Visual c++ programatically get file version number within the file itself - windows

I know I can call GetFileVersionInfo() windows API to retrieve file version information.
Is there an easier way to determine the version information, from within the program itself?
For example, suppose I am writing codes for Foo.dll, and inside Foo.dll, I want to support a version function, say GetFooVersion(), which reports the version number of Foo.dll.
If I have to use GetFileVersionInfo(), then I need to search which Foo.dll in the path that is been linked (dynamically), and apply GetFileVersionInfo(). It's tedious and error-prone.
The target visual studio version is VS2012.

There is no GetFileVersionInfoByHandle nor GetFileVersionInfoFromModule unfortunately.
You can use FindResource etc. on your own module but you then have to parse the version info yourself because GetFileVersionInfo does not always retrieve the raw resource data (it can translate to/from Unicode etc.).
Another option is to put version #defines in a .h file that your function and your resource.rc can use so you only have to update a single file when the version changes.


How to determine the version number of a registered OCX in Delphi XE2

I have an ActiveX component in XE2 that connects to a database to handle transaction processing, and it includes a check of its version against that of the database to determine if they are compatible.
Unlike C#, where the AssemblyVersion attribute can be obtained at runtime using the Application.ProductVersion property, Delphi XE2 has no such built-in property for getting the version information included in the project options, with the preferred method being to use GetFileVersionInfo, passing in the full path to the program, or in this case the OCX.
Originally the OCX was always installed to the Windows System path but we have changed our installation process so that the OCX is installed to the same folder as the executable that uses it, which is a location determined by the user.
What I need is a consistent method that I can use from within the OCX code to obtain the installation folder from the registry across the multitude of Windows environments. I assume it would have something to do with the GUID's defined in the _TLB.pas file.
You don't need to query the Registry at all. The OCX can retreive its own filename by passing Delphi's global HInstance variable as the module handle to the Win32 API GetModuleFileName() function, then it can pass that filename to GetFileVersionInfo().
Although, a better way for the OCX to access its own version, without resorting to GetFileVersionInfo(), is to use Find/Load/LockResource() to access its own version resource directly, then no filename is needed at all. You can copy the version resource data into a temp buffer and pass that to VerQueryValue() to retrieve the resource's VS_FIXEDFILEINFO structure (retrieving anything else from the resource gets a bit trickier because GetFileVersionInfo() prepares certain lookup data that VerQueryValue() then uses).
You certainly don't need to use the registry here. Not least because there could potentially be multiple versions of the DLL on the machine, because you are installing to the executable directory of any program that uses the DLL.
You could certainly read the version resource as Remy describes. But another alternative would be to include a constant in your program that encodes the database version compatibility.
DatabaseVersion = 1;
Check this constant against the value read from the database and fail if not compatible.
To me this makes a little more sense as it separates the version of the DLL from the version of the database. The two are not necessarily linked. You could, and probably do, update the DLL without changing the database structure.

Strip the path to the pdb

Per default, when compiling a Visual Studio project in release mode, the complete path to the pdb is put into the image file, e.g.:
Using an undocumented linker switch (/pdbpath:none) one can force Visual Studio 2008 to reduce the full qualified name of the pdb, e.g:
I need to do the same with a project which is still built using VC6.
I tried the "/pdbpath:none" switch at the project settings level, but the linker complains about this unknown switch.
Does anyone knows a method (or a tool) to accomplish this either when linking a VC6 project or afterwards directly at the image level?
Your best bet is to use pdbstr.exe from MS directly. It allows for direct extraction, update, and misc other functions directly, independent of compiler version (up to the last supported version, which I think is VS2013 right now). We use it to add SVN linkings directly to PDBs which we then store in local symbol stores using srctool.
For newer link.exe versions, the syntax changed.
The option you want is now /pdbaltpath:%_PDB%
It is documented on MSDN:
%_PDB% expands to the file name of the actual .pdb file without any path information
For VC6, you might want to continue using the same compilers but a new version of link.exe.
The Windows Driver Kits also come with a tool named binplace.exe which can modify this information post-build.

How can I programmatically read what version of software I am using?

How can I programmatically read what version of software I am using?
If I use Visual Studio to create a project, and that project includes a resource (.rc) file and the version is specified in that file, how can I use code to "read" the version information?
That is, if I want the software to report what version it is when it is run, and the only place this information is stored is in the .rc file, what can I do?
You want to use GetFileVersion() and related functions.
You can use GetFileVersionInfo with the name of the current executable/dll to read the version information, which was embedded into the exe/dll when it was built from the resource file.
Assuming that you are using VERSIONINFO in your resource files, use these functions.

How to put version information in a multi platform program *nix and win32?

I want to know what is the standard way of doing it.
currently I'm thinking in add a series of defines in a header file and inlcudie that file in the main resource file win win32 to update the version resource in win32 and in *nix make some global functions to return this information.
and in windows make the msi install file also reflect the same version.
That sounds like a reasonable way to do it. I don't think there IS a standard way of doing this; there aren't any real standards for version reporting that are cross-platform.
Since we wanted to avoid the overhead of changing a "version.cpp" or equivalent every time we hit build -- and thereby taking the time to do at least one compile and link -- we modify the binary after the build.
If you're outputting to e.g. ELF or PE format executables, you can use some basic knowledge of ELF or PE and a linker map to figure out what to replace, otherwise you can scan through the binary looking for a set pattern (we use something like static const char VERSION[] = "[VERSIONBLOCK xxxxxxxxxxxxx]";) and replace a portion (e.g. the xxxx part above) with relevant info:
build date and time
build machine
output of e.g. svnversion
Note that this won't work very well if your binaries are signed or compressed before this step, but usually you can engineer your build process so the signing/compressing happens after this step.
I'm sure a variant of this could be extended to hit the Win32 PE version metadata as well as any embedded version string.

How do I change an EXE or DLL version number from the command line?

I need to build an old VB6 application with a version number where the 4th digit is greater than 9999, for example, version VB6 won't let you do this; the build fails.
The current workaround is to build version and then manually edit the file in Visual Studio to insert the correct version. There must be a better way. Is there a command-line tool that allows you to modify the version number fields of an EXE or DLL? Preferably a way that allows you to edit specific version number fields individually.
ChangeVersion (and others) taken from:
How do I set the version information for an existing .exe, .dll?
There are a number of tools for editing the version info of a windows executable but I don't think you will need them.
Look here are using resource files in vb
And here for info on the version resource
And here for info on the microsoft resource compiler
With these two you should be able to disable VB's builtin versioning and use whatever version info you want.
Nevermind, VB6 inserts its own version resource as a post build operation with no way to turn it off. Overwriting the version info in the executable is the only solution.
Resource Tuner Console
This console resource editor allows creating a reliable and repeatable
process for updating Product Version Information resources during the final
stage of the build process from the command prompt.
See specifically the batch manipulation of file version information page for greater details:
I think editbin might be a better solution (installed with Visual Studio)
