Laravel SAML WIA not working - laravel

I am using Aacotroneo/Laravel-Saml2 and have successfully setup a login system using ADFS. In another system I am using simpleSAMLphp elsewhere on the same domain successfully with WIA so I know ADFS is setup for that and that everything is setup correctly except the laravel application.
I have installed a browser addon to check the SAML logs for responses and requests. The only thing I can think of is that there is no client request ID sent through from laravel.
Any suggestions are appreciated. If I have missed a saml2 setting I am more than happy to try them, a lot of them don't seem to work or make any difference whether set to true or false.
Is it possible I need to setup encryption certificates and certain true/false combinations?

Check this article
ADFS has non-standard SAML2 Authentication Context Class urn:federation:authentication:windows
By default this class has lower priority than urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport
I would suggest making the following changes to AuthNRequest:
<samlp:RequestedAuthnContext Comparison=”minimum”
<samlp:AuthnContextClassRef xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">
<samlp:AuthnContextClassRef xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">


Spring Security Kerberos SSO for a REST API (Tomcat)

Here is my problem:
Context :
-Windows Server 2012 with ActiveDirectory
-Rest API (Spring)
I'm currently trying to restrict REST request. I want that only specific groups of the AD could access to specific resources. I'm restricted to Kerberos authentication.
System configuration
Create a user in domain "Tomcat"
setspn -a HTTP/apirest.domain#DOMAIN
Generate a tomcat.keytab using ktpass
API rest configuration
I'm using the spring security sample on github that you can find here :
I know that there is an EntryPoint and this is not needed in my context (API Rest). I've chosen this sample because it seems to use the windows authentication context and use it to automatically authenticate me in the spring security context. Right after, an ldap request is send to extract all information about the user logged. In my case, I need to extract the group.
I'm also using :
To extract the role of the user with the class "" instead of the "ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthoritiesPopulator". This implementation also offers localhost authentication but the issue with the NTLM token seems to be fixed in last commit of spring security.
I'm not really sure if this is the right way to do what I want.
My authentication seems to fail and I only have one things going wrong in my logs..
"Property 'userDn' not set - anonymous context will be used for read-write operations"
Do I have to run my tomcat service using the tomcat account ? (Seems to be, yes)
Am I doing the right things with Kerberos security ?
How can I get rid of the anonymous context?
The anonymous context seems to be set just right after Tomcat start. I want to get a context just after that my user (For instance, user1) requests the rest API (EntryPoint or whatever)
If there is something unclear let me know, I will try to reformulate!
You do not need to query LDAP to get information about which groups does user belong to. Active Directory already adds this information to the Kerberos ticket which is sent from browser to Tomcat.
You just need to extract this information from the token for example using Kerb4J library. It comes with Spring integration inspired by spring-security-kerberos project so it should be pretty easy to switch to it.
If you still want to query LDAP you need to authenticate in LDAP before you can make any queries. Again there's no need to use end-user accounts for it - you can use the keytab file for Kerberos authentication in LDAP and query groups using "Tomcat" account
I found a way to fix my issue.
In a REST API context, you have no entry point. I tried to set my entry point to an unmapped URL, just to do the negociation. By doing this, you will receive an HTTP response with the error code 404 (Not found) but with the right header was added by spring security (WWW-Authenticate).
The web browser will not send the ticket service if the error code is not 401.
To solve this problem, you have to create a CustomEntryPoint class (implements AuthenticationEntryPoint) and you need to override the "commence" method to return a 401 HTTP code with the right header.
I hope that could help. If there is a better way, let me know !

