Custom Transaction Processor not receiving request - go

Why is my transaction processor not receiving the request I post via the rest API?
I have built a client and Transaction Processor (TP), in Golang, which is not much different to the XO example. I have successfully got the TP running locally to the Sawtooth components, and sending batch lists from a separate cli tool. Currently the apply method in the TP is not being hit and does not receive any of my transactions.
EDIT: In order to simplify and clarify my problem as much as possible, I have abandoned my original source code, and built a simpler client that sends a transaction for the XO sdk example.*
When I run the tool that I have built, the rest api successfully receives the request, processes and returns a 202 response but appears to omit the id of the batch from the batch statuses url. Inspecting the logs it appears as though the validator never receives the request from the rest api, as illustrated in the logs below.
sawtooth-rest-api-default | [2018-05-16 09:16:38.861 DEBUG route_handlers] Sending CLIENT_BATCH_SUBMIT_REQUEST request to validator
sawtooth-rest-api-default | [2018-05-16 09:16:38.863 DEBUG route_handlers] Received CLIENT_BATCH_SUBMIT_RESPONSE response from validator with status OK
sawtooth-rest-api-default | [2018-05-16 09:16:38.863 INFO helpers] POST /batches HTTP/1.1: 202 status, 213 size, in 0.002275 s
My entire command line tool that sends transactions to a local instance is below.
package main
import (
var restAPI string
func main() {
var hostname, port string
flag.StringVar(&hostname, "hostname", "localhost", "The hostname to host the application on (default: localhost).")
flag.StringVar(&port, "port", "8080", "The port to listen on for connection (default: 8080)")
flag.StringVar(&restAPI, "restAPI", "http://localhost:8008", "The address of the sawtooth REST API")
s := time.Now()
ctx := signing.CreateContext("secp256k1")
key := ctx.NewRandomPrivateKey()
snr := signing.NewCryptoFactory(ctx).NewSigner(key)
payload := "testing_new,create,"
encoded := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(payload))
trn := BuildTransaction(
trn.Payload = []byte(encoded)
batchList := &batch_pb2.BatchList{
Batches: []*batch_pb2.Batch{
serialised := batchList.String()
resp, err := http.Post(
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
elapsed := time.Since(s)
log.Printf("Creation took %s", elapsed)
resp.Close = true
// BuildTransaction will build a transaction based on the information provided
func BuildTransaction(ID, payload, familyName, familyVersion string, snr *signing.Signer) *transaction_pb2.Transaction {
publicKeyHex := snr.GetPublicKey().AsHex()
payloadHash := Hexdigest(string(payload))
addr := Hexdigest(familyName)[:6] + Hexdigest(ID)[:64]
transactionHeader := &transaction_pb2.TransactionHeader{
FamilyName: familyName,
FamilyVersion: familyVersion,
SignerPublicKey: publicKeyHex,
BatcherPublicKey: publicKeyHex,
Inputs: []string{addr},
Outputs: []string{addr},
Dependencies: []string{},
PayloadSha512: payloadHash,
Nonce: GenerateNonce(),
header := transactionHeader.String()
headerBytes := []byte(header)
headerSig := hex.EncodeToString(snr.Sign(headerBytes))
return &transaction_pb2.Transaction{
Header: headerBytes,
HeaderSignature: headerSig[:64],
Payload: []byte(payload),
// BuildBatch will build a batch using the provided transactions
func BuildBatch(trans []*transaction_pb2.Transaction, snr *signing.Signer) *batch_pb2.Batch {
ids := []string{}
for _, t := range trans {
ids = append(ids, t.HeaderSignature)
batchHeader := &batch_pb2.BatchHeader{
SignerPublicKey: snr.GetPublicKey().AsHex(),
TransactionIds: ids,
return &batch_pb2.Batch{
Header: []byte(batchHeader.String()),
HeaderSignature: hex.EncodeToString(snr.Sign([]byte(batchHeader.String())))[:64],
Transactions: trans,
// Hexdigest will hash the string and return the result as hex
func Hexdigest(str string) string {
hash := sha512.New()
hashBytes := hash.Sum(nil)
return strings.ToLower(hex.EncodeToString(hashBytes))
// GenerateNonce will generate a random string to use
func GenerateNonce() string {
return randStringBytesMaskImprSrc(16)
const (
letterBytes = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
letterIdxBits = 6 // 6 bits to represent a letter index
letterIdxMask = 1<<letterIdxBits - 1 // All 1-bits, as many as letterIdxBits
letterIdxMax = 63 / letterIdxBits // # of letter indices fitting in 63 bits
func randStringBytesMaskImprSrc(n int) string {
b := make([]byte, n)
// A rand.Int63() generates 63 random bits, enough for letterIdxMax letters!
for i, cache, remain := n-1, rand.Int63(), letterIdxMax; i >= 0; {
if remain == 0 {
cache, remain = rand.Int63(), letterIdxMax
if idx := int(cache & letterIdxMask); idx < len(letterBytes) {
b[i] = letterBytes[idx]
cache >>= letterIdxBits
return string(b)

