I want my android app to recognize finger snap sound, Is there any way? - sound-recognition

I am creating a android application and I want my application to recognize sound and find whether it is finger snap sound or not, how to do it. Is there any API available help me with it.

To do this you would need to write an algorithm that compares hundreds of finger snaps to compare to the microphone input, you may be better off using a voice recognition api for voice commands instead as the finger snap is very akin to other sounds.
As far as I am aware there are no APIs for a finger snap however there is audio comparing software that could help.


Get info of currently playing song OSX

I am currently trying to write a music visualizer of sorts, but I am running into a small issue.
I am familiar with the scripting bridge and being able to get various information from iTunes regarding the current track but I wanted to add support for other media players such as Spotify.
Since the Pause/Play, Next track, and Previous track buttons on the built in keyboard automatically direct the corresponding commands to the last used media player, I was assuming that there is a single library that I can call against to get this information, regardless of which music player is playing music.
Since the Pause/Play, Next track, and Previous track buttons on the built in keyboard automatically direct the corresponding commands to the last used media player, I was assuming that there is a single library that I can call against to get this information, regardless of which music player is playing music.
Unfortunately, this is a false assumption.
The media keys on the keyboard are weird. They are (unfortunately!) not part of any larger media API; the fact that they even work at all for programs other than iTunes has taken some significant effort by developers.
iTunes publishes some information on the current track through a distributed notification. You can also get the name of the current track through AppleScript. This isn't part of any larger standard, though; other audio player applications may or may not do anything similar.

Redirect microphone input to headphone output (soft playthru)

If I use my in-ear headphones with my macbook pro it takes me a few minutes until they are fitting perfectly (due to the foam bits on the headphones) :)
My idea is to use internal macbook pro microphone to be able talk to somebody coming to my desk without having to remove the headphones every time. So kind of an 'intercom' thing which can be enabled by hitting a hotkey.
First thought was to use applescript which could be easily used for pausing iTunes, but I could not find information about how I could forward the microphone output to my headphones.
Next try was to check Xcode for writing a Cocoa App. By starting with an example provided by Apple I think it would be achievable for me to extend it to fit my needs.
So my question is:
Do you have a better idea/approach to solve my problem?

How do I go about writing a windows driver for a bluetooth device?

I am looking for some advice/input on writing a device driver. I have never written one for windows before, let alone for bluetooth.
Can you recommend a book or website or something to get me started? I have the windows driver kit, and the examples therein but with out some place to start I am dead in the water.
The specifics: My friend gave me his mac Magic Mouse. I have a windows 7 machine. With the mouse set up as just a generic HID device it works ok as a two button mouse with no scroll, the motion is smooth and the acceleration what you expect in a windows mouse.
The mouse actually has a fairly good lpi resolution, making it pretty sensitive. There are mac drivers available, extracted from bootcamp. They kind of work. The cursor will randomly freeze or stop responding to the mouse's movement, which is buffered, and then leap once whatever has caused the stall stops. As an added touch the mac drivers make the cursor move like it would on a mac, with that logarithmic acceleration, that will completely throw off any windows user. With the driers you get vertical and horizontal scroll, but that's it. There is no multi touch functionality, and you can't change any of the behaviors, like acceleration. There isn't multiclutch for windows, or other 3rd party software for a multi touch mouse.
So I figured I would endeavor to make my own drivers and multi touch functionality in windows for this thing. I know mac will never support it properly under windows and windows won't write there own drivers until there is a reason.
Also if any one knows of any one else trying to do the same or similar things, point me to them.

Is it possible to create an Geotracking app in WP7 using Bing Maps?

Is it possible to create an app like Runtastic, RunKeeper or SportsTracker (all of them Android apps) in WP7 using Bing Maps? Or maybe there is an app with that functionality already out?
These apps basically trace the route you run/cycle/jogg/etc in Google maps, displaying your current speed, altitude, cal lost, direction, etc. Then they have an option for storing the tracks and displaying their related information later. They can display charts as well.
Also, what sensors does WP7 devices have?
The image below is runtastic, tracing the path as you go
Yes it's possible. But you should get past the idea stage and into the development before posting questions here.
As for what sensors are available, you can find more information about the minimum hardware specifications here
A WP7 device must, at a minimum have the following:
Accelerometer with Compass
Assisted GPS
Ambient light Sensor
Proximity Sensor
Camera with LED flash
FM radio tuner
It is possible since you can translate existing GPS coordinates to the Bing Maps control. Must of the features Chris mentioned are not required for a geotracking application (those are general device requirements). All that's needed is basically the GPS sensor.
Note one important element - you will not be able to run the application as a background process. Although you can keep it under the lock screen, you will not be able to switch to other processes (only to a very limited extent and under specific conditions).

simple record and play application!

I am trying to make a simple application which will store the sound said by user , say on click of record button and will play it back to him/her , say on click of play button.
Can anyone suggest me some appropriate way to do this ??
You can use QuickTime Kit's capture APIs to record a movie of the audio, and QTMovie (from the same framework) to convert it to a more conventional format for audio files and to play back both the intermediate file and the converted file.
There used to be a QuickTime Kit Programming Guide, but it didn't cover capturing and is now gone from developer.apple.com. You should file a bug against the docs.
This answer will work in a Cocoa (Mac) app. If you meant to ask about the iPhone, you should re-tag your question, as the solution will be completely different for a Cocoa app vs. a Cocoa Touch (iPhone) app.
I used direct sound to create an entire internet phone application a few years ago. Your question is far simpler, you won't have to deal with the circular buffer as critically. Direct sound is pretty main stream and you can find a lot of help with it in forums, and it's free!
