Why Wso2 identity custom user store is not loading. Getting ClassNotFoundException? - osgi-bundle

I am developing a custom user store manager in wso2 identity. I have created a custom user store as osgi bundle and placed inside the dropins folder of wso2 server directory. When i restarting the server getting "ClassNotFoundException" here is my class,
package com.xxx.identity.userstore.internal;
import com.xxx.identity.userstore.CustomUserStoreCoordinator;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext;
import org.wso2.carbon.user.api.UserStoreManager;
public class CustomUserStoreCoordinatorComponent {
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CustomUserStoreCoordinatorComponent.class);
public CustomUserStoreCoordinatorComponent(){
public void activate(ComponentContext ctxt) {
CustomUserStoreCoordinator customUserStoreManager = new CustomUserStoreCoordinator();
ctxt.getBundleContext().registerService(UserStoreManager.class.getName(), customUserStoreManager, null);
log.info("Custom User store co-ordinator bundle activated successfully..");
public void deactivate(ComponentContext ctxt) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.info("Custom User store co-ordinator bundle successfully deactivated");
Here is my usr-mgt.xml
<EveryOneRoleName>everyone</EveryOneRoleName> <!-- By default users in this role sees the registry root -->
<Property name="isCascadeDeleteEnabled">true</Property>
<Property name="dataSource">jdbc/WSO2CarbonDB</Property>
<!-- Following is the configuration for internal JDBC user store. This user store manager is based on JDBC.
In case if application needs to manage passwords externally set property
<Property name="PasswordsExternallyManaged">true</Property>.
In case if user core cache domain is needed to identify uniquely set property
<Property name="UserCoreCacheIdentifier">domain</Property>.
Furthermore properties, IsEmailUserName and DomainCalculation are readonly properties.
Note: Do not comment within UserStoreManager tags. Cause, specific tag names are used as tokens
when building configurations for products.
<UserStoreManager class="com.xxx.identity.userstore.CustomUserStoreCoordinator">
<Property name="TenantManager">org.wso2.carbon.user.core.tenant.JDBCTenantManager</Property>
<Property name="ReadOnly">false</Property>
<Property name="ReadGroups">true</Property>
<Property name="WriteGroups">true</Property>
<Property name="UsernameJavaRegEx">^[\S]{3,30}$</Property>
<Property name="UsernameJavaScriptRegEx">^[\S]{3,30}$</Property>
<Property name="UsernameJavaRegExViolationErrorMsg">Username pattern policy violated</Property>
<Property name="PasswordJavaRegEx">^[\S]{5,30}$</Property>
<Property name="PasswordJavaScriptRegEx">^[\S]{5,30}$</Property>
<Property name="PasswordJavaRegExViolationErrorMsg">Password length should be within 5 to 30 characters</Property>
<Property name="RolenameJavaRegEx">^[\S]{3,30}$</Property>
<Property name="RolenameJavaScriptRegEx">^[\S]{3,30}$</Property>
<Property name="CaseInsensitiveUsername">true</Property>
<Property name="SCIMEnabled">false</Property>
<Property name="IsBulkImportSupported">false</Property>
<Property name="PasswordDigest">SHA-256</Property>
<Property name="StoreSaltedPassword">true</Property>
<Property name="MultiAttributeSeparator">,</Property>
<Property name="MaxUserNameListLength">100</Property>
<Property name="MaxRoleNameListLength">100</Property>
<Property name="UserRolesCacheEnabled">true</Property>
<Property name="UserNameUniqueAcrossTenants">false</Property>
<Property name="maxActive">50</Property>
<Property name="maxWait">60000</Property>
<Property name="minIdle">5</Property>
<AuthorizationManager class="org.wso2.carbon.user.core.authorization.JDBCAuthorizationManager">
<Property name="AdminRoleManagementPermissions">/permission</Property>
<Property name="AuthorizationCacheEnabled">true</Property>
<Property name="GetAllRolesOfUserEnabled">false</Property>
What I have missed out here ?

My OSGI bundle deployed successfully now. The issue here is the dependencies are not packaged with the bundle and while deploying the bundle without those it throws different errors in the log but while debugging only found the issue and placed the dependencies in the right folder and now everything is working as expected.


How to use separate realms for authentication and authorization with Shiro and CAS?

