How to check if an object conforms to the schema of an interface in typescript? - validation

I have an interface which has certain properties defined.
For example:
interface Student {
name: string;
I read a JSON file which contains a record in this format and assign it to a variable.
let s1:Student = require('./student.json');
Now, I want to verify if s1 contains all the properties mentioned in interface Student. At runtime this is not validated. Is there any way I can do this?
There is an option of type guards, but that won't serve the purpose here. I do not know which fields would come from the JSON file. I also cannot add a discriminator(No data manipulation);

Without explicitly writing code to do so, this isn't possible in TypeScript. Why? Because once it's gone through the compiler, your code looks like this:
let s1 = require('./student.json');
Everything relating to types gets erased once compilation completes, leaving you with just the pure JavaScript. TypeScript will never emit code to verify that the type checks will actually hold true at runtime - this is explicitly outside of the language's design goals.
So, unfortunately, if you want this functionality you're going to have to write if (, if (s1.dob), etc.
(That said, it is worth noting that there are third-party projects which aim to add runtime type checking to TypeScript, but they're still experimental and it's doubtful they'll every become part of the actual TypeScript language.)


Handling package and function names dynamically

I'm on my first Golang project, which consists of a small router for an MVC structure. Basically, what I hope it does is take the request URL, separate it into chunks, and forward the execution flow to the package and function specified in those chunks, providing some kind of fallback when there is no match for these values in the application .
An alternative would be to map all packages and functions into variables, then look for a match in the contents of those variables, but this is not a dynamic solution.
The alternative I have used in other languages (PHP and JS) is to reference those names sintatically, in which the language somehow considers the value of the variable instead of considering its literal. Something like: {packageName}.{functionName}() . The problem is that I still haven't found any syntactical way to do this in Golang.
Any suggestions?
func ParseUrl(request *http.Request) {
//out of this URL
var requestedFullURI = request.URL.RequestURI() // returns '/controller/method?key=2key=2&anotherKey=3'
controlFlowString, _ := url.Parse(requestedFullURI)
substrings := strings.Split(controlFlowString.Path, "/") // returns ["controller","method"]
if len(substrings[1]) > 0 {
// Here we'll check if substrings[1] mathes an existing package(controller) name
// and provide some error return in case it does not
if len(substrings[2]) > 0 {
// check if substrings[2] mathes an existing function name(method) inside
// the requested package and run it, passing on the control flow
// there's no requested method, we'll just run some fallback
} else {
err := errors.New("You have not determined a valid controller.")
You can still solve this in half dynamic manner. Define your handlers as methods of empty struct and register just that struct. This will greatly reduce amount of registrations you have to do and your code will be more explicit and readable. For example:
handler.register(MyStruct{}) // the implementation is for another question
Following code shows all that's needed to make all methods of MyStruct accessible by name. Now with some effort and help of reflect package you can support the routing like MyStruct/SomeMethod. You can even define struct with some fields witch can serve as branches so even MaStruct/NestedStruct/SomeMethod is possible to do.
dont do this please
Your idea may sound like a good one but believe me its not. Its lot better to use framework like go-chi that is more flexible and readable then doing some reflect madness that no one will understand. Not to mention that traversing type trees in go was newer the fast task. Your routes should not be defined by names of structures in your backend. When you commit into this you will end up with strangely named routes that use PascalCase instead of something-like-this.
What you're describing is very typical of PHP and JavaScript, and completely inappropriate to Go. PHP and JavaScript are dynamic, interpreted languages. Go is a static, compiled language. Rather than trying to apply idioms which do not fit, I'd recommend looking for ways to achieve the same goals using implementations more suitable to the language at hand.
In this case, I think the closest you get to what you're describing while still maintaining reasonable code would be to use a handler registry as you described, but register to it automatically in package init() functions. Each init function will be called once, at startup, giving the package an opportunity to initialize variables and register things like handlers and drivers. When you see things like database driver packages that need to be imported even though they're not referenced, init functions are why: importing the package gives it the chance to register the driver. The expvar package even does this to register an HTTP handler.
You can do the same thing with your handlers, giving each package an init function that registers the handler(s) for that package along with their routes. While this isn't "dynamic", being dynamic has zero value here - the code can't change after it's compiled, which means that all you get from being dynamic is slower execution. If the "dynamic" routes change, you'd have to recompile and restart anyway.

How can I enforce correct construction whilst respecting the golang CodeReviewComments rule on interfaces?

