Can not extract value in SOAPUI property transfer using xPath and namespaces - xpath

I try to extract value from xml in Property Transfer I use xPath:
declare namespace S=""
declare namespace ns7="" xmlns=""
and i get error:
cId [net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: Required item type of first operand of '/' is node(); supplied value has item type xs:string]
I set source of transfer as previous step (that return valid XML), property Response and path language XPath
have no idea how to fix it in SoapUI (in pure java it is much more easier)

Ok, my mistake
At the second line I have:
declare namespace ns7="" xmlns=""
And if you work with pure XML it is OK attribute set. But in SoapUI it should be:
declare namespace ns7=""
An now it works fine.


using <#include> resoults in error: Can't find resource

I am implementing a freemarker code in an environment that stores the templates in an database.
for example
will display the value of the row with row_id = 'key'
However when I use include directive something doesn't work.
I have a template with a key GenF as follows
<#function PriceFormat Number>
<#return Number?string['0.0000']>
if i run
I get the output
as expected.
but when i run
<#include bundle.GenF>
I receive an error message:
Can't find resource for bundle, key
do I use the include directive wrong, or is something was not defined correctly in the Data model by our programmers?
#include expects the name
(path, "file" name) of a template, not the template content itself. See:
What you seem to want is <#bundle.GenF?interpret />. Though note that the parsed template won't be cached that way, unlike when you invoke a template with #include. For #include to be able to resolve "bundle.GenF" as template name (or rather something like "bundle:/GenF", but it's up to you), you have to use a custom TemplateLoader (see Configuration.setTemplateLoader).
As far as you only need this for defining custom number formats, you may also want to consider using custom number formats (, like ${1.538?string.#bundle_GenF}.

xercesc NodeType not declared

I am developing an application to read XML files using xerces-c-3.1.1 using C++ on Netbeans 8.0.1.
I have a variable defined as type DOMNode* as follows
DOMNode* attribute=attributes->item(aIndex);
When I expand attribute in the debugger, it displays a function, getNodeType(), that returns a variable of type. However,when I add the code
NodeType value=attribute->getNodeType();
I get the error message
error: ‘NodeType’ was not declared in this scope
You could try xercesc::DOMNode::NodeType instead of writing NodeType.

Java XPath with default Namespace issue

I am not able to ready node for expression
<ns:Msg xmlns:ns="" xmlns="">
I am having this kind of xml with contains two namespaces 1 is with ns and other one is default one.
I am trying to get value for SubsysId using org.dom4j.XPath and adding namespace with
Map namespaces = new HashMap();
namespaces.put("ns", "");
namespaces.put("main", "");
Adding these namespaces like this
xpath.setNamespaceContext(new SimpleNamespaceContext(namespaces));
This is my expression
String expression = "/ns:Msg/ns:Header/SubsysId";
I tried multiple options but not able to get the value.
NOTE: If I remove default namespace and run then I am getting the value.
Your help is highly appreciated.
Since you defined namespaces.put("main", "");
then you would need to specify it in your xpath.
So your xpath becomes:
String expression = "/ns:Msg/ns:Header/main:SubsysId";

XPath format required on namespace node

Can someone please show me the XPath format i should use to retrieve the 2nd txnDetail node's billAmount ?
I am expecting value 10.00 but i have issues with the namespace and "a:" and XPath fails to retrieve the correct value.
<TransactionRsp xmlns:i="">
<txnDetail xmlns:a="">
<a:txnDescription>Fee: Card Issue</a:txnDescription>
However, depending on your programming language you might have to register the a namespace. The document might have a default namespace as well. (Don't expect that the xml you've posted is the whole document)
I have managed to pull the relevant data using the following XPath:
Now I need to know how to filter out only txnDetail with an itemType = 6 ??
Any thoughts ?

SoapUI XPath assertion with wildcards

Is there a way to use a wildcard inside an assertion in a XPath test with SoapUI?
I took a look at SoapUI's documentation and they say you can do something like this
I checked the 'Allow Wildcards' checkbox.
My question is : I want to assert my date starts with 2012-08-22 but i dont care about the minutes and seconds. I guess my the expression should be something like 2012-08-22* but it doesn't work.
What you are doing sounds like it should work. Here is a quick example i cooked up using a rest service from I'm using the demo they have supplied
output is
<timezone tzversion="tzdata2012c">
<time>2012-07-25 04:39</time>
<sunrise>2012-07-25 05:50</sunrise>
<sunset>2012-07-25 21:00</sunset>
If you do an xpath match on the result and use the select from current button you get
2012-07-25 04:39
If you update this to
this will work fine and when updating the rest request with a new lat and lng the assertion will still pass since it is not checking the time. If this doesn't help, please supply your full assertion and maybe i could help more.
*note: for soap requests, make sure to declare the namespace and then use the proper format
It will be sort of a pain, but here is what you can do:
1) Figure out an Xpath 'base' using the assertion tab (sounds like you are here already). I used this public site to test against:
I used the CornerPoints method with 'hawaii' as the single param.
I created this 'base' xpath:
declare namespace ns1='';
declare namespace SOAP-ENC='';
declare namespace SOAP-ENV='';
(it will write the declare statements for you if you click declare)
(which you can test out in the assertions window)
2) Create a Properties step
3) Create a Property transfer step
4) Create a groovy script
5) add a property... i called mine misc
6) add a transfer step
* transfer from the CornerPoints - Request 1 --- Response
* paste the Xpath stuff in the box under the 'transfer from'
* Transfer to your property
(You can test with the little play button)
7) Add something like this to your groovy script:
def x = context.expand( '${Properties#misc}' )
def parts = x.tokenize(',')
for (def part in parts)
if (part.startsWith("-153"))"good")
In the groovy step you can do anything you need to get at your (partial) data. The sample code I added gets lat/lons out of a long line wrapped in CDATA and then checks for just the starting part of some of the data.. just an example.
Remember that you can use groovy and java string methods:
More groovy tips:
