Trying to get property of non-object on codeigniter when check data - codeigniter

I would like to show data from database with "where" condition, how to show data in controller, the error show is "Trying to get property of non-object"
here is my controller :
$checkpassword = $this->m_user->checkpassword($oldpassword);
if($this->input->post('oldpassword') != $checkpassword->password)
$data['inputerror'][] = 'oldpassword';
$data['error_string'][] = 'your old password is wrong';
$data['status'] = FALSE;
and here is my model :
function checkpassword($oldpassword)
return $this->db->get($this->table)->row();

When you perform row() or result() (any type of result object) and you get no results e.g. empty array or stdClass object you cannot access any of the properties because it is empty. That is why it is critical to build in num_rows().
function checkpassword($oldpassword)
$query = $this->db->get($this->table)
if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
return $query->row();
} else {
return null;
if (is_null($checkpassword) || $this->input->post('oldpassword') != $checkpassword->password) { ... }
Now I have two problems with your code:
It appears that you are storing plaintext passwords (a big no no)
You check the password on the basis of the entire user table as per a comment you stated above but it is still possible that two users have the same password and thus you should also include a $this->db->where('username', $this->input->post('username')) in you check password function.
Given these two remarks it seems like your understanding of authentication systems is rather rudimentary (I don't mean to say this to be rude), and maybe you should consider using a pre-built plugin like Ion Auth, I use it myself and can recommend it.


how to return to a specific page after form submit based on value laravel

i have a logic whereby on form submission i want to return to specific page based on a certain value the user choosed when submiting the form.the form works well but when i try to return it doesnt work.where might i be missing the point here.
public function addtoorder(Request $request){
$order = new Order();
$order->name = Auth::user()->name;
$order->phone =$addresses->phone;
$order->county =$addresses->shipcharges->county;
$order->town =$addresses->towns->town;
$order->order_status="New Order";
$order->payment_method = $request->payment_method;
$order->user_id =$userid;
$order->grand_total = Session::get('grand_total');
return view('frontend.product.skrill');
return view('frontend.product.paypal');
i have been able to save the data on the database but am unable to return to the specific pages.rather it return to blank page without any error,but it saves the data to the orders table perfectly.
I guess blank screen means that nothing was returned, because you are trying to check whether $data(which is array) is equal to some string.
My thoughts would be for you to try check string in your if statement.
Like this
if($data['payment_method'] === "SKRILL"){
return view('frontend.product.skrill');
}elseif(data['payment_method'] === "PAYPAL"){
return view('frontend.product.paypal');

Backpack V4 modifying field before store

In 3.6 version of backpack I can change an attribute value before storing it.
I have this code
If ($request->description == "") {
$request->description="User has not entered any description";
$redirect_location = parent::storeCrud($request);
What can I do to get the same in V4? I'm reading this guide but I can't make it to work.
This is what I'm trying in V4
public function store(PedidoRequest $request)
If ($request->description == "") {
$request->description="User has not entered any description";
$redirect_location = $this->traitStore();
return $redirect_location;
The Request object in Laravel, Illuminate\Http\Request, doesn't have the ability to set the inputs via the properties like that, no __set method ($request->description = '...' does not set an input named description). You would have to merge the inputs into the request or use the array syntax to do that:
$request->merge(['description' => '...']);
// or
$request['description'] = '...';
But since backpack seems to have abstracted things apparently you aren't controlling anything in your controller methods you could try this:
$this->crud->request->request->add(['description'=> '...']);
$this->request->merge(['description' => '...']);
That would be assuming some trait the Controller uses is using the Fields trait.

How can disable the password filed ? ( laravel )

I've system don't required the password input just one input
when I login , so I created this:
public function do_login()
if (auth()->attempt(['user_id' => request('user_id')])) {
return redirect('home');
} else {
session()->flash('erorr', trans('Your Id Incorrect'));
return redirect('/')->withInput();
} //ends of do_login
and this is the error appears to me >
You can't use Auth's attempt without a password.
Since you're letting anyone in with just the ID, all you need is:
You may want to look up the ID in your database first, or loginUsingId should throw an exception you can try/catch for.
If user_id doesn't correspond to the id column of your users table, you may need a slightly different approach:
$user = User::where('user_id', request('user_id'))->first();

