Sematext Logagent Elasticsearch - Indexes not being created? - elasticsearch

I'm trying to send data to Elasticsearch using logagent but while there doesn't seem to be any error sending the data, the index isn't being created in ELK. I'm trying to find the index by creating a new index pattern via the Kibana GUI but the index does not seem to exist. This is my logagent.conf right now:
# bro-start:
# module: command
# # store BRO logs in /tmp/bro in JSON format
# command: mkdir /tmp/bro; cd /tmp/bro; /usr/local/bro/bin/bro -i eth0 -e 'redef LogAscii::use_json=T;'
# sourceName: bro
# restart: 1
# read the BRO logs from the file system ...
- '/usr/local/bro/logs/current/*.log'
enabled: true
transform: !!js/function >
function (sourceName, parsed, config) {
var src = sourceName.split('/')
// generate Elasticsearch _type out of the log file sourceName
// e.g. "dns" from /tmp/bro/dns.log
if (src && src[src.length-1]) {
parsed._type = src[src.length-1].replace(/\.log/g,'')
// store log file path in each doc
parsed.logSource = sourceName
// convert Bro timestamps to JavaScript timestamps
if (parsed.ts) {
parsed['#timestamp'] = new Date(parsed.ts * 1000)
stdout: false
module: elasticsearch
index: bro_logs
Maybe I have to create the index mappings manually? I don't know.
Thank you for any advice or insight!

I found out that there actually was an error . I was trying to send some authentication via a field called "auth" but that doesn't exist. I can do url: https://USERNAME:PASSWORD# though.


what is the reason for this logstash error("error"=>{"type"=>"illegal_argument_exception", "reason"=>"mapper)

bellow is my filebeat config and I added a logId :
- type: log
source: 'filebeat2'
logID: debugger
fields_under_root: true
enabled: true
- /var/log/path/*
and below is my output section of logstash conf :
if "debugger" in [logID] and ("" not in [Exeption]) {
elasticsearch {
user => ""
password => ""
hosts => ["https://ip:9200"]
index => "debugger"
and I put some log files in path(10 files) and I randomely got this error in logstash-plain.log :
{"index"=>{"_index"=>"debugger", "_type"=>"_doc", "_id"=>"9-DmvoIBPs8quoIM7hCa",
"status"=>400, "error"=>{"type"=>"illegal_argument_exception", "reason"=>"mapper
[request.dubugeDate] cannot be changed from type [text] to [long]"}}}}
and also this :
"error"=>{"type"=>"mapper_parsing_exception", "reason"=>"failed to parse field
[debug.registrationDate] of type [long] in document with id 'Bt_YvoIBPs8quoIMXfwd'.
Preview of field's value: '2022-08-1707:37:08.256'", "caused_by"=>
{"type"=>"illegal_argument_exception", "reason"=>"For input string: \"2022-08-
can anybody help me ?
Look like, in the first case, in the index mapping, your field request.dubugeDate defined as long, and you try to ingest some string data.
In the second case the field debug.registrationDate find mapping, defined as long, and you try to ingest string (date).
You can check the mapping of your index with GET /YOUR_INDEX/_mapping command from the Kibana or same via curl

How to resolve parsing error for CSV file in Logstash

I am using Filebeat to send a CSV file to Logstash and then up to Kibana, however I am getting a parsing error when the CSV file is picked up by Logstash.
This is the contents of the CSV file:
time version id score type
May 6, 2020 # 11:29:59.863 1 2 PPy_6XEBuZH417wO9uVe _doc
The logstash.conf:
input {
beats {
port => 5044
filter {
csv {
separator => ","
columns =>["time","version","id","index","score","type"]
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]
index => "%{[#metadata][beat]}-%{[#metadata][version]}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
# Each - is an input. Most options can be set at the input level, so
# you can use different inputs for various configurations.
# Below are the input specific configurations.
- type: log
# Change to true to enable this input configuration.
enabled: true
# Paths that should be crawled and fetched. Glob based paths.
- /etc/test/*.csv
#- c:\programdata\elasticsearch\logs\*
and the error in Logstash:
[2020-05-27T12:28:14,585][WARN ][logstash.filters.csv ][main] Error parsing csv {:field=>"message", :source=>"time,version,id,score,type,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,", :exception=>#<TypeError: wrong argument type String (expected LogStash::Timestamp)>}
[2020-05-27T12:28:14,586][WARN ][logstash.filters.csv ][main] Error parsing csv {:field=>"message", :source=>"\"May 6, 2020 # 11:29:59.863\",1,2,PPy_6XEBuZH417wO9uVe,_doc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,", :exception=>#<TypeError: wrong argument type String (expected LogStash::Timestamp)>}
I do get some data in Kibana but not what I want to see.
I have managed to get it to work locally. the mistakes I have noticed so far were:
Using ES reserved fields like #timestamp, #version, and more.
The timestamp was not in ISO8601 format. It had an # sign in the middle.
Your filter set the separator to , but your CSV real separator is "\t".
According to the error you can see it is trying to also work on your titles line, I suggest you remove it from the CSV or use the skip_header option.
Below is the logstash.conf file I used:
input {
file {
path => "C:/work/elastic/logstash-6.5.0/config/test.csv"
start_position => "beginning"
filter {
csv {
separator => ","
columns =>["time","version","id","score","type"]
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => "csv-test"
The CSV file I used:
May 6 2020 11:29:59.863,1,PPy_6XEBuZH417wO9uVe,_doc
May 6 2020 11:29:59.863,1,PPy_6XEBuZH417wO9uVe,_doc
May 6 2020 11:29:59.863,1,PPy_6XEBuZH417wO9uVe,_doc
May 6 2020 11:29:59.863,1,PPy_6XEBuZH417wO9uVe,_doc
From my Kibana:

How to access JSON from external data source in Terraform?

