ask LookupTXT function in golang - windows

How do I change the IP address of the DNS server?
In situation, I set Google DNS server in Windows Network Settins.
And I use LookupTXT function in Golang for getting DNS txt request.
But LookupTXT parameter is just the query string.
Any help or pointers would be highly appreciated. Thanks!

This is not straigtforward to do using golang at this point. You can however use a third party DNS package that allows configuring the resolver. First install the package:
go get
Here is an example using it and the google resolvers and
package main
import (
func main() {
resolver := dns_resolver.New([]string{"", ""})
// In case of i/o timeout
resolver.RetryTimes = 5
ip, err := resolver.LookupHost("")
if err != nil {
// Output []
There is an open issue in golang here, so hopefully it becomes easier to do it with the builtin net package: It could just be a documentation problem, as it is possible now, I just can't find an example.
EDIT: actually that package only supports lookupHost:
So a PR would be required to add a TXT resolver.
2nd Edit: I made a PR with txt lookup here. That project hasn't been touched in years though so it may never get accepted.


Configuring OTLP exporter through environment variables

Currently I am trying to configure my OTLP exporter using environment variables. This is supposed to be possible as per the official docs.
In particular, I want to focus on the OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT one, which is allowed for the OTLPtrace exporter. According to the comments in their code, the environment variable takes precedence over any other value set in the code.
I wrote a very basic HTTP application in Go, which is instrumented with OpenTelemetry. When I specify the exporter endpoint explicitly in the code like:
exporter, err := otlptrace.New(
otlptracegrpc.WithEndpoint("My Endpoint"),
The instrumentation works just fine like that. However if I remove the otlptracegrpc.NewClient configuration from the code, it does not pick up the values set in the environment, which are set like:
So when I run this application in my debugger I can see that the exporter client has an empty value as the endpoint, yet I can pick them up within my program as:
exporterEndpoint := os.Getenv("OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT")
This I interpret as the variables being actually present at the time the code is being executed, which was my main fear.
Why is this? Am I missing something here? Should I populate the environment variable differently (I see there are "options" for the environment variable in the official docs, but no examples)?
From what I see from your code, you're trying to contact the OTLP exporter through a gRPC call. If you see, in their documentation they wrote this in line 71:
This option has no effect if WithGRPCConn is used.
This means that you can completely avoid passing this variable at all to the otlptracegrpc.NewClient function. I instantiate a gRPC client with this code and it works:
func newOtlpExporter(ctx context.Context) (trace.SpanExporter, error) {
client := otlptracegrpc.NewClient(otlptracegrpc.WithInsecure(), otlptracegrpc.WithDialOption(grpc.WithBlock()))
exporter, err := otlptrace.New(ctx, client)
if err != nil {
return exporter, err
Back to your question, you're right with your guess but only if you're sending metrics, traces, and so on through HTTPS calls.
Let me know if this helps to solve the issue or if anything else is needed!
Edit 1
I overlooked this. The comment you linked in the question is taken from the wrong file. The correct line is this:
As you can see, the comment is clearer and you have only two options:
Provide your own endpoint address
Use the default one which is localhost:
Let me know if helps!

How do I set a DNS cache for the net package?

In the "net/http" package I can cache the DNS lookups by:
client := &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
Dial: (&nett.Dialer{
Resolver: &nett.CacheResolver{TTL: 5 * time.Minute},
IPFilter: nett.DualStack,
then use client to retrieve websites. How do I cache the DNS lookups for the net package? for instance, a reverse DNS request:
Since this does not use a variable I am confused as to how to get it setup and how to even know if I am using a cached instance.
The nett package seems to just have a single "Resolve" method rather than LookupAddr, LookupIP etc etc that the official net package has. So reverse lookups don't seem to be available. Here's how to do a normal lookup of address from name
package main
import (
func main() {
r := nett.CacheResolver{TTL: 5 * time.Minute}
a, _ := r.Resolve("")
for _, i := range a {
It would seem the behavior of the net.LookupAddr is to use the host resolver. The way I do this for my services in prod is to run dnsmasq on the hosts so the DNS lookups are cached per host. The docs do mention you can customize the behavior by implementing a custom Resolver as you did:
But I think the piece you're looking for is (from the top of that doc page):
DefaultResolver is the resolver used by the package-level Lookup functions and by Dialers without a specified Resolver.