I'm working on a web application where multiple applications authenticates through a CAS SSO Server. Howerver, each application should maintain their respective roles and these roles are stored in a database specific to the application. So, I need to have 2 realms, one for CAS (for authc) and another for DB (for authz).
This is my current shiro config. I'm getting the redirection to the CAS working properly, but the logged in user (Subject) doesn't seems to have the roles/permission loaded in it (e.g. SecurityUtil.isPermitted() not working as expected)
<bean id="jdbcRealm" class="org.apache.shiro.realm.jdbc.JdbcRealm">
<property name="name" value="jdbcRealm" />
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
<property name="authenticationQuery"
value="SELECT password FROM system_user_accounts WHERE username=? and status=10" />
<property name="userRolesQuery"
value="SELECT role_code FROM system_roles r, system_user_accounts u, system_user_roles ur WHERE u.user_id=ur.user_id AND r.role_id=ur.role_id AND u.username=?" />
<property name="permissionsQuery"
value="SELECT code FROM system_roles r, system_permissions p, system_role_permission rp WHERE r.role_id=rp.role_id AND p.permission_id=rp.permission_id AND r.role_code=?" />
<property name="permissionsLookupEnabled" value="true"></property>
<property name="cachingEnabled" value="true" />
<property name="credentialsMatcher" ref="passwordMatcher" />
<!-- For CAS -->
<bean id="casRealm" class="org.apache.shiro.cas.CasRealm">
<property name="defaultRoles" value="ROLE_USER" />
<property name="casServerUrlPrefix" value="http://localhost:7080/auth" />
<property name="casService" value="http://localhost:8080/hawk-hck-web/shiro-cas" />
<property name="validationProtocol" value="SAML" />
<property name="cachingEnabled" value="true"></property>
<bean id="casSubjectFactory" class="org.apache.shiro.cas.CasSubjectFactory" />
<!-- Security Manager -->
<bean id="securityManager" class="org.apache.shiro.web.mgt.DefaultWebSecurityManager">
<property name="realms">
<ref bean="casRealm" />
<ref bean="jdbcRealm" />
<property name="cacheManager" ref="cacheManager"/>
<property name="subjectFactory" ref="casSubjectFactory" />
<bean id="casFilter" class="org.apache.shiro.cas.CasFilter">
<property name="failureUrl" value="/error"></property>
<!-- Shiro filter -->
<bean id="shiroFilter" class="org.apache.shiro.spring.web.ShiroFilterFactoryBean">
<property name="securityManager" ref="securityManager" />
<property name="loginUrl" value="http://localhost:7080/auth/login?service=http://localhost:8080/hawk-hck-web/shiro-cas" />
<property name="successUrl" value="/home/index" />
<property name="unauthorizedUrl" value="/error" />
<property name="filters">
<entry key="casFilter" value-ref="casFilter" />
<property name="filterChainDefinitions">
<!-- !!! Order matters !!! -->
/shiro-cas = casFilter
/login = anon
/logout = logout
/error = anon
/static/** = anon
/** = authc
The way I register the realms with the securityManager should be in correct. I can't really find a good example of the setup.
I have 2 questions here:
What is correct setup/configuration to achieve above mentioned scenario?
What is the best practice to manage users and roles across different/seperate applications?
The problem you are running into has to do with the fact that both CasRealm and JdbcRealm extends both AuthorizingRealm (Authorizer) and AuthenticatingRealm. First step I would take is with the JdbcRealm. The JdbcRealm implementation inherits the AuthenticatingRealm#supports(AuthenticationToken token) method implementation. If you extend JdbcRealm and override the "supports" method to return "false" for all token types the JdbcRealm will no longer be used for authentication purposes.
public boolean supports (AuthenticationToken token) {
return false;
The CasRealm is a different story, there is no way (that I know of) to easily tell Shiro to not use a realm that implements Authorizer when checking permissions. I personally find it frustrating that the default implementation for most protocols assumes that both authorization and authentication are needed. I would prefer each to be split into two implementations (eg AuthenticatingCasRealm, AuthorizingCasRealm).
The logic behind checking permissions when multiple realms are in use is documented here. The specific text that references this behavior is:
Step 4: Each configured Realm is checked to see if it implements the
same Authorizer interface. If so, the Realm's own respective hasRole*,
checkRole*, isPermitted*, or checkPermission* method is called.
Based on this, you theoretically could override each of the named methods and all of their overloaded implementations to always return "false".
My solution to this problem is based on my prior comment about splitting each realm into two components, one for authentication and one for authorization. You end up with more duplicate code this way but it is explicit in what behaviors you are expecting from your implementation.
Here's how to go about it:
Create a new class "AuthenticatingCasRealm" that extends org.apache.shiro.realm.AuthenticatingRealm and implements org.apache.shiro.util.Initializable.
Copy and paste the contents of the existing CasRealm source into your new "AuthenticatingCasRealm" class. (I am aware that taking a copy-and-paste route of existing code is often frowned upon however in the described circumstsance I know of no other way of solving the problem.)
Strip out all methods that were implemented for org.apache.shiro.realm.AuthorizingRealm.
Update your Shrio configuration to reference your new AuthenticatingCasRealm implementation.
Based on these changes you should now have two custom implementations in your Shrio config; one of JdbcRealm overriding the "supports" method and one of CasRealm removing the authorization API methods.
There is one additional method based on explicitly declaring an Authorizer via Shiro's configuration that may be better suited to your situation.
Here is an explicit declaration of an Authorizer and Authenticator via a custom ShiroFilter extension. Both were implemented and registered to the provided JNDI names at startup.
public class CustomShiroFilter extends ShiroFilter {
public void init () throws Exception {
DefaultWebSecurityManager dwsm = (DefaultWebSecurityManager) getSecurityManager();
You need only one realm that extends AuthorizingRealm. It will provide
authc: method doGetAuthenticationInfo (CAS server)
authz: method doGetAuthorizationInfo (JDBC)
Hope this helps
We had a similar case where we use a LDAP Realm for authentication and used the standard shiro.ini file for the authorization for a simple use case.
To complement the answer of 'justin.hughey', I give the blueprint (could be spring as well) configuration in order to make your use case working:
<!-- Bean for Authentication -->
<bean id="rccadRealm" class="org.mydomain.myproject.security.shiro.ldap.realm.LdapRealm"
<property name="searchBase" value="${realm.searchBase}" />
<property name="singleUserFilter" value="${realm.singleUserFilter}" />
<property name="timeout" value="30000" />
<property name="url" value="${contextFactory.url}" />
<property name="systemUsername" value="${contextFactory.systemUsername}" />
<property name="systemPassword" value="${contextFactory.systemPassword}" />
<!-- Bean for Authorization -->
<bean id="iniRealm" class="org.mydomain.myproject.security.realm.AuthzOnlyIniRealm">
<argument value="file:$[config.base]/etc/shiro.ini"/>
<property name="authorizationCachingEnabled" value="true" />
<bean id="myModularAuthenticator"
<property name="realms">
<ref component-id="ldapRealm" />
<bean id="mySecurityManager" class="org.apache.shiro.mgt.DefaultSecurityManager">
<property name="authenticator" ref="myModularAuthenticator" />
<property name="authorizer" ref="iniRealm" />
<property name="cacheManager" ref="cacheManager" />
The key things is that we needed:
a modularRealmAuthenticator and let the default strategy (as there's only one realm) for the 'authenticator'
a special AuthzOnlyIniRealm which overrides the method supports returning false to prevent using it for authentication.
Our LdapRealm implementation is just an extension of the Shiro ActiveDirectoryRealm.