There were a number of issues with this, and hopefully I can explain each in isolation to help shed a light on the ways in which these transactions can fail.
Transaction Completeness
As #Frank C. comments above my transaction headers were missing a couple of values. These were addresses and also the nonce.
// Hexdigest will hash the string and return the result as hex
func Hexdigest(str string) string {
hash := sha512.New()
hashBytes := hash.Sum(nil)
return strings.ToLower(hex.EncodeToString(hashBytes))
addr := Hexdigest(familyName)[:6] + Hexdigest(ID)[:64]
transactionHeader := &transaction_pb2.TransactionHeader{
FamilyName: familyName,
FamilyVersion: familyVersion,
SignerPublicKey: publicKeyHex,
BatcherPublicKey: publicKeyHex,
Inputs: []string{addr},
Outputs: []string{addr},
Dependencies: []string{},
PayloadSha512: payloadHash,
Nonce: uuid.NewV4(),
The next thing was to enable tracing in the batch.
return &batch_pb2.Batch{
Header: []byte(batchHeader.String()),
HeaderSignature: batchHeaderSignature,
Transactions: trans,
Trace: true, // Set this flag to true
With the above set the Rest API will decode the message to print additional logging information, and also the Validator component will output more useful logging.
400 Bad Request
"error": {
"code": 35,
"message": "The protobuf BatchList you submitted was malformed and could not be read.",
"title": "Protobuf Not Decodable"
The above was output by the Rest API once the tracing was turned on. This proved that there was something awry with the received data.
Why is this the case?
Following some valuable advice from the Sawtooth chat rooms, I tried to deserisalise my batches using the SDK for another language.
To test deserialising the batches in another SDK, I built a web api in python that I could easily send my batches to, which could attempt to deserialise them.
from flask import Flask, request
from protobuf import batch_pb2
app = Flask(__name__)
#app.route("/batches", methods = [ 'POST' ])
def deserialise():
received =
print(''.join('{:02x}'.format(x) for x in received))
batchlist = batch_pb2.BatchList()
return ""
if __name__ == '__main__':"", debug=True)
After sending my batch to this I received the below error.
RuntimeWarning: Unexpected end-group tag: Not all data was converted
This was obviously what was going wrong with my batches, but seeing as this was all being handled by the Hyperledger Sawtooth Go SDK, I decided to move to Python and built my application with that.

Managed to get document updated with information on writing a client in Go
[Original Answer]
Answering to the question a bit late, hope this will help others who are facing similar issues with Go client.
I was recently trying out a sample Go client for Sawtooth. Faced similar issues as you have asked here, currently it's hard to debug what has gone wrong in the composed batch list. Problem is lack of sample code and documentation for using Go SDK in client application development.
Here's a link for the sample Go code that's working:
Please have a look at the file src/client/client.go which composes single Transaction and Batch, puts it to batch list and sends it to the validator. Method I followed for debugging is to compose the expected batch list (for specific transaction) in another language and comparing each step with the result from equivalent step in Go code.
Coming to the question, along with missing information in the composed transaction header other problem could be the way protobuf messages are serialized. Please use protobuf library for serializing.
Example: (extending the answer from #danielcooperxyz)
transactionHeader := &transaction_pb2.TransactionHeader{
FamilyName: familyName,
FamilyVersion: familyVersion,
SignerPublicKey: publicKeyHex,
BatcherPublicKey: publicKeyHex,
Inputs: []string{addr},
Outputs: []string{addr},
Dependencies: []string{},
PayloadSha512: payloadHash,
Nonce: uuid.NewV4(),
transactionHeaderSerializedForm, _ := proto.Marshal(transactionHeader)
(protobuf library methods can be found in


