Caching server in multi-tire architecture - caching

I'm planing topology of enterprise application according to 3-tier architecture, my solution contains caching server (Redis) in order to manage cached data.
What is the best tier to host the Caching Server in? Business Tier or Data Tier, and why?

Caching is more effective the closer it is to the presentation. The coarser the cache, the less re-computation you have to do. Unfortunately, the closer it is to the presentation, the more difficult cache invalidation becomes, as determining the conditions in which a cache is "invalid" requires more and more underlying knowledge of the system state and business rules.
A cache below the database tier (disk block or database block level caching) just needs to known when the block itself changes.
A cache at the Database Tier requires less knowledge, because you can cache per database entity. Every time that entity changes, or a related entity changes at an identity level, you invalidate the cache.
A cache at the business tier requires underlying knowledge of the data elements that make up those business objects, and what could cause those business objects to be invalidated.
And as you move all the way to the presentation tier, you have to understand all the business and data changes that could impact any given UI element so that you can invalidate it.


Can cache admission strategy be useful to prune distributed cache writes

Assume some distributed CRUD Service that uses a distributed cache that is not read-through (just some Key-Value store agnostic of DB). So there are n server nodes connected to m cache nodes (round-robin as routing). The cache is supposed to cache data stored in a DB layer.
So the default retrieval sequence seems to be:
check if data is in cache, if so return data
else fetch from DB
send data to cache (cache does eviction)
return data
The question is whether the individual service nodes can be smarter about what data to send to the cache, to reduce cache capacity costs (achieve similar hit ratio with less required cache storage space).
Given recent benchmarks on optimal eviction/admission strategies (in particular LFU), some new caches might not even store data if it is deemed too infrequently used, maybe application nodes can do some best-effort guess.
So my idea is that the individual service nodes could evaluate whether data that was fetched from a DB should be send to the distributed cache or not based on an algorithm like LFU, thus reducing the network traffic between service and cache. I am thinking about local checks (suffering a lack of effectivity on cold startups), but checks against a shared list of cached keys may also be considered.
So the sequence would be
check if data is in cache, if so return data
else fetch from DB
check if data key is frequently used
if yes, send data to cache (cache does eviction). Else not.
return data
Is this possible, reasonable, has it already been done?
It is common in databases, search, and analytical products to guard their LRU caches with filters to avoid pollution caused by scans. For example see Postgres' Buffer Ring Replacement Strategy and ElasticSearch's filter cache. These are admission policies detached from the cache itself, which could be replaced if their caching algorithm was more intelligent. It sounds like your idea is similar, except a distributed version.
Most remote / distributed caches use classic eviction policies (LRU, LFU). That is okay because they are often excessively large, e.g. Twitter requires a 99.9% hit rate for their SLA targets. This means they likely won't drop recent items because the penalty is too high and oversize so that the victim is ancient.
However, that breaks down when batch jobs run and pollute the remote caching tier. In those cases, its not uncommon to see the cache population disabled to avoid impacting user requests. This is then a distributed variant of Postgres' problem described above.
The largest drawback with your idea is checking the item's popularity. This might be local only, which has a frequent cold start problem, or remote call which adds a network hop. That remote call would be cheaper than the traffic of shipping the item, but you are unlikely to be bandwidth limited. Likely you're goal would be to reduce capacity costs by a higher hit rate, but if your SLA requires a nearly perfect hit rate then you'll over provision anyway. It all depends on whether the gains by reducing cache-aside population operations are worth the implementation effort. I suspect that for most it hasn't been.