Hibernate-Spring Web container error

Hello I'm new to Hibernate.
I have generated with Hibernate Tools a database access module. The generator generates the code of the DAOS and Hibernate Beans.
When I test this module in a simple Java application all works fine, but when I test it in a Spring Web application I get a very strange error. Since my module is an independent jar it should access the database without regarding the circumstance of being executed in a simple Java application or a Web application. The code of my web application is:
public class Controller implements ApplicationContextAware
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
#RequestMapping(value = "/purchased/songs", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String home(Model model)
ChargeTryDAOBase ctdb=new ChargeTryDAOBase();
List <ChargeTry> data=ctdb.findByRemoteId("dsfsdfsdf8");
model.addAttribute("result", "data" );
return "home";
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext arg0) throws BeansException
this.applicationContext = arg0;
When running this code on Tomcat I get following error:
org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Handler processing
nested exception is java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
When I change some Hibernate dependencies I get following error:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not locate SessionFactory in JNDI
When I test the above code in a simple Java application all works fine.
Is this a spring-hibernate configuration problem?
Thank you for your help.
Please study
1: http://www.javatpoint.com/hibernate-and-spring-integration
2 http://viralpatel.net/blogs/spring3-mvc-hibernate-maven-tutorial-eclipse-example/
to get insight of Spring MVC and Hibernate Integration.
You can work with Hibernate Configuration file - here is the link -
Spring and hibernate.cfg.xml
But as your application is within a spring managed container, We will highly recommend to use applicationcontext.xml for better maintenance and management of codebase and performance.
thank you for your help finally I got all working. I followed your link and googled a little bit. The problem was that I didn't enable in my hibernate.cfg.xml file the datasource parameter, I also have configured C3P0 jdbc connection provider.
My final hibernate.cfg.xml file is:
<property name="hibernate.bytecode.use_reflection_optimizer">true</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
<property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</property>
<property name="transaction.factory_class">org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransactionFactory</property>
<property name="current_session_context_class">thread</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.username">userdb</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.password">12345</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.datasource">java:comp/env/jdbc/mydb</property>
<property name="hibernate.format_sql">true</property>
<property name="hibernate.use_sql_comments">true</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.provider_class">org.hibernate.service.jdbc.connections.internal.C3P0ConnectionProvider</property>
<property name="hibernate.c3p0.min_size">2</property>
<property name="hibernate.c3p0.numHelperThreads">4</property>
<property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_size">10</property>
<property name="hibernate.c3p0.timeout">300</property>
<property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_statements">100</property>
<property name="hibernate.c3p0.idle_test_period">1800</property>
<property name="hibernate.c3p0.acquire_increment">2</property>
In my web.xml I have added following lines:
<description>This is a MySQL database connection</description>
In the Spring context file I have added following lines:
<beans:bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource">
<beans:property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>
<beans:property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb"/>
<beans:property name="username" value="userdb"/>
<beans:property name="password" value="12345"/>
<beans:bean id="sessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.LocalSessionFactoryBean">
<beans:property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
<beans:property name="configLocation">
The strange thing is, that with the default Hibernate connection provider, the above solution didn't work but when I configured C3P0 all started to work.
Thank you for your help.

