What changed about loading Spring Resource file from classpath in Spring Boot in v1.5.12? - spring

Prior to Spring Boot v1.5.11, the following worked for referring to a file called auth.json in src/main/resources:
Starting with v1.5.11 and continuing through into 1.5.12, the above results in a FileNotFound exception. But the following works:
What changed in Spring Boot 1.5.12 (or its underlying dependencies) that was responsible for this?

This was caused by a fix to another issue and is being tracked via another reported instance here: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/12786
Practitioners hitting this behavior may either update their implementation in an appropriate way (e.g., in our sanitized sample, it would be to prefix the property with "classpath:") or to wait to see if further resolution (that doesn't regress the other fix that caused this) is possible.
h/t #Stephane-Nicoll and Andy Wilkinson.


OptaPlanner got java reflection error in Spring boot

I just tried to run an OptaPlanner project in Spring Boot, but there's only very simple text in OptaPlanner User Guide for Spring.
Actually, I think it is very easy to copy all domain objects, configuration files and drools files from an OptaPlanner project to Spring Boot project without any changes, but the only question is how to call Solver's solve method.
I made it run after Spring Boot startup with a class (named CommandLineAppStartupRunner) which implements CommandLineRunner interface, and I called solve method in its run method. Finally, I got an exception like follows:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not set org.optaplanner.core.api.score.buildin.hardmediumsoft.HardMediumSoftScore field springbootcloudbalance.domain.CloudBalance.score to springbootcloudbalance.domain.CloudBalance
at sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.throwSetIllegalArgumentException(UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.java:167)
at sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.throwSetIllegalArgumentException(UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.java:171)
at sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.ensureObj(UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.java:58)
at sun.reflect.UnsafeObjectFieldAccessorImpl.get(UnsafeObjectFieldAccessorImpl.java:36)
at java.lang.reflect.Field.get(Field.java:393)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.domain.common.accessor.ReflectionFieldMemberAccessor.executeGetter(ReflectionFieldMemberAccessor.java:54)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.domain.solution.descriptor.SolutionDescriptor.getScore(SolutionDescriptor.java:1071)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.score.director.AbstractScoreDirector.cloneSolution(AbstractScoreDirector.java:212)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.solver.scope.DefaultSolverScope.setWorkingSolutionFromBestSolution(DefaultSolverScope.java:230)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.solver.AbstractSolver.solvingStarted(AbstractSolver.java:75)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.solver.DefaultSolver.solvingStarted(DefaultSolver.java:210)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.solver.DefaultSolver.solve(DefaultSolver.java:190)
at springbootcloudbalance.CommandLineAppStartupRunner.run(CommandLineAppStartupRunner.java:55)
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.callRunner(SpringApplication.java:818)
... 10 common frames omitted
I checked the code, and found the exception throws because the object from field.getDeclaringClass() is a different instance from the one from var1.getClass(). I'm afraid it due to the implementation of java reflection conflicts between OptaPlanner and Spring Boot.
The version I used is as follows:
OptaPlanner 7.11.0.Final
Spring Boot 2.0.5.RELEASE
JVM 1.8.0_181
Removing the spring-boot-devtools dependency fixes this error. Another SO question similar to this one explains it has something to do with different classloaders: Optaplanner's Drools working memory is empty. The accepted answer also mentions a possible fix:
To fix it, configure spring dev tools to load Drools libraries in the RestartClassLoader, together with the project's classes: using-boot-devtools-customizing-classload
Nick's answer is correct. This is just to figure out what's going on.
This line means that optaplanner is extracting CloudBalance.getScore():
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.domain.solution.descriptor.SolutionDescriptor.getScore(SolutionDescriptor.java:1071)
This line means that it's using a ReflectionFieldMemberAccessor for that, which is just way to read a field through reflection (including private fields):
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.domain.common.accessor.ReflectionFieldMemberAccessor.executeGetter(ReflectionFieldMemberAccessor.java:54)
Now the error message is where it gets interesting:
Can not set ...HardMediumSoftScore field ...CloudBalance.score to ...CloudBalance
It looks like basically doing:
CloudBalance cloudBalance2 = cloudBalance.getScore();
Musa provided this answer, but someone deleted it, despite that the JIRA link is extremely relevant, as it points out which version of OptaPlanner will deal better with this problem:
"An issue was submitted to OptaPlanner to provide better error messages for such cases: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/PLANNER-1586. Feel free to add any comments or suggestions."

