Attempt to index document gives error: "only value lists are allowed in serialized settings" - elasticsearch

When attempting to index the following document:
"branch": "master",
"classes": [
"content_count": 2,
"documentation": "",
"extends": [],
"generic": "",
"implements": [],
"line": 10,
"line_count": 36,
"modifiers": [
"name": "removeDuplicateFromString"
"commit_hash": "e53249ba2381d2f20f3d4493ad70e2da0abb3b05",
"contributors": [
"id": "7676016",
"name": "varunu28",
"url": ""
"enums": [],
"fields": [],
"filename": "",
"imports": [
"name": "",
"wildcard": false
"name": "",
"wildcard": false
"interfaces": [],
"license": "",
"methods": [
"cyclomatic_complexity": 1,
"documentation": "",
"generic": "",
"line": 11,
"line_count": 9,
"modifiers": [
"name": "main",
"params": [
"name": "args",
"type": "String[]"
"parent": "removeDuplicateFromString",
"type_": "void"
"cyclomatic_complexity": 5,
"documentation": "",
"generic": "",
"line": 29,
"line_count": 16,
"modifiers": [
"name": "removeDuplicate",
"params": [
"name": "s",
"type": "String"
"parent": "removeDuplicateFromString",
"type_": "String"
"number_forks": 1695,
"number_stars": 4000,
"number_watchs": 394,
"package": "",
"path": "Others",
"repository": "TheAlgorithms/Java"
I get the following error:
{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"settings_exception","reason":"Failed to load settings from [{\"interfaces\":[],\"imports\":[{\"name\":\"\",\"wildcard\":false},{\"name\":\"\",\"wildcard\":false}],\"package\":\"\",\"methods\":[{\"parent\":\"removeDuplicateFromString\",\"line_count\":9,\"line\":11,\"documentation\":\"\",\"name\":\"main\",\"cyclomatic_complexity\":1,\"modifiers\":[\"public\",\"static\"],\"params\":[{\"name\":\"args\",\"type\":\"String[]\"}],\"type_\":\"void\",\"generic\":\"\"},{\"parent\":\"removeDuplicateFromString\",\"line_count\":16,\"line\":29,\"documentation\":\"\",\"name\":\"removeDuplicate\",\"cyclomatic_complexity\":5,\"modifiers\":[\"public\",\"static\"],\"params\":[{\"name\":\"s\",\"type\":\"String\"}],\"type_\":\"String\",\"generic\":\"\"}],\"number_forks\":1695,\"classes\":[{\"implements\":[],\"line_count\":36,\"extends\":[],\"line\":10,\"documentation\":\"\",\"name\":\"removeDuplicateFromString\",\"content_count\":2,\"modifiers\":[\"public\"],\"generic\":\"\"}],\"repository\":\"TheAlgorithms/Java\",\"branch\":\"master\",\"commit_hash\":\"e53249ba2381d2f20f3d4493ad70e2da0abb3b05\",\"enums\":[],\"path\":\"Others\",\"license\":\"\",\"filename\":\"\",\"number_watchs\":394,\"contributors\":[{\"name\":\"varunu28\",\"id\":\"7676016\",\"url\":\"\"}],\"fields\":[],\"number_stars\":4000}]"}],"type":"settings_exception","reason":"Failed to load settings from [{\"interfaces\":[],\"imports\":[{\"name\":\"\",\"wildcard\":false},{\"name\":\"\",\"wildcard\":false}],\"package\":\"\",\"methods\":[{\"parent\":\"removeDuplicateFromString\",\"line_count\":9,\"line\":11,\"documentation\":\"\",\"name\":\"main\",\"cyclomatic_complexity\":1,\"modifiers\":[\"public\",\"static\"],\"params\":[{\"name\":\"args\",\"type\":\"String[]\"}],\"type_\":\"void\",\"generic\":\"\"},{\"parent\":\"removeDuplicateFromString\",\"line_count\":16,\"line\":29,\"documentation\":\"\",\"name\":\"removeDuplicate\",\"cyclomatic_complexity\":5,\"modifiers\":[\"public\",\"static\"],\"params\":[{\"name\":\"s\",\"type\":\"String\"}],\"type_\":\"String\",\"generic\":\"\"}],\"number_forks\":1695,\"classes\":[{\"implements\":[],\"line_count\":36,\"extends\":[],\"line\":10,\"documentation\":\"\",\"name\":\"removeDuplicateFromString\",\"content_count\":2,\"modifiers\":[\"public\"],\"generic\":\"\"}],\"repository\":\"TheAlgorithms/Java\",\"branch\":\"master\",\"commit_hash\":\"e53249ba2381d2f20f3d4493ad70e2da0abb3b05\",\"enums\":[],\"path\":\"Others\",\"license\":\"\",\"filename\":\"\",\"number_watchs\":394,\"contributors\":[{\"name\":\"varunu28\",\"id\":\"7676016\",\"url\":\"\"}],\"fields\":[],\"number_stars\":4000}]","caused_by":{"type":"illegal_state_exception","reason":"only value lists are allowed in serialized settings"}},"status":500}
From which I've gathered that the main issues are either described in the part saying that:
{"type":"illegal_state_exception","reason":"only value lists are allowed in serialized settings"}}
"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"settings_exception","reason":"Failed to load settings from [{\"interfaces\":[],\"imports\": ........
But I cannot find any information about this error or what it could be caused by. I've tried indexing both using a predefined index with mappings and to a non-existing index. Nothing seems to work.
Why can't I index this document?