Does order matter while injecting properties in ProxyFactoryBean

I am trying to inject the aspects in a service. For this service I am creating a proxied object using classic way.
I have written a bean- baseProxy of type (ProxyFactoryBean) which contains a list of all the required advices.
<bean id="baseProxy" class="org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean">
<property name="interceptorNames">
I am creating a proxy for the service like this :
<bean id="singproxy" parent="baseProxy">
<property name="target" ref="singtarget" />
<property name="targetClass" value="com.spring.learning.SingingService"></property>
Which doesn't work but when I revert these two properties and write like this :
<bean id="singproxy" parent="baseProxy">
<property name="targetClass" value="com.spring.learning.SingingService"></property>
<property name="target" ref="singtarget" />
To my surprise it works fine. In spring does it matter on the order for bean ? Or its a special case with ProxyFactoryBean?
I tried with Spring 3.0 I am not sure same behavior exists with previous versions.
Concerning target and targetClass, It's one or the other, but not both. Here's the relevant source (from org.springframework.aop.framework.AdvisedSupport), a parent class of ProxyFactoryBean:
public void setTarget(Object target) {
setTargetSource(new SingletonTargetSource(target));
public void setTargetSource(TargetSource targetSource) {
this.targetSource = (targetSource != null ? targetSource : EMPTY_TARGET_SOURCE);
public void setTargetClass(Class targetClass) {
this.targetSource = EmptyTargetSource.forClass(targetClass);
As you can see, both setTarget() and setTargetClass() write to the same field, so the last assignment wins.

Spring-Version: 2.0.7 integrated with quartz?

i'm using Spring-Version: 2.0.7, do i need to download quartz libraries and their dependencies to use it ? cause at first i though it was needed but its giving me an java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError.
So i figured that maybe it was integrated in the spring.jar since according to the 2.5 spring the bean is invoked on the application context trhough the spring library.
How ever when i removed quarta.jar, i canĀ“t acces the JobExecutionContext class. Here is my bean declaration:
<bean name="exampleJob" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.JobDetailBean">
<property name="jobClass" value="com.bamboo.common.util.CheckAndProcessFilesJob" />
<property name="jobDataAsMap">
<entry key="timeout" value="5" />
The java code
package com.bamboo.common.util;
import org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.QuartzJobBean;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: ernestobuttolazio
* Date: 19-may-2011
* Time: 16:44:54
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
public class CheckAndProcessFilesJob extends QuartzJobBean {
private int timeout;
private int contador;
* Setter called after the ExampleJob is instantiated
* with the value from the JobDetailBean (5)
public void setTimeout(int timeout) {
this.timeout = timeout;
protected void executeInternal(JobExecutionContext ctx) throws JobExecutionException {
// do the actual work
contador += timeout;
You need to use quartz 2.1.6. JobDetailFactoryBean should be used in place of JobDetailBean.The configuration will look like,
<bean name="sampleJobDetail"
<property name="jobClass"
value="com.altisource.scheduler.jobs.SampleJob" />
<property name="jobDataAsMap">
<bean id="sampleTrigger"
<property name="jobDetail" ref="sampleJobDetail" />
<property name="startDelay" value="30000" />
<property name="repeatInterval" value="30000" />
<property name="group" value="YOURCHOICE" />
If your are using quartz with clustering, the scheduler factory org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean will take only property triggers and restrict providing jobDetails. Make sure you configure scheduler factory org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean with only triggers.
You need to use Quartz 1.8.x or earlier with Spring's current wrappers. Quartz 2.0 does not work with them.
You can use Quartz 2.0 along side Spring no problem - just not with Spring's wrappers.
Quartz 2.x versions are not compatible with spring. Some classes of the earlier versions have been converted to interfaces in quartz 2.x. But still it can be used with spring, without the help of it's integration support.
Check out this link http://shyarmal.blogspot.com/2011/07/quartz-20-schedule-cron-with-spring.html.