Which caching mechanism to use in my spring application in below scenarios

We are using Spring boot application with Maria DB database. We are getting data from difference services and storing in our database. And while calling other service we need to fetch data from db (based on mapping) and call the service.
So to avoid database hit, we want to cache all mapping data in cache and use it to retrieve data and call service API.
So our ask is - Add data in Cache when it gets created in database (could add up-to millions records) and remove from cache when status of one of column value is "xyz" (for example) or based on eviction policy.
Should we use in-memory cache using Hazelcast/ehCache or Redis/Couch base?
Please suggest.
I mostly agree with Rick in terms of don't build it until you need it, however it is important these days to think early of where this caching layer would fit later and how to integrate it (for example using interfaces). Adding it into a non-prepared system is always possible but much more expensive (in terms of hours) and complicated.
Ok to the actual question; disclaimer: Hazelcast employee
In general for caching Hazelcast, ehcache, Redis and others are all good candidates. The first question you want to ask yourself though is, "can I hold all necessary records in the memory of a single machine. Especially in terms for ehcache you get replication (all machines hold all information) which means every single node needs to keep them in memory. Depending on the size you want to cache, maybe not optimal. In this case Hazelcast might be the better option as we partition data in a cluster and optimize the access to a single network hop which minimal overhead over network latency.
Second question would be around serialization. Do you want to store information in a highly optimized serialization (which needs code to transform to human readable) or do you want to store as JSON?
Third question is about the number of clients and threads that'll access the data storage. Obviously a local cache like ehcache is always the fastest option, for the tradeoff of lots and lots of memory. Apart from that the most important fact is the treading model the in-memory store uses. It's either multithreaded and nicely scaling or a single-thread concept which becomes a bottleneck when you exhaust this thread. It is to overcome with more processes but it's a workaround to utilize todays systems to the fullest.
In more general terms, each of your mentioned systems would do the job. The best tool however should be selected by a POC / prototype and your real world use case. The important bit is real world, as a single thread behaves amazing under low pressure (obviously way faster) but when exhausted will become a major bottleneck (again obviously delaying responses).
I hope this helps a bit since, at least to me, every answer like "yes we are the best option" would be an immediate no-go for the person who said it.
Build InnoDB with the memcached Plugin

Redis: using two instances or just one (caching and storage)?

We need to perform rate limiting for requests to our API. We have a lot of web servers, and the rate limit should be shared between all of them. Also, the rate limit demands a certain amount of ephemeral storage (we want to store the users quota for a certain period of time).
We have a great rate limiting implementation that works with Redis by using SETEX. In this use case we need Redis to also be used a storage (for a short while, according to the expiration set on the SETEX calls). Also, the cache needs to be shared across all servers, and there is no way we could use something like an in-memory cache on each web server for dealing with the rate limiting since the rate limiting is per user - so we expect to have a lot of memory consumed for this purpose. So this process is a great use case for a Redis cluster.
Thing is - the same web server that performs the rate limit, also has some other caching needs. It fetches some stuff from a DB, and then caches the results in two layers: first, in an in-memory LRU-cache (on the actual server) and the second layer is Redis again - this time used as cache-only (no storage). In case the item gets evicted from the in-memory LRU-cache, it is passed on to be saved in Redis (so that even when a cache miss occurs in-memory, there would still be a cache-hit because thanks to Redis).
Should we use the same Redis instance for both needs (rate limiter that needs storage on one hand and cache layer that does not on the other)? I guess we could use a single Redis instance that includes storage (not the cache only option) and just use that for both needs? Would it be better, performance wise, for each server of ours to talk to two Redis instances - one that's used as cache-only and one that also features the storage option?
I always recommend dividing your setup into distinct data roles. Combining them sounds neat but in practice can be a real pain. In your case you ave two distinct "data roles": cached data and stored data. That is two major classes of distinction which means use two different instances.
In your particular case isolating them will be easier from an operational standpoint when things go wrong or need upgrading. You'll avoid intermingling services such that an issue in caching causes issues in your "storage" layer - or the inverse.
Redis usage tends to grow into more areas. If you get in the habit of dedicated Redis endpoints now you'll be better able to grow your usage in the future, as opposed to having to refactor and restructure into it when things get a bit rough.

Balancing Redis queries and in-process memory?

