MiniMagick Resize Image - ruby

I'm trying to use MiniMagick to resize 2 images and overlay one on top of the other. Heres the code I am using
require "mini_magick"
first_image ="spider.jpg")
first_image = first_image.resize("250x250")
second_image ="q.png")
second_image = second_image.resize("250x250")
result = first_image.composite(second_image) do |c|
c.compose "Over" # OverCompositeOp
c.gravity "center"
# c.resize("250x250")
result.write "output.jpg"
This overlays the images but neither is resized and the overlay image ends up awkwardly cropped. Ive tried making both the same size, making the bigger overlay image smaller and the smaller image bigger, but none seem to work. Any advice would be highly appreciated.


Adobe Indesign Script to Crop Selected Images

Looking for some help in figuring out how to write a script to crop images in Indesign. The images are of two sides of an object, so usually I drag the image in from the folder, copy it and crop both images vertically so I end up with separate objects for the left-hand(front) and right-hand(back) sides of whatever I'm playing with.
I had a search of forums but most of the scripts I found were aimed at a simple resize rather than basically cutting an image in half vertically while leaving the size unchanged - can anyone help me get started on this?
Try this:
var sel = app.selection[0];
var gb = sel.geometricBounds;
gb[3] -= (gb[3]-gb[1])/2;
sel.geometricBounds = gb;
var sel = app.selection[0];
var gb = sel.geometricBounds;
gb[1] += (gb[3]-gb[1])/2;
sel.geometricBounds = gb;
It 'crops' selected image (left-hand half), copy/pastes (inplace) the image again and crops its again (right-hand half)

Making a long image without resizing

I need to put many images together side by side but without changing the height or width of any of them. That is to say, it will just be one image of a constant height but very long width as the image are sitting horizontally.
I've been using Python and the PIL library but what I've tried so far is producing an image that makes all the images smaller to concatenate into one long image.
Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 100000000 # For PIL Image error when handling very large images
imgs = [ for i in list_of_images ]
widths, heights = zip(*(i.size for i in imgs))
total_width = sum(widths)
max_height = max(heights)
new_im ='RGB', (total_width, max_height))
# Place first image
# Iteratively append images in list horizontally
for i in range(1,len(imgs),1):
hoffset=imgs[i-1].size[0]+hoffset # update offset**
The result I'm getting now is one image made up of concatenated images in a horizontal row. This is what I want, except the images are being made smaller and smaller in the concatenation process. I want the end result to not make the images smaller and instead produce an image made of the input images with their original size. So the output image will just have to have a very long width.
It seems you have a bug while updating the offsets.
You should replace your iteration block with:
imgs = [ for i in list_of_images]
widths, heights = zip(*(i.size for i in imgs))
new_img ='RGB', (sum(widths), max(heights)))
h_offset = 0
for i, img in enumerate(imgs):
new_img.paste(img, (h_offset, 0))
h_offset += img.size[0]

How to make gif images from a set of images in matlab?

How to make '.gif' image from a set of '.jpg' images (say: I1.jpg, I2.jpg,..., I10.jpg) in matlab?
Ok here is a simple example. I got an image with a unicorn on it and remove 2 part to create 3 different images, just for the sake of creating an animated gif. Here is what it looks like:
%// Image source: http:\\
A = rgb2gray(imread('Unicorn1.jpg'));
B = rgb2gray(imread('Unicorn2.jpg'));
C = rgb2gray(imread('Unicorn3.jpg'));
ImageCell = {A;B;C};
%// Just to show what the images look like (I removed spots to make sure there was an animation created):
%// Create file name.
FileName = 'UnicornAnimation.gif';
for k = 1:numel(ImageCell)
if k ==1
%// For 1st image, start the 'LoopCount'.
As you see, its not that different from the example on the Mathworks website. Here my images are in a cell array but yours might be in a regular array or something else.That should work fine; when I open 'UnicornAnimation.gif' it is indeed a nice animation!
Hope that helps!

Rails + Carrierwave + RMagick : Crop only if image is large

I am using carrier-wave to upload images. On upload I am creating thumbnails for the image which is done using Rmagick method, resize_to_fill like below.
version :thumb do
process :resize_to_fill=> [150, 150]
Here is output of all the RMagick methods carrierwave supports (none of which I want):
:resize_to_fill => [150,150]
This works fine on larger images but my smaller images are enlarged to 150 x 150.
:resize_to_fit => [150,150]
Again it was resized, I want it left alone!
:resize_to_limit => [150,150]
This one leaves it as is, but larger images are not cropped. They are resized to keep the aspect ratio.
Here is the result I want and how my small and larger images should look.
How do this? I want smaller images to be left alone and crop only larger images to 150 x 150. Is there another method or options I can pass to resize_to_fill?
I solved it by modifying :resize_to_fill carrierwave method as described in their code here.
I just made a new method with the same code with a check to see if the uploaded image is smaller. Here is the new method:
def resize_to_fill_modfied(width, height, gravity=::Magick::CenterGravity)
manipulate! do |img|
img.crop_resized!(width, height, gravity) unless (img.columns <= width && img.rows <= height)
img = yield(img) if block_given?
Does exactly what I want now.

Add a rectangle to the image using image magic

Good day.
How to impose white_rectangle.jpg on logo.jpg in the image below
using Imagemagic.
And a bonus question: what's Ruby's method can make the task.
def (path_to_image)
# impose white_rectangle.jpg on logo
This can easily be accomplished using RMagick:
require 'RMagick'
logo ="logo.jpg").first
rect ="white_rectangle.jpg").first
result = logo.composite(rect, x, y, Magick::CopyCompositeOp)
result.write "result.jpg"
An alternative is to just draw a white rectangle without using a composite image:
image ="logo.jpg").first
gc =
gc.stroke = 'white'
gc.fill = 'white'
gc.rectangle x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end
image.write "result.jpg"
Using ImageMagick command line tools, you can overlay one image with another like this:
$ composite white_rectangle.jpg logo.jpg -geometry +x+y result.jpg