Sharing Spring Security Configuration Between Applications

I'm brand spanking new at Spring and have gotten a majority of the knowledge I do have from the Spring Recipes book from Apress.
I've got LDAP authentication working with Spring Security within one webapp. I would like to rip out my application context beans and properties files from this one webapp, however, and somehow externalize them so that all of our webapps can reference the same beans. So when we need to change something (like the ldapuser or the ldap urls), we change it in one place and the rest of the apps just know.
I've implemented Reloadable Spring Properties which is reloading properties when the files they come from are touched. I am using encrypted properties, however, so below is class I created on top of the Reloadable Spring Properties ones.
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.jasypt.encryption.StringEncryptor;
import org.jasypt.util.text.TextEncryptor;
import org.jasypt.properties.PropertyValueEncryptionUtils;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException;
public class ReloadingEncryptablePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer extends ReloadingPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer {
protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
private final StringEncryptor stringEncryptor;
private final TextEncryptor textEncryptor;
public ReloadingEncryptablePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer(TextEncryptor textEncryptor) {
logger.info("Creating configurer with TextEncryptor");
Validate.notNull(textEncryptor, "Encryptor cannot be null");
this.stringEncryptor = null;
this.textEncryptor = textEncryptor;
public ReloadingEncryptablePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer(StringEncryptor stringEncryptor) {
logger.info("Creating configurer with StringEncryptor");
Validate.notNull(stringEncryptor, "Encryptor cannot be null");
this.stringEncryptor = stringEncryptor;
this.textEncryptor = null;
protected String convertPropertyValue(String originalValue) {
if (!PropertyValueEncryptionUtils.isEncryptedValue(originalValue)) {
return originalValue;
if (this.stringEncryptor != null) {
return PropertyValueEncryptionUtils.decrypt(originalValue, this.stringEncryptor);
return PropertyValueEncryptionUtils.decrypt(originalValue, this.textEncryptor);
protected String parseStringValue(String strVal, Properties props, Set visitedPlaceholders) throws BeanDefinitionStoreException {
return convertPropertyValue(super.parseStringValue(strVal, props, visitedPlaceholders));
And here's how I use it in my securityContext.xml:
<bean id="securityContextSource" class="org.springframework.security.ldap.DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource">
<constructor-arg value="ldaps://ldapserver" />
<property name="urls" value="#{ldap.urls}" />
<bean id="timer" class="org.springframework.scheduling.timer.TimerFactoryBean">
<property name="scheduledTimerTasks">
<bean id="reloadProperties" class="org.springframework.scheduling.timer.ScheduledTimerTask">
<property name="period" value="1000"/>
<property name="runnable">
<bean class="ReloadConfiguration">
<property name="reconfigurableBeans">
<ref bean="configproperties"/>
<bean id="configproperties" class="ReloadablePropertiesFactoryBean">
<property name="location" value="classpath:ldap.properties"/>
<bean id="ldapPropertyConfigurer" class="ReloadingEncryptablePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
<constructor-arg ref="configurationEncryptor" />
<property name="ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders" value="true" />
<property name="properties" ref="configproperties"/>
<bean id="jasyptConfig" class="org.jasypt.encryption.pbe.config.SimpleStringPBEConfig">
<property name="algorithm" value="PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES" />
<property name="password" value="########" />
<bean id="configurationEncryptor" class="org.jasypt.encryption.pbe.StandardPBEStringEncryptor">
<property name="config" ref="jasyptConfig" />
How about:
Writing a method that returns a list
of LDAP servers - reading from a
database table or property files
expose this wethod via jndi and use it to inject a list of the servers into your spring config
If you need the ldap servers to be refreshed dynamically you could have a job poll for changes periodically or else have an admin webpage or jmx bean to trigger the update. Be careful of concurrency isses for both these methods (something reading the list while you are updating)
Wouldn't that be Spring Security? It can deal with LDAPs. And if you make it one security service that everyone uses, wouldn't that be the way to manage it?
