floating point random number generation in verilog. - random

Is there a way to generate random floating point numbers in either verilog or system verilog? More specifically through some hardware implementation?

A floating point number is just a number of bits. As such generating a random floating point number can be done by generating random bits and then interpreting them as a float (Or real as they are called in both VHDL and Verilog).
A standard way of generating a series of random bits in hardware is using a PRBS generator (Pseudo Random Bit Sequence generator): A linear feedback shift register with special feedback to get the maximum sequence. There are various polynomial depending on how long a PRBS you want to have.
For exact implementation I suggest you search for PRBS.


Random number from many other random numbers, is it more random?

We want to generate a uniform random number from the interval [0, 1].
Let's first generate k random booleans (for example by rand()<0.5) and decide according to these on what subinterval [m*2^{-k}, (m+1)*2^{-k}] the number will fall. Then we use one rand() to get the final output as m*2^{-k} + rand()*2^{-k}.
Let's assume we have arbitrary precision.
Will a random number generated this way be 'more random' than the usual rand()?
PS. I guess the subinterval picking amounts to just choosing the binary representation of the output 0. b_1 b_2 b_3... one digit b_i at a time and the final step is adding the representation of rand() to the end of the output.
It depends on the definition of "more random". If you use more random generators, it means more random state, and it means that cycle length will be greater. But cycle length is just one property of random generators. Cycle length of 2^64 usually OK for almost any purpose (the only exception I know is that if you need a lot of different, long sequences, like for some kind of simulation).
However, if you combine two bad random generators, they don't necessarily become better, you have to analyze it. But there are generators, which do work this way. For example, KISS is an example for this: it combines 3, not-too-good generators, and the result is a good generator.
For card shuffling, you'll need a cryptographic RNG. Even a very good, but not cryptographic RNG is inadequate for this purpose. For example, Mersenne Twister, which is a good RNG, is not suitable for secure card shuffling! It is because observing output numbers, it is possible to figure out its internal state, so shuffle result can be predicted.
This can help, but only if you use a different pseudorandom generator for the first and last bits. (It doesn't have to be a different pseudorandom algorithm, just a different seed.)
If you use the same generator, then you will still only be able to construct 2^n different shuffles, where n is the number of bits in the random generator's state.
If you have two generators, each with n bits of state, then you can produce up to a total of 2^(2n) different shuffles.
Tinkering with a random number generator, as you are doing by using only one bit of random space and then calling iteratively, usually weakens its random properties. All RNGs fail some statistical tests for randomness, but you are more likely to get find that a noticeable cycle crops up if you start making many calls and combining them.

Are there any efficient random BYTES generator (without using divisions)?

I'm trying to generate some 8-bit random numbers with C++ and don't want to use divisions (like rand()%8 or any scale methods).
One algorithm I found online is Park-Miller-Carta Pseudo-Random Number Generator
It is a 32-bit random number generator with no divisions. With these random numbers, I'm trying to extract the lower or higher 8 bits of them so that I can get some random bytes, but this does not seem to work because these bits are not so random.
Are there any tricks to fix this or are there any other algorithms that can do the trick?
How about XORing four bytes of 32bit random integer?

More random numbers

So I get that all the built in function only return pseudo random numbers as they use the clock speed or some other hardware to get the number.
So here my idea, if I take two pseudo random numbers and bitwise them together would the result still be pseudo random or would it be closer to truly random.
I figured that if I fiddled about with the number a bit it would be less replicable, or am I getting this wrong.
On a side note why is pseudo random a problem?
It will not be more random, but there is a big risk that the number will be less random (less uniformly ditributed). What bitwise operator were you thinking about?
Lets assume 4-bit random numbers 0101, 1000. When OR:ed together you would get 1101. With OR there would be a clear bias towards 1111, with AND towards 0000. (75 % of getting a 1 or 0 respectively in each position)
I don't think XOR and XNOR would be biased. But also you wouldn't get any more randomness out of it (see Pavium's answer).
Algorithms executed by computers are deterministic.
You can only generate truly random numbers if there's a non-deterministic input.
Pseudo-random numbers follow a repeating sequence. Maybe a long sequence but the repetition makes them predictable and therefore not truly random.
You can't generate truly random numbers from two pseudo-random numbers.
EDITED: to put the sentences in a more logical order.

