Is springBoot in my case implementing the MVC pattern? - spring-boot

I am creating an application which has a front end developped using Angular, and a backend developped using SpringBoot.
The problem is that the backend has controllers with request mappings and models (services and repositories) and no views , so does it really implement the MVC pattern?
I have read in this article " Spring MVC or Spring Boot" that spring MVC which itslef implements the MVC pattern is a part of spring boot, so basically spring boot is MVC, which is true when you have views and HTML pages in your project, but in my case i can't talk about views since i am sending and recieving JSON data from a restful API.

According to
view means presentation of the model in a particular format.
I think it is good definition. Particular format in case of backend for REST API happen to be JSON or XML.
From the same page
Some web MVC frameworks take a thin client approach that places almost
the entire model, view and controller logic on the server. In this
approach, the client sends either hyperlink requests or form
submissions to the controller and then receives a complete and updated
web page (or other document) from the view; the model exists entirely
on the server.

In your case the View would be the front-end. The View is the presentation of the data in a human understandable way.
So I believe the View in your case would be the front-end app.


Does MVC pattern implement common tasks of web framework?

The common tasks of web application framework(ex: Django or Laravel or .NET or beego):
request / response abstraction
session state
user authentication & authorisation
page templating
URL mapping
DB access
MVC design pattern implement above common tasks, as shown below:
URL mapping is handled by Controller component of MVC. Controller routes requests to handlers. Ex: http.ServeMux is the controller from GOLang package
request / response abstraction is performed by Controller by registering the handlers, written by web developer, as shown below:
sm := http.NewServeMux() // in GoLang
sm.Handle("/", productHandler)
session state is handled by the handler code written by web developer
Page templating is handled by templating engine(view component) of MVC
user authentication & authorisation is handled by the handler code written by web developer
DB access is handled by model component of MVC.
security and caching is handled by handler code written by web developer
Is this the right understanding on MVC design pattern to implement common tasks of web application framework?
There are many definitions of the MVC pattern. It was evolving over time and it was used differently in different frameworks and contexts.
When it was invented, there was no HTTP protocol and the request/response part wasn't present. There were some other ways in which the user request was handled. With time, new template engines were invented and HTTP becomes dominant protocol on the web.
MVC is considered to be a pure presentation pattern since it mainly orchestrates views and model(whatever model is representing). Also, one of the main reasons why MVC is invented is separation of concern. It is important to keep it clean, short and to let other layers take care of logic.
The common task of the web application framework is to serve as IoC container (Inversion of control) and let its component worry about specific responsibilities. So if it is a web framework, it will probably have session, cookie, MVC... components.
Controller methods are just an implementation of HTTP interface. URL Mapping can be considered as an argument to controller method.
Request/response are handled by web component (servlet in Java)
Session state is handled by session component and can be configured by developer e.g. session expire time or session cookie type or even session type (database, in memory)
Usually, there is a proven auth component in the framework, but it can be written manually (not recommended)
DB access is handled by a persistence layer like JDBC in Java. Model in MVC is responsible for data that should be presented on the screen or submitted by the user.
Same as 5

Spring rest and spring web mvc

I have an application that has a web front end handled by spring MVC as well as the same services should be exposed as REST services. So the MVC controllers and rest controllers doing nearly the same thing which results in duplicate code. Now, the question is what is the best practice for the current scenario?
You can refactor your MVC controllers to isolate computation/code services within a #Service or #Component classes and call those from your rest controller as well as MVC controller to get data out so at the same time you will be able to remove redundancy and you will be able to achieve both functionalities.

Using Spring as backend while using JSF for client-side

I am creating a web application that will basically register users onto a website where they can log-in and browse an inventory of items, much like a store. The user info and store items will be stored in a MongoDB.
For the server/back-end side, I plan on using Spring RESTful services implementation to communicate with the MongoDB and perform the CRUD operations when necessary.
Now my main question is what to use for the client-side (Browser rendering, web pages, etc). I am considering either JSF, along with Facelets for the view, or Spring MVC and Facelets for the view.
If I use JSF for my client-side, will this architecture work?
Spring and JSF working well together.
You can choose any framework for the frontend application and call your backend with REST Calls.

Spring Boot REST JSP

I have a working Spring BOOT application that has a custom security provider and REST API controllers. I would also like to add a GUI interface to the application for access from a browser through jsps, html, and a login page which uses my existing custom security provider I used with the REST APIs. Maybe using Spring MVC since that is needed for the REST API support. I could not find a single example of doing this on the web. Also, I do NOT want to use any web XML based configuration files - as I am currently only using Java config for the implementation of the REST APIs. I am also currently using SSL for REST API access through SSL in a Jetty embedded web container. Please help if you can? Thanks in advanced.
Paul there is a rather large amount of information on view technologies that are compatible with Spring BOOT. You need to decide what you want to use and do relevant research for it.
As a guiding hand here check this page out for just one of the many types:
You may follow this procedure :
lets assume that u have an endpoint for which you need both REST and view controllers,your REST endpoint exposes your data in JSON as RESTController and your view Endpoint returns the view name as Simple old controller.
lets say your base url is at localhost:8080 and your endpoint of interest is /students
you could have both in same application but at different endpoints like this :
REST : localhost:8080/api/v1/students -- exposes json
VIEW : localhost:8080/students -- returns a view
hope this make clear ..

WCF Data Service vs WebAPI

I have been catching up with MVC4 Web API and WCF Data Service. From the surface, they both seem to be able to work with oData in the consuming client. I wonder which one is better for separation of concern (separate data service layer from UI layers). In my current solution, I have a plain MVC 3 style Intranet project and a MVC Data Service project. The 1st project has a Service Reference to the 2nd project. My goal is to write the data service once and make it available to all projects that would need to access underline database. When I read about Web API, it seems to me that the ApiControllers can return oData compliant result to the consuming client without MVC Data Service. My confusion is how I am going to expose this Web API MVC project as a service endpoint. Should I wrap it in WCF? Thanks.
You just create a controller inheriting ApiController and decorate one action with [Queryable] attribute, Rest depends on your route setup. Easy-Peasy.
Which one better? Web API. Since it has all the goodness of HTTP and you are not restricted to ATOM format.
You may use PocoHttp for seamless access of the data from your client.
