How to override one function in multiple commands? - laravel

We are in the process of migrating an old application to Laravel. The old application manages different projects and has an "admin" database for the main application and creates a new database for each project. We would prefer to keep this structure but it creates some problems for things such as migrations.
Initially we created our own base command that implements the handle() function so that any command that extends this command will loop through all the project databases. This means we have changed the structure so that migrations are separated into two directories since we have "admin" and "project" migrations for the different types of databases. We also duplicate each Laravel command that is already there if it doesn't work with our implementation out of the box.
However this creates a lot of duplicate code as we made our own implementation of the migrate command that simply passes calls to Laravels own migrate command. I now find myself having to implement the --force option into our new command for example.
So what I would like to do is override the handle() function in all the Laravel console commands in some way. Is there a better way of implementing this?

You can create your own base class for your artisan classes and extends your commands from it.


Laravel Cashier - publish migration results in "cannot declare class CreateCustomersColumns"

I have a fresh Laravel installation and I've added Cashier to my project.
Since the Users model on my app won't have a stripe connection, but rather an Accounts model, I need to alter their migration to add columns to Accounts instead of Users
The documentation says to run:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="cashier-migrations"
which adds the two migration files to database/migrations
From there I can change users to accounts in the migration file.
When I try to run php artisan migrate, I get:
Whoops\Exception\ErrorException : Cannot declare class CreateCustomerColumns, because the name is already in use
This problem only goes away when I delete the migration files, but then the new columns are added to users.
The documentation states that you can disable their migration files by putting Cashier::ignoreMigrations(); in AppServiceProvider
I didn't realize that's what I wanted to do. I thought the publish command only published the two files I needed to edit, however, those are the only migration files that come with Cashier.
Be sure to add Cashier::ignoreMigrations(); in the register method.
And add use Laravel\Cashier\Cashier;
The file (and thus the class) must exist twice, probably in your database/migrations directory, most likely with 2 different datetime prefixes on the filenames.

How to mock User model within composer package development tests?

I started creating a laravel 5.8 based modular API framework for our company which should be extended using composer packages.
Now I stumbled over the problem to test each package by itself (each package has it's own GIT project of course) if the package needs to have access to the User model given in the base framework (App/Models/User).
There will be various packages naturally depending on the User model such as specific auth modules.
Unfortunately testing also gets more complex because we are using GraphQL (Lighthouse).
So how should this be done? I tried mocking App/Models/User with a User model contained in the tests folder of my package, but this did not work as expected:
$this->userMock = \Mockery::mock('CompanyName\\PackageName\\Tests\\User');
$this->app->instance('App\\Models\\User', $this->userMock);
When, after that, posting a GraphQL request the resolver method throws a Class App\Models\User does not exist error.
I am quiet new to testing with phpunit so maybe I am just missing something here?
I just found out that the error message above is displayed because the User model is also referenced within the GraphQL schema file.
So I there is any solution out there it has to somehow "emulate" the not existing User model class for the whole request lifecycle I guess...
Ok I finally solved my problem which was more conceptual wise I guess. As the user model is pretty strongly tied to the (core) package I want to test, I have now moved the model into the package itself and removed it from the base project.
This has the advantage that the "end user developer" doesn't even see and has to cope with the user model which is handles by the package anyway.
Now I can test the package independently and only have to put a line of documentation into the README to tell, that a user has to change the auth.providers.users.modelvalue to let laravel use the appropriate model (e.g. CompanyName\\PackageName\\Models).
If there will be other packages extending the user model, they will have to depend on the core package (which they should either way) and can extend the model class and tell the user to update auth.providers.users.model again. This way it is also quiet transparent to see which user model is used currently.
For the GraphQL / Lighthouse part I have added the following code to the boot method of the package's service provider to make lighthouse know about new models within the package automatically:
$lighthouseModels = config('lighthouse.namespaces.models');
array_push($lighthouseModels, 'CompanyName\\PackageName\\Models');
'lighthouse.namespaces.models' => $lighthouseModels
This can be repeated for every package adding models as well so lighthouse knows about all of them.

