C++ 11 standards - initialize member variables in header - c++11

Is it necessary to initialize member variables with nullptr or Q_NULLPTR in header files? If yes, why is it so required, when I do proper initialize it the ctor initialization list.
in MyDialog.h,
QDialog* m_Dialog = Q_NULLPTR;
and in MyDialog.cpp...I do
: QDialog()
, m_Dialog(new QDialog())
And in destructor, I do proper delete n setting it to nullptr.
Why is the below required?
QDialog* m_Dialog = Q_NULLPTR;

It is not required that you use
QDialog* m_Dialog = Q_NULLPTR;
to initialize the member variable.
The above syntactic form is useful when there are many constructors in which you'll want to initialize the member variable with the same value. It reduces duplicate code.
If your class has the only constructor that you posted, you could leave the member variable declaration as
QDialog* m_Dialog;
without adversely affecting your program.


When does c++ right value destruct in this scenario?

Here is the code:
class SomeType {
SomeType() {}
~SomeType() {}
std::string xxx;
bool funtion_ab() {
SomeType(); // This is a right val;
// The right val destructs here when I test the code. I want to make sure that it would always destructs here.
int a = 0, b = 10;
....// other code
return true;
Please tell me if you know the truth. Thank you!
What you have is called a temporary object. From §6.7.7,
Temporary objects are created
when a prvalue is converted to an xvalue
or, more specifically,
[Note 3: Temporary objects are materialized:
when a prvalue that has type other than cv void appears as a discarded-value expression ([expr.context]).
— end note]
and, on the lifetime, the same section has this to say
Temporary objects are destroyed as the last step in evaluating the full-expression ([intro.execution]) that (lexically) contains the point where they were created.
You can read more about the expression semantics, but in your case "full-expression" is fairly unambiguous.
The "full-expression" containing your constructor call is... the constructor call itself. So the destructor will be called immediately after evaluating the constructor. There are some exceptions to this rule (such as if the temporary object is thrown as an exception or is bound as a reference), but none of those apply here.
As noted in the comments, compilers are free to inline your constructor and destructor calls and then are free to notice that they do nothing and omit them entirely. Optimizers can do fun stuff with your code, provided it doesn't change the semantics. But a strict reading of the standard states that the destructor is called exactly where you suggested.

Why does delegating to the default constructor not zero initialize member variable

#include <string>
struct T1 {
int _mem1;
int _mem2;
T1() = default;
T1(int mem2) : T1() { _mem2 = mem2; }
T1 getT1() { return T1(); }
T1 getT1(int mem2) { return T1(mem2); }
int main() {
volatile T1 a = T1();
std::printf("a._mem1=%d a._mem2=%d\n", a._mem1, a._mem2);
volatile T1 b = T1(1);
std::printf("b._mem1=%d b._mem2=%d\n", b._mem1, b._mem2);
// Temporarily disable
if (false) {
volatile T1 c = getT1();
std::printf("c._mem1=%d c._mem2=%d\n", c._mem1, c._mem2);
volatile T1 d = getT1(1);
std::printf("d._mem1=%d d._mem2=%d\n", d._mem1, d._mem2);
When I compile this with gcc5.4, I get the following output:
g++ -std=c++11 -O3 test.cpp -o test && ./test
a._mem1=0 a._mem2=0
b._mem1=382685824 b._mem2=1
Why does the user defined constructor, which delegates to the default constructor not manage to set _mem1 to zero for b, however a which uses the default constructor is zero initialized?
Valgrind confirms this also:
==12579== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==12579== at 0x4E87CE2: vfprintf (vfprintf.c:1631)
==12579== by 0x4E8F898: printf (printf.c:33)
==12579== by 0x4005F3: main (in test)
If I change if(false) to if(true)
Then the output is as you would expect
a._mem1=0 a._mem2=0
b._mem1=0 b._mem2=1
c._mem1=0 c._mem2=0
d._mem1=0 d._mem2=1
What is the compiler doing?
Short answer: for trivial types, the two distinct forms of "default construction" leads to two different initializations:
T a; in which case the object is default-initialized. Its value is undetermined and undefined behavior will soon happen (this is how is initialized b.mem1 and why valgrind detect an error.)
T a=T(); in which case the object is value-initialized and its entire memory is zeroed (this is what happens to a.mem1 and a.mem2)
Long answer: Actualy, the default constructor of T1 is not the cause of zero initialization of a.mem1. a has been first zero-initialized but not b because of a singular rule of the standard that does not apply for b's initializer.
The definition volatile a=T() causes a to be value-initialized (1). struct T1 as no user-provided default constructor (2). For such a struct the entire object is zero-initialized as stated by this rule of the C++11 standard [dcl.init]/7.2:
if T is a (possibly cv-qualified) non-union class type without a user-provided constructor, then the object is zero-initialized and, if T's implicitly-declared default constructor is non-trivial, that constructor is called.
There is a subtle difference between C++11 and C++17 that causes the definition volatile b=T(1) to be undefined behavior in C++11 but not in C++17. In C++11, b is initialized by copying an object type T1 which is initialized by the expression T(1). This copy construction evaluate T(1).mem1 which is an undetermined value. This is forbidden. In c++17, b is directly initialized by the prvalue expression T(1).
The evaluation of this undetermined value inside the printf is also undefined behavior independently of the c++ standard. This is why valgrind complains and why you see inconsistent outputs when you change if (true) to if (false).
(1) strictly speaking a is copy constructed from a value-initalized object in c++11
(2) T1's default constructor is not user provided because it is defined as defaulted on the first declaration
Short Answer
The default constructor in your code is considered trivial and that kind of constructor perform no actions i.e. leave things unitialized.
Longer answer
Trivial default constructor
The default constructor for class T is trivial (i.e. performs no
action) if all of the following is true:
The constructor is not user-provided (i.e., is implicitly-defined or defaulted on its first declaration)
T has no virtual member functions
T has no virtual base classes
T has no non-static members with default initializers.
(since C++11)
Every direct base of T has a trivial default constructor
Every non-static member of class type has a trivial default constructor
> A trivial default constructor is a constructor that performs no
action. All data types compatible with the C language (POD types) are
trivially default-constructible. Unlike in C, however, objects with
trivial default constructors cannot be created by simply
reinterpreting suitably aligned storage, such as memory allocated with
std::malloc: placement-new is required to formally introduce a new
object and avoid potential undefined behavior.