I am a software developer but wannabe architect new to the server scalability world.
In the context of multiple services working with the same data set, aiming to scale for redundancies and load balancing.
The question is: In a idealistic system, should services try to optimize their internal processing to reduce the amount of queries done to the remote server cache for better performance and less bandwidth at the cost of some local memory and code base or is it better to just go all-in and query the remote cache as the single transaction point every time any transaction need processing done on the data?
When I read about Redis and even general database usage online, the later seems to be the common option. Every nodes of the scaled application have no memory and read and write directly to the remote cache on every transactions.
But as a developer, I ask if this isn't a tremendous waste of resources? Whether you are designing at electronic chips level, at inter-thread, inter-process or inter-machine, I do believe it's the responsibility of each sub-system to do whatever it can to optimize its processing without depending on the external world if it can and hence reduce overall operation time.
I mean, if the same data is read over hundreds or time from the same service without changes (write), isn't it just more logical to keep a local cache and wait for notifications of changes (pub/sub) and only read only these changes to update the cache instead reading the bigger portion of data every time a transaction require it? On the other hand, I understand that this method implies that the same data will be duplicated at multiple place (more ram usage) and require some sort of expiration system not to keep the cache from filling up.
I know Redis is built to be fast. But however fast it is, in my opinion there's still a massive difference between reading directly from local memory versus querying an external service, transfer data over network, allocating memory, deserialize into proper objects and garbage collect it when you are finished with it. Anyone have benchmark numbers between in-process dictionaries query versus a Redis query on the localhost? Is it a negligible time in the bigger scheme of things or is it an important factor?
Now, I believe the real answer to my question until now is "it depends on your usage scenario", so let's elaborate:
Some of our services trigger actions on conditions of data change, others periodically crunch data, others periodically read new data from external network source and finally others are responsible to present data to users and let them trigger some actions and bring in new data. So it's a bit more complex than a single web pages deserving service. We already have a cache system codebase in most services, and we have a message broker system to notify data changes and trigger actions. Currently only one service of each type exist (not scaled). They transfer small volatile data over messages and bigger more persistent (changing less often) data over SQL. We are in process of moving pretty much all data to Redis to ease scalability and performances. Now some colleagues are having a heated discussion about whether we should abandon the cache system altogether and use Redis as the common global cache, or keep our notification/refresh system. We were wondering what the external world think about it. Thanks
(damn that's a lot of text)
I would favor utilizing in-process memory as much as possible. Any remote query introduces latency. You can use a hybrid approach and utilize in-process cache for speed (and it is MUCH faster) but put a significantly shorter TTL on it, and then once expired, reach further back to Redis.

What is a multi-tier cache?

I've recently come across the phrase "multi-tier cache" relating to multi-tiered architectures, but without a meaningful explanation of what such a cache would be (or how it would be used).
Relevant online searches for that phrase don't really turn up anything either. My interpretation would be a cache servicing all tiers of some n-tier web app. Perhaps a distributed cache with one cache node on each tier.
Has SO ever come across this term before? Am I right? Way off?
I know this is old, but thought I'd toss in my two cents here since I've written several multi-tier caches, or at least several iterations of one.
Consider this; Every application will have different layers, and at each layer a different form of information can be cached. Each cache item will generally expire for one of two reasons, either a period of time has expired, or a dependency has been updated.
For this explanation, lets imagine that we have three layers:
Templates (object definitions)
Objects (complete object cache)
Blocks (partial objects / block cache)
Each layer depends on it's parent, and we would define those using some form of dependency assignment. So Blocks depend on Objects which depend on Templates. If an Object is changed, any dependencies in Block would be expunged and refreshed; if a Template is changed, any Object dependencies would be expunged, in turn expunging any Blocks, and all would be refreshed.
There are several benefits, long expiry times are a big one because dependencies will ensure that downstream resources are updated whenever parents are updated, so you won't get stale cached resources. Block caches alone are a big help because, short of whole page caching (which requires AJAX or Edge Side Includes to avoid caching dynamic content), blocks will be the closest elements to an end users browser / interface and can save boatloads of pre-processing cycles.
The complication in a multi-tier cache like this though is that it generally can't rely on a purely DB based foreign key expunging, that is unless each tier is 1:1 in relation to its parent (ie. Block will only rely on a single object, which relies on a single template). You'll have to programmatically address the expunging of dependent resources. You can either do this via stored procedures in the DB, or in your application layer if you want to dynamically work with expunging rules.
Hope that helps someone :)
Edit: I should add, any one of these tiers can be clustered, sharded, or otherwise in a scaled environment, so this model works in both small and large environments.
After playing around with EhCache for a few weeks it is still not perfectly clear what they mean by the term "multi-tier" cache. I will follow up with what I interpret to be the implied meaning; if at any time down the road someone comes along and knows otherwise, please feel free to answer and I'll remove this one.
A multi-tier cache appears to be a replicated and/or distributed cache that lives on 1+ tiers in an n-tier architecture. It allows components on multiple tiers to gain access to the same cache(s). In EhCache, using a replicated or distributed cache architecture in conjunction with simply referring to the same cache servers from multiple tiers achieves this.