unserialize php in goland

I have a file with serialized array in PHP.
The content of the file locks like this
The array unserialized is this
[250] => my_catz
[] => Array
[category_id] => 250
[category_name] => my_catz
Now, i want to get the content of the file in GO, unserialize it convert it to an array.
In GO i can get the content of the file using
dat, err := os.ReadFile("/etc/squid3/compiled-categories.db")
if err != nil {
if e.Debug {
log.Printf("error reading /etc/squid3/compiled-categories.db: ", err)
And unserialized it using library
package categorization
import (
type Data struct {
Website string
Debug bool
func (e Data) CheckPersonalCategories() (int,string) {
if e.Debug {
log.Printf("Checking Personal Categories")
if _, err := os.Stat("/etc/squid3/compiled-categories.db"); errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
if e.Debug {
log.Printf("/etc/squid3/compiled-categories.db not exit: ", err)
return 0,""
dat, err := os.ReadFile("/etc/squid3/compiled-categories.db")
if err != nil {
if e.Debug {
log.Printf("error reading /etc/squid3/compiled-categories.db: ", err)
out, _ := gophp.Unserialize(dat)
return 0,""
But I can't access to the array, for example, when I try access to array key using out[""] i get this error message
invalid operation: out[""] (type interface {} does not support indexing)
The result of out is
map[250:my_catz[category_id:250 category_name:my_catz]]
Seams that is unserializing
Don't make assumptions about what is and isn't succeeding in your code. Error responses are the only reliable way to know whether a function succeeded. In this case the assumption may hold, but ignoring errors is always a mistake. Invest time in catching errors and at least panic them - don't instead waste your time ignoring errors and then trying to debug unreliable code.
invalid operation: out[""] (type interface {} does not support indexing)
The package you're using unfortunately doesn't provide any documentation so you have to read the source to understand that gophp.Unserialize returns (interface{}, error). This makes sense; php can serialize any value, so Unserialize must be able to return any value.
out is therefore an interface{} whose underlying value depends on the data. To turn an interface{} into a particular value requires a type assertion. In this case, we think the underlying data should be map[string]interface{}. So we need to do a type assertion:
mout, ok := out.(map[string]interface{})
Before we get to the working code, one more point I'd like you to think about. Look at the code below: I started it from your code, but the resemblance is very slight. I took out almost all the code because it was completely irrelevant to your question. I added the input data to the code to make a minimal reproduction of your code (as I asked you to do and you declined to do). This is a very good use of your time for 2 reasons: first, it makes it a lot easier to get answers (both because it shows sufficient effort on your part and because it simplifies the description of the problem), and second, because it's excellent practice for debugging. I make minimal reproductions of code flows all the time to better understand how to do things.
You'll notice you can run this code now without any additional effort. That's the right way to provide a minimal reproducible example - not with a chunk of mostly irrelevant code which still can't be executed by anybody.
The Go Plaground is a great way to demonstrate go-specific code that others can execute and investigate. You can also see the code below at
package main
import (
type Data struct {
Website string
Debug bool
func main() {
var dat = []byte(`a:2:{i:250;s:7:"my_catz";s:7:"";a:2:{s:11:"category_id";i:250;s:13:"category_name";s:7:"my_catz";}}`)
out, err := gophp.Unserialize(dat)
if err != nil {
if mout, ok := out.(map[string]interface{}); ok {

