emq and Spring AMQP - spring

I am new to both Spring AMQP and MQTT world. I have a legacy application which uses Rabbitmq as broker for mqtt messages.There are plans to use emqtt as broker and I want to know if my existing listeners ( on mqtt topics) written using Spring AMQP can work with emqtt or not ? I am just trying to save the effort of rewriting all those listeners using MqttClient.
Thanks in advance.


Can we use spring-websockets with spring-boot message broker to create our own chat application that should target 1M users?

We want to create a chat application that targets 10M users. For this we want to use spring boot message broker and spring-web-sockets. We don't want to use any message brokers like ActiveMQ or any other broker.
Is there any limitation with spring boot message broker? or is it necessary to use ActiveMQ or any other broker?
There is not such a feature like "Spring Boot Message Broker". You have been misled. Please, read Spring Framework docs about WebSockets support. There is nothing Spring Boot specific: https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/reference/html/web.html#websocket
My recommendation for such a 10M requirement is indeed go with an external broker, Like ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ. This way you can scale you application for sustainability and won't overhead a local memory to keep sessions for all those users.

Is there a way to use spring message brokers without Stompendpoints?

We have a use case to create websocket server. Mobile clients will connect to this websocket server. However mobile clients doesn't support stomp.
We would like to create a Java websocket server. spring does support websockets but it's heavily coupled with STOMP. we like to use Spring message broker concept here but because of Stomp, we are struck now. Is there anyway to overcome this and enable Spring websocket without STOMP but with Spring message broker concept?

Spring Integration - ActiveMQ to Kafka

I am currently trying to write an adapter which will consume messages from ActiveMQ and publish it to Kafka.
I am thinking of using spring integration to integrate these two messaging systems.
My problem is that my application will not maintain registry of the Models using which many applications will publish the records to activeMQ. I want to receive these javax jms message and want to perform some transformation like adding jmscorrelationId into kafka message.
ALso, another requirement is to send acknowledgement to active mq only when kafka send/publish is successfull.
Can ack be send back to activemq using spring integration?
Will spring integration be a good option?
Kindly note my tech architect is not in favor of using Camel/Mule. Also, he does not want to use Kafka Connect as i was planning to use Kafka connect source.
Please suggest.
The Spring Integration Kafka extension project has a sync mode for publishing, which will block the thread until Kafka confirms delivery (or throw an exception on a failure).
The JMS inbound gateway can be used to return a reply to a JMS queue.
You can add transformers (or whatever) in the flow to modify the message.

Spring boot + Spring Integration Websocket adapter + Tibco JMS Server

I am working to build an application (Server side) which should pick message from tibco jms queue and then post that to a url at which the Client (written in angular js) will listen, and also from client when some actions are taken then the server should listen to those actions and perform respective actions.
I can read from tibco jms queue and can place it to a spring integration channel.
My question here is that, can this be build using spring integration websocket adaptors (inbound & outbound) ? If yes then can someone help me with some references for sending to the client and receiving from the client adaptor configurations ?
All the info about Spring Integration Websocket module is in the Reference Manual.
You also can take a look to a couple samples:
Simple plain Websockets
Chat based on STOMP protocol

How to get properly all queue messages from RabbitMQ in Spring?

I am using Spring, Spring-Websocket, STOMP for my application, and RabbitMQ as broker. I need to log all messages going through RabbitMQ to Postgresql tables.
I know that I can write #MessageMapping in Spring and log there, but my problem is that some clients talk to RabbitMQ directly through MQTT protocol, and Spring does not support it yet (https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR-12581). Moreover browser clients talk through Spring to RabbitMQ using STOMP protocol.
RabbitMQ allows to track all messages using Firehose tracer. How to properly listen to amq.rabbitmq.trace topic from Spring? Or do I need to write separate Java app as consumer?
The Spring AMQP is for you!
You bind some custom queue to to that amq.rabbitmq.trace with appropriate pattern (e.g. publish.#) and configure SimpleMessageListenerContainer to receive messages from that queue.
It can be done even with pretty simple config: #EnableRabbit and #RabbitListener on some POJO method. Anyway the Binding #Bean must be there to attache your queue to that exchange.
