How to detect that F# program is compiled on Mono? - compilation

I am trying to make some F# code conditional based on compile-time environment and can't find any OS-specific definitions that F# compiler would recognise. #if MONO doesn't work. Is there any way to detect OS at compile-time for F#?

I don't think there is any out-of-the box way of doing this. You will need to define your own symbol such as MONO and call the compiler with --define:MONO when building the Mono version.
That said, I would be a bit careful about this - there is no clear concept of "compiled for Mono" in F# and .NET. When you compile F# code, you always get a dll or exe that you can run anywhere and nothing prevents you from copying one build output and running it in another environment.
There is a standard way of detecting where the program is running at runtime using:
Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") != null
You might have good reasons for wanting two separate builds, but it might be worth considering whether you can just make the appropriate choices at runtime (that probably does not work if you rely on some Windows-specific libraries such as WinForms charting).


How can I hook the preprocessor in Clang, XCode, and MSVS? (GCC works)

I'm using an external preprocessor (pyexpander) for my cross-platform/cross-IDE c++ project*. GCC already works nicely with the -no-integrated-cpp -B${PWD} option. I could manually preprocess each file into a specific temp dir, then compile the processed files. But is there a better way? Specifically, I'd love to hook the native preprocessors so IDE-level code analysis is happy (code completion and error checking). Any hints how I can achieve this would be much appreciated.
*"But why not use c++ macros?" They can't do macro-macros and I need that.
*"But why not use m4?" Because python happens to already be a requirement for this codebase, and m4 seems to not come with MSVS and thus would be yet another requirement/point of failure. I would still have to resolve the original preprocessor problem.
*"But why not use language something_better?" Because I have no choice in the matter. (Though I would love to use nim all the way!!)

How does an ide compile code?

Thinking about NetBeans or Eclipse I was wondering how an IDE compiles code when you click run. Does it open a command line in the background to compile it? How exactly does it work?
Each IDE will have it's own approach for how they actually achieve compilation. Usually they will have their own compilers or wrappers around existing compilers to which they delegate actual compilation.
Eclipse comes with a built in compiler of its own:
How does Eclipse compile classes with only a JRE?
I don't actually personally know much about how other ones achieve the compilation in any detail; somebody else may provide a better answer in that regard.
IDEs use compilers. That's actually the difference between them.
For instance, Code::Blocks uses MinGW Compiler which is a port of the GCC set of compilers.
Every compiler has its own method, some use their own wrappers and ports for known compilers. (See Codeblocks)
I also noticed that some basic IDEs out there, just run the simple command line using gcc, clang, etc and let you pass parameters from an option window.

What is happening when you set a compilation path?

I understand it is somehow making a connection so that a compiler when envokes connects a source code to whatever libraries that it needs to.
But what is going on a more technical level, or better put what do I need to know in order to confidentally compile code.
I'm working with C++ and MinGW, and have started to look into build files and stuff for Sublime Text 2 (Have learned mostly under unix, or Java + eclipse so far). But what I don't understand what is adding a compiler to your path do for you?
Do I need to add it for every folder I want to compile from? Or is it system wide? I'm really learning this stuff for the first time, we we're never showed how to set up development environments or even deploy code on other systems.
You probably mean include paths and library paths in the compiler:
include paths: where the compiler will look for headers; and
library paths: where the linker, invoked by the compiler, will look for binary libraries to finish building your project.
If that is the case, look here for a gentle explanation.
Basically, what is happening is that the compiler looks in certain places for symbols defined by the operating system and other libraries installed system-wide.
In addition to those paths, you need to tell the compiler where to find the symbols defined in your own project.
You may also mean something related to installing the compiler itself or configuring the editor to use it.
In that case, what is happening is that you need to tell the build system where to find the executable for the compiler.
Basically, what is probably happening is that your editor wants to know where the compiler is so that it can provide real time feedback on your code. Adding the compiler to the system path will usually, but not always, solve your problem.
In more detail:
A C++ build is a rather complex tool chain, involving determining dependencies, preprocessing, compiling, and linking. There are tools that automate that tool chain, and those tools are in turn wrapped into the functionality of modern IDEs like Eclipse, Visual C++, or Sublime Text 2. You many need to tell your editor where to find the tools it uses to provide you with those services.

Compiling libexif as static lib with Visual Studio 2010 - then linking from Visual C++ project

Is it possible to compile libexif with Visual Studio 2010? I have been trying to do so and have been running into a whole slew of problems. I cannot find any information about whether anybody has successfully done this before. I know I can use MinGW to compile the library, but I am in a situation where I need it to be compiled with Visual Studio and then need to link to it from a Visual C++ app. Is this possible?
To answer your question: Yes it is possible... but it is a bit of a hack. Libexif uses functions that MSVC has chosen not to implement. See my working example VS2010 project below (if you don't like downloading files then skip to my explanation of what needed changing to get it to work below):
To elaborate, the issues that needed a "hack" (as hinted in the LibExif readme-win32.txt documentation) are:
Libexif uses inline in several places which is not defined in VS for C, only C++ (see this)
Libexif uses snprintf extensively in the code which is not defined in VS (see here)
You need to create the config.h yourself without a ./configure command to help you. You could read through the script but most of it doesn't make sense for Windows VS2010.
You will need to define GETTEXT_PACKAGE because it's probably setup in the configure file. I just choose UTF-8, whether that is correct or not I'm not sure.
There was a random unsigned static * that needed to be moved from a .c file to the .h file as C in VS doesn't allow you to create new variables inside functions in the particular way they were trying to do.
Read the "readme-win32.txt" file. Advice is:
hack yourself a build system somehow. This seems to be the Windows way of doing things.
Don't get your hopes up. The *nix way of doing things is the configuration script that needs to be run first. It auto-generates source files to marry the library to the specific flavor of *nix. The configuration script is almost half a megabyte. Three times as much code as in the actual .c files :) You cannot reasonably get that working without MinGW so you can execute the script. Once you got that done, you've got a better shot at it with a VS solution. As long as it doesn't use too much C99 specific syntax.

