Admin on rest add new resource to store dynamically - react-redux

My project is structured like this.
As you can see there are three resources(posts, users, comments) defined.
So you cannot perform CRUD operations on any other resource. I am not using any custom clients (using aor-loopback rest client)
I would like to dynamically add new resources to the store so that I can access those tables/models/resources for CRUD. I know its possible (but don't know how), because we can update the store on the fly. Any help is appreciated.

I found the solution my problem. Sharing it for anyone who encounters the same.
import { DECLARE_RESOURCES } from 'admin-on-rest';
and use this action to re-initialise all the resources with an additional one.


dj_rest_auth restrict user registration to a certaing group

Based on Django REST framework: Check user is in group , I have succesfully restricted my custom views to certain groups.
Yet, I need to restrict dj_rest_auth.views.RegisterView to a certain group.
How can I make it?
I thought of trying to set a wrapper class over RegisterView, and link my wrapper class in, but what methods should I override?
Thank you SO much!
Well, it seems dj-rest-auth is ready for this need:
REST_AUTH_REGISTER_PERMISSION_CLASSES = ("rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated","api.permissions.HasLoginPermission")
Keep in mind there's a bug in dj-rest-auth<1.1.12 that prevents those string to work.

Is it possible to create a second Laravel "api route" with a separate API KEY?

I'm new to Laravel and I am handed an existing application that is composed of two parts:
1 - An admin backend built on Laravel and uses Vueify
2 - The frontend website built on next.js and uses react components
The admin part communicates with Laravel using the "web routes" but also uses the "api routes" as well since the vue components make AJAX requests using those "api routes".
I am now tasked with "connecting" the frontend part to the laravel app. The frontend part will be using AJAX as well to communicate with laravel but I was told I should not use the same "api route" that is used by the admin backend because that has a lot more privileges that should not be accessible by the frontend. Basically it's a security risk and that I should somehow separate the two.
I'm not actually sure which term to use.. I initially thought it was called "channel" but I see that channel is one of the 4 "ways" of connecting to laravel (the other 3 being web, api and console). So I think routes is the term to use and forgive me for the double-quotes.
I have made a simple diagram to show the structure I mean. What I need to know is is there a way to create a second api route that would be used exclusively by the frontend and would include only a limited set of priviledges. I imagine something like /frontapi/ or /webapi/ as opposed to /api/ which is used now by the backend.
Thanks a lot for your help and please correct me if I am using wrong terminology.
Thank you all for answering the part regarding separating the route prefix and the api route files.
One part of the question that I realized late that I hadn't made clear was the importance of separating the API Keys for both APIs since I think that is the main security issue and what would really make then two individual API "Channels or ways". I think that is one reason why I was confusing about the terminology because "way" sounded to me more separate that just a "route". I've also edited the question to reflect that. Thank you again for taking the time to help.
You can decompose routes in as many files as you want, you can also give each file its own prefix (like how api.php routes start with /api)
The modification need to be done in App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider
//in map() add $this->mapApiTwoRoutes()
public function map()
$this->mapApiTwoRoutes();//<---this one
//now add the method mapApiTwoRoutes
protected function mapApiTwoRoutes()
Route::prefix('api2')//<-- prefix in the url
->middleware('api')//<-- api middleware (throttle and such check App\Http\Kernal.php)
->namespace('App\Http\Controllers') //<-- you can modify the namespace of the controllers
->group(base_path('routes/apiTwo.php'));//<-- file containing the routes
And that's it.
You need to define a new route file, firstly add a new entry $this->mapApi2Routes(); in the map() function in app\Providers\RouteServiceProvider.
Then add a new function in that file, basically copying the mapApiRoutes() function, call it mapApi2Routes(). You can use different middleware etc. for the new file.
The last step would be adding a new file api2.php in the routes folder.

Laravel 4: Dynamic db selection using Capsule

Just trying to understand how Capsule works in laravel. Everything works correctly where it is defined, however, as soon as a new page is opened it again take backs the old connection information instead of the new connection which is defined.
I believed setAsGlobal() basically makes it available for that particular session atleast, however, I guess I am conceptually wrong here.
It would be really nice if someone can guide through the right way to make the new database connection available globally VIA CAPSULE, there are various other ways, however this seems more promising.
It would be really nice if someone could explain the following commands in more simpler way (the comments are written as per in the documentation, however, something above that would be really nice):
// Set the event dispatcher used by Eloquent models... (optional)
$capsule->setEventDispatcher(new Dispatcher(new Container));
// Set the cache manager instance used by connections... (optional)
// Make this Capsule instance available globally via static methods... (optional)
// Setup the Eloquent ORM... (optional; unless you've used setEventDispatcher())
Any help would really be appreciated. Thank you.
Check my answer at to use Capsule out of Laravel scope in your app. Since all the laravel components are decoupled and served as independent components in laravel project, you can use them in your app easily.

Resources - Properties : Possible to dynamically build?

I'm new to Thymeleaf / Spring and have just introduced a file. I see the benefits of using it, however, it's a bit of a pain to populate it.
I have a form, I've just added several inputs, I know need to add each of these as keys in the message file. Is there a way of doing this on the fly for me?
To automatically populate the message properties, you may have to consider using a scaffolding solution like jHipster or something similar.

Sample Code for Creating Custom Membership Provider

I am writing an MVC 3 application and I am trying to implement my own custom membership provider (following the sample in Apress' Pro ASP.NET MVC 3 Framework).
I created my custom class, inherited from MembershipProvider and (using ReSharper) implemented all 27 of the methods with NotImplementedExceptions.
Now, I have overridden the ValidateUser method as the book states and it works fine, but I would like to make my provider more robust and implement the other methods (e.g. set MinRequiredPasswordLength and GetNumberOfUsersOnline).
Is there some sample code that I can use to start populating these methods that I can tweak to fit my own DB/Model schema?
I can certainly use trial and error to figure it out, but a base code sample would greatly help.
This question was just downvoted twice. If you are going to downvote, please post a comment as to why so that I can work on improving my questions.
For example, for the following method:
public override int GetNumberOfUsersOnline()
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
I can try to write code from scratch to look at some web log, determine the users login time and approximate if they are still on, but that will take a large amount of time for me to figure out. Since all this code is from the same interface that Microsoft wrote for the standard SqlMembershipProvider, isn't there code out there (even from MS) that contains this method? If so, I want take it, modify it so it uses my DB schema instead of the aspnetdb default schema. I would prefer to have some sort of base code to work from. I thought this would be a simple and fairly standard request, but perhaps not.
You can't use the default provider's code for your custom provider, that is why you are implementing a custom one, to tweak it according to your requirements, use your own db tables etc.
Take a look at my blog posts about custom membership, custom role providers and custom membership user. There is an example there of how you can use your own database to get/set membership information.
Here's a of sample implementation of custom MembershipProvider on MSDN.