Loading page dynamically from database via id in controller

I am trying to load a page dynamically based on the database results however I have no idea how to implement this into codeigniter.
I have got a controller:
function history()
//here is code that gets all rows in database where uid = myid
Now in the view for this controller I would like to have a link for each of these rows that will open say however where I am getting is stuck is how exactly I can load up this page and have the controller get the string. And then do a database query and load a different view if the string exsists, and also retrieve that string.
So something like:
function history$somestring()
//I will load a different view and pass $somestring into it
} else {
//here is code that gets all rows in database where uid = myid
What I don't understand is how I can detect if $somestring is at the end of the url for this controller and then be able to work with it if it exists.
Any help/advice greatly appreciated.
For example, if your url is :
Say, 1 be the id, then you retrieve the id as follows:
function history(){
if( $this->uri->segment(3) ){ #if you get an id in the third segment of the url
// load your page here
$id = $this->uri->segment(3); #get the id from the url and load the page
//here is code that gets all rows in database where uid = myid and load the listing view
You should generate urls like and then declare controller action as:
function history($somestring)
//I will load a different view and pass $somestring into it
} else {
//here is code that gets all rows in database where uid = myid
There are a lot of ways you can just expect this from your URI segments, I'm going to give a very generic example. Below, we have a controller function that takes two optional arguments from the given URI, a string, and an ID:
public function history($string = NULL, $uid = NULL)
$viewData = array('uid' => NULL, 'string' => NULL);
$viewName = 'default';
if ($string !== NULL) {
$vieData['string'] = $string;
$viewName = 'test_one';
if ($uid !== NULL) {
$viewData['uid'] = $uid;
$this->load->view($viewName, $viewData);
The actual URL would be something like:
You then know clearly both in your controller and view which, if any were set (perhaps you need to load a model and do a query if a string is passed, etc.
You could also do this in an if / else if / else block if that made more sense, I couldn't quite tell what you were trying to put together from your example. Just be careful to deal with none, one or both values being passed.
The more efficient version of that function is:
public function history($string = NULL, $uid = NULL)
if ($string !== NULL):
$viewName = 'test_one';
// load a model? do a query?
$viewName = 'default';
// Make sure to also deal with neither being set - this is just example code
$this->load->view($viewName, array('string' => $string, 'uid' => $uid));
The expanded version just does a simpler job at illustrating how segments work. You can also examine the given URI directly using the CI URI Class (segment() being the most common method). Using that to see if a given segment was passed, you don't have to set default arguments in the controller method.
As I said, a bunch of ways of going about it :)

Passing arguments and conditions to model in codeigniter

I'm adding some models to a project, and was wondering if there is a "best practice" kind of approach to creating models:
Does it make sense to create a function for each specific query?
I was starting to do this, then had the idea of creating a generic function that I could pass parameters to. e.g:
Instead of
function getClients(){
return $this->db->query('SELECT client_id,last FROM Names ORDER BY id DESC');
function getClientNames($clid){
return $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM Names WHERE client_id = '.$clid);
function getClientName($nameID){
return $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM Names WHERE id ='.$nameID);
Something like
function getNameData($args,$cond){
$q=$this->db->query('SELECT '.$args.' FROM Names');
return $q;
$q=$this->db->query('SELECT '.$args.' FROM Names WHERE '.$cond);
return $q;
where I can pass the fields and conditions (if applicable) to the model. Is there a reason the latter example would be a bad idea?
I think it would actually be a better idea to use CI's Active Record to compile the queries.
An example:
function all_clients($select)
return $this->_get_client_data();
function single_client($select, $id = "")
// validate $id
$this->db->where("id", $id);
return $this->_get_client_data();
// Only called by a method above once the query parameters have been set.
private function _get_client_data()
$q = $this->db->get("clients");
if($q->num_rows() > 0)
return $q->result_array();
return FALSE;
CI's Active Record makes all the stuff you were wanting to much easier. You can imagine setting up your public functions to conditionally set a number of options before actually calling $this->db->get().
I guess you would call _get_client_data a catch-all (?) and running all your data retrieval through a single method makes stuff like error handling much easier to maintain.
NOTE: Always remember to validate data like this. I know you do, but I'm just repeating it.