Cplex C++ interface. How to clean up memory?

Background: The C++ interface of IBM ILOG Cplex allocates and de-allocates memory rather unconventionally:
A declaration of an ILO environment IloEnv environment;, followed by a construction of models and solvers within this environment, followed by all these objects (including the environment) going out of scope results in a memory leak. Note that I have not used the new operator. One way to avoid this is to call environment.end(); before the object goes out of scope.
Setting: Now, I have a class whose purpose is to solve a specific ILP. This class has some member variables:
IloEnv ilpEnvironment_;
IloObjective ilpObjective_;
IloExpr ilpExpression_;
IloModel ilpModel_;
IloCplex ilpSolver_;
IloNumArray ilpSolution_;
IloNumVarArray ilpVariables_;
IloNumArray ilpStartValues_;
IloRangeArray constraints_;
These member variables are initialized in the initializer list of the constructor:
inline MyClass::MyClass()
: ilpEnvironment_(),
{ /* ... */ }
The destructor de-allocates all the memory (that has been allocated by member functions of the class that operate on the member variables):
inline MyClass::~MyClass() {
Question: How do i implement a member function void clear() that de-allocates the memory and puts the class back into its initial state? Here are two rather naive attempts I made that don't work:
inline void MyClass::clear() {
ilpEnvironment_ = IloEnv(); // does not work, whether or not I comment this line out
ilpObjective_ = IloObjective(ilpEnvironment_);
ilpExpression_ = IloExpr(ilpEnvironment_);
ilpModel_ = IloModel(ilpEnvironment_);
ilpSolver_ = IloCplex(ilpEnvironment_);
ilpSolution_ = IloNumArray(ilpEnvironment_);
ilpVariables_ = IloNumVarArray(ilpEnvironment_);
ilpStartValues_ = IloNumArray(ilpEnvironment_);
constraints_ = IloRangeArray(ilpEnvironment_);
If the purpose of the class is to solve a specific ILP model, then I would initialize the class with the model size/parameters, and create and destroy the CPLEX objects within a solve() member function while saving only the results as class members. Class members would be model parameters, and the object would keep all CPLEX dealings hidden.
You could even have a class member that keeps track of which constraints to activate in that particular solve() call.
If you absolutely have to use the CPLEX objects as changeable class members, then you might want to try to use object pointers as class members instead of the objects themselves. Calling IloEnv::end() destroys the objects associated with it, so you could call IloEnd::end() and then reassign the pointers to new objects.

How to (if possible) get the reference of an in-memory object (class instance)?

