Laravel Eloquent getting value from previous relation/pivot - laravel

I have a bunch of results coming from eager loading through many to many relations. I need to filter one thing, I have this output :
I must filter the equipement on pivot(parent).id_equipement = elements.id_equipement otherwise I will have the result of the whole table. I can either filter my result like this. I already tried to add an inner join in my belongsToMany relation but it didn't help!
Here is parts of my code:
public function stats(){
return $this->belongsToMany(StatsModel::class, 'equipement_stats', 'id_equipement','id_stats')
public function elements(){
return $this->belongsToMany(ElementModel::class, 'stuff_equipement_stats_elements', 'id_stats', 'id_elements')


Merge Model and its Relationship with result like join query in laravel

I'm new at Laravel and Programming at that. I have a problem joining model with its relationship, here is what my model:
class MainClass extends Model
public function first()
return $this->hasMany(First::class);
public function second()
return $this->hasMany(Second::class);
public function third()
return $this->hasMany(Third::class);
When i try to get MainClass records then load it's relationship like:
$main = Main::where('status', 'ready')->get()
Here's what i got:
"name":"First Person",
"status": "ready",
{"main_id": "1", "prop":"One"},
{"main_id":"1", "prop":"Two"}],
{"main_id": "1", "other":"Yes"},
{"main_id":"1", "other":"Two"},
{"main_id":"1", "other":"Three"}]
"name":"Fifth Person",
"status": "ready",
{"main_id": "5", "prop":"Five"},
{"main_id":"5", "prop":"Six"}],
{"main_id": "5", "other":"Laptop"},
{"main_id":"5", "other":"Pc"}]
How can i merge that relationship so the result will be like join query,
this is what i want:
"name":"First Person",
"status": "ready",
"name":"First Person",
"status": "ready",
I know there is a way to combine collection with merge or push in laravel, but i can't seem to get it right.
As of why not using join query, because i want to load relationship dynamically, so relation is not always loaded, but sometime they do. While join query, i have to write it manually (as far as i know) :-)
Maybe someone can point me somewhere, or maybe there is a package for something like this?
Thanks in advance
Use eager loading, fetching the collection, then run groupBy, then the each, then the map function to return the results formatted as your wish.
Why not just simply run the joins
You can do it with join;
$main = Main::query()->select(['', '', 'main.status', 'f.prop', 's.other', 't.blabla'])
->leftJoin('first as f', 'f.main_id', '')
->leftJoin('second as s', 's.main_id', '')
->leftJoin('third as t', 't.main_id', '')
->where('main.status', 'ready')

Is it possible to filter a collection based on a collection field on the content type in graphql & contentful

This might be impossible in graphql/contentful or introduce too much complexity but I'm trying to query a collection and filter on a collection field, something like the following...
query {
where: {
OR: [
{ categoryCollection: { key: "fashion" } }
) {
items {
My back up plan is to query all the events and filter in the client but I thought it would be possible to do the above.
Contentful DevRel here. 👋
Currently, that's not possible. But what you can do is flip the query around and filter on the categoryCollection and then use linkedFrom to request the items linking to it.
query {
categoryCollection(where: {
key: "fashion
}) {
items {
linkedFrom {
eventCollection {
items {

How to query without using Eloquent?

I have these few tables:
1. id
2. name
1. id
2. name
1. issue_id
2. tag_id
1. id
2. url
3. issue_id
The relationship of these tables is stated below:
Issue hasMany Images, Images belongsTo Issue
Issues belongsToMany Tags, Tags belongsToMany Issues
How can I retrieve all the records by NOT USING ELOQUENT, just by using the QUERY BUILDER. I would like to retrieve the data in the format like:
id: issue_id,
name: issue_name,
tags: [
id: tag_id_1,
name: tag_name_1
id: tag_id_2,
name: tag_name_2
Please someone help me because I could not solve this problem for a long time, I can only solve it by using Eloquent. But using Eloquent is not a solution for me.
You can use join query. For Details follow this link demo
Use DB:: statement ('your raw query here'). Hope this helps.
Use can Laravel DB::select(); function
With the use of select, we can pass Raw SQL query into select
$innerData = [];
$issueAll = DB::select('select,,i2.url as image, as tag_id, as tag_name,it.issue_id from issues as i
inner join issue_tag as it on
inner join tags as t on it.tag_id =
inner join images as i2 on = i2.issue_id
foreach ($issueAll as $issue) {
$innerData[$issue->id]["id"] = $issue->id;
$innerData[$issue->id]["name"] = $issue->name;
if (isset($innerData[$issue->id]['tags'][$issue->issue_id])) {
array_push($innerData[$issue->id]['tags'], ['id'=>$issue->tag_id, 'name'=>$issue->tag_name]);
} else {
$innerData[$issue->id]['tags'][$issue->issue_id] = ['id'=>$issue->tag_id, 'name'=>$issue->tag_name];
return $innerData;
The response you get
Hope it helps.
In laravel if you don't want to use eloquent then you can use with DB::statement('your query') and don't forget to use USE DB; at the top of the file

updating an array of nested documents rethinkdb

I have a document schema like this:
I forgot to create id's for each post on insertion in database. So i'm trying to create a query for that:
r.db('test').table('crawlerNovels').filter(function (x){
return x.keys().contains('chapters')
}).map(function (x){
return x('chapters')
return x.merge({id:r.uuid()})
instead this query return all posts with an id but doesn't actually update in the database. I tried using a forEach instead of a map function at the end this doesn't work
After lots of tweaking and frustration i figured it out:
r.db('test').table('crawlerNovels').filter(function (x){
return x.keys().contains('chapters')
return {"chapters":novel('chapters').map(
return chapter.merge({"id":r.uuid()})

where() and sort() not working for populated records in sails

I created a Sails application with two models Person and Department.
They are having a one-to-one relationship.Sails-mysql is the adapter using.When I am trying to populate department details along with Person using where() or sort() criteria the resulting records are not sorted or where() is not applied.
attributes: {
attributes: {
Person.find().populate('department').where({DepartmentName:{"startsWith":"hr"}}).sort('Description desc').exec(console.log);
is not working.
I tried where() and sort() in all the possible way like
var sort='DepartmentName desc';
and pass that variable in the populate() like one below:
but that is also not working.In the same way I tried for where() also that is also a failure.
Help me in this.
For me this is working ;)
Person.find().populate('department', {
where: {
DepartmentName: {
'startsWith': 'hr'
sort: 'DepartmentName desc'}
For more information check here:
under section Populating a collection association