How to get logrus to print stack of pkg/errors

I'm using and When I hand an error wrapped or created from pkg/errors, all I see in the log out is the error message. I want to see the stack trace.
From this issue,, I infer that logrus has some native method for working with pkg/errors.
How can I do this?
The comment on your Logrus issue is incorrect (and incidentally, appears to come from someone with no affiliation with Logrus, and who has made no contributions to Logrus, so not actually from "the Logrus team").
It is easy to extract the stack trace in a pkg/errors error, as documented:
type stackTracer interface {
StackTrace() errors.StackTrace
This means that the easiest way to log the stack trace with logrus would be simply:
if stackErr, ok := err.(stackTracer); ok {
log.WithField("stacktrace", fmt.Sprintf("%+v", stackErr.StackTrace()))
As of today, when my a pull request of mine was merged with pkg/errors, this is now even easier, if you're using JSON logging:
if stackErr, ok := err.(stackTracer); ok {
log.WithField("stacktrace", stackErr.StackTrace())
This will produce a log format similar to "%+v", but without newlines or tabs, with one log entry per string, for easy marshaling into a JSON array.
Of course, both of these options force you to use the format defined by pkg/errors, which isn't always ideal. So instead, you can iterate through the stack trace, and produce your own formatting, possibly producing a format easily marshalable to JSON.
if err, ok := err.(stackTracer); ok {
for _, f := range err.StackTrace() {
fmt.Printf("%+s:%d\n", f, f) // Or your own formatting
Rather than printing each frame, you can coerce it into any format you like.
The inference is wrong. Logrus does not actually know how to handle the error.
Update the Logrus team official said that this is NOT a supported feature,
A Java-ish Response
In order to universally work with error handlers in this way, I composed a new version of Entry, which is from Logrus. As the example shows, create a new Entry with what ever common fields you want (below the example is a logger set in a handler that keeps track of the caller id. Pass PgkError through your layers as you work the Entry. When you need to log specific errors, like call variables experiencing the error, start with the PkgError.WithError(...) then add your details.
This is a starting point. If you want to use this generally, implement all of the Entity interface on PkgErrorEntry. Continue to delegate to the internal entry, but return a new PkgErrorEntry. Such a change would make the value true drop in replacement for Entry.
package main
import (
unwrappedErrors "errors"
// PkgErrorEntry enables stack frame extraction directly into the log fields.
type PkgErrorEntry struct {
// Depth defines how much of the stacktrace you want.
Depth int
// This is dirty pkg/errors.
type stackTracer interface {
StackTrace() errors.StackTrace
func (e *PkgErrorEntry) WithError(err error) *logrus.Entry {
out := e.Entry
common := func(pError stackTracer) {
st := pError.StackTrace()
depth := 3
if e.Depth != 0 {
depth = e.Depth
valued := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", st[0:depth])
valued = strings.Replace(valued, "\t", "", -1)
stack := strings.Split(valued, "\n")
out = out.WithField("stack", stack[2:])
if err2, ok := err.(stackTracer); ok {
if err2, ok := errors.Cause(err).(stackTracer); ok {
return out.WithError(err)
func someWhereElse() error {
return unwrappedErrors.New("Ouch")
func level1() error {
return level2()
func level2() error {
return errors.WithStack(unwrappedErrors.New("All wrapped up"))
func main() {
baseLog := logrus.New()
errorHandling := PkgErrorEntry{Entry: baseLog.WithField("callerid", "1000")}
err := errors.New("Hi")
errorHandling.WithError(err).Error("That should have a stack.")
err = someWhereElse()
errorHandling.WithError(err).Info("Less painful error")
err = level1()
errorHandling.WithError(err).Warn("Should have multiple layers of stack")
A Gopher-ish way
See for more detail.
Ben Johnson wrote about making errors part of your domain. An abbreviated version is that you should put tracer attributes onto a custom error. When code directly under your control errors or when an error from a 3rd party library occurs, the code immediately dealing with the error should put a unique value into the custom error. This value will print as part of the custom error's Error() string implementation.
When developers get the log file, they will be able to grep the code base for that unique value. Ben says "Finally, we need to be able to provide all this information plus a logical stack trace to our operator so they can debug issues. Go already provides a simple method, error.Error(), to print error information so we can utilize that."
Here's Ben's example
// attachRole inserts a role record for a user in the database
func (s *UserService) attachRole(ctx context.Context, id int, role string) error {
const op = "attachRole"
if _, err := s.db.Exec(`INSERT roles...`); err != nil {
return &myapp.Error{Op: op, Err: err}
return nil
An issue I have with the grep-able code is that it's easy for the value to diverge from the original context. For example, say the name of the function was changed from attachRole to something else and the function was longer. It possible that the op value can diverge from the function name. Regardless, this appears to satisfy the general need of tracing to a problem, while treating errors a first class citizens.
Go2 might throw a curve at this into more the Java-ish response. Stay tuned.
Use custom hook to extract stacktrace
import (
type StacktraceHook struct {
func (h *StacktraceHook) Levels() []logrus.Level {
return logrus.AllLevels
func (h *StacktraceHook) Fire(e *logrus.Entry) error {
if v, found := e.Data[logrus.ErrorKey]; found {
if err, iserr := v.(error); iserr {
type stackTracer interface {
StackTrace() errors.StackTrace
if st, isst := err.(stackTracer); isst {
stack := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", st.StackTrace())
e.Data["stacktrace"] = stack
return nil
func main() {
logrus.SetFormatter(&logrus.TextFormatter{DisableQuote: true})
time=2009-11-10T23:00:00Z level=error msg=Wrong error=Foo stacktrace=