Local subdomains for a standalone application

I have a website, which is composed by three smaller 'independent' subsites:
Where doc is a site created with Hugo :: A fast and modern static website engine, editor is the mxgraph Graphditor example; and the remaining files make a hand-made landing page.
Besides deploying to any web server, I'd like to distribute the site as an 'standalone application'. To allow so, I wrote this really simple server in go:
package main
import (
flag ""
var port = flag.IntP("port", "p", 80, "port to serve at")
var dir = flag.StringP("dir", "d", "./", "dir to serve from")
var verb = flag.BoolP("verbose", "v", false, "")
func init() {
type justFilesFilesystem struct {
fs http.FileSystem;
type neuteredReaddirFile struct {
func (fs justFilesFilesystem) Open(name string) (http.File, error) {
f, err := fs.fs.Open(name)
if err != nil { return nil, err; }
return neuteredReaddirFile{f}, nil
func (f neuteredReaddirFile) Readdir(count int) ([]os.FileInfo, error) {
return nil, nil;
func loggingHandler(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
requestDump, err := httputil.DumpRequest(r, true)
if err != nil { fmt.Println(err); }
h.ServeHTTP(w, r)
func main() {
str, err := filepath.Abs(*dir)
if err != nil { os.Exit(1); }
fmt.Printf("Serving at port %d from dir %s\n\n",*port,str)
http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d",*port), loggingHandler(http.FileServer(justFilesFilesystem{http.Dir(*dir)})))
As a result, I can run simpleserver -d <path-to-mysite> and browse the sites through localhost, localhost/doc and localhost/editor.
Then, I'd like to use custom (sub)domain(s) such as, and So, I added the following line to my the /etc/hosts file: Therefore, I can browse, and Moreover, I was able to change it to,<editor-port> and<doc-port> with different packages.
However, when I try to use a subdomain, it is not properly resolved, so any reverse-proxy strategy won't work. Since wildcards are not supported, I can add additional entries in the /etc/hosts file, but I'd prefer to avoid it.
Although, an alternative solution is to run dnsmasq, I'd like to keep the application standalone. I found some equivalent golang packages. However, I feel that many features are supported which I don't really need.
Furthermore, since I don't really have to resolve any IP, but to provide an alias of localhost, I think that a proxy could suffice. This would also be easier to configure, since the user could configure the browser only, and no system-wide modification would be required.
Yet, all the traffic from the user would be 'filtered' by my app. Is this correct? If so, can you point me to any reference to implement it in the most clean way. I know this is quite subjective, but I mean a relatively short (say 10 lines of code) snippet so that users can easily check what is going on.
I'd like to use something like:
func main() {
mymux := http.NewServeMux()
mymux.HandleFunc("*", myHandler)
mymux.HandleFunc("*", <systemDefaultHandler>)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mymux)
func main() {
mymux := http.NewServeMux()
mymux.HandleFunc("", editorHandler)
mymux.HandleFunc("", docHandler)
mymux.HandleFunc("*", rootHandler)
mymux.HandleFunc("*", <systemDefaultHandler>)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mymux)
These are only snippets. A complete example is this, which was referenced in the comments by #Steve101.
However, at now, I don't know what systemDefaultHandler is. And that is not solved there.
Apart from that, #faraz suggested using goproxy. I think that the HTTP/HTTPS transparent proxy is the default handler I am looking for. But, using a package only to do that seems excessive to me. Can I achieve the same functionality with built-in resources?
Unfortunately, there's no dead simple way to do this through Go. You'll need to intercept your system's DNS requests just like dnsmasq, and that's inevitably going to require some modification the system DNS config (/etc/resolv.conf in Linux, /etc/resolver on a Mac, or firewall rule) to route your DNS requests to your app. Going the DNS has the downside that you'd need to build a DNS server inside your app similar to, which seems unnecessarily complicated.
Since mucking with system config is inevitable, I'd vote for making changes to the hosts file on boot or when a directory is added/removed (via fsnotify.) On shutdown, you can clear the added entries too.
If you're looking to isolate these changes to a specific browser instead of make a system-wide change, you could always run your application through a proxy server like goproxy and tell your browser to use that proxy for requests. For example, you can do this in Chrome through its preferences or by setting the --proxy-server flag:
--proxy-server=<scheme>=<uri>[:<port>][;...] | <uri>[:<port>] | "direct://"
See Chrome's network settings docs for more details.
Also, if you're willing to much with browser configs, you could just use an extension to handle the requests as needed.
there is only solution that would work without proxy is that you register an domain for this and make an offical dns entry with wildcard to like * So any client that resolve the ip get and work local. this way you do not need administrator rights to modify the /etc/hosts or equivalent.
If it should work behind proxy without modify the resolver (etc/hosts etc) you can provide an wpad.dat (Javascript for Proxy detection) that say for your domain all traffic goes you server and the rest to the real proxy. If this is served in you server the script can automaticaly contain the real proxy as default.