Best practice to modular programming in Laravel 5+

I'm starting a new project and I want to reuse some parts of it, mainly the stuff related to user registration and authentication. I can copy and paste all of the code but I want to use again. I know there is Package Development in Laravel but it's not easy and feel like there must be a better way.
Some days ago I find a pingpong/modules but I don't know about it. It's third party plugin and don't trust it.
Use this plugin is true? Is this plugin is updated later? What's different between Embedd Package Laravel and pingpong/modules? or Do you have any suggestion?
Pingpong modules seems to be build for the earlier version of Laravel 5 and in how far they are compatible with future versions (and maybe current 5.1.11) I cannot say.
There isn't much activity going look the commit history for 2.1, as of today(18 dec) the last commit was over 6 months ago.
But is the package specifically designed for Laravel? It seems to. They offer a bunch of features which are useful for development. The only unfortunate thing is you get a LOT of code within your own git environment (is it a good thing? I don't know, what do you prefer).
Personally I don't like it in this way for development, I prefer them in the vendor/ folder else it's a pain to update it to newer a version.
Since Laravel 5 Taylor wanted to make package development not too specific anymore, like in Laravel 4. The only thing what you can do (but not have to) to make your package using Laravel is using the ServiceProvider's. The ServiceProvider is the bootstrap into the Laravel application.
If you want to extend or implement your own functionality, fork the repo and build it yourself on top off it and host it (through github/packagist or a private repo using Satis).
Pingpong modules (2.1) is build for Laravel 5 and they you described (Embedded Laravel Package) is more for Laravel 4, because the more specific way you have to write the package.
But, there is alternative?
Whenever you want a more active project/package for development you should tryout Asgard CMS. They are pretty modular and I thought I read somewhere it was inspired by this package (totally not sure).
How about building yourself?
Of course you can build your own packages to achieve the same result. And create it as modular as you want. I created a lot modules for my company and we can create pretty easy a entire system and using and extending/overriding modules. Even small parts from a module can be overwritten to project specific needs.
We have chosen for almost the same structure as the app/ folder which Laravel projects, in case of CMS/API modules.
A packages look like:
Module.php // contains some specifc calculations for example
In the composer.json file we autoload: "Module\\": "src/"
And in the config/app.php we register the ModuleServiceProvider. Now we injected the functionality into Laravel's container and can we use it through the app() instance.
But whenever we only want to use the Models with in another project or standalone, we can still use it because the autoloaded features from composer and the way we build the package. Possible to use:
require_once __DIR__ .'/vendor/autoload.php';
use Module\Models\Module;
$module = new Module;
The package structure we like to use, to have a section for API or CMS stuff:
Module.php // contains some specifc calculations for example
CmsServiceProvider.php // includes `ModuleServiceProvider`
ApiServiceProvider.php // includes `ModuleServiceProvider`
ModuleServiceProvider.php // contains global stuff like commands etc.
and instead of registering ModuleServiceProvider in config/app.php we register the ApiServiceProvider or CmsServiceProvider depending on the wishes of the client/project.
To reuse your classes simply use php namespaces or use to call back your clases.
Using the namespace
namespace Acme\Tools;
class Foo
echo "me";
You can the call class foo
$foo = new \Acme\Tools\Foo();
Using Use.
You can also use use Statement as below :
use \Acme\Tools\Foo;
$foo = new Foo();
Use Middleware
You should also use middleware to filter who should use the scripts ie the Auth middle-ware , which will help you in filtering users , registrations , logins READ MORE
Use Eloquent
Use ORM to create REST apis to your models , its very simple , always let your controller class extend eloquent use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; ie as :
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; .Read More
Lastly Use Laravel In built Helper functions
There are numerous Laravel In built Helper functions , to use simply go over the documentation to help you
I've used pingpong modules. It a pretty cool package. I'm not sure if it's updated much. But it's a very simple package. The only thing it does is create a folder with almost the same structure as in the app folder + views. But these are modules. You can reuse it if you program them right. The same goes for the other answer from jimmy if you have a good structure you can reuse anything.
In the image below you'll see an example of pingpong modules. As you it's pretty much the same structure as the app folder. Maybe more the root folder. Normally it runs start.php and you have a routes.php file int he Http folder. I customized mine a bit. And load the frontend and backend routes within the RouteServiceProvider. This is build with laravel 5.1.

Where does one place Models in a Laravel Package?

I'm currently following the Laravel Package documentation, which uses the workbench tool to create a standard package tree consisting of controller, config, views, etc. folders. Basically, most folders you would get in a standard Laravel app tree.
However, I had a couple of questions:
Why is the models folder absent here? (though the same goes for tests and commands)
Should I just create the folder myself and add it to the composer.json autoload classmap?
What classes should live inside src/<Namespace>/<PackageName>? I have noticed that a ServiceProvider is automatically created here, but I can imagine most other files just existing in the standard package directories.
Wockbench represents just a tool for creating other tools, that is triggered through CLI. Workbench is very abstract concept.
Model folder is absent simply because you don't need model in every new package. For example, if you are creating middleware package or you own filter package.
Every new class can be added to package dependent on its purpose and responsibility. It can be done in more then one way.
Classes that are general enough to go into every package are:
Package Service Provider
Basic Class
But it is not a black box. Consider for example request class - it is bound very early in the application life cycle, so no provider is needed.

Entity Framework 4.3.1 Migrations - enable automatic migration and creating a new database in the same time

I have played with Entity Framework 4.3 migrations for some time now, but I have trouble achieving the next behavior: In case my code runs on an existing database, I want the database to be migrated automatically to the latest version, but in case the database doesn't exist, the database should be created automatically from the migrations.
I think the problems is related to the first migration that you create. If you create the first migration using -IgnoreChanges parameter (or manually delete them as explained here:, you will not be able to use migrations in order to create a new table using the DbMigrator class. because you don't have the initial migration. If you create the first migration without using -IgnoreChanges, than the migration of the existing database will not be possible. Does anybody has any solution for this problem?
So you have existing database and you want to use migrations on that database and in the same time you want to support database creation by migrations in case of new deployment?
It looks like little bit unsupported use case. The simplest in this case (not tested) would be either conditional compilation or conditional migration driven by some AppSettings key. It means creating initial migration as if you don't have the database and modify Up method to:
public override void Up() {
if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NewDatabaseRequired"] == "true") {
// Here is generated content
public override void Up() {
#if NewDatabaseRequired
// Here is generated content
There is plenty of other more complicated options including scripting your current database, modify the script to end if tables already exist, add a script as a resource to your migration assembly and execute the script in the Up method generated with -IgnoreChanges.
As another option you can open additional database connection and check if tables from migration already exists (by querying sys.tables view in SQL Server). This will not need generated script.
