Visual Studio LoadTest appears to record incorrect times - visual-studio

Have just started using Visual Studio to load test a web application. I have set up a number of load tests successfully but I am having an issue with one particular test. It happens to be the first time I am including a File Upload, so possibly that has something to do with it.
The LoadTest includes one WebTest that performs the File Upload. After completion the Test Details table shows most of the WebTest's taking ~100-120 seconds to complete. When drilling into the Test Log for each WebTest execution and adding up the Request Time components the result is the expected ~1-3 seconds.
Running the WebTest by itself also gets the expected ~1-3 seconds.
Think times are turned off.
I expect there is a parameter/config value that I have overlooked. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could shed any light on this.

Finally found it. In the properties for the load test scenario there is a "Think Profile" option. It was set to "Normal Distribution". For what I am trying to achieve it needed to set it to "Off".


Data driven works on Performance testing but how will it work on load test

I have created Web performance testing using visual studio 2017, Most of the pages are data driven by Login, Change of lists etc is there
I have added extraction rule, and when i do load test of the same WPT it gives me errors 403 and fail's the test
My question here is how should I make it work
Thanks in advance
A 403 error usually means that your VS script is failing at login. It is most likely happens due to one or several dynamic values that VS plays back as recorded. To fix it you need to find and manually correlate them by creating extraction rules and parameters somewhere at the beginning of your script.
It looks like you already created some extractors, but if your script is still failing, chances are that you did not create all of them. Try the manual correlation technique described in my article.
Or check our Web Test Builder for Visual Studio referenced here to automatically create missing extractors and parameter.

Disabling a scenario in a visual studio load test

All -- I am using Visual studio 2013 ultimate edition to run my load tests. I have more than one scenario configured on my load test. Each of the scenario run a different set of unit tests. Is is there a way to selectively run the scenarios ? In other words if there are more than one scenario configured, can I just run one of them and not run the rest ?
If the answer is 'NO', any ideas/suggestions would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance.
Two ways I have found:
One way is to set the user load to a constant zero in the unwanted scenarios.
Another way is to set the "Delay start time" of the unwanted scenarios to longer that the total test duration. This option only makes sense when "User test iterations" is false.

Visual Studio: How to run a bunch of web performance .webtest files and get a result report?

I remember running a set of test cases and generating a report (.html) using Selenium and also TestNG. I would like to know how to do this for a set of .webtest files that I recorded using Visual Studio 2013. I can run them individually but how about one by one automatically and getting a final result that says which tests failed.
Thank you.
Create a load test in Visual studio, add all the wanted tests, set a constant user load of 1. Then all the tests will run one after another. The load tests results will include the pass/fail counts. Setting a higher use load may be useful, depending on your application, and the whole test will run faster.
The "Details" page will show all the executed tests on a time-graph, a tick box allows the failed tests to be shown in red.
If you set each web test to stop on the first error then the error page in the results should name precisely the tests that failed, and the reason.
The "Summary" page will give a summary of the results, it may be copied (use right-click context menu) into Word document and then edited as needed.
Which test is executed and when is chosen according to the "Test mix model" by Visual Studio, some of these models are based on random numbers. With a user load of one it may be best to select the "Test mix based on sequential test order". The "Test mix percentage based on the number of tests started" should also work but I can imagine occasionally getting a test run where one test is executed twice and another not executed. If more than one virtual user is used then the "Test mix based on sequential test order" is probably the wrong choice. See here for more on test mix models.

Using timers for web load tests in Visual Studio

I need to generate some delays to make a load test more realistic. In Visual Studio I have found 2 methods that delay execution of a transaction in a loadtest:
Convert to code
Set "Think Time" to first request in the transaction
What would be the best practice here. I am not completely sure that Visual Studio executes these test in sequencional manner, so 2nd option might return false results.
On the other hand, I would loose the ability to change settings from Visual Studios UI, if I generate code from a recorded test. And that increases time spent editing the test quite a bit.
Is there a better way than any of my methods?
I believe that the second way is more safier.
Just have in mind that the Think Time is aplied to each Test Run not to each contained Test. So, if you have a Load Test which contains more than one Tests in the Test Mix the Think Time will apllied at the end of the test run (when all included tests were completed).
Also, if you have more than one virtual user, since it's a load test, Think Time is applied to each user seperately. If, for example, you have 100 user then they will concurently start the tests but they may not finish them at the same time. Each user will wait according to the Think Time before starting the second test without waiting for the others to complete their first test.

Web test details are not displayed when ran from an ordered test

I have an ordered test that contains 4 web tests. The problem is that Visual Studio seems to have a problem loading the test results for an individual test.
I included a screenshot to supplement for the 1000 words. :)
As you may see the 3rd test, called intuitively Webservice03, failed. The screenshot above was taken after I double-clicked on the corresponding line to open the detailed information about that test run. The panels with requests and other useful information are empty.
The issue is quite annoying, because the test is part of a bigger test suite that runs periodically, so when it fails, I have to manually disable the setup and cleanup scripts from the test configuration, run them manually, then run each of the tests manually, instead of just comfortably opening the test results.
Did anyone experienced this problem?
Version details:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate
Version 10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.0.30319 SP1Rel
I had the same problem and tryed to clarify it via Microsoft forum:
Web test details are not displayed when ran from an ordered test
According to the answer you can not have detailed test result for a web test run as a part of an ordered test.
Here is an alternative to Ordered Tests:
Add the web tests to a load test
In the test mix choose 'Test mix based on sequential test order'. This will achieve the same thing as an Ordered Test.
In the load test run settings, make sure 'Save Log on Test Failure' is set to True:
Set a Constant Load Pattern of 1 user
At the end of the "load" test you will be able to see the number of failures and on the Tables view you can click on the error count which takes you to a dialog that lets you browse the individual web test failures.