The Interfaces rule in the official Go Code Review Comments document says that packages should return concrete types rather than interfaces. The motivation for this is so that: methods can be added to implementations without requiring extensive refactoring.
which I accept could be a good thing.
But what if a type I'm writing has a dependency without which it cannot serve its purpose? If I export the concrete type, developers will be able to instantiate instances without that dependency. To code defensively for the missing dependency, I then have to check for it in every method implementation and return errors if it is absent. If the developer missed any hints not to do this in my documentation, she or he won't learn about the problem until run time.
On the other hand, if I declare and return an interface with the methods the client needs, I can unexport the concrete type and enforce the use of a factory method which accepts the dependency as an argument and returns the interface plus an error. This seems like a better way to ensure correct use of the package.
Am I somehow not properly getting into the go spirit by thinking like this? Is the ethic of the language that it's okay to have a less-than-perfect encapsulation to give more flexibility to developers?
You may expect developers to read the doc you provide, and you may rely on them following the rules you set. Yes, lazy developers will bump their head from time to time, but the process of developing isn't without having to learn. Everything cannot be made explicit or enforced, and that's all right.
If you have an exported struct type Example and you provide a constructor function NewExample(), that's a clear indication that NewExample() should be used to construct values of Example. Anyone attempting to construct Example manually is expected to know what fields must be set for it to be "operational". The aim is always to make the zero value fully functional, but if that can't be achieved, the constructor function is the idiomatic way to go.
This isn't uncommon, there are countless examples in the standard library, e.g. http.Request, json.Encoder, json.Decoder, io.SectionReader, template.Template.
What you must ensure is that if your package returns values of your structs, they must (should) be properly initialized. And also if others are expected to pass values of your structs created by them, you must provide an easy way for them to create valid values of your structs (constructor function). Whether the custom struct values other developers create themselves are "valid", that shouldn't be of your concern.

Detect if golang method is internal?

I'm writing a function that iterates over the methods on a given struct and binds the methods to handlers. I would like to skip over internal methods if possible. I'm not sure if this is possible to do so explicitly - I reviewed the documentation for the reflect package and I didn't see a means to detect if a given Value is an internal method. I know I can get the method's name, and then check if it starts with a lowercase character but I'm not sure if there's a kosher way to accomplish this. It's also possible that the internal / public boundary really only exists at compile time anyways, so there really isn't even a way of knowing this beyond the method's name. In either case I'd like to know for sure. Thanks!
The reflect package will not give you unexported methods via Type.Method. Pretty much, if you can see it via reflect, it is already exported.

How to use IProjectionBuffer in MEF without creating editor instance?

I am trying to create a Visual Studio extension which handles a multi-language content type. Much like some mvc-templates and Django or ASP.NET which a certain part of the code is in another language.
I know that I should use Projection and I already checked Django for Visual Studio extension but the solution there includes creating a Language Service and going to the trouble of creating all bits and pieces related to a code editor. Here I am trying to achieve the same goal just by using MEF.
I know that you can use IProjectionBuffer CreateProjectionBuffer() to create a projection but the question is how to replace the current TextBuffer with the created one and when is the best time to do it.
Also one may expect that if he specifies a base definition of type "projection" like this:
internal static ContentTypeDefinition WhateverContentType = null;
the received TextBuffer in providers to be of type IProjectionBuffer (after all IProjectionBuffer is inherited from ITextBuffer). Which are not and it seems that a projection base definition has no effect what so ever.
So if I want to rephrase my question in a tldr version:
How and when do you apply an IProjectionBuffer to current view (using MEF and without creating an editor instance)?
So if I understand your question correctly, the answer is "you don't." A IWpfTextView is bound to a implementation of ITextBuffer (or a derived type, like IProjectionBuffer) at creation time, and can't be changed. Even if you could, many other extensions and language services would be most surprised by this and would probably crash.
To address your second question about content types: simply declaring you have a base content type of "projection" doesn't make you a projection buffer. All that really states is you might be creating projection buffers of that type, and when you do you want some extra ITagger support so taggers project through to the source buffers as you might expect them to.

How to import package by path from string in Go?

I have a string with name of package (like "my/package/test") and I wanna import that and call some function from package.
Something like this:
func init() {
var pkg string = "test/my/pkg"
import pkg
PS. Thanks for help
The Go language does not allow what you mentioned in your example. This is a conscious choice. In my opinion, the reason behind this choice has to do with compiler performance and ease of code understanding by the machine. This for example enables tools such as gofix that can partially fix Go code without need for user intervention.
It also enables a programmer to clearly see all of the statically imported packages used by the program.
See also the grammar rules for source file organization in the Go language specification.
In relation to dynamically loading packages at run-time: Go has no support for loading packages at run-time. A future Go run-time might implement this feature (for example, it is occasionally being requested in messages in the golang-nuts mailing list), but the current state is that there is no support for this feature.
That's not possible in Go. The linker has to know the dependencies at compile-time, your string (and the init-function) are however evaluated at run-time. Also note, that parts of your programs which are not used, i.e. everything which isn't referred explicitly, wont even be part of the final binary - so reflection is not possible either.
If you need something like that, you have to manage the mapping on your own. You can for example use a global map in one package and use the init functions in the other packages to register the relevant functions, by adding them to the map. After that, you can use the map to do your look-ups dynamically.
Take a look at the http package for example. In a fictional blog package you might use the blog.init() function to register a couple of http handlers using the http.HandleFunc(pattern, handler) function. The main package then might call http.ListenAndServe() which looks up the right handlers at run-time.
