Using WebAPI to stream MJPEG always buffers -

I'm using HttpSelfHostConfiguration to create a WebAPI (service). My goal is to have one route stream the mjpeg video from a security feed and have other routes available for configuration and the web interface.
The issue I'm having is that every example I've come across expects a known quantity of images in order to set the content-length for the main response. I don't have this, and flushing the stream doesn't do anything.
Here's the current code for the response. If I use this same code with raw sockets instead of through an ApiController, I can stream it just fine, but creating a webserver from scratch for everything else I'm needing doesn't seem like a lot of fun.
public HttpResponseMessage Stream(int channel)
var response = Request.CreateResponse();
response.Content = new PushStreamContent((outputStream, content, context) =>
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(outputStream);
while (true)
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
this.Image.Bitmap.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
byte[] buffer = ms.GetBuffer();
writer.WriteLine("Content-Type: image/jpeg");
writer.WriteLine(string.Format("Content-length: {0}", buffer.Length));
response.Content.Headers.ContentType = System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=--boundary");
return response;

I hope my late answer will help, since I ran into the same issue recently and it took me some time to figure it out...
My solution was to specify the boudary int the ContentType without the "--" (but you need to keep them while writing in the stream).
Try to configure the Headers like that :
response.Content.Headers.ContentType = System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=boundary");
And write boundaries in the stream like that :
Like this it works for me.

I couldn't find anywhere that explicitly states this, but I'm going to assume that HttpSelfHostConfiguration does not support the functionality I'm looking for, and always requires the stream to be closed before it will release the buffer.
I swapped HttpSelfHostConfiguration with OWIN.SelfHost and it works as expected.


is returning stream considered anti pattern in web api?

I am from the old world that think webapi should return a strong typed object and let json serialization return data.
However, recently we got this requirement:
We have a sql table which has more than 500 columns.
The customer always want to return all the columns.
Our c# code does nothing other than reading the SqlDatareader, convert the reader to a c# object and return result.
In this case, wouldn't better to do this (example copied from another stackoverflow post). Basically just return a stream? Does returning a stream still considered to be anti-pattern?
public HttpResponseMessage SomeMethod(List<string> someIds)
HttpResponseMessage resp = new HttpResponseMessage();
resp.Content = new PushStreamContent(async (responseStream, content, context) =>
await CopyBinaryValueToResponseStream(responseStream, someIds);
return resp;
private static async Task CopyBinaryValueToResponseStream(Stream responseStream, int imageId)
// PushStreamContent requires the responseStream to be closed
// for signaling it that you have finished writing the response.
using (responseStream)
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
await connection.OpenAsync();
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT 500 columns FROM [StupidWideTable] WHERE ....", connection))
using (SqlDataReader reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess))
if (await reader.ReadAsync())
if (!(await reader.IsDBNullAsync(0)))
using (Stream data = reader.GetStream(0))
// Asynchronously copy the stream from the server to the response stream
await data.CopyToAsync(responseStream);
}// close response stream
Does returning a stream still considered to be anti-pattern?
Well, that depends on what you want to do. For example, if you want to return a 500 if the SQL server fails partway through, then you shouldn't return a stream.
Streaming results works fine on ASP.NET, but it's important to note that all headers (including the response status code) are sent before the stream begins. So you'll send an immediate 200 when you start streaming the result, and if there's an error later on there's no way to go back in time and change that to a 500. Or add some kind of Continue header.
In other words, yes it's supported; but you lose all the benefits of model binding, content negotiation, exception handlers, etc., because you're bypassing that whole pipeline.