Golang import cycle not allowed

I am creating a restful api in GO and every method essentially interacts with the database. The specific statement that I use to open a database connection is
db,err := sql.Open("postgres", "user=postgres password=password dbname=dbname sslmode=disable")
if err != nil {
It is very simple but the issue is that once I want to change something inside that statement then I have to change it for all other methods that have that statement . I am trying to do a dependency injection or something of that nature so that I can have that statement or value in 1 place and just reference it. I am getting an import cycle not allowed error though like Import cycle not allowed . This is my project structure
What I have done is that in the Config.go I have written this
package Config
const Connect = "user=postgres password=password dbname=dbname sslmode=disable"
Then in the Listings.go I put this
package Controllers
import (
func Listing_Expiration(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
db,err := sql.Open("postgres",Config.Connect)
if err != nil {
notice I have the import ../Config and the Config.Connect but when I compile that I get import cycle not allowed . I have been trying to solve this issue but haven't been able to.
Yes, Go doesn't allow to have cycled imports. In your example you have 2 packages Config and Controllers. When you build a code, Controllers package requires Config package, then Config requires Controllers and it's endless. You should refactor your code to make Config package separated from Controllers, and only used by it. Also, you can make some common package, imported to Controllers and Config.
I got the same error. But in my case, I imported the package itself inside the file. so you can check if you did the same mistake.
Go does NOT allow import cycles. So you need to fix it. In your case, Controller and Config are importing each other, you are not allowed to do that.
I wrote a detailed blog about how you can deal with it. Refer
Use interfaces.
Making use of go:linkname.
Though, I can't see any import cycle from your code.
Go don't support the import cycle. Based on your question, you must import the controller from the Config Package. You need to remove one of them and refactor your code.
Fore more:

Use package file to write to Cloud Storage?

Golang provides the file package to access Cloud Storage.
The package's Create function requires the io.WriteCloser interface. However, I have not found a single sample or documentation showing how to actually save a file to Cloud Storage.
Can anybody help? Is there a higher level implementation of io.WriteCloser that would allow us to store files in Cloud Storage? Any sample code?
We've obviously tried to Google it ourselves but found nothing and now hope for the community to help.
It's perhaps true than the behavior is not well defined in the documentation.
If you check the code:
In each call to Write the data is sent to the cloud (line 139). So you don't need to save. (You should close the file when you're done, through.)
Anyway, I'm confused with your wording: "The package's Create function requires the io.WriteCloser interface." That's not true. The package's Create functions returns a io.WriteCloser, that is, a thingy you can write to and close.
yourFile, _, err := Create(ctx, "filename", nil)
// Check err != nil here.
defer func() {
err := yourFile.Close()
// Check err != nil here.
yourFile.Write([]byte("This will be sent to the file immediately."))
fmt.Fprintln(yourFile, "This too.")
io.Copy(yourFile, someReader)
This is how interfaces work in Go. They just provide you with a set of methods you can call, hiding the actual implementation from you; and, when you just depend on a particular interface instead of a particular implementation, you can combine in multiple ways, as fmt.Fprintln and io.Copy do.