Generating two differnet pseudorandom numbers using the same seed

Is it possible to generate two different psuedorandom numbers on two separate program runs without using time as the seed? i.e. using the same seed on both runs, is it possible to get two different numbers?
In general, it is not possible to get different pseudorandom numbers using the same seed.
Pseudorandom numbers are, by definition, not truly random numbers and therefore are not composed from sources of entropy. Or, if the numbers do contain some entropy input, the input is not enough to cause the sequence to qualify as statistically "random." (An example of a property that such a sequence should have is runs of 1-bits n-bits-long with probability of 2^(-n), among many other properties of statistical randomness. The definition of statistical randomness becomes more sophisticated (in a sense, more "actual" or close to nature) as mathematics around randomness improves. This is another way of saying that, at any given time, the definitions of statistical randomness are about to become out-dated or obsolete.)
In any case, the vast majority of pseudorandom number generators are, in fact, completely deterministic.
The canonical1 example of a pseudorandom number generator is a linear feedback shift register (LFSR). The LFSR can be implemented as a digital logic circuit containing a register which holds N bits, some gates numbering M, much less than N (e.g., M=1, M=2), usually these are XOR gates, which "feed back" into the register's bits at certain "tap bits." There is a lot about this on the web.
Given the same seed input, the LFSR will always generate the same sequence.
It is possible, using Walsh-Hadamard matrices, or otherwise called "M matrices", additionally called "sequency transform", to sample the output of an LFSR and determine that the sequence is, in fact, from an LFSR and also the structure of its gates and taps, as well as the current register content. From this information all sequence values are known, and it is possible to reverse out the possible seed values which were used as input. For these reasons, LFSRs are not suitable for security purposes such as random tokens for authentication.
By canonical, I am refering to Don Knuth's use of the LFSR as an example, as well as the timeless tradition which has ensued therefrom.
Not sure if you want to generate 2 different random numbers from same seed - or avoid it! But, if you really do want that, then similar to LFSRs, LCGs (Linear Congruential Generators) are often used to generate deterministic psuedo random numbers. You can 'easily' create 2 simple LCGs using different constants, which will generate 2 different psuedo random numbers for the same seed.

Mersenne Twister: seeding & visualization

I am using a C# implementation of Mersenne Twister I downloaded from CenterSpace. I have two problems with it:
No matter how I seed the algorithm it does not pass DieHard tests, and by that I mean I get quite a lot of 1s and 0s for p-value. Also my KStest on 269 p-values is 0. Well, I cannot quite interpret p-value, but I think a few 1s and 0s in the result is bad news.
I have been asked to visually show the randomness of the numbers. So I plot the numbers as they are generated, and this does not seem random at all. Here is two screenshots of the result after a few seconds and a few seconds later. As you can see in the second screenshot the numbers fall on some parallel lines. I have tried different algorithms to map numbers to points. They all result in parallel lines, but with different angles! This is how I mapped numbers to points for these screenshots: new Point(number % _canvasWidth, number % _canvasHeight). As you may guess, the visual result depends on the form's width and height, and this is a disasterous result.
Here is a few ways I tried to seed the algorithm:
User entry. I enter some numbers to seed the algorithm as an int array.
Random numbers generated by the algorithm itself!!
An array of new Guid().GetHashCode()
What am I missing here? How should I seed the algorithm? How can I get it pass the DieHard?
While I cannot speak to your first point, the second problem has to do with how you are computing the points to draw on. Specifically,
x = number % _canvasWidth;
y = number % _canvasHeight;
will give you a "pattern" that corresponds somewhat to the aspect ratio of the window you are drawing to. For example, if _canvasWidth and _canvasHeight were equal, you would always draw on a single diagonal line as x and y would always be the same. This graphical representation wouldn't be appropriate in this case, then.
What about taking the N bits of the RNG output and using half for the x coordinate and the other half for the y coordinate? For those bits that fall out of the bounds of your window you might want to consider two options:
Don't draw them (or draw them offscreen)
Perform a linear interpolation to map the range of bits to the width/height of your window
Either option should give you a more representative picture of the bits you are getting our of your random number generator. Good luck!
Your stripy point-plotting problem should easily be fixed by generating a new random number for each of the x and y coordinates. Trying to reuse a single generated number for x and y is basically premature optimization, but if you do go down that route, make sure you extract different bits for each from the number; as is, x=n%width;y=n%height gives you enormous correlation between x and y, as can be seen in your images.
I've been using various C++ Mersenne Twister implementations for years (most recently boost's) to generate random points and had no difficulties with it (seed related or otherwise). It really is a superb generator.
True random number generation cannot be done with a mathematical function. If it's important to have truly random numbers, get a hardware random number generator. I've developed real money online poker games—such hardware is the only way to be confident there are no patterns in the numbers.
If targeting a Linux environment, the /dev/random and /dev/urandom pseudo devices do a lot better than a mathematical generator, since they incorporate random numbers representing hardware activity.
