How to destroy dropdzonejs? - dropzone.js

How to destroy dropdzonejs?
When I have SPA and leave the page, I want to clean up so it does not listen to body events anymore.

I swear I had the same problem and I'll find that with a
lucky attempt... it works!

I removed removedfile() function from Dropzone options and myDropzone.destroy(); worked for me.

According to the documentation:
If you do not need a dropzone anymore, just call .disable() on the
object. This will remove all event listeners on the element, and clear
all file arrays. To reenable a Dropzone use .enable()
If you initialize dropzone like:
var myDropzone = new Dropzone("#mydropzoneid", { url: "/some/url"});
You should be able to disable it with:

Use one of the following methods : The destroy() and disable() methods both exist, and they seem to act the exact same way.
In fact, DropZone does not have a real destruction method. These methods will "put the instance in pause" (what is, by design, the closest implementation of a DropZone instance destruction).
This applies to DropZone 5.x and DropZone 6.x (try myDropzone.disable() or myDropzone.destroy() in the console on this v6.x example page : The DropZone instance will be disabled, thus leading to the "Add Files..." button being inoperative.
The instance can then be re-enabled by calling myDropzone.enable().
PS : DropZone switch from v5 to v6 in 2021-2022. The website was completely revamped and screwed-up: the documentation is partial, incomplete, too short.
If you still need to access the excellent and exhaustive v5 documentation, you can head up to the obvious Web Archive Wayback machine ! Here is the very latest v5 documentation page

If you want destroy all dropzone instances just add if (Dropzone.instances.length > 0) Dropzone.instances.forEach(dz => dz.destroy()) to document ready.


Modernizr.videoautoplay object shows true, Modernizr.videoautoplay returning undefined

I'm using a custom Modernizr build, v3.3.0. I've created a simple JSFiddle example to illustrate:
will show the Modernizr object, and when I inspect it in the JS console I can see "videoautoplay" is a property with a value of "true".
But, when I do
it returns "undefined".
I was originally seeing this issue in a WordPress theme I'm developing, but was also able to recreate in JSFiddle and a separate stand-alone HTML page. Also, Modernizr is putting the "videoautoplay" class on my HTML tag, even when I know the device does not support that feature (iPhone 5).
Update: This issue appears to be happening in Chrome (v47.0.2526.106), but not Firefox (v43.0.2).
I'm going to answer my own question in case anyone else runs into this problem. I found the solution on this SO post: How do I detect if the HTML5 autoplay attribute is supported?.
Since this is an "async" test you can't access the property using the syntax
You have to use the .on() function, as shown in the above SO post:
Modernizr.on('videoautoplay', function(result){
if(result) {
alert('video autoplay is supported');
} else {
alert('video autplay is NOT supported');

Clean up DOM after a Firefox add-on SDK extension Disable/Remove action is fired

I am working on a add-on SDK extension which uses a pageMod object with a content script that adds a DIV tag to the DOM (this tag behaves like a button) when the action button is being clicked.
I am trying to find a solution where I can delete that newly added DOM element when the extension is being disabled or removed and I've had no luck so far.
The first thing that I've tried was to use the AddonManager.addAddonListener(listener) approach where I would listen for a onUninstalling or a onDisabling event and then communicate with the content script but I got nowhere.
What I've tried next was to make use of the exports.onUnload solution where I tried to send a message from the pageMod's worker to the content script and deal with the removal of the DIV from there but it seems that the content script is no longer responsive by the time the onUnload function is being triggered.
Is there really no way to clean up the modified DOM when the extension is being disabled/removed?
At your content script listen for the detach event.
self.on("detach", function(reason){
//remove that div
In #paa's answer the "port" part is missing:
e.g., from the docs
var oldInnerHTML = window.document.body.innerHTML;
window.document.body.innerHTML = "eaten!";
self.port.on("detach", function() {
window.document.body.innerHTML = oldInnerHTML;
I am not using PageMod nd this works for me.

