Office fabric react + typescript - office-fabric

Do we really need to know typescript for developing office fabric ui app using react library?
The samples provided for office fabric react in official website deals with typescript always.

No, you should be able to use JavaScript as well. It is a normal npm package.


Can I use Firebase for creating Windows app?

I need create some Windows app with Firebase, but I can't choose a programming environment for Windows app. Which ones support FireBase?
Firebase does not have SDKs that directly support building apps that can be deployed on Windows.
The closest I can think of:
The Firebase SDKs for C++ and Unity can deploy to Windows desktop, but that is explicitly only intended for development. So you can develop and test your mobile game on Windows.
There is some movement on adding Windows support to the FlutterFire binding library, but it seems very early going.
Outside of these: the REST APIs for Firebase are all platform agnostic, so can be called from anywhere. There are quite some third party libraries that wrap these REST APIs, so I recommend doing a search for your combination.
Also see:
Firebase for Unity3d Windows application
Is it possible to use any kind of database in Flutter Desktop
Flutter & Firebase
Flutter Fire
Flutter Fire is the official Firebase SDK for Flutter and has incredible documentation, helpful videos and tutorials. The integration is seamless since both tools are built by Google. The maintainer of FlutterFire has created FlutterFire_Desktop which I believe may be a solution for you once its fully built out.
Flutter is a UI framework which uses the Dart language (also built by Google) to allow developers to build one app and deploy everywhere.
Dart can compile to x86_64; ARM64 and Javascript - Ideally you can write one codebase for Windows, Mac, IOS/Android and Web. Dart also has a built in package manager and open sourced community through Pub.Dev which may have more workarounds for you.
As of the latest Firebase Summit , they have recently added more support for their C++ SDK although I'm not entirely sure how it would integrate or if it integrates into windows desktop applications at all.

Calling formflow from LUIS in bot framework 4.0

I need to call the formflow from LUIS using bot framework 4.0. Is it possible to do? If anyone has done it before please share reference links.
I am not sure exactly what you are trying to achieve here, but FormFlow has been deprecated from the core SDK as of v4. It is however available via the Bot Builder Community project on GitHub over at or via NuGet at
FormFlows are removed from the Bot Framework SDK v4, they were an essential part of SDK v3 nonetheless.
However if you want to mimic the functionality of FormFlows the closest you can get using purely SDK v4 is by using Waterfall dialogs which are like mini dialogs prompted at each step.
And also like Gary said, you can use the Bot.Builder.Community.Dialogs.FormFlow nuget package for getting a port into SDK v4.

Can I create an Android app using Xamarin only

I'm a Windows developer and have written all sorts of windows client applications using C++ and C#. I wanted to write an Android app and put it on the Google Store, but I'm only equipped with Visual Studio.
I wanted to ask if it is realistic to think that I can create an app, from scratch, including engine and UI using Xamarin only. I saw there are a few Xamarin samples out there, but I didn't want to start only to find out that it's not enough for some reason.
Currently I'm struggling a bit in getting my environment right, but thought I'd throw this question here to you guys ... Maybe it's not even worth starting?
Yes, Xamarin can be used to develop Android apps from scratch. Xamarin has two main libraries that help with this.
Xamarin.Android will give you access to all the Android APIs directly from c#. Note that you still need to know the basic Android concepts like what is an Activity and an Intent.
The other library is Xamarin.Forms. It is a cross-platform library that will give you a basic set of UI controls and widgets that you declare usong an xml syntax, and program with C#. This library has a few limitations, but you can also use the features of Xamarin.Android alongside it to get at the missing features.
Some advice: if possible, develop and debug directly on an Android tablet. Android emulators are not that good and hard to configure. Hope this helps.
There are 2 types of Xamarin you can use.
Xamarin Forms : Which is the unified version that use XAML for the UI. It is very recommended to use this if you are building a simple application.
Xamarin Native : The "native" version of platform that are written in C#, if you want to create Android-only apps, I really recommend this, since it's very similar with the native Android code, but it's wrapped using C# (You can still using nuget package).

Is it possible to test a hybrid app with Xamarin UI.test c# and upload the same tests to cloud?

I have developed a Xamarin UI test for my hybrid app (not written with Xamarin). It is an android app and i have used Visual Studio2015 for the c# based test script development.
Now i need to upload the tests to the Xamarin Test cloud ? Is it possible ? If Yes then How? Thanks.
Since the mobile app was development outside of Visual Studio / Xamarin Studio, you need to submit the test and a release build of the .apk via the cmd-line tool (test-cloud.exe):
test-cloud.exe submit <PATH-TO-APK> <TEAM API KEY> --devices=<DEVICES> --assembly-dir=<PATH-TO-TEST-ASSEMBLY-DIR> --user=<EMAIL>
Consult the following link for details concerning app signing.
Ref: Submitting_Android_Tests

Can we develop windows desktop apps using Devextreme

I have developed applications for Android and iOS using DevExtreme framework.
Can we develop windows desktop apps using Devextreme?
If yes please provide guidelines or steps to get started.
Please help on this.
Are you looking for something like this?
Yes, you can do it. I suppose you use Visual Studio to develop windows apps. If so, the DevExtreme Multi-Channel project template supports WinJS app.
Just create a new Multi-Channel app:
Then, you will be able to select WinJS project template:
The DevExtreme documentation contains some information about WinJS development.
Also, I suppose, you can use Electron. Unfortunately, I have no experience with this tool. And there is one restriction here: Electron supports Windows 7 and later.
