why RandomForestClassificationModel broadcasted to executores for every mini batch in spark streaming - spark-streaming

Trained Random forest model in offline and stored in file system.
This model is loaded once at the start of spark-streaming application using Pipeline.load .
Predict function is called for every batch (model.transform(input_data_frame))
Observation: From the Spark-UI we can see that every task of this stage is spending most of the time(more than 95%) for task deserialization. Our assumption is every task is deserializing the models that loaded initially so we have tried broadcasting the models (broadcast variables is useful when caching the data in deserialized form is important but still it is showing high task deserialization time.
Spark standalone cluster details : spark version : 2.2.1 Executor core = 4 Executor Memory = 4 GB Total Executors = 24
model size 45MB
spark kafka streaming job jar size 8 MB
1) why there is delay between this two steps ? what is happening between that steps?
attached is the spark kafka streaming log
18/04/15 03:21:23 INFO KafkaSource: GetBatch generating RDD of offset range: KafkaSourceRDDOffsetRange(Kafka_input_topic-0,242,242,Some(executor_xx.xxx.xx.110_2)), KafkaSourceRDDOffsetRange(Kafka_input_topic-1,239,239,Some(executor_xx.xxx.xx.107_0)), KafkaSourceRDDOffsetRange(Kafka_input_topic-2,241,241,Some(executor_xx.xxx.xx.102_3)), KafkaSourceRDDOffsetRange(Kafka_input_topic-3,238,239,Some(executor_xx.xxx.xx.138_4)), KafkaSourceRDDOffsetRange(Kafka_input_topic-4,240,240,Some(executor_xx.xxx.xx.137_1)), KafkaSourceRDDOffsetRange(Kafka_input_topic-5,242,242,Some(executor_xx.xxx.xx.111_5)) 18/04/15 03:21:24 INFO SparkContext: Starting job: start at App.java:106
2) why spark broad casting model to executor for every mini batch ?
18/04/15 03:21:31 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_92_piece0 in memory on xx.xxx.xx.137:44682 (size: 62.6 MB, free: 1942.0 MB) ##


Phoenix csv Bulk load fails with large data sets

I'm trying to load a dataset (280GB) using the Phoenix csv bulk load tool on a HDInsight Hbase cluster. The job fails with the following error:
18/02/23 06:09:10 INFO mapreduce.Job: Task Id :
attempt_1519326441231_0004_m_000067_0, Status : FAILEDError: Java heap
spaceContainer killed by the ApplicationMaster.Container killed on
request. Exit code is 143Container exited with a non-zero exit code
Here's my cluster configuration:
Region Nodes
8 cores, 56 GB RAM, 1.5TB HDD
Master Nodes
4 cores, 28GB, 1.5TB HDD
I tried increasing the value of yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb from 5GB to 38GB, but the job still fails.
Can anyone please help me troubleshoot this issue?
Can you provide more details ? Such as how are you kicking off the job? Are you following the instructions here - https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/azuredatalake/2017/02/14/hdinsight-how-to-perform-bulk-load-with-phoenix/ ?
Specifically Can you provide the command you used and also some more info as in is the job failing immediately or does it run for a while and then start to fail? Any other log messages than the one you described above ?