MeterBinders in Spring Boot

I'm trying to understand why some of the micrometer MeterBinders are hooked up and others not. I can see that the MeterRegistryPostProcessor gets all of that type from context. But why is for instance JettyStatisticsMetrics not in context, but JvmGcMetrics is?
MeterBinders need to be exposed as Spring Beans in order for them to be picked up.
For Spring-Boot 1.x they need to be exposed/configured in the micrometer-spring-legacy project. For Spring-Boot 2 this is done in the spring-boot project itself.
In case you are missing some auto-configured MeterBinders, don't hesitate to file an issue in the respective bug trackers: here or here. (Please use the search. It might be these issues already have been reported.)

How to debug when Flyway doesn't work on Spring Boot?

I am using Maven and Spring Boot. I run the application using mvn spring-boot:run.
https://flywaydb.org/documentation/plugins/springboot says Flyway should be called on Spring Boot start.
So my pom.xml contains the dependency to Flyway.
The first time I ran the Maven command above it downloaded Flyway stuff, so I think the dependency is working.
I have the following files:
The above article implied it should "just work", but I don't understand where it would find the JDBC URL to the database. So I added the following to the application.properties file:
When Spring Boot starts up (and loads and makes available my web application) there are no logs from Flyway. I think Flyway is ignored.
What can I do? Or, more generally, how would I go about debugging this problem myself?
Nobody has posted an answer so I'll post what I found out.
M. Deinum was indeed correct in their comments to the question, the problem was a lack of a data source.
My original question was what the approach should be to debugging this kind of issue. Obviously one option is to post to stackoverflow :) But I wanted to know how to do it myself.
Spring Boot has a number of classes which look at your code and classpath, and act appropriately. For example, there are classes providing implementations to the rules like "if Flyway is on the path, and there is a data source, then execute Flyway". That rule wasn't getting triggered in my case, because I had no data source.
It's not the case that the code you write calls Spring Boot, it's the other way around, Spring Boot (external to your code) inspects your code and decides what to do based on rules. This architecture is known as action at a distance. The main problem with action at a distance is it's very difficult to debug.
The only real way to find the solution, and it was the way I went about confirming M. Deinum's diagnostic, is to read the Spring Boot source code and understand the annotations which are used to create Spring Boot code.
From the source code to Spring Boot's Flyway integration we see
This means "this code will get executed if Flyway is on the classpath, and if there is a DataSource bean available; otherwise it silently won't get executed".
So the answer to the question "how to debug this problem" is that there is no mechanism other than to read the source code of Spring Boot and find out how it works.
If you want to avoid this sort of problem, you have to avoid frameworks which work via "action at a distance", and that includes Spring Boot.

