the client machine. The server need only be a ssh server. I find this tool to be much more powerful than shell scripts handed off to SSH, and well worth the trouble of getting set up (particularly if you enjoy programming in Python). Fabric handles running scripts on multiple hosts (or hosts of certain roles), helps facilitate idempotent operations (such as adding a line to a config script, but not if it's already there), and allows construction of more complex logic (such as the Python language can provide).
cat ./ | ssh <user>#<host>
chmod +x
ssh -i key-file root# < ./
Try running ssh user#remote sh ./script.unx.
Assuming you mean you want to do this automatically from a "local" machine, without manually logging into the "remote" machine, you should look into a TCL extension known as Expect, it is designed precisely for this sort of situation. I've also provided a link to a script for logging-in/interacting via SSH.
ssh user#hostname ". ~/.bashrc;/cd path-to-file/;."
highly recommended to source the environment file(.bashrc/.bashprofile/.profile). before running something in remote host because target and source hosts environment variables may be deffer.
I use this one to run a shell script on a remote machine (tested on /bin/bash):
ssh deploy#host . /home/deploy/path/to/
if you wanna execute command like this
temp=`ls -a`
echo $temp
command in `` will cause errors.
below command will solve this problem
ssh user#host '''
temp=`ls -a`
echo $temp
If the script is short and is meant to be embedded inside your script and you are running under bash shell and also bash shell is available on the remote side, you may use declare to transfer local context to remote. Define variables and functions containing the state that will be transferred to the remote. Define a function that will be executed on the remote side. Then inside a here document read by bash -s you can use declare -p to transfer the variable values and use declare -f to transfer function definitions to the remote.
Because declare takes care of the quoting and will be parsed by the remote bash, the variables are properly quoted and functions are properly transferred. You may just write the script locally, usually I do one long function with the work I need to do on the remote side. The context has to be hand-picked, but the following method is "good enough" for any short scripts and is safe - should properly handle all corner cases.
somevar="spaces or other special characters"
another_func() {
mkdir -p "$1"
work() {
another_func "$somevar"
touch "$somevar"/"$somevar2"
ssh user#server 'bash -s' <<EOT
$(declare -p somevar somevar2) # transfer variables values
$(declare -f work another_func) # transfer function definitions
work # call the function
The answer here ( works great if
you're trying to run a script on a remote linux machine using plink or ssh.
It will work if the script has multiple lines on linux.
**However, if you are trying to run a batch script located on a local
linux/windows machine and your remote machine is Windows, and it consists
of multiple lines using **
plink root#MachineB -m local_script.bat
wont work.
Only the first line of the script will be executed. This is probably a
limitation of plink.
Solution 1:
To run a multiline batch script (especially if it's relatively simple,
consisting of a few lines):
If your original batch script is as follows
cd C:\Users\ipython_user\Desktop
you can combine the lines together using the "&&" separator as follows in your
local_script.bat file:
cd C:\Users\ipython_user\Desktop && python
After this change, you can then run the script as pointed out here by
#JasonR.Coombs: with:
`plink root#MachineB -m local_script.bat`
Solution 2:
If your batch script is relatively complicated, it may be better to use a batch
script which encapsulates the plink command as well as follows as pointed out
here by #Martin
rem Open tunnel in the background
start plink.exe -ssh [username]#[hostname] -L 3307: -i "[SSH
key]" -N
rem Wait a second to let Plink establish the tunnel
timeout /t 1
rem Run the task using the tunnel
"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.1\bin\x64\R.exe" CMD BATCH qidash.R
rem Kill the tunnel
taskkill /im plink.exe
This bash script does ssh into a target remote machine, and run some command in the remote machine, do not forget to install expect before running it (on mac brew install expect )
set username "enterusenamehere"
set password "enterpasswordhere"
set hosts "enteripaddressofhosthere"
spawn ssh $username#$hosts
expect "$username#$hosts's password:"
send -- "$password\n"
expect "$"
send -- "somecommand on target remote machine here\n"
sleep 5
expect "$"
send -- "exit\n"
You can use runoverssh:
sudo apt install runoverssh
runoverssh -s user host1 host2 host3...
-s runs a local script remotely
Useful flags:
-g use a global password for all hosts (single password prompt)
-n use SSH instead of sshpass, useful for public-key authentication
If it's one script it's fine with the above solution.
I would set up Ansible to do the Job. It works in the same way (Ansible uses ssh to execute the scripts on the remote machine for both Unix or Windows).
It will be more structured and maintainable.
It is unclear if the local script uses locally set variables, functions, or aliases.
If it does this should work:
myalias $myvar
myfunction $myvar
It uses $myvar, myfunction, and myalias. Let us assume they is set locally and not on the remote machine.
Make a bash function that contains the script:
eval "myfun() { `cat`; }"
Set variable, function, and alias:
alias myalias='echo This alias'
myfunction() { echo This function "$#"; }
And "export" myfun, myfunction, myvar, and myalias to server using env_parallel from GNU Parallel:
env_parallel -S server -N0 --nonall myfun ::: dummy
Extending answer from #cglotr. In order to write inline command use printf, it useful for simple command and it support multiline using char escaping '\n'
example :
printf "cd /to/path/your/remote/machine/log \n tail -n 100 Server.log" | ssh <user>#<host> 'bash -s'
See don't forget to add bash -s
I created a solution that works better for me by combining the use of a heredoc from Yarek T's answer with the piped cat method from cglotr's answer along with some other tricks for non-interactive login (using sshpass), using variables from the local and remote host in the script, and enabling sudo commands. The code is longer just because it includes some additional tricks that are likely desired, but the original questioner didn't ask for them.
The problem I have with Yarek's answer is that all the warnings and commands in the heredoc print to the screen. The problem I have with cglotr's answer is that is requires a script file and a complex command with additional interaction to execute the script. With my solution, I write a script that does everything by simply calling the script with the remote host IP address as the first argument like this:
The script to be run on the remote host is saved to a variable within the script on the local host using a heredoc so that you don't need to do any quote escaping. Then, the variable containing the script is echo piped to sshpass. Be sure to indent the commands with tabs and not spaces (you'll get spaces instead of tabs when you copy the code). Here is an example of the remote script within the local script.
# Input argument 1 should be the target host IP address (required)
IS_IP=$(echo $1 | sed -nr "${RX_IP}p" | wc -l)
if (( $IS_IP )); then
# Export the SSH password to environment variable for sshpass and sudo.
# The space before the command prevents saving the command to history.
export SSHPASS=mypassword;
while read -r -d '' SCRIPT <<-EOS
# Enable sudo commands with the following command.
# The space before echo prevents saving the command to history.
echo $SSHPASS | sudo -Sv
# Do stuff here. Escape variables to be be accessed on the remote host.
# For example, escape print variable in an awk command:
# This command lists all USB block device partitions.
ls -l /dev /dev/mapper | awk '/^b/ && /sd[a-z][1-9]/ {print \$10}'
echo "$SCRIPT" | sshpass -e ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ${USERNAME}#${HOSTNAME} &>/dev/null
echo 'DONE'
echo "Missing IP address of target host."
You need to install sshpass on the local host like this (for Debian based distros).
sudo apt install sshpass
There is another approach ,you can copy your script in your host with scp command then execute it easily .
First, copy the script over to Machine B using scp
[user#machineA]$ scp /path/to/script user#machineB:/home/user/path
Then, just run the script
[user#machineA]$ ssh user#machineB "/home/user/path/script"
This will work if you have given executable permission to the script.
