Deployment of app to device failed - xamarin

I have Xamarin Live Player up and running.
When I use it with a newly created Xamarin Forms (Master Details) app, it works fine. I see the app on the device.
However, when I try to run my full-blown app, Visual Studio tells me "Deployment to device failed. Make sure that Xamarin Live Player is open and that the device is in the same network."
Since the new app runs fine, I guess something else is the problem.
I've already set the Android project properties to be same as the newly created app.
Just to make sure, I've made it so that my full-blown app requests all rights.
How could I debug more in detail what's going wrong?

Xamarin Live Player can't run all apps. As soon as you use reflection, embedded resources, a MVVM framework or a custom renderer in Xamarin.Forms it might simply just not run the App.
You can read about the limitations of Xamarin Live Player in the official documentation for it.
You will probably have a much better experience just running directly on the device without Live Player.


How do I clear state such as permission decisions from the Visual Studio/MAUI WebView?

I'm working on MAUI app with a WebView and have gotten into a state where the Camera permission has been denied. I'd like to clear or change this, but the WebView doesn't offer a UI for doing so like a browser does. I'm only trying to debug for Windows locally at this point. How can I clear this state for local development? Like, just reset the WebView to act as if I've never run the app before. Thanks.
Extra info: this is a Blazor MAUI hybrid app. I'm inspecting the embedded WebView using Edge DevTools (the default for this type of project).
There is probably a more elegant solution, but I finally resolved this by changing the Package name in the .appxmanifest file, running the app, and then changing it back.

Programatically Start UWP app after installation

I am creating a Store Build for my UWP app. I would like the app to run automatically (without user intervention) once installed on end-user device. Is that possible? If so, how?
I’m afraid you can’t let the app run automatically after installation.
Currently, uwp doesn’t provide such api to do this. If you do want this feature, please feel free to submit your feature requirement with Windows Feedback Hub app.

Refresh Xamarin View while debugging without rebuild of app

In Visual Studio (2015) using an Android Emulator, is there a way I can make a minor update to a xaml view, and have that refreshed in the debugging application without having to rebuild and re-deploy the project?
Currently a build/deploy for debugging takes about 2 minutes, and having to make some minor UI style tweak and do the whole thing again is driving me nuts.
I suppose I'm asking if there's some ASP.NET MVC-like functionality where I can update a frontend file (cshtml, js, etc) and just refresh the page without reloading the project.
Xamarin Live Player lets you make live edits to your app and have those changes reflected live on your device. Your code runs inside the Xamarin Live Player app – there is no need to set up emulators or to use cables to deploy the code!
It does have limitations, be sure to read the Limitation section:

How can Xamarin be used to wrap a web app as if it were a native app for Android?

Say I build a super mobile friendly web application that I want in the Play Store for Android users to be able to download.
Could I use Xamarin to:
Wrap the entire mobile app as a single WebView
Register for mobile push notifications
Essentially shortlining an MVP of an android app by using an existing web app? If so, is there any well-known process or documentation that demonstrates this?
Probably the best approach for you would be using Xamarin Forms with one or more pages containing only web views.
I don't love Xamarin Forms because usually for me Xamarin Android+iOS gives a better result in similar time, but your app would be so simple that doesn't make sense to do it with Xamarin Android.
Make sure that your web app will show only what makes sense to be shown in your app, otherwise you risk to see double header/footer, useless buttons... but if the website is yours adding a few parameters to change a bit the UI won't be a problem I guess.
Have a look at this example:
Another approach is the use of Razor to build your pages in html directly inside your app, but if I understood well it's not what you need:
Although it is technically possible to do this as the previous answer has suggested. I would recommended firstly reviewing, the relevant stores guidelines on submissions. Apple for example will not allow a submission to their store of any application that simply mirrors the functionality of a website. I suspect Google's would likely be the same.
However that said, to answer your question, Xamarin.Forms would be appropriate for a simple application like the one you are suggesting. Or if you prefer to build to a specific OS, then in iOS with Xamarin you would use the Safari View Controller that was added in it's xcode 8.1 release. Android uses something similar as does windows.
You can use the Web View control in Xamarins Andorid native PCL project to encapsulate your mobile friendly website within an application here is the documentation:
Xamarin Android Developer link to Android Web View
As for push notifications, yes this is perfectly possible using Xamarin.Android. and varies on implementation depending on what you want to use as the back end to handle them, I.E. Azure's notification hub etc.

Does Xamarin support to develop apps for Windows surface and how well?

I want to develop an app for Windows surface tablet and iOS mobile and iPad.
As I am a new user to Xamarin, when I created my first project,it shows 3 projects:-
hello.driod, hello.ios and hello.winPhone.
I have 3 questions based on this:-
How will I be able to write the same code and share for windows 8.1 and iOS?
and whenever I drag and drop the elements to the UI page, will the same elements be copied to both windows and iOS simultaneously or I got to add them seperately?
Currently I dont have a MAC to connect to my PC. Can I write the code and and there while testing it, connect it to a MAC or should it be connected during the whole process?
Please Help!
Using the same code depends on how your structure your app.
You can go the native route where you can share the bulk of your logic by containing it in a shared / PCL project (more on that here), but have platform specific code for your UI.
For example, if you have a cross platform app targeting iOS and Android you would still create the UI in a storyboard for iOS and AXML files for Android. Any code you want to "connect" to your UI would be specific to that platform as you would use the platform APIs. Any code that is not platform specific (i.e., not calling iOS or Android APIs) can go in your shared / PCL project.
Or you can choose Xamarin.Forms which adds a layer of abstraction by allowing you to write the UI in XAML once and have it work on all platforms. The advantage is increased code sharing as now your UI is also shared. The downside is to utilise platform specific features you'll need to implement DependencyService or custom renderers. Read more about Xamarin.Forms here.
As above, it depends. If you are going the native route, then no. If you are going with Xamarin.Forms, then you are using the same XAML code for the UI across platforms, but there is no drag and drop designer.
To build an iOS app you need to be connected to a Mac. You will also need to be connected to a Mac to use the iOS Designer.
