makefile not expanding dynamic prerequisites - makefile

I want to have a makefile that will take some strings as prefixes for some files (NAMES) and from there work on the target and prerequisite file names. In the example below, for example, the idea would be to convert 2 a csv files (foo.csv and bar.csv) to tabular (although I'm just echoing the target and prerequisite).
NAMES = foo bar
PR = $(patsubst %,%.csv,$(NAMES))
TB = $(patsubst %,%.tsv,$(NAMES))
all: $(TB)
%.tsv: $(PR)
#echo $< $#
This prints:
foo.csv foo.tsv
foo.csv bar.tsv
So, it looks like that makefile is not expanding correctly the prerequisites in PR as I would expect to see bar.csv bar.tsv on the second line.
However, if I print $PR and $TB, both seem to be set properly:
$(info $$PR is [${PR}])
$(info $$TB is [${TB}])
# prints
$PR is [foo.csv bar.csv]
$TB is [foo.tsv bar.tsv]
Any idea how to get this working properly?
Note that I have both foo.csv and bar.csv files in the working directory.

The problem lies in the way you're using the built in variable $<. If you expand the variables manually and rewrite the makefile it becomes...
NAMES = foo bar
PR = $(patsubst %,%.csv,$(NAMES))
TB = $(patsubst %,%.tsv,$(NAMES))
all: foo.tsv bar.tsv
%.tsv: foo.csv bar.csv
#echo $< $#
But $< refers to the first prerequisite which is always foo.csv regardless of the target.
One solution might be to use a scoped static pattern rule. So something like...
NAMES = foo bar
PR = $(patsubst %,%.csv,$(NAMES))
TB = $(patsubst %,%.tsv,$(NAMES))
all: $(TB)
# Tell make how to build a .tsv from a .csv but constrain the rule
# so that it only applies to .tsv files that are part of $(TB).
$(TB): %.tsv: %.csv
#echo 'building target [$#] with $$< = [$<]'
The above results in...
building target [foo.tsv] with $< = [foo.csv]
building target [bar.tsv] with $< = [bar.csv]


Dynamic targets based on the dependency in Makefile

There are a couple of kind of similar issues but I could not fit any of the proposed concepts to my case.
Just to give a little bit of context: I have a set of Julia files which create plots as PDFs which are part of a make procedure to create scientific papers, something like:
plots = $(shell find $(PLOT_PATH)/*.jl | sed 's/\.jl/\.pdf/g')
$(JL) --project $< -o $(PLOT_PATH)
$(DOCUMENT_FILENAME).pdf: FORCE $(plots) $(figures)
latexmk $(DOCUMENT_FILENAME).tex
In the current setup, each XYZ.jl file is creating a XYZ.pdf file and it works absolutely fine.
Now I am dealing with cases where it would be much easier to create multiple plots from single Julia files, so a script like this:
#!/usr/bin/env julia
using PGFPlotsX
so that one could do a grep pgfsave SCRIPT | awk... to figure out the targets. However, I could not figure out how to generate dynamic targets (plots) based on the contents of the dependency file (Julia script).
An MWE for my problem is the following: I have a couple of files (dependencies) which are generating a bunch of targets, which are defined inside those files (and can be access via awk/grep/sed/whatever). For now, let's say that these are simply *.txt files and each line is a target.
file: a.txt
file: b.txt
A very basic (non-working) manual Makefile to demonstrate the goal would be something like this (it does not work as it cannot figure out how to make foo etc. but it shows the pattern for *.txt which needs to be repeated):
file: Makefile
all_products := $(shell find *.txt | xargs cat)
final_product: $(all_products)
echo $< > $#
(foo bar baz): a.txt
touch $(shell cat $<)
(narf fjoord): b.txt
touch $(shell cat $<)
so in principle, I need something to "process" the dependency (*.txt) to create a list of the targets, like
$(shell cat $%): %.txt
echo $< > $#
but I cannot manage to get a reference to the dependency on the target side ($% does not work).
Any ideas? Maybe the whole approach is just a bad idea ;)
A combination of GNU make foreach, eval and call functions is probably what you need. With your example:
TXT := $(wildcard *.txt)
.PHONY: all
define MY_MACRO
$(1)-targets := $$(shell cat $(1))
$$($(1)-targets): $(1)
echo $$< > $$#
all: $$($(1)-targets)
$(foreach t,$(TXT),$(eval $(call MY_MACRO,$(t))))
(pay attention to the $$ in the macro definition, they are needed). And then:
$ make
echo a.txt > foo
echo a.txt > bar
echo a.txt > baz
echo b.txt > naarf
echo b.txt > fjoord
If you want the recipe to build all targets at once you'll need a recent enough GNU make version (4.3 or later) and its new rule with grouped targets (x y z&: w):
TXT := $(wildcard *.txt)
.PHONY: all
define MY_MACRO
$(1)-targets := $$(shell cat $(1))
$$($(1)-targets)&: $(1)
touch $$($(1)-targets)
all: $$($(1)-targets)
$(foreach t,$(TXT),$(eval $(call MY_MACRO,$(t))))
And then:
$ make
touch foo bar baz
touch naarf fjoord
Note that in this case we could also use a simpler and less GNU make-dependent solution. Just use empty dummy files as time stamps, for instance .a.txt.tag for a.txt, and a static pattern rule:
TXT := $(wildcard *.txt)
TAG := $(patsubst %,.%.tag,$(TXT))
.PHONY: all
all: $(TAG)
$(TAG): .%.tag: %
touch `cat $<` $#