Spark job just hangs with large data

I am trying to query from s3 (15 days of data). I tried querying them separately (each day) it works fine. It works fine for 14 days as well. But when I query 15 days the job keeps running forever (hangs) and the task # is not updating.
My settings :
I am using 51 node cluster r3.4x large with dynamic allocation and maximum resource turned on.
All I am doing is =
val startTime="2017-11-21T08:00:00Z"
val endTime="2017-12-05T08:00:00Z"
val start = DateUtils.getLocalTimeStamp( startTime )
val end = DateUtils.getLocalTimeStamp( endTime )
val days: Int = Days.daysBetween( start, end ).getDays
val files: Seq[String] = (0 to days)
.map( start.plusDays )
.map( d => s"$input_path${DateTimeFormat.forPattern( "yyyy/MM/dd" ).print( d )}/*/*" )
sqlSession.sparkContext.textFile( files.mkString( "," ) ).count
When I run the same with 14 days, I got 197337380 (count) and I ran the 15th day separately and got 27676788. But when I query 15 days total the job hangs
Update :
The job works fine with :
var df = sqlSession.createDataFrame(sc.emptyRDD[Row], schema)
for(n <- files ){
val tempDF = sqlSession.read.schema( schema ).json(n)
df = df(tempDF)
But can some one explain why it works now but not before ?
UPDATE : After setting mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize to 256 GB it works fine now.
Dynamic allocation and maximize resource allocation are both different settings, one would be disabled when other is active. With Maximize resource allocation in EMR, 1 executor per node is launched, and it allocates all the cores and memory to that executor.
I would recommend taking a different route. You seem to have a pretty big cluster with 51 nodes, not sure if it is even required. However, follow this rule of thumb to begin with, and you will get a hang of how to tune these configurations.
Cluster memory - minimum of 2X the data you are dealing with.
Now assuming 51 nodes is what you require, try below:
r3.4x has 16 CPUs - so you can put all of them to use by leaving one for the OS and other processes.
Set your number of executors to 150 - this will allocate 3 executors per node.
Set number of cores per executor to 5 (3 executors per node)
Set your executor memory to roughly total host memory/3 = 35G
You got to control the parallelism (default partitions), set this to number of total cores you have ~ 800
Adjust shuffle partitions - make this twice of number of cores - 1600
Above configurations have been working like a charm for me. You can monitor the resource utilization on Spark UI.
Also, in your yarn config /etc/hadoop/conf/capacity-scheduler.xml file, set yarn.scheduler.capacity.resource-calculator to org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.DominantResourceCalculator - which will allow Spark to really go full throttle with those CPUs. Restart yarn service after change.
You should be increasing the executor memory and # executors, If the data is huge try increasing the Driver memory.
My suggestion is to not use the dynamic resource allocation and let it run and see if it still hangs or not (Please note that spark job can consume entire cluster resources and make other applications starve for resources try this approach when no jobs are running). if it doesn't hang that means you should play with the resource allocation, then start hardcoding the resources and keep increasing resources so that you can find the best resource allocation you can possibly use.
Below links can help you understand the resource allocation and optimization of resources.

kafka spark streaming job with many active jobs

I meet with a “many Active jobs” issue when using direct kafka streaming on YARN. (spark 1.5, hadoop 2.6, CDH5.5.1)
The problem happens when kafka has almost NO traffic.
From application UI, I see many ‘active’ jobs are keep running for hours. And finally the driver “Requesting 4 new executors because tasks are backlogged”.
But, when looking at the driver log of a ‘activity’ job, the log says the job is finished. So, why the application UI shows this job is activity like forever?
Here are related log info about one of the ‘activity’ jobs.
There are two stages: a reduceByKey follows a flatmap. The log says both stages are finished in ~20ms and the job also finishes in 64 ms.
Got job 6567
Final stage: ResultStage 9851(foreachRDD at
Parents of final stage: List(ShuffleMapStage 9850)
Missing parents: List(ShuffleMapStage 9850)
Finished task 0.0 in stage 9850.0 (TID 29551) in 20 ms
Removed TaskSet 9850.0, whose tasks have all completed, from pool
ShuffleMapStage 9850 (flatMap at OpaTransLogAnalyzeWithShuffle.scala:83) finished in 0.022 s
Submitting ResultStage 9851 (ShuffledRDD[16419] at reduceByKey at OpaTransLogAnalyzeWithShuffle.scala:83), which is now runnable
ResultStage 9851 (foreachRDD at OpaTransLogAnalyzeWithShuffle.scala:84) finished in 0.023 s
Job 6567 finished: foreachRDD at OpaTransLogAnalyzeWithShuffle.scala:84, took 0.064372 s
Finished job streaming job 1468592373000 ms.1 from job set of time 1468592373000 ms
I am facing similar issue. Myn is spark streaming applicaiton where in my only action is to write to cassandra table. And, this write fails due to certain ssl authenticaion. Ideally it should show such batches as failed in Streaming, but it remains in active state forever; inside the batch the jobs are completed successfully, ideally it should have been marked failed.

Hadoop2.4.0 creating 39063 Map tasks to process 10MB file in Local mode with invalid Inputsplit configuration

am using hadoop-2.4.0 with all default configuration expect below:
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, new Path("in")); //10mb file; just one file.
FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path("out"));
job.getConfiguration().set("mapred.max.split.size", "64");
job.getConfiguration().set("mapred.min.split.size", "128");
PS: I set max split size is lesser than min(Initially I set by mistake and I realized)
And, as per inputsplit calucaiton logic
max(minimumSize, min(maximumSize, blockSize))
max(128,min(64,128) --> 128MB and it is great than file size, so it should create only one inputsplit(one mapper)
Am just curious about how the framework calculating 39063 mappers each time when I run this program in eclipse?
2015-07-15 12:02:37 DEBUG LocalJobRunner Starting mapper thread pool executor.
2015-07-15 12:02:37 DEBUG LocalJobRunner Max local threads: 1
2015-07-15 12:02:37 DEBUG LocalJobRunner Map tasks to process: 39063
2015-07-15 12:02:38 INFO LocalJobRunner Starting task:
In your code you have specified:
job.getConfiguration().set("mapred.max.split.size", "64");
job.getConfiguration().set("mapred.min.split.size", "128");
Its calculating into bytes. Hence you are getting high number of Mapper.
I think you should use something like this:
job.getConfiguration().set("mapred.min.split.size", 67108864);
67108864 is value in bytes of 64MB
Calculation: 64*1024*1024 = 67108864
mapred.max.split.size is basicall used to combine small file to defint split size where you are dealing with large number of small files and mapred.min.split.size is used to define split where you are dealing with large files.
If you are using YARN or MR2 then you should use mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize

Hadoop performance modeling

I am working on Hadoop performance modeling. Hadoop has 200+ parameters so setting them manually is not possible. So often we run our hadoop jobs with default parameter value(like using default value io.sort.mb, io.sort.record.percent, mapred.output.compress etc). But using default parameter value gives us sub optimal performance. There is some work done in this area by Herodotos Herodotou (http://www.cs.duke.edu/starfish/files/vldb11-job-optimization.pdf) to improve performance. But i have following doubt in their work --
They are fixing the value of parameters at the job start time( according to proportionality assumption of data) for all the phases( read, map, collect etc.) of MapReduce job. Can we set different value of these parameters for each phase at run time according to run time environment( like cluster configuration, underling file system etc.), by changing Hadoop configuration log files of a particular node to get optimal performance from a node ?
They are using white box model for Hadoop core are they still applicable for
current Hadoop ( http://arxiv.org/pdf/1106.0940.pdf) ?
No, you couldn't dynamically change MapReduce parameters per job per node.
Configuring set of nodes
Rather what you could do is change the configuration parameters per node statically in the configuration files (generally located in /etc/hadoop/conf), so that you could take the most out of your cluster with different h/w configurations.
Example: Assume you have 20 worker nodes with different hardware configurations like:
10 with configuration of 128GB RAM, 24 Cores
10 with configuration of 64GB RAM, 12 Cores
In that case you would want to configure each of identical servers to take most out of the hardware for example, you would want to run more child tasks (mappers & reducers) on worker nodes with more RAM and Cores, for example:
Nodes with 128GB RAM, 24 Cores => 36 worker tasks (mappers + reducers), JVM heap for each worker task would be around 3GB.
Nodes with 64GB RAM, 12 Cores => 18 worker tasks (mappers + reducers), JVM heap for each worker task would be around 3GB.
So, you would want to configure the set of nodes respectively with appropriate parameters.
Using ToolRunner to pass configuration parameters dynamically to a Job:
Also, you could dynamically change the MapReduce job parameters per job but these parameters would be applied to the entire cluster not just to a set of nodes. Provided your MapReduce job driver extends ToolRunner.
ToolRunner allows you to parse generic hadoop command line arguments. You'll be able to pass MapReduce configuration parameters using -D property.name=property.value.
You can pretty much pass almost all hadoop parameters dynamically to a job. But most commonly passed MapReduce configuration parameters dynamically to a job are:
Here is an example terasort job passing lots of parameters dynamically per job:
hadoop jar hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar tearsort \
-Ddfs.replication=1 -Dmapreduce.task.io.sort.mb=500 \
-Dmapreduce.map.sort.splill.percent=0.9 \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.shuffle.parallelcopies=10 \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.shuffle.memory.limit.percent=0.1 \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.shuffle.input.buffer.percent=0.95 \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.input.buffer.percent=0.95 \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.shuffle.merge.percent=0.95 \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.merge.inmem.threshold=0 \
-Dmapreduce.job.speculative.speculativecap=0.05 \
-Dmapreduce.map.speculative=false \
-Dmapreduce.map.reduce.speculative=false \

 -Dmapreduce.job.jvm.numtasks=-1 \
-Dmapreduce.job.reduces=84 \

 -Dmapreduce.task.io.sort.factor=100 \
-Dmapreduce.map.output.compress=true \

org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.SnappyCodec \
-Dmapreduce.job.reduce.slowstart.completedmaps=0.4 \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.merge.memtomem.enabled=fasle \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.memory.totalbytes=12348030976 \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.memory.mb=12288 \

 -Dmapreduce.reduce.java.opts=“-Xms11776m -Xmx11776m \
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode \
-XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4” \

 -Dmapreduce.map.memory.mb=4096 \

 -Dmapreduce.map.java.opts=“-Xmx1356m” \
/terasort-input /terasort-output