Issue with SSO between SAML SP and ADFS IdP

we are developing a web application which offers multiple login mechanisms such as LDAP, Kerberos, SAP Logon Ticket as well as SAML.
For this we use the Spring Security Framework which works (mostly) fantastic!
A few months ago we added SAML support to our application and tested this with an external IdP (SSOcircle). We also worked closely with CEO of SSOcircle to get us up and running.
Everything worked just fine and we thought we could enroll SAML with our first real life customer.
So we setup a test server (SP) on a linux machine, and configured our part (we used this doc: and waited for our customer to do their part.
But when they tried to SSO into our application (they use ADFS), we ran into an issue.
Because right now, we get one out of two error messages. Either this one
Authentication request failed:
Empty username not allowed!
or this one
Error validating SAML message org.opensaml.common.SAMLException:
NameID element must be present as part of the Subject in the Response
message, please enable it in the IDP configuration
During the troubleshooting I came across these other threads here on StackOverflow:
SAMLException: NameID element must be present as part of the Subject in the Response message, please enable it in the IDP configuration
Configuring ADFS 3.0 / SAML 2.0 to work with Spring Security for SSO integration
NameID element must be present as part of the Subject
The odd thing is, that the second error message (regarding the nameid) element comes up only if we change the adfs claim rule from "Outgoing claim type" to "Pass Through claim type".
Right now, I have no idea where to continue my troubleshooting. Any ideas or thoughts on this issue?
Best regards
EDIT1: I attatched a link to the debug logfile and our saml security config
EDIT2: Does someone know if there is a way to specify a timezone which SAML should use? Right now, Zulu time seems to be the time zone used although our OS is configured to use CET/CEST. Therefore we had to use responseSkew parameters for login/logout.
EDIT3: Debug & Config removed because we solved the problem
Okay, we solved the problem.
During a live debugging we noticed that NameID was not send as a SAML assertion attribute key/value pair but as a "standalone" key/value pair in the SAML assertion "header".
So we modified our code to cover both possible positions within the SAML assertion and now it works just fine. :D

Https/BotAuthentication breaking botframework bot?

I am having an issue with trying to create a bot. Everything seems to work fine when I am using Http. I can deploy my application to my website and interact with the bot via the emulator or
Unfortunately, when I try to use HTTPS, I get a 401 error from the emulator and nothing shows up when I try to use
Just so that I am crystal clear, the only things that I changed are:
1. Added the [BotAuthentication] attribute to my ApiController like so:
public class MessagesController : ApiController
Updated the URL in the emulator/ from to
Web.config is all set up with the appId and AppSecret. My site already has an SSL certificate.
Is there anything that I am missing? Although I have never used basic authentication before I am assuming there is nothing else that I need to set up, right?
I hit your endpoing and IIS is responding to the basic auth and getting in the way.
Basic Auth is works the following way:
There is a header which contains the UserId:Password encoded as base64
If the server doesn’t see the header it returns a 403 with a “basic” to signal that the web site requires auth token. For a web browser that means it will popup a stock user/password dialog and then it will do submit the request again with the header.
If the header is provided but the user/password is wrong the server returns 401.
Normally basic auth is used to look up in a database, but in our case there is only 1 user, it is the bot appid/appsecret. All the BotAuthorization attribute does is to add an inspector to the request pipeline to look for the header with appid/appsecret in it to make sure that only approved callers can call your bot.
If you don’t care about that you can simply remove the attribute. Regardless, you don’t want IIS sticking it’s nose into the process.
Make sense?
This theoretically should work based on your description of the changes you've made. This is the emulator talking to your cloud service or to the bot on localhost? And you get this error as well from the Bot Framework test control in the portal?
If you send me your BotId to I can check our logs to see if there's anything interesting (or DM me at #jameslew on twitter).

Create OKTA JIRA login with ruby

I need to authenticate to JIRA using Okta via REST, how can I do that on ruby? It is possible? I never did that before, I just only want to get an attached file from a ticket in JIRA
It turns out that you can just send the JSESSIONID cookie from a logged-in user (such as yourself) to the REST API. You can get the cookie manually from the browser, or write a browser extension to get the cookie and then invoke your Ruby script with that cookie's value as a command-line argument. For Chrome, you could use Chrome Native Messaging for this.
You should be able to do it by setting up an Application Link to a ruby web application with 2-way OAuth, but this is quite complicated and heavyweight.
I would like to figure out a way to do it with just basic auth and no Application Link, but I haven't figured out how to yet.

Require authentication or certificate to view Heroku app

I have an api deployed to Heroku. It is currently open for everyone to see. I only want known android phones to be able to modify and access the api.
I don't want the user to have to login every time they use the app.
Can I add some sort of certificate to the phone to verify that it is credible?
Is OAuth the best approach for this?
Is there a better way to do this so the user doesn't have to login every time?
This is a fairly broad question (and hence there are several approaches). Without knowing the language/framework you are using it's also hard to give specific advice, but:
Your server can issue a cookie or token that the client can store locally for a duration. These tokens should include a timestamp and be authenticated (use a library that does HMAC authentication) to prevent clients from modifying tokens.
Clients should present this token or cookie on each request to your server via a HTTP header or the standard Cookie header.
You will need a login system to support the initial issue of the token/cookie.
Clients could also OAuth against your server (complex) or against an external service (GitHub/Facebook/Google/Twitter), but you will still need a way to track that state on the client (hence a token/cookie).
Cookie support should be included with the standard Android HTTP client, and most server side frameworks have support (or a library for) authenticated cookies.