I am receiving JSON from a http terraform data source
data "http" "example" {
url = "${var.cloudwatch_endpoint}/api/v0/components"
# Optional request headers
request_headers {
"Accept" = "application/json"
"X-Api-Key" = "${var.api_key}"
It outputs the following.
http = [{"componentID":"k8QEbeuHdDnU","name":"Jenkins","description":"","status":"Partial Outage","order":1553796836},{"componentID":"ui","name":"ui","description":"","status":"Operational","order":1554483781},{"componentID":"auth","name":"auth","description":"","status":"Operational","order":1554483781},{"componentID":"elig","name":"elig","description":"","status":"Operational","order":1554483781},{"componentID":"kong","name":"kong","description":"","status":"Operational","order":1554483781}]
which is a string in terraform. In order to convert this string into JSON I pass it to an external data source which is a simple ruby function. Here is the terraform to pass it.
data "external" "component_ids" {
program = ["ruby", "./fetchComponent.rb",]
query = {
data = "${data.http.example.body}"
Here is the ruby function
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'json'
data = JSON.parse(
results = data.to_json
STDOUT.write results
All of this works. The external data outputs the following (It appears the same as the http output) but according to terraform docs this should be a map
external1 = {
data = [{"componentID":"k8QEbeuHdDnU","name":"Jenkins","description":"","status":"Partial Outage","order":1553796836},{"componentID":"ui","name":"ui","description":"","status":"Operational","order":1554483781},{"componentID":"auth","name":"auth","description":"","status":"Operational","order":1554483781},{"componentID":"elig","name":"elig","description":"","status":"Operational","order":1554483781},{"componentID":"kong","name":"kong","description":"","status":"Operational","order":1554483781}]
I was expecting that I could now access data inside of the external data source. I am unable.
Ultimately what I want to do is create a list of the componentID variables which are located within the external data source.
Some things I have tried
* output.external: key "0" does not exist in map data.external.component_ids.result in:
* output.external: At column 3, line 1: element: argument 1 should be type list, got type string in:
* output.external: key "componentID" does not exist in map data.external.component_ids.result in:
ternal: lookup: lookup failed to find 'componentID' in:
${lookup(data.external.component_ids.*.result[0], "componentID")}
I appreciate the help.
can't test with the variable cloudwatch_endpoint, so I have to think about the solution.
Terraform can't decode json directly before 0.11.x. But there is a workaround to work on nested lists.
Your ruby need be adjusted to make output as variable http below, then you should be fine to get what you need.
$ cat
variable "http" {
type = "list"
default = [{componentID = "k8QEbeuHdDnU", name = "Jenkins"}]
output "http" {
value = "${lookup(var.http[0], "componentID")}"
$ terraform apply
Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
http = k8QEbeuHdDnU

Create a new index in elasticsearch for each log file by date

I have completed the above task by using one log file and passes data with logstash to one index in elasticsearch :
yellow open logstash-2016.10.19 5 1 1000807 0 364.8mb 364.8mb
What I actually want to do
If i have the following logs files which are named according to Year,Month and Date
I would like to tell logstash to read by Year,Month and Date and create the following indexes :
yellow open MyLog-2016-10-16.log
yellow open MyLog-2016-10-17.log
yellow open MyLog-2016-10-18.log
yellow open MyLog-2016-11-05.log
yellow open MyLog-2016-11-02.log
yellow open MyLog-2016-11-03.log
Please could I have some guidance as to how do i need to go about doing this ?
Thanks You
It is also simple as that :
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => "MyLog-%{+YYYY-MM-DD}.log"
If the lines in the file contain datetime info, you should be using the date{} filter to set #timestamp from that value. If you do this, you can use the output format that #Renaud provided, "MyLog-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}".
If the lines don't contain the datetime info, you can use the input's path for your index name, e.g. "%{path}". To get just the basename of the path:
mutate {
gsub => [ "path", ".*/", "" ]
wont this configuration in output section be sufficient for your purpose ??
output {
elasticsearch {
embedded => false
host => localhost
port => 9200
protocol => http
cluster => 'elasticsearch'
index => "syslog-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

Stop pushing data in elasticsearch initiate by logstash "exec" plugin

I am very new to elasticsearch stuck in a problem. I have made a logstash configuration file named test.conf which is as follows :-
command => "free"interval => 1
host => "localhost"protocol => "http"
Now I execute this config file so that it will start pushing data in elasticsearch every 1 sec by following command :-
$ /opt/logstash/bin/logstash -f test.conf
I m using kibana to display data inserted in elasticsearch.
Since the data is keep on adding into elasticsearch every second I am not getting how to stop this data insertion job. Please help me out.
