Whoops, looks like something went wrong :( - laravel-5.6

I have upgraded my laravel project to 5.6 version and can't see info about the error. I only see a blank page with Whoops, looks like something went wrong: https.

Shame on me I forgot to enable debug APP_DEBUG=true

This worked for my fresh Laravel installation version 5.6
first: rename .env.example to .env or create .env file
second: Generate a key suing php artisan key:generate
third: copy the key generated and past it the .env file
ex: APP_KEY=base64:H1HZa/**********
lastly rerun php artisan serve


php artisan serve does not allow change .env file

I found the problem
if i restart php artisan serve the changed values are applied. this is
the norm? how can i solve this
I created a router where I output config information
I'm trying to change value from .env file, for example APP_NAME, from APP_NAME="Nuxt + Laravel" to APP_NAME="test" but the change is not displayed on the page!(of course I reloaded the page 😊)
I was trying to look through php artisan tinker
It works!
But my config remains the same. I can not solve this problem for a week now.
I cleared the cache!!! I tried php artisan cache:clear, php artisan config:clear (i tried all command for cache)
I deleted files bootsprap/cache/*, storage/framework/cache/*.
I tried everything!!!
I have this project on the github: https://github.com/iliyaZelenko/laravel-nuxt.
Please help me, I want my project to be used by other people.

laravel public/index.php - Whoops, looks like something went wrong

i just installed Laravel (throught composer):
OS - Windows 8;
Local Server - Open Server;
When i go to "tlaravel.loc/"i get the core folder with all directories:
If i go to http://tlaravel.loc/public/
i get 500 error and: Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
After modify rights (maked writable) for next directories:
- public
- bootstrap/cache
- storage
i resolved the problem with 500 eror, but on the page is still the error:
Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
Now you've need to run these commands:-
For generate env key-
php artisan key:generate
And after that
composer update
It'll resolve yours issue.
The Upper answer is totally right, I'll explain it better what do you have to do in order to fix this problem
In your laravel project that you've installed, you have all of these folders and files in the root directory, as you can see... there's an .env.example file in the root folder
WINDOWS... maybe other OS DOES NOT understand/recognize what the heck is that for, but they need an enviroment file in the root folder in order to get the key that allows us to open the local server.
so what we have to do is to rename that file .env.example to just .env.
after that you have to try again putting in the shell/terminal:
php artisan key:generate
and then....
composer update
after that you run your server again and it will work!!!!

Whoops, looks like something went wrong. on server

I uploaded all laravel project on server, its working fine on local but getting error on server, even database configuration and key is configured in env. file. even i renamed .env.example file as .env too but got same error.
Error is
"Whoops, looks like something went wrong."
my error log is here:
[2017-11-06 15:19:07] local.ERROR: exception 'RuntimeException' with
message 'The only supported ciphers are AES-128-CBC and AES-256-CBC
with the correct key lengths.' in
Judging from your error, you need to run php artisan key:generate this will update your key of which in turn will rectify your error.
You will need to either SSH into your public_html folder if you have host permission to do so. Alternatively, you can ask your host provider to either:
Grant you SSH access
Perform this action for you.
You can then run: php artisan config:clear once the new key has been generated.
If you are on shared hosting you can use these steps
Open your .env file, copy APP_KEY to somewhere else as a backup
Run php artisan key:generate from console
Copy the new APP_KEY and upload it to the .env file on your (shared) server
Move the old key back to development
I resolved this issue, by adding web app url in .env and Config/App.php and now its working :) thanks all of you for sharing such a value able knowledge that will help me, may be later.

Laravel errors after backing up an old version

This is what I get after copying all my laravel backup files from an older version:
Someone has any idea why it happens and how to make it work?
You need to specify API_PREFIX and API_DOMAIN in the Laravel .env File and for the second screen you need to enter the project and generate a key with artisan : php artisan key:generate

Laravel cache store does not support tagging

I am getting this error since I installed Zizaco\Entrust on my Authentication Routes.
BadMethodCallException: This cache store does not support tagging.
I had few known issues and I had to change some config options and that is the reason I am getting this error.
What does this error relate to so that I can find the problem and fix it instead of finding the code I modified?
Laravel file and database drivers don't support tags.
What you need to update, to fix this issue is simply changing the cache driver from file to array in your .env (located in root folder) file as below.
Hope it helps!!
Cache tags are not supported when using the file or database cache drivers. The Entrust package probably uses them somewhere. You should be ok if you change it to array, memcache or apc for example.
open .env file and
Or add this line showing below
After that go your command prompt or open the terminal then type
php artisan config:cache
Use this command in your command prompt
php artisan config:cache
In Your .env file change
Then run these commands
php artisan config:clear
php artisan config:cache
It will work
in your .env file change to cache array
and dont forget to run
php artisan config:cache
Just change .env
Yes, Laravel file and database drivers doesn't support tags. What you can do to while developing is change the driver to array in your .env file.
Cache tags are not supported when using the file or database cache drivers. The Entrust package probably uses them somewhere.
Open .env file set
then make command in terminal
php artisan config:cache
If you continue having the issue, you should change your entrust version to
My solution was to change in cache.php the following line from "file" to "array" as well:
'default' => env('CACHE_DRIVER', 'array')
Hope it helps!