Find Programming Language Used

Whats the easiest way to find out what programming language an application was written in?
I would like to know if its vb or c++ or delphi or .net etc from the program exe file.
Try PEiD
of course if they used a packer, some unpacking will need to be done first :)
Start it up and check what run-time DLLs it uses with Process Explorer.
If that doesn't make it immediately obvious, search the web for references to those DLLs.
Most disassemblers (including Olly I think) can easily show you the text contained in an EXE or DLL, and that can also sometimes give a clue. Delphi types are often prefixed with T as in TMyClass.
If it's a small executable with no DLL references and no text you might be SOL. At that point you'd need to look for idioms of particular compilers, and it would be mostly guesswork.
There is an art to detecting what language a program was written in. It is possible but there are no hard and fast rules. It takes a lot of experience (and it also leads to the question "Why would you want to..." but here are a few ideas on how to go about it.
What you're looking for is a "signature". The signature could be a certain string that is included by the compiler, a reference to an API that is quite common in the programming tool being used, or even a style of programing that is common to the tools being used, visible in the strings contained in the application.
In addition, there are styles to how an application is deployed: various configuration files found in the deployment directory, dlls and assemblies and even images, directories or icons.
Java applications wrapped in a self-launching executable will contain references to java libs, and will likely have certain libraries or files included in the same directory that indicate that it's java.
As indicated in other answers a managed assembly will show certain signs as well: you can open it in Reflector etc. While it is correct that c# and VB are "interchangable" once compiled, it is not true that they are identical. If you use Reflector to disassemble VB code you will quite often see that the assembly references the Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll assembly. You'll be able to tell the difference between Mono applications because they will most likely contain references to the mono assemblies.
Many compilers assemble and link code in certain ways, and leave footprints behind. For example, examining a window executable using "strings: tab in Process Explorer, you'll see a lot of strings. Using these you may be able to determine programming styles, methods called, error or trace methods withint the exe.
An example is that compilers use different mechanisms for localization: Microsoft stores localized strings in XML files or resource files. Other compilers will use a different tactic.
Another example is c++ name mangling. The CodeWarrior compiler uses a different algorithm to mangle the names of the member variables and functions of a call than Visual Studio.
I suppose you could write a book on the subject of accurately determining the lineage of any executable. This subject would probably be called "programming archeology".
You could try using Depends to see what runtime dependancies it has, which might give some clues.
The easiest way is to ask the developer of the program. It does not require any knowledge and utility programs.
Determine Delphi Application
Use eda_preview270.exe (from here) or some other spy tool and check the window class names. If they read like TButton or TfrmBlubb, it's a VCL app. If there is an "Afx" in them, it's probably MFC.
Compiled languages (by this I mean no scripting languages, or Java, .NET, etc.) are compiled into CPU assembly instructions, which is essentially a one-way conversion. It is not usually possible to determine which language a program was written in. However, using a dependency walker, you could potentially determine which runtime library the program was loading (if any) and therefore determine which language it used (e.g. MS Visual C++ 9 uses msvcr90.dll).
you can check is that a .net assembly or not by trying to open with ildasm.exe tool
PE Detective works best for me.
In general, you can't.
If you can load it into Reflector, you know it is a managed assembly.
That's a good question. There isn't any general way to tell, but I bet most compilers and libraries leave a mark in the resulting EXE file. If you wanted to spend a lot of time on it, you could gather a bunch of EXEs written in known languages and scan for common strings. I would image you'd find some.
Dependancy Walker, which someone else mentioned would be a good way to look for telltale dependencies, like versions of MSVCRT, etc
i'd try running the .exe thru a 'strings' program to get assorted hints.
If I remember correctly PE Explorer Disassembler gives some information about compiler that creates given not .net and java binary, for .net use Reflector or ILDAsm tool
The easiest way that I found (at least in computer games) was to look in the "redist" folder nested within the game's main folder. It might be obvious to some of you that are more experienced in programming yourself, but the specific purpose of the MSI in this folder is to allow the setup.exe file to automatically install the prerequisites for the game itself.
For example:
In Empire Total War, there is an MSI called "vcredist_x86-sp1.exe". This indicates that the game/program was written in Microsoft's "Visual C 2005" in the .NET Framework (usually).
In fact, if you open the MSI/EXE, the installer should immediately indicate the language it's written in and which version.
The reason I'm familiar is because I code in C# and VB in the .NET Framework and we auto-install the prerequisites for our business app.
Hope this helps!