Different hashes during CRAM-MD5 authentication

As an exercise, I'm trying to implement a mock SMTP server with CRAM-MD5 authentication in Go (without following RFC 2195, since it looks like it doesn't matter to the client what format the pre-hashed challenge is in; I also assume there is only one user "bob" with password "pass"). But I can't seem to get it right as the hash in response is always different from what I have on the server. I send the email using Go as such (running it as a separate package):
smtp.SendMail("localhost:25", smtp.CRAMMD5Auth("bob", "pass"),
"bob#localhost", []string{"alice#localhost"}, []byte("Hey Alice!\n"))
Here's what I do when I get the authentication acknowledgement from the client:
case strings.Contains(ms, "AUTH CRAM-MD5"):
rndbts = make([]byte, 16) // Declared at package level
b64b := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(16))
base64.StdEncoding.Encode(b64b, rndbts)
_, err = conn.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("334 %x\n", b64b)))
And this is what I do with the client's response:
ms = strings.TrimRight(ms, "\r\n") // The response to the challenge
ds, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(ms)
s := strings.Split(string(ds), " ")
login := s[0] // I can get the login from the response.
h := hmac.New(md5.New, []byte("pass"))
c := make([]byte, 0, ourHash.Size()) // From smtp/auth.go, not sure why we need this.
validPass := hmac.Equal(h.Sum(c), []byte(s[1]))
And the validPass is never true. I omitted error handling from the excerpts for brevity, but they're there in the actual code (though they're always nil). Why are the hashes different? I have looked at the source code for net/smtp, and it seems to me that I'm going in the right direction, but not quite.
I hope this helps! Runnable version is at Also note that you'll need to fix your %x (should be %s) so you're sending the right challenge down to the client. Right now I think you're trying to hex-encode your base64 string.
Once you've fixed that, I believe this code should help you to construct the right response string on the server and compare it to what the client sent.
// Example values taken from
challenge := []byte("<>")
username := []byte("alice")
password := []byte("wonderland")
clientResponse := []byte("YWxpY2UgNjRiMmE0M2MxZjZlZDY4MDZhOTgwOTE0ZTIzZTc1ZjA=")
// hash the challenge with the user's password
h := hmac.New(md5.New, password)
hash := h.Sum(nil)
// encode the result in lowercase hexadecimal
hexEncoded := hex.EncodeToString(hash)
// prepend the username and a space
toEncode := []byte(string(username) + " " + hexEncoded)
// base64-encode the whole thing
b64Result := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(toEncode)))
base64.StdEncoding.Encode(b64Result, toEncode)
// check that this is equal to what the client sent
if hmac.Equal(b64Result, clientResponse) {