Spring Boot v1.2 AbstractMethodError due to RepositoryInformation

Im building an application based on Spring Boot v1.2. While my application boots successfully and executes well (so far.. ), I'm unable to test using the spring boot framework because of an AbstractMethodError.
The last few lines of the trace are as below
Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.support.LockModeRepositoryPostProcessor.postProcess(Lorg/springframework/aop/framework/ProxyFactory;Lorg/springframework/data/repository/core/RepositoryInformation;)V
at org.springframework.data.repository.core.support.RepositoryFactorySupport.getRepository(RepositoryFactorySupport.java:185)
at org.springframework.data.repository.core.support.RepositoryFactoryBeanSupport.initAndReturn(RepositoryFactoryBeanSupport.java:239)
at org.springframework.data.repository.core.support.RepositoryFactoryBeanSupport.afterPropertiesSet(RepositoryFactoryBeanSupport.java:225)
at org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.support.JpaRepositoryFactoryBean.afterPropertiesSet(JpaRepositoryFactoryBean.java:84)
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.invokeInitMethods(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1627)
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.initializeBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1564)
... 55 more
To analyze the above error, I checked the jar files from classpath involving the above classes. So the info is available as below
I'm not exactly sure on why spring-data-commons is coming up from maven repostory folder, while the others are being served from the project library.
While I debug that, I meanwhile need your help in figuring out the version compatibility between the above libraries.
I wasnt able to exactly pin point on what exactly is causing the error. Please help!
The issue was with the intellij configuration of libraries which conflicts with Spring boot application. I manually replaced the required libraries from Maven repository and that worked out for me.
Per request from Elron..
Open the project folder in explorer and verify if the third party library versions in your project matches the ones you actually expect it to be. If something doesnt match, just replace the file with the one you expect it to be. In my case, since I use Maven, I didnt see a need for explicitly saving those libraries in a new lib folder under the project. So, I just deleted all of the files inside the lib folder and things started working again.
For fix this error, change the spring-data-jpa version to 1.5.0.RELEASE
I have faced this issue .
Get rid of spring-data-commons and change spring-data-jpa version to 1.9.0.RELEASE.
For more details , please follow this link :-
Spring Data Rest PagingAndSortingRepository AbstractMethodError (RepositoryFactorySupport)

Grails ehcache and externalizing configuration

I am looking at externalizing certain configuration parameters for ehcache in our Grails application and I am running into something not working that the documentation claims ought to.
Likely there is something I am missing.
I am using the grails ehcache plugin version 1.0.1 with Grails 2.4.0 and grails cache plugin 1.1.7. I am using hibernate plugin
Here's what I have in my CacheConfig.groovy configuration...
cacheManagerPeerProviderFactory {
peerDiscovery 'automatic'
factoryType 'rmi'
multicastGroupAddress '${ehcacheMulticastGroupAddress}'
multicastGroupPort '${ehcacheMulticastGroupPort}'
timeToLive 'site'
I've turned on debug-level logging so I can see what XML it generates. Here's the relevant snippet:
<cacheManagerPeerProviderFactory class='net.sf.ehcache.distribution.RMICacheManagerPeerProviderFactory'
The grails ehcache plugin documentation has the following note, which I was hoping to "prove out"...
(note that ${ehcacheMulticastGroupAddress} and ${ehcacheMulticastGroupPort} are an Ehcache feature that lets you use system property names as variables to be resolved at runtime)
Great. Except that it doesn't work when I start the application. It fails to create CacheManagerPeerProvider due to the following
Caused by UnknownHostException: ${ehcacheMulticastGroupAddress}
->> 901 | lookupAllHostAddr in java.net.InetAddress$1
I have a myApplication-config.groovy file living in an accessible area that I point to when assigning a value to grails.config.locations in Config.groovy. But I am not sure it is making any effort to really interpolate that value at all.
I tried double quotes but they were a bad idea as well -- at the time of interpreting CacheConfig.groovy it doesn't see the configuration I put into myApplication-config.groovy. I do know it reads that file in successfully at some point because I successfully use it to drive some Quartz job logic, so the placement of that config file is probably not the issue.
The answer is that I need to set SYSTEM PROPERTIES for ehcache to find. Using Grails configuration files such as myApplication-config.groovy is completely incorrect.
The CacheConfig.groovy file is correct, as is the XML it generates. So the question becomes, how do the properties it looks for get set correctly in the first place?
I am deploying to Tomcat. For Tomcat, setting system properties makes the most sense in a setenv.bat file (or setenv.sh on *nix).
I created setenv.bat, put the following into it
set CATALINA_OPTS=%CATALINA_OPTS% -DehcacheMulticastGroupAddress= -DehcacheMulticastGroupPort=4446 -DehcachePeerListenerPort=40001
...And it worked. Ehcache was able to find the system properties and start everything appropriately.
tl;dr: system properties != grails application config