I'm trying to see if there's a way to get a refference of an object which is outside the local (and global) scope, but who exists in memory.
Let's say in my program, i've instantiated an object whose reference is this:
Far away after tons of calls, in a context where i wouldn't be able to access this object, could i do something like getting the reference of this object simply by knowing the above string?
I was looking into the cl_abap_*descr classes, but i haven't found a method that takes the 'program_name', 'class_name' and 'instance_number', to return the reference of an object.
I'm trying to do this for the purpose of debugging, not to build something that works.
[EDIT 1]:
I assumed that the o:9 string was required in order to get the reference of the object. As pointed out in the response of #mydoghasworms, this isn't the case. It seems that i only need the local name of the variable which holds the reference.
I hope I understand your question correctly, because I am not sure what you mean with "for the purpose of debugging", but here goes:
You can access the variables of another program that are loaded in the memory of the same session (I am pretty sure it does not need to be in the call stack) using:
With reference variables, it becomes a bit more tricky, but here is an example that will help to demonstrate.
Here is our calling program that contains a reference variable LR_TEST which we want to access somewhere else. For the purpose of the demonstration, I make reference to a locally defined class (because that's what I gather from your question).
class lcl_test definition.
public section.
data: myval type i.
methods: my_meth exporting e_val type i.
data: lr_test type ref to lcl_test.
lr_test->MYVAL = 22.
perform call_me(zcallee).
class lcl_test implementation.
method my_meth.
* Export the attribute myval as param e_val.
e_val = myval.
Here is the program in which we want to access a variable from the above program.
form call_me.
field-symbols: <ref>.
data: ld_test type ref to object.
data: lv_val type i.
* Exhibit A: Gettinf a reference to a 'foreign' object instance
assign ('(ZCALLER)LR_TEST') to <ref>.
* <ref> now contains a reference to the class instance from the program
* ZCALLER (not very useful, except for passing around maybe)
* Exhibit B: Getting a public attribute from a 'foreign' class instance
assign ('(ZCALLER)LR_TEST->MYVAL') to <ref>.
* <ref> now contains the value of the attribute MYVAL
* Exhibit C: Getting a reference to an instance and calling a method
assign ('(ZCALLER)LR_TEST') to <ref>. "Again the class reference
if sy-subrc = 0. "Rule: Always check sy-subrc after assign before
"accessing a field symbol! (but you know that)
ld_test = <ref>. "Now we have a concrete handle
* Now we make a dynamic method call using our instance handle
CALL METHOD ld_test->('MY_METH')
e_val = lv_val.

Is there a hook for when anonymous classes are assigned to a constant?

I've been practicing some Ruby meta-programming recently, and was wondering about assigning anonymous classes to constants.
In Ruby, it is possible to create an anonymous class as follows:
anonymous_class = Class.new # => #<Class:0x007f9c5afb21d0>
New instances of this class can be created:
an_instance = anonymous_class.new # => #<#<Class:0x007f9c5afb21d0>:0x007f9c5afb0330>
Now, when the anonymous class is assigned to a constant, the class now has a proper name:
Foo = anonymous_class # => Foo
And the previously created instance is now also an instance of that class:
an_instance # => #<Foo:0x007f9c5afb0330>
My question: Is there a hook method for the moment when an anonymous class is assigned to a constant?
There are many hooks methods in Ruby, but I couldn't find this one.
Let's take a look at how constant assignment works internally. The code that follows is extracted from a source tarball of ruby-1.9.3-p0. First we look at the definition of the VM instruction setconstant (which is used to assign constants):
# /insns.def, line 239
(ID id)
(VALUE val, VALUE cbase)
rb_const_set(cbase, id, val);
No chance to place a hook in vm_check_if_namespace or INC_VM_STATE_VERSION here. So we look at rb_const_set (variable.c:1886), the function that is called everytime a constant is assigned:
# /variable.c, line 1886
rb_const_set(VALUE klass, ID id, VALUE val)
rb_const_entry_t *ce;
VALUE visibility = CONST_PUBLIC;
# ...
check_before_mod_set(klass, id, val, "constant");
if (!RCLASS_CONST_TBL(klass)) {
RCLASS_CONST_TBL(klass) = st_init_numtable();
else {
# [snip], won't be called on first assignment
ce = ALLOC(rb_const_entry_t);
ce->flag = (rb_const_flag_t)visibility;
ce->value = val;
st_insert(RCLASS_CONST_TBL(klass), (st_data_t)id, (st_data_t)ce);
I removed all the code that was not even called the first time a constant was assigned inside a module. I then looked into all the functions called by this one and didn't find a single point where we could place a hook from Ruby code. This means the hard truth is, unless I missed something, that there is no way to hook a constant assignment (at least in MRI).
To clarify: The anonymous class does not magically get a new name as soon as it is assigned (as noted correctly in Andrew's answer). Rather, the constant name along with the object ID of the class is stored in Ruby's internal constant lookup table. If, after that, the name of the class is requested, it can now be resolved to a proper name (and not just Class:0xXXXXXXXX...).
So the best you can do to react to this assignment is to check the name of the class in a loop of a background worker thread until it is non-nil (which is a huge waste of resources, IMHO).
Anonymous classes don't actually get their name when they're assigned to a constant. They actually get it when they're next asked what their name is.
I'll try to find a reference for this. Edit: Can't find one, sorry.
