preload = fields.Boolean(related='project_id.preload', string='Preload Templates')
part_template_ids = fields.Many2many(
'project.part.template', string='Part Templates', required=True,
def _default_part_template_ids(self):
domain = [('case_default', '=', True)]
return self.env['project.part.template'].search(domain)
my goal is to change part_template_ids default based on preload field. If preload is True then part_template_ids default='_default_part_template_ids' if preload is false then default for part_template_ids is false too. how can i do this?
At first you have to add a default value to preload
preload = fields.Boolean(
related='project_id.preload', string='Preload Templates',
That will trigger onchange events, even on initial creation. You can use that to fill default values for other fields.
def onchange_preload(self):
""" Preloads part templates if set to true"""
if self.preload:
domain = [('case_default', '=', True)]
self.part_template_ids = self.env['project.part.template'].search(domain)
self.part_template_ids = self.env['project.part.template']
I would like to filter or return certain data sets with the same "lookup_ref" but I would like to be able to look up multiple "lookup_ref" at one time.
I have searched and I can't find a way of doing this... my thoughts are:
with form checkboxes to see which data sets the user would like to return
use that input to create a list
only return data base entries which have the "lookup_ref" in that list.
have I gone down the wrong route? is there a better way of doing this?
class qtable(models.Model):
lookup_ref_choices = (
('gen', 'gen'),
('stolen_car', 'stolen_car'),
('assault', 'assault'),
lookup_ref = models.CharField(choices = lookup_ref_choices, max_length=20)
quest = models.CharField(max_length = 500)
order = models.FloatField(default = None)
def get_user_input(request):
form = Input_Form
context = {'form':form}
return render(request, 'input.html',context )
class Input_Form(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = qtable
fields = "__all__"
exclude = ['quest', 'order']
qtable = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(
widget = forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple,
queryset = qtable.objects.all()
i'm new in odoo dev and i'm trying to make the field value 'recommanded_price' (from marketplace.marketplaceinfo model) change when 'formula' field changes (which is in the marketplace.marketplace model)
I used the #api.depends decorator but it doesn't trigger the function
Here's the essential of my code
class marketplace(models.Model):
_name = 'marketplace.marketplace'
_description = 'Marketplace'
formula = fields.Char('Formula')
product_ids = fields.One2many('marketplace.marketplaceinfo', 'mkp', 'Products')
class marketplace_info(models.Model):
_name = 'marketplace.marketplaceinfo'
_description = 'Information about a product marketplace'
mkp = fields.Many2one('marketplace.marketplace','Marketplace',ondelete = 'cascade',required = True,
help='Marketplace of this product'
product_tmpl_id = fields.Many2one(
'product.template', 'Product Template',
index=True, ondelete='cascade')
price = fields.Float('Price', default=0.0, digits=dp.get_precision('Product Price'),
help="The selling price for a product within the marketplace")
recommonded_price = fields.Float('Recommended Price', compute='_compute_recommonded_price' ,default=0.0, digits=dp.get_precision('Product Price'),
readonly = True, help="The recommended selling price for a product within the marketplace")
def _compute_recommonded_price(self):
#do something
This decorator will trigger the call to the decorated function if any of the fields specified in the decorator is altered by ORM or changed in the form:
#api.depends('name', 'an_other_field')
def afun(self):
Other then you can use another decorator
This decorator will trigger the call to the decorated function if any of the fields specified in the decorator is changed in the form:
def do_stuff(self):
if self.fieldx == x:
self.fieldy = 'toto'
Difference :
In previous sample self corresponds to the record currently edited on the form. When in on_change context all work is done in the cache. So you can alter RecordSet inside your function without being worried about altering database. That’s the main difference with #api.depends
REF : enter link description here
I have field declared in the following way:
field = serializers.HyperlinkedRelatedField(
Do you know how I can temporarily set such field as read_only ?
Unfortunately such construction doesn't work :(
serializer.Meta.extra_kwargs = {
'field': {'queryset': None, 'read_only': True}
it works fine, when field is declared as a ForeignKey in the Model e.g.
class Foo(models.Model):
field = models.ForeignKey(...)
class FooSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Foo
fields = ('url', 'field',...)
and then (as I mention above), or even:
serializer.Meta.read_only_fields = ('field',)
Try to pass read_only property while declaring the field when you are using HyperlinkedRelatedField
field = serializers.HyperlinkedRelatedField(
# set read_only to True
Read docs: hyperlinkedmodelserializer
In my Laravel 5 project, I would like to increase the number of views when a visitor come/refresh on the product page like:
$rds = Product::whereId($id)->first();
The problem is that the field: updated_at automatically update, which is not what I want at all because I would like to change only field: hits, not update_at field.
If I set $rds->updated_at = false; the field is updated to be '0000-00-00 00:00:0'.
Could you advise how to prevent updated_at field from automatically changing for only certain function?
Best Regards,
Set the timestamps to false to disable updating created_at and updated_at.
$rds = Product::whereId($id)->first();
$rds->timestamps = false;
You can have a look at the code by Laravel here in performUpdate method:
// First we need to create a fresh query instance and touch the creation and
// update timestamp on the model which are maintained by us for developer
// convenience. Then we will just continue saving the model instances.
if ($this->timestamps && Arr::get($options, 'timestamps', true)) {
it's not $rds->updated_at = false, should be $rds->timestamps = false
Simply put the below in your model it would disable timestamp
public $timestamps = false;
or append to the body of the method, below
$rds->timestamps = false;
NB: The first would disable timestamps permanently, while the other would not allow update of timestamp on your edit.
class Products(models.Model):
category = models.ForeignKey(Category)
name= models.CharField(max_length=120, unique=True)
slug = models.SlugField(unique = True)
price = models.IntegerField(default=100)
class Image(models.Model):
property = models.ForeignKey(Products, related_name='images')
image = models.ImageField(upload_to='static/images/home',blank=True,null=True)
if request.is_ajax():
query = Products.objects.all()
p = Paginator(query, 4)
pagedata =
jsondata = serializers.serialize('json', pagedata.object_list)
data = json.dumps({'id' : jsondata,})
return HttpResponse(data, content_type='application/json')
now in ajax data are in (pk, category, name, slug ,price)
but i also want foreign key field i.e 'image' using reverse lookup in ajax. i have already tried list but i want to do using reverse lookup..
You cannot use serializers.serialize and then json.dumps on your stuff. serializers.serialize is basically doing the same thing as json.dumps, to convert a python object into json string. What you need to do is manually construct a dictionary that contains all your data. You might need to loop through the Product list because there's no way to query for reverse relationships for each item in one run.