Dont see any Yahoo Logout API or Javascript or URL to use in our application - yahoo-oauth

I have integrated Login with Yahoo in our application using Oauth2.0 authorization code flow which is working fine. Once user is login using this option and user profile information extracted, I want to logout user from Yahoo as user is not aware that they have Yahoo session active. I dont not see any Yahoo Logout API or Javascript or URL to use in our application. Yahoo logout URL is not unique and needs crumb value for each logout in the url.
Please let me know if there is any standard Yahoo logout approach.


Laravel Passport and PKCE authentication - Do you need a session for the user to login?

I setup a PKCE authentication system for an API using Laravel Passport.
At the moment this API is used by a SPA.
The authentication flow is the following :
User clicks on "login" on the SPA
User is redirected to the API /oauth/authorize endpoint (with all the pkce required parameters)
Now, that API endpoint requires the user to be authenticated. So the login page is shown (its a php Laravel served view)
The user logs in, clicks on authorize, and is redirected to the callback url of the SPA, which will then send a request to obtain the JWT token.
From this point all communication from the SPA and the API will use the JWT token only.
Everything works. Except I now have a few doubts.
Is it correct for the login on step 3 to be session based ? To set that up I simply used Laravel UI, which provides an already setup login functionality, which is session based.
If I visit the API login page again, by its own url, I am actually session logged in (which is normal). Of couse if I logout from that page (it has also a logout button), I can still use the SPA normally, as I still have my JWT token which is used by Passport.
To solve the logout problem I had to implement a 'double' logout, one that clears the JWT from local storage for the SPA, and one to logout the user from the session login of the Laravel api (in case that was still active at the time).
All this seems a little off, should I refactor the login function of Laravel UI to not start a session (if that is even possible) ? Or maybe log the user out in some way(how ?) after the redirect to the SPA callback url ?

spring oauth2 authorize flow in single page app

I am implementing an oauth2 authorization server for providing access to our apis.
Our application is a single page application, with the a jwt token in the authentication header to provide access.
We want to setup an oauth2 Authorization Code flow like,
User is on external site and wants to get access to our apis
External site redirects to our site/spa with oauth2 params, client_id etc.
SPA checks authentication, users needs to login to continue
User sees page for confirming access
User confirms access, code is returned and redirected to external site
External site does backchannel call to obtain token from code
My problem is in 4 and 5, in standard Spring setup this is provided by,
on /oauth/authorize GET oauth params are stored in the session and the confirmation page is shown, and on post of that the code is returned in the redirect.
But I cannot find any guidance/examples on how to do this with a page hosted in a SPA.
You have to be authenticated in this endpoint and I cannot really use the top level page that /oauth/authorized provides because we use header based authentication on rest api calls only, all our top level calls are unauthenticated.
Is there some obvious way to make this work?
I think I do not want to put my authentication token in a cookie.
I was thinking of just then creating a controller that sort of does what the AuthorizationEndpoint does and returning a redirect to the redirect in Javascript. But I am not sure if I would be breaking some other security requirement.

SpringBoot 2 SSO with OAM using SAML2

I am working on a web application of tech stack contains front end ReactJS and backend SpringBoot 2 Microservices. Now it's time for the SSO integration **(single sign on) using the OAM(Oracle Access Manager) using SAML2 **.
I had a discussion with OAM Team and they had given me below details
Entity ID or Issuer ID
OAM Entry Point or OAM SSO URL
X509 Certificate
Assertion consumer URL (ACS URL) which i had given to them to receive SAML Response
online i could find few SSO option with SSOCIRCLE, OKTA, ONEIDENTITY etc but couldn't find any resources with Springboot2 + SSO + OAM.
Please throw some lights or any response on how to start would be greatly appreciated.
You can start with OAM installation:
Refer to the following link to understand deployment and usage in application:
You have to integrate below flows
Login flow: From your web application (frontend) redirect to the Federation system endpoint (get their login endpoint), this is a browser redirect. Here 2 types of configurations options are available- Either you send the xml Metadata to them when you redirect to their portal OR
These configurations can be set at OAM manually and you only have to do a simple browser redirect. (I have tried the 2nd option).
User enters the credentials in Federation page which gets authenticated by IdP and after successful authentication the SP is notified on ACS login url. So your login url will be basically a callback url which will be called by them and they will be sending a SAML response on that callback api. Once you get a notification on your callback you need to redirect the user to your portal.
For this your callback url should set http response status code as 302 and response.headers.location as the endpoint (along with saml response) where you want the user to redirect. Take care of validating saml signature before redirecting user to your portal.
On your frontend code, you will have to check for the SAML response with
These steps will redirect user back to SP portal.
Logout flow: when user clicks on SP logout button, execute your logout api and then redirect user to Federation System's logout url, browser redirection, in this case User's session will also terminate at their(SAML) end and they redirect user to SP portal.
Ensure that user's sessions (both) are in sync. For this keep idle timeout and max session timeout same at both ends.
Hope this helps.

OAuth2 Implicit flow vs 'Traditional' session based auth for small SPA

Some background:
I am writing a small SPA that will use a back end that I have also written. The JS and the back end API are on the same server.
i.e. SPA will load from, back end is at
In the past I have always used Spring Security with simple form based login. After logging in the user will get a session cookie. Pretty standard stuff.
For this app I looked into OAuth2 implicit flow. My understanding is the User would load my page, then from the SPA I would direct the user to the authorization endpoint so my app could get a token. The user would be redirected from the authorization endpoint to a login form. After the user authenticated with the form.. they would be redirected back to the authorization endpoint to get the token and possibly grant access to the JS client. After that the user would be redirected to a URL specified by the client, with the new access token as a URL fragment.
I have this working and its all great. The part I don't quite get is this:
When the user is redirected to the login form and they authenticate a session is created on the server that has to at least last long enough for the user to be redirected to the authorization endpoint to get the token. At that point they already have an authenticated session on my server, why not just stop there and use traditional cookie and session based logins?

Failed login and redirect from Okta login page

I am using Spring Security to authenticate with SAML and Okta, generally it works, I am able to authenticate a user and access secured URLs within my application. So far so good.
Now I have a requirement for a special type of 'internal' users to use different authentication mechanism (those users will not be in AD nor Okta) - so if authentication fails using Okta I want to display different login page. Problem is that I am unable to redirect from Okta login page to my custom page after unsuccessful login, seems like Okta will not redirect even after many unsuccessful attempts.
Is there a way to implement such requirement?
You can't redirect Okta on a failed authentication. You will need to determine what type of authentication to use prior to validating the username and password. Okta supports application based custom login page and so when the user tries to access the application, Okta redirects to your login page. From there your login page will determine where to authenticate the user.
Okta configuration for custom login page
You can use Okta's Authentication APIs and SDKs to authenticate against AD and custom code.