Tomcat Performance with Spring Boot API for File Upload

I have a Spring boot API and one of the endpoints allows users to upload video's. Now My controller basically takes the file as a MultiPart file and then I store it in a temp folder accessible to tomcat. Once I have it stored on Disk, I then push the video to an S3 bucket.
Now to me anyway, this seems to be less than optimal, Like if I wanted to have a 100 or a 1000 users upload at once it seems really non performant to write the files to disk first.
As a little background I'm storing it on disk with the intention that if there is a issue pushing to S3 I can retry
The below code might show what I'm doing better than the above:
public Video addVideo(#RequestParam("title") String title,
#RequestParam("Description") String Description,
#RequestParam(value = "file", required = true) MultipartFile file) {
this.amazonS3ClientService.uploadFileToS3Bucket(file, title, description));
Method for storing Video file:
String fileNameWithExtenstion = awsS3FileName + "." + FilenameUtils.getExtension(multipartFile.getOriginalFilename());
//creating the file in the server (temporarily)
File file = new File(tomcatTempDir + fileNameWithExtenstion);FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
fos.close();PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(this.awsS3Bucket, awsS3BucketFolder + UnigueId + "/" + fileNameWithExtenstion, file);
if (enablePublicReadAccess) {
// Upload a file as a new object with ContentType and title
//removing the file created in the server
So my question there a better way in Tomcat to:
A) Take in a file via a controllerB) Push to S3
There is no other way to do it with multipart. The problem with multipart that to properly segement parts from the requst they need sometimes skipped or be repeatable. That is impossible within memory w/o having memory to explode. Therefore, Commons FileUpload caches them on disk after a certain threshold is reached.
Multipart requests are the worst way for that. I highly recommend to use either PUT or POST with content type application/octet-stream. You can take the bare request input stream and pass to HttpClient to stream to your backend server. I did this already 5 years ago and it works for gigabytes. I have posted the solution in the Apache HttpClient mailing list.
There is one possibility how this could work under specific conditions:
All parts are in the correct physical order you want to read
Your write to a backend is fast enough to sustain the read from the front
Consume the root part and then go over to the next physical one, process the request body lazily. JAX-WS RI (Metro) has a very nice handling of multipart requests for XOP/MTOM. Learn from that because you won't be able to make it any better.
Perhaps you can try to direct stream the input stream from your MultipartFile to S3.
Consider the following uploadFileToS3Bucket method:
public PutObjectResult uploadFileToS3Bucket(InputStream input, long size, String title, String description) {
// Indicate the length of the information to avoid the need to compute it by the AWS SDK
// See:
ObjectMetadata objectMetadata = new ObjectMetadata();
objectMetadata.setContentLength(size); // rely on Spring implementation. Maybe you probably also can use input.available()
// compute the object name as appropriate
String key = "...";
PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(
this.awsS3Bucket, key, input, objectMetadata
// The rest of your code
if (enablePublicReadAccess) {
// Upload a file as a new object with ContentType and title
return specified.amazonS3.putObject(putObjectRequest);
Of course, you need to provide the service the input stream obtained from the client request associated with the MutipartFile object:
public Video addVideo(
#RequestParam("title") String title,
#RequestParam("Description") String Description,
#RequestParam(value = "file", required = true) MultipartFile file) {
try (InputStream input = file.getInputStream()) {
this.amazonS3ClientService.uploadFileToS3Bucket(input, file.getSize(), title, description));
Probably you can also play with the getBytes method of MultipartFile and create a ByteArrayInputStream to perform the operation.
In addVideo:
byte[] bytes = file.getBytes();
In uploadFileToS3Bucket:
ObjectMetadata objectMetadata = new ObjectMetadata();
PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(
this.awsS3Bucket, key, new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), objectMetadata
I would prefer the first solution, but try to determine which option offers you the best performance.

stream was reset: PROTOCOL_ERROR

I've written a web API for sending and receiving data between a server and an app I'm working on.
It works fine for everything, but I've now found it won't let me send large strings. The strings are base64 strings which represent images, typically around 100kb in size.
The method I'm attempting is a multipart post, breaking the base64 string into chunks that can be sent successfully.
When I use this method, I get an error:
stream was reset: PROTOCOL_ERROR
Upon checking the database it seems the first string chunk sends successfully, but nothing more after that.
Can anyone shed some light on what's causing this to happen?
Relevant code is here:
First is the process for breaking the image into manageable chunks and posting it:
HTTPRequest req = new HTTPRequest();
IEnumerable<string> imgStrSplit = Split(img1byteArrayStr, 1000);
foreach (string s in imgStrSplit)
response = await req.SubmitImage("Test", s, "1");
And below is the SubmitImage() method of the HTTPRequest class:
public async Task<int> SubmitImage(string name, string imageString, string imgNum)
using (System.Net.Http.HttpClient client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient(new NativeMessageHandler()))
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "application/json");
int successResponse;
string address = $"https://myURL/SubmitImage?name=" + name + "&imageStr=" + imageString + "&imgNum=" + imgNum + "&curl=AYZYBAYZE143";
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(address);
successResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<int>(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);
return successResponse;
Found a solution via this discussion.
The problem was in the fact that I was using the ModernHTTPClint NuGet package, as seen in this line of the SubmitImage method:
using (System.Net.Http.HttpClient client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient(new NativeMessageHandler()))
The NativeMessageHandler() is said to make connections work much faster, but apparently in some cases results in the PROTOCOL_ERROR I had encountered. By removing this part, I fixed the problem.

