sonarqube 6.0 add a project to custom dashboard - sonarqube

I am running sonarqube 6.0 and I have multiple teams for me. would like create the dashboard specific to group of java projects so that I can see the dashboard per team instead of seeing all the projects in global dashboard.
Can someone help me create the dashboard for group of projects

In order to be able to have dashboards per team, I would recommend you to use the Portfolio organization feature provided by the (commercial) Entreprise Edition.
As a side note, you should first consider upgrade to the latest LTS, 6.7.3


migrating specific project in sonarqube 7.3

We are planning to migrate from Sonarqube 5.6 version to Sonarqube 7.3 developer edition.
Because of huge lines of code we are planning to migrate specific project to Developer edition to regulate cost Hence Is there any way in to migrate only specific project not all the projects from current instance to Developer edition?
There is no out of the box way to do migrate a specific project: on startup of SonarQube the whole database is migrated in place. The commercial Sonar DB Copy Tool is copying table by table and also not based on a project. That is why it is so very important to make a database backup before you start migrating for the case something goes wrong (no rollback mechanism available). To prevent the migration of some large projects you can remove them before you upgrade and start the migration. See also the migration path documentation. The migration path you have to follow is: 5.x => 5.6.7 LTS => 6.7.x LTS => 7.x. Starting with an empty database can also be a consideration.

SonarPLSQL-Trial Version

I am looking for SonarPLSQL trial version, as SonarQube community edition do not support SonarPlsql, I need to validate it for my team in POC activities. Is there any other alternate available?
If you want to validate open source code (shown publicly), create a public project on, it's free.
If your code is closed source, you can also create a private project for free during 14 days on
If you prefer to validate on premise, ask for a SonarQube Developer Edition Trial License

Which consulting company can review our SonarQube installation?

Which good SonarQube consulting company could you recommend, that can review our SonarQube installation and processes?
We could even be open to having them take on the whole management of our installation.
Use the official hosted SonarQube instance called SonarCloud. It is maintained by SonarSource (the organization behind SonarQube) and can be used for both open source and closed source projects.

Cannot enable Appcelerator Performance Management

According to this documentation, Appcelerator Performance Management should be enabled using Appcelerator Studio.!/guide/Appcelerator_Performance_Management
I can see on my Dashboard that Performance has been added to my organization, but when I create an app with services enabled, Appcelerator Studio only enables Cloud and Analytics. I have no option to enable Performance.
Appcelerator Studio screenshot
I have tried creating a brand new app, I have tried re-downloading Appcelerator Studio, and I've tried creating an app through the CLI. None of these attempts have worked. Is there something else I need to do to enable the Performance Service for my app?
I should also note that I have a trial Enterprise account. I am able to visit the tab for Appcelerator Performance Management on my dashboard, but I cannot enable Performance for the app through Studio.
Appcelerator Performance Management is only available to Enterprise Subscription customers. If you do not have an Enterprise License, you cannot use it. See the second line on this page:!/guide/Appcelerator_Performance_Management
There is only one reason for that - You have logged in with a trial Plan.
For trial/free plans, Performance and Test services won't be visible in Appcelerator studio.
Check this.

TFS MSF for Agile Software Development v5.0 Documents and Reports nodes are missing

Reading about TFS' MSF for Agile Software Development v5.0 template (for example here) I can see nice Documents and Reports installed by default:
but after I installed this template myself I can see no such nodes:
What should I do to see (or install) them?
The administrator either did a basic wizard install or they did advanced and opted out share point and reporting integration. The basic wizard is actually just a wizard and the result is equivalent to advanced with opted-out. So in that sense, there really is no such thing as a basic installation - just a basics wizard. After the wizard there's no way of telling how you got where you got.
If TFS is installed on a client OS, you will not be able to add Sharepoint and Reporting integration. If you are on a server OS you can go into the admin console on the server, go to the share point and reporting nodes and configure them.
At that point, you will have to install SharePoint and Reporting services. But, if you download TFS Dev11 CTP (just came out at build conference), the SharePoint integration wizard will take it E2E even after the fact. It will detect what's missing and just do it. However, Dev11 CTP is not go live - at Beta, you can upgrade to it.
Here's a document on adding share point to an existing TFS deployment:
After you configure SharePoint and Reporting services, you will need to enable them for existing projects:
For reporting, go to the reporting node in the admin console. There's a link in there to configure. Point to your sql and analysis services and it should be fairly straight forward.
You have not made a full Team Foundation Server installation. Follow this guide:
This installation guide gives lots of important information regarding installation of a Team Foundation Server. Including important information on the SQL Server setup. Reporting Server is used for reports. And documents are stored in a Sharepoint product.
I think you have made a Basic Installation.
The missing documents and reports, has nothing to do with the process template you are using (MSF for Agile Software Development v5.0).
