Template download page doesn't work correctly - aspnetboilerplate

I just tried to download ABP template with Angular and only one solution, but downloaded zip package seems contains VUE version instead.
Are others facing the same issue?


Using Angular libraries in Nativescript code sharing project

I'm trying to migrate an Angular app to a shared codebase with Nativescript using the new #nativescript/schematics, however, I'm having problems importing my Angular library when building the mobile version of the app. I used the angular-cli to create the library (ng generate library).
For the web version, all I had to do was build the library separately using ng build library-name which then allowed me to import it into the main application.
How can I build a mobile version of the library that can be imported into the main application when running tns run ios --bundle? I've already migrated the components and module of the library with appropriate *.tns files.
Any help is appreciated
I had the same problem. Nativescript cli do not have this feature where we can build an angular library into npm package and use it in other projects.
I tried a workaround and it worked for me. Write a script to copy all of your project files into another directory and replace all *.tns.ts, *tns.html and *.tns.scss. files with *.ts, *.html and *.scss respectively. Then build these files using regular ng command. You can add a build configuration for the same in angular.json file to build from the copied directory. I hope it helps.
I'm sorry this is just a hyperlink answer but the space required to answer this, in my opinion, is way too large. I just finished finalizing a repo I've been working on to do exactly this. I have a whole slew of angular web libraries that I now want to make available for use on mobile using NativeScript. I have put everything I have learned so far into this repo and I hope it helps you too.
Thanks for the final push/idea #Rohit, a script for doing what he suggests is in the test-lib/gulpfile.js of this repo.

Laravel filemanager not selecting file

After uploading the file or image I' can't select it, it throws a script error. I tried to reinstall the package, but no success. By the way, is there a way to check a package version?
I've found the problem. After trying out many versions of the file-manager I found out that the problem was with the version of the Tinymce. I was using the current version Version 4.6.7 which I downloaded from the site.
But It only worked when I used the one below from cdn.
<script src="//cdn.tinymce.com/4/tinymce.min.js"></script>
As to check the package version is
composer show

how to use CKEditor 4.5.7 in a ASP.net project

i am highly confused why i cannot intergrate the latest version of CKEditor in a ASP.net website. Which coding technologies is the 4.5.7 version comapible with (ie: php/jsp/ect)?
Isnt CKEditor for any HTML page?
Currently the latest ASP.net version is 3.6 which lacks support from many new plugins.
I made a quick test:
download and decompress the .Net package from CKEdit site (3.6);
download the latest version of the javascript files (4.5.7);
check that the samples provided with the .Net package work fine;
rename the ckeditor folder in the solution and copy the new one downloaded from the site;
clean the solution and rebuild the projet, and check if it works fine;
replace the occurrences of the "kama" skin to the newer "moono" as the former one is replaced by the other in the 4.x version;
like this, it seems to be working just fine
Do you have specific issues I can look into?
You add CKeditor.js javascript to your pages and call CKEDITOR.replace('id-of-textarea-here');
You don't need any ASP.NET specific packages.

Integrating ckeditor standard package with codeigniter

I downloaded the Standard package from http://ckeditor.com/download and followed everything in this guide https://github.com/bcit-ci/CodeIgniter/wiki/CKEditor.
ckeditor is working, however the features that are being displayed is only from the Basic package.
What can possibly cause this?

phpDocumentor2 not showing packages in html output

I am trying to get phpDocumentor2 to build API documentation for a PHP project I am working on.
The problem is that the HTML output landing page does not show the packages defined in my project. It only shows "Global ()" package.
I believe I am properly using the #package tag for my classes. phpDocumentor version is 2.0.0b4.
In my efforts to find the bottom of the problem I found a project that is already using phpdoc2. I downloaded that project and tried to build the documentation myself as it has a phpdoc.dist.xml file in its codebase root. I got the same problem: no packages in HTML output landing page, while the vendor's one is showing them (SimplePie, CodeIgniter, Streams etc.).
How can I get my phpdoc output showing packages?
I think you are experiencing a bug in the early betas. Keep watching for new beta releases, as they are coming out quite fast as bugs are reported and fixed.