How to define prerequisite for automatic variable in Makefile?

How to modify my Makefile to generate, and by typing make all?
The problem is that all depends on $(bars) and it is empty unless I first run make foo.
bars = $(patsubst,,$(wildcard *.foo))
cp $< $#
all: $(bars)
You'll have to list the files *.foo in your makefile:
foos =
touch $(foos)
bars = $(
You have to have some starting point in your makefile. Make cannot infer the list of things to build starting from absolutely no information at all.
If you don't know what the output will be from a command the simplest way do it is with recursive make. Something like this:
all: geotiff.file $<
$(MAKE) output
output: $(patsubst,,$(wildcard *.foo))
cp $< $#

Why does this makefile target specific variable not expand as expected?

I have the following simplified makefile and I'm trying to set different paths based on different targets. Unfortunately, I'm not getting the results that I expect. This is with make version 3.81.
all: Debug32
# Object directory set by target
Debug32: OBJDIR = objdir32
#OBJDIR = wrongdirectory
# ObjDir is empty here. :(
OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,DirUtil.o)
$(OBJDIR)/%.o : %.cpp
echo Compile: $#
Debug32: $(OBJS)
$(OBJS): | $(OBJDIR)
echo mkdir $(OBJDIR) - $#
The results are as follows with no setting of OBJDIR:
echo Compile: /DirUtil.o
If I uncomment the "OBJDIR = wrongdirectory" line, I'll get the following results, which are confusing since I see both values of the variable where I think I should only see one:
echo mkdir objdir32 - wrongdirectory -
echo Compile: wrongdirectory/DirUtil.o
I'm assuming that the variables are not being expanded when I think they should, but I can't figure out how to alter this behavior.
From the GNU info manual
Variables and functions in all parts of a makefile are expanded when
read, except for in recipes, the right-hand sides of variable
definitions using '=', and the bodies of variable definitions using
the 'define' directive.
The target-specific variable only applies within recipes. Within
$(OBJS): | $(OBJDIR)
it is getting the global variable.
So working through what happens when you run make Debug32, it sees the contents of OBJS as a prerequisite, which leads to the first rule above. $(OBJDIR) has already been substituted with the global value, and this matches the target-name in the second rule which has also been substituted the same way.
However, when we get to the recipe:
echo mkdir $(OBJDIR) - $#
$(OBJDIR) has not been substituted yet, so it gets the target-specific variable value.
A working version
all: Debug32
# Object directory set by target
Debug32: OBJDIR = objdir32
OBJDIR = wrongdirectory
Debug32: OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,obj.o)
OBJS = wrongobjs
Debug32: $$(OBJS)
echo OBJS are $(OBJS)
echo OBJDIR is $(OBJDIR)
%/obj.o: | %
touch $#
OBJDIRS = objdir32 wrongdirectory anotherdirectory
# mkdir $(OBJDIR)
mkdir $#
The main change is using $$ in this line:
Debug32: $$(OBJS)
With only a single $, I get the error message
make: *** No rule to make target `wrongobjs', needed by `Debug32'. Stop.
However, with the $$, I get
echo OBJS are objdir32/obj.o
OBJS are objdir32/obj.o
echo OBJDIR is objdir32
OBJDIR is objdir32
The use of secondary expansion has allowed accessing the target-specific variable in the prerequisites.
The other change is that I made OBJS a target-specific variable (because it is). In order to have a rule to build OBJS whatever its value, I had to use a pattern rule:
%/obj.o: | %
To avoid having a separate line for each object file, you could do the following instead:
OBJ_BASENAMES=obj.o obj2.o obj3.o
$(addprefix %/,$(OBJ_BASENAMES)): | %
touch $# # Replace with the proper recipe
The line containing the addprefix macro expands to
%/obj.o %/obj2.o %/obj3.o: | %
Then running make anotherdirectory/obj2.o creates a directory called "anotherdirectory" first, and creates a file called "obj2.o" within it.
Note all possible directories have to be listed in OBJDIRS. There's no way to collect all the rule-specific values of OBJDIR, so listing them is the best choice. The alternative is a % : rule to build any directory, which be capable of matching and building any target, which could be risky. (If you abandon the use of target-specific variables, there is another way of getting a list of directories that could be built: use variables with predictable names like Debug32_OBJDIR instead, and generate a list of their values using make functions.)
Alternatively, a generic rule that doesn't require listing the object files:
SOURCE=$(basename $(notdir $#)).cpp
DIR=$(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $#))
%.o: $$(SOURCE) | $$(DIR)
touch $# # Replace with proper recipe
There is no feature to read a rule in the context of every target, substituting in target-specific variables and acquiring a new rule for each target. Generic rules cannot be written in this way using target-specific variables.
a good way to handle
%/obj.o: | %
touch $#
OBJDIRS = objdir32 wrongdirectory anotherdirectory
mkdir $#
mkdir -p $#
then later you can just write, for any target that may need a directory
target: prerequisites | $$(#D)/.
normal recipe for target