It turns out that, as Farid mentioned in the comments section, I was using the wrong command when indexing from the command line.
The correct command to run is
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' [index location] -d [data]
Where the key is that you use POST and not PUT which is what I was doing.

Adding this for the ones using Kibana Dev Tools.
The key is to use an document type after an index name when adding the document
POST /{index name}/{document type}
request body (document) goes here.


sputnikdao2 - ChangePolicy - "data did not match any variant of untagged enum VersionedPolicy"

I am trying to change the policy for a deployed sputnikdao2 contract.
I am getting this error:
"ExecutionError":"`Smart contract panicked: panicked at 'Failed to deserialize input from JSON.: Error(\"data did not match any variant of untagged enum VersionedPolicy\", line: 1, column: 423)', src/`"
you can see more information here :
I was trying to send this:
'{"proposal": {"description": "Add New Council", "kind": {"ChangePolicy": { "policy": { "roles": [{ "name": "all", "kind": "Everyone", "permissions": [ "*:AddProposal" ], "vote_policy": "{}"}], "default_vote_policy": { "weight_kind": "RoleWeight", "quorum": "0", "threshold": [ 1, 2 ] }, "proposal_bond": "1000000000000000000000000", "proposal_period": "604800000000000", "bounty_bond": "1000000000000000000000000", "bounty_forgiveness_period": "86400000000000"}}}}}' \
--accountId hundred.testnet \
--amount 1
I re-wrote the objects again and it worked:
'{"proposal": {"description": "Add New Council", "kind": {"ChangePolicy": { "policy": { "roles": [{ "name": "all", "kind": "Everyone", "permissions": ["*:AddProposal", "*:Finalize"], "vote_policy": {}}], "default_vote_policy": { "weight_kind": "RoleWeight", "quorum": "0", "threshold": [ 1, 2 ]}, "proposal_bond": "1000000000000000000000000", "proposal_period": "604800000000000", "bounty_bond": "1000000000000000000000000", "bounty_forgiveness_period": "86400000000000" }}}}}' \
--accountId hundred.testnet \
--amount 1
This is the recipt:
I think there was an error in json format in the first code I was running.

NiFi: ReplaceText alternatives to modify JSON

My NiFi application receives two kinda different types of JSON's.
First of them looks like:
"campaign": {
"resourceName": "customers/8952771329/campaigns/11381694617",
"status": "ENABLED",
"name": "Saint_Spring_Active Minerals_oct-nov_2020_trueview_skip_5766500views",
"id": "11381694617"
"metrics": {
"interactionEventTypes": [
"clicks": "6",
"videoQuartileP100Rate": 0.44493171079034244,
"videoQuartileP25Rate": 0.9747718298919024,
"videoQuartileP50Rate": 0.7339309987701469,
"videoQuartileP75Rate": 0.5337562301767105,
"videoViewRate": 0.4471109114825628,
"videoViews": "27872",
"viewThroughConversions": "0",
"contentBudgetLostImpressionShare": 0.0000013066088274492382,
"contentImpressionShare": 0.0999,
"contentRankLostImpressionShare": 0.9001,
"conversionsValue": 0,
"conversions": 0,
"costMicros": "9338700950",
"ctr": 0.00009624947864865732,
"currentModelAttributedConversions": 0,
"currentModelAttributedConversionsValue": 0,
"engagementRate": 0,
"engagements": "0",
"segments": {
"device": "CONNECTED_TV",
"date": "2020-12-20"
And second:
"adGroup": {
"resourceName": "customers/5404177717/adGroups/110501283582",
"campaign": "customers/5404177717/campaigns/11628802542"
"metrics": {
"interactionEventTypes": [
"clicks": "1",
"averageCpm": 95497428.02172929,
"gmailForwards": "0",
"gmailSaves": "0",
"gmailSecondaryClicks": "0",
"impressions": "4418",
"interactionRate": 0.00022634676324128565,
"interactions": "1"
"adGroupAd": {
"resourceName": "customers/5404177717/adGroupAds/110501283582~480227690139",
"status": "ENABLED",
"ad": {
"resourceName": "customers/5404177717/ads/480227690139",
"id": "480227690139",
"name": "20 sec perek"
"adGroup": "customers/5404177717/adGroups/110501283582"
"segments": {
"device": "DESKTOP",
"date": "2020-11-21"
I already have 2 tables in my database to save this data. I have an attribute just to not create same block where's only table name is different.
My next block is FlattenJson. After this i'm using ReplaceText with search value (replacement value is empty string): (customers\\\/${}\\\/campaigns\\\/|customers\\\/${}\\\/adGroups\\\/).
Why this? From this line: "adGroup": "customers/5404177717/adGroups/110501283582" i only need last value 110501283582 as ad_group_id. And from this line: "campaign": "customers/5404177717/campaigns/11628802542" i only need 11628802542. ${} can be different, so i'm using EL features.
Also i need to change json value name adGroup to, for this i'm also using ReplaceText.
Can i do it faster without two ReplaceText processors?
Look at the following processors...I think using them can be an alternative:

