Microsoft Botframework channel messenger not working in development mode - botframework

I need enable channel messenger for botframework.
i make follow this guide:
exclude "submit for review". i want test before submit review.
Until an app is published, it is in Development Mode. Plugin and API functionality will only work for admins, developers, and testers.
i am administrator for app & that page.
i try chat but bot not working.
Env info:
Facebook API version: 2.12
Bot framework ver: 3.14
And i has migrated to azure bot service.
My bot screenshots:
Facebook app & web hook setting
Bot setting
Channel status
Skype channel status is ok
In messenger bot not working
Any one can help me ?
Thank in advance!

Problem solved!
My problem is: i detected a problem about my account "Your free credit has expired after i create new bot service.
then i fix above issue, and bot worked.
Hope Azure service will show alert when create new channel for trial program.

If you just channel messenger for botframework about yesterday, so I think that your issues relate to my issues:
403 forbidden with POST request on
My facebook channels bot framework worked well about 6 months till 2018, 19 April. All request suddendly response 403 forbidden.
And I am trying to find any document which mentioned to any change or update API from microsoft bot server at 2018, 19 April.

The following is some steps for facebook set up which help me on the succcess:
step1 - Get app_id and app_secret
step2 - Webhooks for page
step3 - Webhooks for page - enter microsoft bot service callback and verify token
step 4- Messenger setting - subscribe page and get page access_token
step 5 - Get page_id at facebook page


Skype bot cannot send messages to some group from special day although it works fine before

We have implement a Skype bot using Bot Builder 4. And this bot run smoothly around 2 years. But from recent days some specify groups cannot receive proactive message from the bot. We have traced both production & development environment to narrow down issue as below:
Those group cannot receive message all have format as: When we create new group and add this bot into group (new group have format: The message send successfully to new group.
We have get source code Bot Builder 4 from Github and add to my project to debug and see below:
This is group send fail:
fail group
This is group send sucessfull:
sucess group
We got meaningless warning from my azure portal:
azure warning
I don't know if Skype bot has just changed any rules or restrictions about their service?
I am very pleased and appreciate any sharing from everyone.
This issue is a bug from Skype backend service. The MS team has just confirmed on this github:
This is a confirmed bug on Skype backend side. The issue has been
mitigated for the specific bot and the general fix will be rolled out
on the first week of January.

microsoft bot framework - skype for business - error

I am using Microsoft Botframework to publish a bot (Channel Registration). When I try enabling the channels , I see the bot to be working in Slack , Skype, MS Teams & Web chat . However (despite following the steps to enable bot in SFB) I could not get the bot working in Skype for Business. I keep getting the error.
"Sorry, we ran into a problem at our end."
Neither do I see any log to debug.
Waited more than 24 hrs to ensure it is not the sync issue. But issue still remains. Any help appreciated !!
I am not clear with the error as to from which end it is being thrown.
I need you to follow the below steps:
Publish Bot in azure as an app service, through VS if you are coding through c#.
Create a "Bot channel registration" in azure and connect the above app service and Bot channel registration(simple use the URL of the app service append it with /api/messages and insert the same as messaging endpoint in Bot channel registration).
use the app id and app secret in bot solution and republish the app service.
Inside Bot channel registration click on channel and enable it for Skype for business(you will find your BOT in SFB using the credentials you have used to create the bot channel registration).
Finally got it working. What i noticed is the following
I faced the issue when I used the SIP URI as to register the bot in my tenant.
And i got it working when I used the SIP URI as
Unsure on the reasoning though :)
And btw thanks #Tanmoy for your answer aswell !!

403 forbidden with POST request on

Every POST request to the following API get 403 forbidden :{{conversation_id}}/activities{{bot_name}} ; which is webhook url registered at facebook bot
Noted :
Bot framework already is Bot Service Azure before 2018 March 31
Facebook channel at Bot Service Azura worked well about 6 months. And these issues just happens from 2018, 19th April
Tested facebook bot worked well with my own webhook url
Tested skype channel at Bot Service Azura still worked well.
All configure of facebook channel at Bot Service Azure are right.
After three days failed and there is no facebook message come to my system via Bot Service Azure. Finally, my Facebook channel at Bot Service Azure is up again at 2018 April 23. The issues solved.

Microsoft botframework bot stopped working in Microsoft team

I tried to connect a bot built using Microsoft botframework to Microsoft team with no luck.
If I use other channels like webchat it works like a charm ! , I've tried to create new simple bot using Azure Bot services. In a matter of fact, I left the generated echo bot code as is , when I tried to connect to Teams channel I got an error message "Oops something went wrong" as you can see in this screen capture
Bot Service Azure Error
tried to use the Microsoft ID and add the bot to MS teams app package however the same behavior applies (bot is never responding)
if the bot is running locally using ngrok there is no message been logged to ngrok endpoint at all as if msteams client is not sending the conversation at all.
I suspect there is a problem with bot registration.
P.S. Skype channel is not working as well.

Microsoft Bot Web Chat Not working but Emulator work fine

I have created a bot application and published it to azure. When I test this bot using Emulator it works fine but when I use the web chat control it doesn't show anything . I am using the correct app-secret .
The link to web chat is here . My bot is hosted on azure .Here is the link of Message Endpoint=
The first thing to check: If you go into your bot management page on and press the blue "Test" button on the bottom left ("Test connection to your bot"), does it indicate that the bot accepts the connection by the bot framework middleware?
If not, then there might be something wrong with your bot. It will actually give you some indications. If it's "forbidden", then you might have a problem with authentication (check your appId and appPassword). If it's an error, then your bot might have a code issue / exception.
If the connection has been accepted, check if your web chat credentials have been validated. To do so, click on the "Edit" link next to the Web Chat channel on the bot management page. Try regenerating your credentials and (most importantly) make sure you checked "Enable this bot on Web Chat" and confirm.