Get filename without extension within makefile

My makefile looks like this:
SRCS = $(wildcard *.asm)
OBJS = ${SRCS:.asm=.o}
# define a suffix rule for .asm -> .o
.asm.o : $(SRCS)
nasm -f elf $<
all: $(OBJS)
gcc -o ?? $<
^need the name of the target without file extension here ($* is blank)
However, $* is working within .asm.o but is blank within all.
How would I go about setting the gcc output filename to the filename of the object file without any extension?
For example, I want it to execute the following (after the .o file is generated by nasm)
gcc filename filename.o
I think you are looking for
.PHONY: all
all: $(patsubst %.o,%,$(OBJS))
%: %.o
gcc -o $# $<
Your attempt would define a target all which depended on all the object files as if it contained them all; I presume you really want each object file to be independent, and for the all target to depend on them all being made.
(Technically you could now use $* because it is identical to $# in this case, but that's just obscure.)
This is by and large isomorphic to your existing nasm rule, except when there is no suffix, you cannot use the suffix syntax. In other words, your rule is equivalent to
OBJS = $(patsubst %.asm,%.o,$(SRCS))
%.o: %.asm
nasm -f elf $<
The only remaining difference is the .PHONY declaration which just documents that all isn't a file name.
Use VAR = $(basename your_file.ext) <=> $(VAR) = your_file
Let's say that you want to remove .o from test.o
VAR = $(basename test.o)
resulting in $VAR containing "test"
See More Functions Here

variable target in a makefile

I am trying to compile set of targets. However it only seems to do the first one. Below is a cut down of the my makefile that shows the error.
OBJECTS = abc def ghi
SOURCES = abc.c def.c ghi.c
#echo target is $#, source is $<
In shell,
$ touch abc.c def.c ghi.c
$ make
When I run make I get the following output:
target is abc, source is abc.c
So it only seems to be running the first target.
If I replace $< with $^, the output is:
target is abc, source is abc.c def.c ghi.c
My question, is it possible to perform expansions on variables like with the (%: %) pattern?
Try this:
OBJECTS = abc def ghi
all: $(OBJECTS)
#echo target is $#, source is $<
The trouble was
The default target (which is what Make chooses if you just type `make`) is the first target in the makefile, which was `abc`.
You made all sources prerequisites of every object. That is, all three sources were prerequisites of `abc`. They were also prerequisites of `def` and of `ghi`.