Mono OSX Owin Web API Setup- How to setup MaxMessageSize?

I have an OWIN Selfhosted WebAPI with a Controller that accepts a large file as input. The code works in PC without any problems or errors. However in MONO on OSX, the message stays in hung mode in Chrome. When I supply a small size file using Base64 string, the call gets through. This helped me conclude that my file which is of size 1.5 MB is not an acceptable Base64 message size for POST on MONO with OSX.
However I tried using maxContentSize to a gig on HttpRunTime and Also tried OWIN Middleware implementation with setting MaxRequestSizeInBytes to a Gig. Both of these did not let me POST the file still to Web API Controller and request stays in pending status.
Please let me know, if you have any other ideas for setting up Max Message Size or know if there is something on MONO preventing file of size 1.5 MB.
I found a workaround for MAC using OwinMiddleware. Even if I increased the message size, it didn't work, however below solution let me bypass the message size limitation (65K max).
public override async Task Invoke(IOwinContext context)
IOwinRequest request = context.Request;
if (request.Path.HasValue && request.Path.Value.Contains("METHODNAMEFORLARGEFILE"))
//TODO: Remove Workaround for MAC to explicitly download whole stream to avoid issues with message size. PC works without this workaround.
var stream = request.Body;
string requestBody = await (new StreamReader(stream)).ReadToEndAsync();
var requestData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(requestBody);
context.Request.Body = new MemoryStream(requestData);
await Next.Invoke(context);
catch(Exception ex)
LogHelper.Logger.Error(ex.Message, ex);
throw ex;

How do you save images to a Blackberry device via HttpConnection?

My script fetches xml via httpConnection and saves to persistent store. No problems there.
Then I loop through the saved data to compose a list of image url's to fetch via queue.
Each of these requests calls the httpConnection thread as so
public synchronized void run()
HttpConnection connection = (HttpConnection)"");
String contentType = connection.getHeaderField("Content-type");
InputStream responseData = connection.openInputStream();
outputFinal(responseData, contentType);
public synchronized void outputFinal(InputStream result, String contentType) throws SAXException, ParserConfigurationException, IOException
// bunch of xml save code that works fine
else if(contentType.equals("image/png") || contentType.equals("image/jpeg") || contentType.equals("image/gif"))
// how to save images here?
What I can't find any good documentation on is how one would take the response data and save it to an image stored on the device.
Maybe I just overlooked something very obvious. Any help is very appreciated.
I tried following this advise and found the same thing I always find when looking up BB specific issues: nothing.
The problem is that every example or post assumes you know everything about the platform.
Here's a simple question: What line of code writes the read output stream to the blackberry device? What path? How do I retrieve it later?
I have this code, which I do not know if it does anything because I don't know where it is supposedly writing to or if that's even what it is doing at all:
** filename is determined on a loop based on the url called.
FileOutputStream fos = null;
fos = new FileOutputStream( File.FILESYSTEM_PATRIOT, filename );
byte [] buffer = new byte [262144];
int byteRead;
while ((byteRead = (buffer ))!=- 1)
fos.write (buffer, 0, byteRead);
catch(IOException ieo)
if(fos != null)
The idea is that I have some 600 images pulled from a server. I need to loop the xml and save each image to the device so that when an entity is called, I can pull the associated image - entity_id.png - from the internal storage.
The documentation from RIM does not specify this, nor does it make it easy to begin figuring it out.
This issue does not seem to be addressed on this forum, or others I have searched.
You'll need to use the Java FileOutputStream to do the writing. You'll also want to close the connection after reading the data from the InputStream (move outputFinal above your call to close). You can find all kinds of examples regarding FileOutputStream easily.
See here for more. Note that in order to use the FileOutputStream your application must be signed.