History issue combining WP7.5, phonegap and jqm

I have a phonegap app that uses jqm that works fine in android and ios.
Porting to WP7 i have an issue with the history, specifically history.back() (but also .go(-1) etc). This refers to going back in history where the previous 'page' was in the same physical html file, just a different data-role=page div.
using a jwm site in a regular browser is fine (with separate 'pages' in the same html file). Also, using history.back() when we go from one html file to another in the app is fine. It's the specific combination of WP7.5, jqm and PG.
Has anyone come across a solution for this? it's driving me crazy, and has been as issue since PG 1.4.1 and jwm 1.0.
EDIT 1: It's possible that the phonegap process of initialising the webview on WP7.5 somehow overrides the jqm history overrides, after they've loaded.
EDIT 2: definitely something to do with jqm not being able to modify the history. each time there is a 'page' change, history.length is still 0.
EDIT 3: When i inspect the 'history' object, i found there is no function for replaceState or pushState - i know jqm uses this for history nav, maybe that's the problem.
ok - this isn't perfect, but here's a solution (read: hack) that works for me. It only works for page hash changes, not actual url changes (but you could add a regex check for that). Put this somewhere in the code that runs on ondeviceready:
if (device.platform == 'WinCE') {
window.history.back = function () {
var p = $.mobile.urlHistory.getPrev();
if (p) {
$.mobile.changePage("#" + p.pageUrl, { reverse: true });
$.mobile.urlHistory.stack.splice(-2, 2);
$.mobile.urlHistory.activeIndex -= 2;

FB.ui permissions.request issue in new OAuth window

I having an issue with FB.ui permissions.request window.
method: 'permissions.request',
perms: 'publish_actions',
display: 'popup'
},function(response) {
// This function is never called ? });
Context :
I use the new OAuth window (with timeline), i have configured my apps to work with it.
I'm french and use Facebook in French.
First issue :
- My callback function is never called ...
Second issue :
- The new OAuth window, seem to be not the good window.
It's called 'permission request' but inside it is the copy of login window. And no permission request is displayed.
So, my question is : how can i do the permission request in js ?
How displaying this window : ?
The reason you are not seeing it is because the application process has become a two step process.
Being that the person accepts to login into your application.
Being the person accept your extended permission which is where the callback url comes into play.
Documentation can be found here.
So the reason your callback isn't being called is because the two step process. I would suggest making the response attached to second page that is called.
I am not sure how the JS SDK works but it is how I managed to do it.
Disable "Enhanced Auth Dialog" in your app's advance settings and see if it works. If you want to stick with Enhanced Auth Dialog then checkout Setup Auth Dialog Preview for Authenticating user section of this tutorial.

AJAX UpdateProgress not working on server?

I am trying to show an animated image while data is loading into a gridview after a button click. It works great on localhost, but when I deploy it, it doesn't. I have searched through posts, and I have not made any of what seem to be the most common mistakes ... ie. putting the updateprogress inside the updatepanel, etc. However, I am using a masterpage - but the masterpage doesn't have a scriptmanager on it. I noticed the following difference in my view source pages when I compare production to localhost .. Can anyone help me understand why the JavaScript to make this work might not be showing up in production?
On localhost (where it works) I see this at the bottom of the page:
Sys.Application.add_init(function() {
$create(Sys.UI._UpdateProgress, {"associatedUpdatePanelId":null,"displayAfter":500,"dynamicLayout":true}, null, null, $get("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UpdateProgress1"));
In production (where it does NOT work), this is all I see:
I was having really hard time after converting my project from VS2008 to VS2010. The UpdateProgress stopped working suddenly, which was fine in VS2008. Spending a whole afternoon to search the answer and experimenting this and that, finally I found what went wrong from Scott Gu's posting.
It was an automatically generated web.config entry 'xhtmlConformance mode="Legacy"'.
After disabling this, it started to work again. May be not the case for you but just for guys struggling with the same problem.
Happy coding
This may not be your ideal solution, but you could show() or hide() your animated image just using javascript. Using the following javascript functions (and getting rid of the UpdateProgress control) should do the trick.
function beginRequest(sender, args) {
document.getElementById('myImageElement').style.display = 'block';
function endRequest(sender, args) {
document.getElementById('myImageElement').style.display = 'none';
Keep in mind this will happen for every postback, you may need to use the sender parameter to deduce which element called the postback and only perform the display when the correct updatepanel is hit. These events are fired at the beginning and end (respectively) of each UpdatePanel postback. Good luck.