Combine json response in nifi

We are calling invokehttp processes and getting response which json. Example
"id": "h569gcjhcm",
"doi": {
"id": "10.17632/h569gcjhcm.1",
"status": "allocated",
"prefix": "10.17632"
"name": "Data for: Flooding of the Caspian Sea at the intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciations",
"description": "Supplementary data for the Jeirankechmez section in Azerbaijan.\n\n- Appendix A contains all paleomagnetic data and interpretations of the Jeirankechmez section. This .dir file can be imported into the webportal under \"Interpretation Portal\", \"Advanced Options\", \"Import Application Save\". For further details on the use of please refer to the article by Koymans et al. (2016) -\n- Appendix B contains the magnetic susceptibility data for the analysed samples, including geographic coordinates and stratigraphic levels.\n- Appendix C contains the 40Ar/39Ar data for the three analysed volcanic ash layers. ",
"version": 1,
"publish_date": "2019-01-29T12:51:38.090Z",
"data_licence": {
"id": "01d9c749-3c4d-4431-9df3-620b2dcfe144",
"short_name": "CC BY 4.0",
"full_name": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International",
"description": "This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.\n\nWhat does this mean?\nYou can share, copy and modify this dataset so long as you give appropriate credit, provide a link to the CC BY license, and indicate if changes were made, but you may not do so in a way that suggests the rights holder has endorsed you or your use of the dataset. Note that further permission may be required for any content within the dataset that is identified as belonging to a third party.",
"url": "",
"category": "Creative"
"contributors": [
"first_name": "Christiaan",
"last_name": "van Baak"
"first_name": "Marius",
"last_name": "Stoica"
"first_name": "Arjen",
"last_name": "Grothe"
"first_name": "Gareth",
"last_name": "Davies"
"profile_id": "72970719-95c8-341b-80d2-afa9e7154baf",
"first_name": "Wout",
"last_name": "Krijgsman"
"profile_id": "3a4bfe2c-4098-3859-9b88-789fa993e05a",
"first_name": "Keith",
"last_name": "Richards"
"profile_id": "f1660f3c-ebbd-3289-8240-1f4ea7913df4",
"first_name": "Klaudia",
"last_name": "Kuiper"
"first_name": "Elmira",
"last_name": "Aliyeva"
"versions": [
"version": 1,
"publish_date": "2019-01-29T12:51:38.090Z",
"available": true
"files": [
"filename": "Appendix_A_Jeirankechmez_pmag_interpretations.dir",
"id": "f2f4cba7-2411-4737-a9b2-f094db30dca1",
"content_details": {
"id": "994bc865-5300-4d76-a373-e528ccd830e8",
"sha256_hash": "2427c4b077372760973ce8224694f2a2ee5383c7f022ad818164d847a20e27cc",
"sha1_hash": "73792dc6d6eb2c1de1e04926ba5d4420dd0aaece",
"content_type": "application/x-director",
"size": 917022,
"created_date": "2019-01-03T00:00:00.000Z"
"download_expiry_time": "2019-01-29T13:52:25.729Z"
"metrics": {
"downloads": 0,
"previews": 0
"filename": "Appendix_B_Sample_locations_susceptibility.xlsx",
"id": "64241bf0-5279-49e8-a505-be9075b910e1",
"content_details": {
"id": "af8809d0-8e63-4599-abaa-e7af9ad39959",
"sha256_hash": "0588f44a0cbd477aa2798323e57ce0b2d4a118e767c0b1ffdc9eb1017e4d23c2",
"sha1_hash": "02e89f6f197ebf495e1e2c3d1aab250efc7545e7",
"content_type": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet",
"size": 24770,
"created_date": "2019-01-03T00:00:00.000Z"
"download_expiry_time": "2019-01-29T13:52:25.732Z"
"metrics": {
"downloads": 0,
"previews": 0
"filename": "Appendix_C_ArAr_data.xlsx",
"id": "2e912027-ff3f-48ad-98b9-b643b59ba0e3",
"content_details": {
"id": "4960377c-060d-41f6-b7af-150617d8ebeb",
"sha256_hash": "235dc32c1e99f350ee5c99908a5f5d72d1aeeab02f78c2e0181d585bd1880fa6",
"sha1_hash": "6483156e4577948cac5d2679eee862c76faed1c9",
"content_type": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet",
"size": 18510,
"created_date": "2019-01-03T00:00:00.000Z"
"metrics": {
"downloads": 0,
"previews": 0
"articles": [
"id": "10.1016/j.gloplacha.2019.01.007",
"title": "Flooding of the Caspian Sea at the intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciations",
"doi": "10.1016/j.gloplacha.2019.01.007",
"journal": {
"issn": "0921-8181",
"name": "Global and Planetary Change",
"url": ""
"categories": [
"id": "http://com/vocabulary/OmniScience/Concept-170590667",
"label": "Geology"
"id": "",
"label": "Strontium Isotope"
"institutions": [ ],
"metrics": {
"available": true,
"related_links": [ ]
I am using $contributors.profile_id from above json to call new endpoint(invokeshttp) ($.profile_id)
Json response for this
"contributors": [
"first_name": “xxx”,
"last_name": "van Baak”,
“other_ids”:[] ,
“Other info”: “deeded” }
I have to call this endpoint depending upon number of object in contributor(let say we have 5 object in contributor ,so I have to call this endpoint 5 time)and combine these 5 response together
Then I have to merge the response(above response to the main response )
just an example:
EvaluateJsonPath to extract "id" into attribute, later join by this attribute
SplitJson to split your json by "contributors"
call endpoint
MergeContent merge by "id" and with count after SplitJson