Testing a handler that connects to db in go

I have a handler which connects to a db and retrieves the records. I wrote a test case for that and it goes this way:
package main
import (
var a App
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
a = App{}
code := m.Run()
func TestRulesetGet(t *testing.T) {
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "/1/sig/", nil)
if err != nil {
// We create a ResponseRecorder (which satisfies http.ResponseWriter) to record the response.
rr := httptest.NewRecorder()
handler := http.HandlerFunc(a.Get)
handler.ServeHTTP(rr, req)
// Check the response body is what we expect.
if len(rr.Body.String()) != 0 {
fmt.Println("Status OK : ", http.StatusOK)
fmt.Println("handler returned body: got ",
I feel like this is a very basic test case where I'm just checking the response length (This is because I expect a slice). I'm not really sure whether this is the right way to write a test case. Please point out some loop holes so that I could write a solid test cases for my remaining handlers. And also, I'm not using the actual Error, and Fatal methods for checking the errors.
If it works then it's not wrong, but it doesn't validate much, only that the response body is non-empty - not even that it's successful. I'm not sure why it prints out http.StatusOK, which is a constant, and doesn't tell you what the status code in the response was.
Personally when I do this level of test I check, at the very least, that the response code is as expected, the response body unmarshals correctly (if it's JSON or XML), the response data is basically sane, etc. For more complex payloads I might use a golden file test. For critical code I might use a fuzz (aka monte carlo) test. For performance-critical code I'll likely add benchmarks and load tests. There are practically infinite ways to test code. You'll have to figure out what your needs are and how to meet them.

Golang - String with many delimiters to slice or struct

I have the following string returned as response from a TCP connection :
220 Connected.\ncommand:connect\nemail:ERROR_MAIL_MISSING\nstatus:CMD_ERROR\nend
I want actually to transform this response to the following golang struct :
type Message struct {
Key string
Value string
type Response struct {
Connect string
Messages []Message
If 220 Connected is always present means :
Response.Connect => TRUE
All response between 220 Connected. and end can be accessed using :
Response[0].Key => "command"
Response[0].Value => "connect"
This is what I actually achieved :
result, err := ioutil.ReadAll(conn)
data := strings.Split(string(result), "\n")
for i := range data {
Reply := new(Response)
if data[i] == "220 Connected." {
Reply.Connect = "TRUE"
Response = append(Response, Reply)
Any hint how this can be achieved ? I'm a newbie with Golang
You need to do a bit more work to extract the data you want. Here's a sample program that correctly populates the Messages array. I'll update with some notes on what's I did to move from your attempt to what you're looking for.
package main
import "fmt"
import "strings"
type Message struct {
Key string
Value string
type Response struct {
Connect string
Messages []Message
func main() {
result := `220 Connected.\ncommand:connect\nemail:ERROR_MAIL_MISSING\nstatus:CMD_ERROR\nend`
data := strings.Split(string(result), "\\")
r := &Response{}
for i := range data {
if data[i] == "220 Connected." {
r.Connect = "TRUE"
} else {
tokens := strings.Split(data[i], ":")
if len(tokens) == 2 {
m := Message{tokens[0], tokens[1]}
r.Messages = append(r.Messages, m)
for i := range r.Messages {
Alright, so first lets list some problems. In your attempt the for loop looks like this;
for i := range data {
Reply := new(Response)
if data[i] == "220 Connected." {
Reply.Connect = "TRUE"
Response = append(Response, Reply)
This isn't consistent with your types/data layout. On every iteration you create a new Response instance, you actually only need one. What you want on each iteration is a new Message instance. This causes a few problems, firstly the data you're looking at isn't a response, it's a message, secondly you keep overwriting the previous one (that object is only scoped for the loop). To correct this we instantiate the Response object before the loop. Secondly, you need a second split in order to get your data out. So inside the loop we split on a colon to separate the key and value of each message. Then I have a quick check on the length before adding it (I got a panic on first run, the first if probably failed, meaning you need to edit that a bit. If you don't get 220 for connected you want to set that value to false, you should do the message split an a final else but simply not being 220 Connected. isn't sufficient to assume the current item is a Message which is why I added bounds check). Note that inside this loop I instantiate a new message for each key value pair. We use append there to append to the Messages array, not appending Response's onto eachother (that will never work since it's a struct, not a slice or map). This also makes it so the Message persists rather than going out of scope each time we hit the bottom of the loop (m will go out of scope but the instance in r.Messages will still be around).