IBM Social Business Toolkit getContacts API Fails With 403 Forbidden

I used to be able to use the IBM SBT getContacts API from either a perl script (with authentication provided in the request) or an internet browser (authentication popup would appear) and it would return the data in JSON format as documented on the IBM Connections Developers API reference page:
Recently, however, the API call has been returning a 403 forbidden status. If I sign in to the IBM Connections Cloud before trying to use the API via a browser, it is converted to:
Does anyone know what I need to do to get the API to work again?
The best API to use are
You'll get a list of the following entries back...
"telephone": "",
"profileUrl": "",
"mobilephone": "",
"value": "CONTACTS",
"type": "Source"
"value": "Mentorship Expressway",
"type": "Org"
"website": "",
"id": "",
"fax": "",
"connectedToId": 201238541234,
"emailAddress": "",
"objectId": 160000909070,
"type": "FRIEND",
"jobtitle": "",
"updated": "2014-07-01T16:44:21.000Z",
"value": "CONTACTS",
"type": "Source"
"title": "Primary Email",
"email": ""
"name": "Mentorship Expressway"
"displayName": "asdfasdf",
"address": "",
"companyId": 22285,
"value": "CONTACTS",
"type": "Source"
"title": "MOBILE",
"phone": "+ asdfasdf"

How to get filtered activity stream using Yammer API?

Yammer Activity Stream is available at:
This successfully results in all the recent activities like:
"items": [
"id": "/users/",
"unseen": true,
"icon": "/images/notifications/page_add.png",
"icon_name": null,
"category": "file-create",
"message": "[[user:1508783078]] uploaded [[uploaded_file:24511980]].",
"heading": "",
"created_at": "2014/10/02 07:07:42 +0000",
"objects": [],
"actions": [],
"subject": {
"type": "uploaded_file",
"id": 24511980
"meta": null,
"client_type": "unknown",
"client_url": "",
"client_icon": "",
"client_large_icon": "",
"image": "",
"third_party": false
"id": "/users/",
"unseen": true,
"icon": "/images/notifications/page_add.png",
"icon_name": "page",
"category": "file-download",
"message": "[[user:1508783078]] downloaded [[uploaded_file:24373320]] from the [[group:3455089]] group.",
"heading": "",
"created_at": "2014/10/02 07:07:00 +0000",
"objects": [
"id": 24373320,
"type": "uploaded_file"
"actions": [],
"subject": {
"type": "uploaded_file",
"id": 24373320
"meta": null,
"client_type": "unknown",
"client_url": "",
"client_icon": "",
"client_large_icon": "",
"image": "",
"third_party": false
I am trying to get all the recent activities after a certain time-stamp or after a certain offset. Is there any query parameter for that?
this is
that would return all the activities older than the last activities you shew in your sample return value
